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Everything posted by Beemer

  1. Interesting! I'll give it a try, Ian
  2. Thanks. Ian
  3. I want to change my default project folder to an another drive but cannot see anywhere to change this? I have seen several posts about moving templates and images but nothing specifically about changing the default project file location. Ian
  4. George, Thanks for your tips. Ian
  5. I had selected a sound file from Eric Matyas. On placing on the timeline the waveform is barely visible unless I amplify it. I will post with the specific file once I am back on my desktop. I thought I detected a similar amplitude reduction witn my own MP3s but I will check again. thanks, Ian
  6. I use Adobe Photoshop cc as my external editor. In PTE I right click on an image and Photoshop opens. I complete the edit and in Photoshop select save. I can return to PTE and see the edited image. Photoshop remains open. Ian
  7. Thanks, I'll check it out. Ian
  8. Hi Jill, Thanks for the very interesting options. This AV is about the timeline of my granddaughter from birth and using four AV MP4s. So file date order is important as otherwise I envisage viewers noticing. Ian
  9. I use an external amplifier that is calibrated for -27db on switch on. All my audio files play at an exceptable level and show waveforms up to -6db in audio editors. However in PTE AV Studio Pro all my audio files open with the waveform shown as only 1/3 the available graphic height. The sound therefore plays too quietly and I have to boost the level. Files are MP3, flac and ogg Why would this be? Ian
  10. I'm making an AV that has a mix of vertical and horizontal images. The vertical ones are too tightly in-camera cropped to crop as horizontal. All the images are in date order so its not possible to group per aspect ratio. What is the best way to put such a collection together? I am exporting 1920x1080. As a newbie to AV, I'm thinking that I could place two verticals side by side (but not sure of the best way to do that), or use a background just for the verticals to avoid blank sides. All suggestions welcomed! Ian
  11. Gary, Wow! 20GB was that you that made "Parasite" Thanks for the tip
  12. Thanks for the link to grosfichers. I'm also trying to use my NAS to allow those with access rights to preview or/and download MP4. Ian
  13. I made sure that the cursor was right at the left before the insertion. Ian
  14. ......and I tried it and it worked just fine. Tried it as before and again the first slide was overlapped. Surely that is not by design? Ian
  15. What you have not told us is the resolution and quality setting of the original JPG images you gave to PTE? Even if you did crop the jpg to 1920x1080, if you used too much compression when saving them then when the video is displayed on a 4K TV (note, not twice the resolution but 4 times the resolution) the viewed quality will be much worse. Ian
  16. I use a free account at box.com for uploading audio and images and these can be previewed by those to whom I email a link. I thought I would be able to upload my PTE AV Studio MP4 files and that I could similarly give links to others. Not so it seems, as my account does not allow anyone to preview or download a MP4 or any video file. Would anyone else using box.com confirm if my understanding is correct? Ian
  17. Yes, I highlighted the first slide then selected insert a blank slide. It definately did not look correctly inserted and because it "deleted" or was placed on top I decided to remove it. On doing this the first slide reappeared.. Ian
  18. Dave, When I did this I saw a very narrow blank slide at the extreme left but no original first slide. When I deleted the blank slide then retried, every slide thumbnail on the timeline had been stretched (!) which looked very strange. I closed the file before it auto saved. It reverted okay when reopened. To solve this I inserted a blank slide at the end of the slide list and added the credit there. I'll try to insert at the front on my next video. For info, I used 16 slides with Ken Burns effects. This was intended for possible website use by another, so I exported my images from Lightroom as JPG 3840x2560 and 80% quality. The published MP4 file was 506MB and 2'25". Ian
  19. After completing my first AV and saving as MP4 I decided to insert a blank slide so as to add credit for my audio track. I did this whilst the cursor was on the first slide. The result was that the original first slide appeared to disappear or be overwritten. I deleted the blank slide and the original reappeared. What did I do wrong. Is there a better way to add a credit for the free audio? Ian
  20. After making my first AV with the demo version I have just bought the Pro version. My thanks to Admin and forum members for helping me make this decision. Ian
  21. Dave, I apologise for using the word condone which was inappropriate. My thread has gone off course as it was intended only to remove the misconception about saving for projection or screen at a stated dpi, e.g 72dpi. As a newbie here I did not fully appreciate that members have different use for their PTE work. At present I have no need to upload AV to websites or social media as my use will be at home or for camera club presentation. IMO the images should be optimised for the intended task. For web: I agree that small MP4 file size is important especially now that some users have 4K laptops and monitors and that some want to use 60fps. With regards the images that PTE will use for making a web viewed MP4, JPG compression quality, colour and file size, as you know, is dependant on the image content. If lower compression is used and staircase artifacts and banding is not seen then fine. For projection: My presentations and that of others in my camera club will be on a 1920x1080 projector. If the images used by PTE are say 3240x2160 (x2 zoom) then I would not expect the MP4 file size to be significant even with 50 jpg images at 100% quality export setting. Why then use a lower quality setting? In my viewing of club presentations that used PTE, and ProShow I do see artifacts and banding. With each member using different compression settings some shows are clearly inferior to others. I just feel that for club presentations exporting images at 1980x1080 or 3240x2160 and at 100% quality makes a more level field. As I initially said I am a newbie here and don't want to be controversal. I have much to learn which is why I am grateful for advice. If I react to something I feel is wrong then, like you, I am open to persuasion. Ian
  22. Dave, In answer to your reply perhaps you misread or did not read the full thread. I have no problem. I export from Lightroom 100% jpg at a resolution appropriate to the projected or screen display. Ian
  23. That's what I was hoping, thanks, Ian
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