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John M

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  1. Thank you both very much. I will try those suggestions.. I posted a thank you before but it did not get through. John
  2. Good morning. I 'shoot' a lot of wildlife and with modern cameras shooting rates, I may end up with say 10-20 high quality images of a bird flying, or animal running. The subject (such as leopard running past: eagle diving) will tend to be about the same size in the frame, but may move in its position within the frame, but the background is changing. I like to put these together into a short and slow sequence (a bit like a Time lapse but slow and short), for insertion into a PTE show. Obviously the sequence looks some what jerky but it allows viewers to see the movements of the subject in slow motion (like beating of birds wing). I want the viewer to be able to see some detail within each still, but also give some idea of movement with a sequence. I can not work out ideal timing. I am not trying to make it look like a smooth video capture (although I can publish it as a video - I now have PTE version 10). Can anyone advise on: 1] Ideal duration of each image 2] Best transition type 3] Best duration of transition 4] Should duration time be less or more than the transition time 5] Any other advice Thanks JOhn
  3. Hi Rob, I have had the identical problem since late 2018, which seemed to coincide with W10 1802 and now 1809 update. Igor was very helpful in trying to sort it, pending PTE10 release, but the problem has remained with my latest published project . Like you I use converted video clips and I also show single images, moved on by mouse click, which I describe to the audience (often photographic societies) during my presentation, so I need the flexibility of the exe format so I can not publish it as MP4. Igor said it was an issue with NVIDIA graphics card and W10 updates, so like you I am rather stuck pending PTE10, as I use PTE frequently for lectures - unless any new suggestions are made John
  4. Again many thanks for such swift response. I couldn't get that to work so will use the click mouse pointer on the button option which you recommended and I have got to work. Thanks again JM
  5. Ok Have studied that. Thanks very much for link . One last question DaveGee. I have the button linked to the second exe project as 'run application and open file' and on the computer mouse click it switches over to project 2 - great ! but is it possible to make it switch over on pressing the advance key or my remote controller, rather than going back to the mouse? john
  6. I should be most grateful for advice. I have used Pte for several years for regular amateur talks to societies and camera clubs. I am very pleased with it. I usually include short video clips (converted) , some still image pans and often a through running AV sequence to end. Over the last month or so I am preparing new talks on my desktop PC (high end Chillblast photo editing computer) as usual. It seems to be fine when I preview the project on the desktop but when I publish it exe for PC and then transfer on a stick to my laptop (2 year old Lenovo Yoga 900; i7 Intel Core; Intel HD 520 card with ‘latest driver ‘) to hook up to my projector and take to the venue, the videos and the pans and rapidly changing stills are unusable all being jerky and juddery – both on the high definition laptop screen and also the 1920x1200 Panasonic projector. Published Pte talks from previous months and years on this laptop and projector ( exe presentations made prior to end 2018) still show fine without any problem with video clips. I size my images for 1600 or 1400 width. If I need a zoom in I occasionally use 2500px for that one image. There is usually music but only for part of presentation where I have a rolling AV sequence of still images and occasional video clips with dissolves and music. The total size of the exe for PC file is usually less than 1MB I have down loaded the update for my 9Pte to 9.0.21, tried not converting my video sequences, upgrading both graphics cards, all without success. I note my computers have both updated windows 10 to 1803 in November 2018 (I see some prior posts about problems with that update). I am being asked to accept the next Windows update to 1809 at this time on my computer auto update programme, but have delayed the download. Any useful advice welcome as I am really stuck if I can’t use Pte to prepare these talks in the next week or so! Sorry if this is a rather long post. I raised it on WINSOFT SUPPORT query but without advice so far Thanks John M
  7. Great. First time I have used the forum.Thank you DaveGee for fast reply! I had noticed the button function but not known what it was. I am giving my talk tomorrow night and will try to work out how to do what you recommend before then. IS there a link you can recommend to explain a bit more about it? Thank you again. It has encouraged me to plan to post another issue I am struggling with - jittery video clips and pans on my exe for PC shows, which have started happening since the end of last year even though I have never had that problem before and have used PTe for years. BTW - my version is 9.0.21. Is there a newer one? ?10 John M
  8. Hello. I have two separate slide show projects in PTE (version 9.0.02) prepared but i now need to merge them so I can produce a through flowing single presentation as a PC exe. However when I copy the second sequence and paste it into the first one so it will follow on with a mouse click, I loose the project options set up for the second sequence (which is different to the first one in term of default transitions and aspect ratio). Is there any way to preserve the different slide and project options for the two sequences, but merge them into one? Thank you John M
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