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Everything posted by SeismicGuy

  1. Or I suppose one workaround would be to move just the jpg's down to the slide or timeline view, do what I want to do with those, and then afterwards move in the mp4 videos. Still this is rather clunky.
  2. I realize about the file name and type appearing on the status bar but this does not quite satisfy what I need but let me be clearer why. Let's say I have a strip of 100 "slides" in the timeline and they are mostly jpg with a few mp4 thrown in here and there. And then I want to select the slide duration in the Slides view so that all of the jpg images are say 8 seconds, for example. If I select everything in the strip and enter 8 second for the duration, that will also apply to the mp4 slides (at least this is what happens with the practice strip I am playing around with). So the next solution is to select everything and then move through the strip and UNselect the mp4 slides. It would me MUCH easier and quicker to do this is the mp4 slides showed up like a filmstrip as shown in my post above. That would make it much easier to select only the jpg slides and skip over any mp4 sides. Does what I am asking for make sense? Basically something to make the slide in the timeline or slide view stand out more and be easily identifiable as an mp4. Seems to me it should be an easy programming thing.
  3. One last question (for today). In the main view that shows all of the photos or videos that will be used, there are little filmstrip indicators to show that the clip is a video rather than a jpg. But the Slides or Timeline view does not do so. It there some option to clearly distinguish between jpg's and videos in those views?
  4. Thanks--a few minutes after posting my question I stumbled on the option to "clone key frame". Amazing the stuff that's hidden just below the surface with this program.
  5. Seems the more I learn the more questions I have. Here is one regarding Key Frames. One very useful feature with MOTV was to be able to copy the setting of one key frame to another key frame. Is that possible with PTE or do you have to manually adjust the settings for each key frame?
  6. By the way, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for and is analogous to what I was doing after randomizing a bunch of slides with Ken Burns Effect in MOTV. After randomizing I would then step through slide by slide and tweak anything I was unhappy with. The Objects and Animation on PTE lets you do basically the same thing and you can also step through slide by slide.
  7. Yes I keep going to the online help and kind of get weary searching for exactly what I am trying to find. I guess this is the problem with extremely powerful apps where there are so many things going on that are available all at the same time. It would be nice to have 2 modes of starting the program--basic/quick start and advanced. I hate to sound like a broken record but that was much of the "charm" with MOTV. The things you could do were pretty powerful, especially with the multi-picture slides and various effects, but things were arranged in a very intuitive friendly way.
  8. Hey DG--thanks for that. I guess what stymies me with this program is the lack of intuitiveness, especially when I am transitioning from MOTV which was extremely intuitive.
  9. I am also confused with the inter-relationship between Styles and Themes (as I probably also posted elsewhere). I have a practice group of 8 slides just because the Ken Burns Effect Theme likes there to be 8 slides. On the Themes screen next to Ken Burns Effect it indicates that there are 8 styles but I haven't figured out a way to examine what each of those 8 styles is (other than watching the preview). I was thinking that I should be able to somehow see the Settings of each one of the 8 Styles but cannot figure out how. Also, is there a way of tweaking one or two of the 8 slides in the Theme or is it that once you assign the Theme to the 8 slides then none of them becomes individually tweakable. What I mean is that suppose I want more Zoom on one of the 8 slides or more Pan, is there a way to edit that individual slide in the group of 8 or not. Does what I am asking make sense?
  10. I am slowly but surely learning more about using the program by watching the tutorials and also playing with a practice project I have created. The capabilities are kind of overwhelming and mindboggling to say the least but every time I play around I get a bit more feel for the program. For the types of travelogue shows I have made with MOTV there are maybe a couple of hundred images consisting of mostly jpg's and several video (mp4, avi, mov, etc.). For all of the JPG's I usually go mainly with variations of Ken Burns effect (randomized) along with some "custom" multi-image slides that I create (e.g., a carousel of a few images or two to four overlapping and/or moving images). The timeline in MOTV clearly distinguished between "slides" that are jpg's and slides that are videos and I would obviously just apply the Ken Burns effects to the jpg's skipping the videos (not even sure I I would be able to apply Ken Burns to a video). In PTE AV the timeline does not clearly distinguish between jpg and video "slides". So if I select ALL the slides to apply Ken Burns is the program smart enough to skip the video slides? Or do I need to carefully de-select the video slides. If the latter it would be nice to have something in the timeline that clearly shows the slide is really video (like what it does in the layout view where it shows a filmstrip effect.
  11. Well that helped a bit since I was not even aware that there was an actual "Ken Burns Effect" option which combines both the panning and zooming. So I chose 8 slides just to make it more consistent and selected them all, then hit the Styles and Themes, then the Themes and then chose Ken Burns Effect and hit the Shuffle Styles button. When watching the resulting preview of the 8 slides that seemed to be exactly what I was looking for--each slide was slightly different in the effect used. What is not clear is the Settings options at the bottom which in my case was as shown below. What does the Zoom 122% mean (global zoom applied to all of the slides?) and even though the Pan values are show 0, I am getting panning in many of the slides--seems if set to 0 I should be getting that. I guess reading more about how these work would give the answer but it is sure not intuitive.
  12. Yes I saw the pan left, pan right, etc. but it was not clear to me (at least not intuitively) if a pan plus zoom can be combined for a slide at the same time. Also not clear is if I choose just, for example, a pan right and I apply the pan right to five slides will the pan right in the fifth slide be slightly different from the pan right in the first slide or will they all be exactly the same, witch I do NOT want. The randomization in MOTV ends up with completely different pan/zoom from one slide to the next by only hitting the "randomize" button once all of the slides are selected. I am quite sure you can get a similar outcome with PTE but it looks like the user needs to create the randomization for each slide one-by-one versus having the program apply it with one button. Not sure if I am being clear enough about this but does what I am asking make sense?
  13. Hi Rosy--yes I have come across that but was really looking for more of a shortened/condensed "Up and Running with PTE in 10 minutes" sort of document. I still could not quickly determine if there was any randomization of transitions or slide effects that was available in one or two steps.
  14. Well nobody has answered my last question under the "Coming from Memories on TV" heading so I figure I would try here. Since MOTV is rather long-in-the-tooth and not supported anymore, I was trying to dive into PTE AV as an alternative. As mentioned previously my needs are really occasional and limited to travelogue-type slideshows that run anywhere from 15 minutes to about 40+ minutes, depending on the the vacation I am trying to document. These typically include images, videos, and various background music pieces. The one I am currently working on is about 10 minutes and I was using MOTV to create. So at the same time I am trying to see how to go about this using PTE AV and find myself giving up after a few minutes. One MAJOR obstacle that I cannot figure out (at least it is not intuitive to me) is dealing with transition and slide effects. In MOTV there are transitions that apply between slides and "picture effects" that apply to the particular slide. I guess there is an equivalent language for these in PTE but it seems there is some vagueness or overlap. For example it is not entirely clear to me if the Styles and Themes button addresses the transition, the slide effect, or both. But then again there is the Project Options button with a sub-button of Transitions and it is not entirely clear to me if you choose several transitions for the "show" or just one. Then the main "complaint" I have is that there does not seem to be any easy way of randomizing either transitions or slide effects. For example, in MOTV I generally stick to a couple or three transition effects but the go-to picture effect I use is the Ken Burns effect (called Pan-Zoom in MOTV). In MOTV this can be applied to any or all slides and then you have the added option of "randomizing" the specifics of the effect. In other words the Ken Burns from slide 22 will not be the same as the Ken Burns for slide 23, etc. I do not see such a randomizing option for slide "style(?)" in PTE but maybe I am missing something. From what I am seeing is that you can apply a pan-zoom to any number of slides (using theme?) but the pan zoom for slide 22 will be identical to that of slide 23 which would be boring. Am I incorrect is concluding that there is no randomization that can be applied to the same "effect" over a number of slides? Obviously I guess I can go slide-by-slide and do the small tweaks but MOTV would do this automatically by choosing the randomization option". Doug
  15. Hi Again--still playing around with making the jump from MOTV to PTE. Looks like everything that MOTV did is doable and much more with PTE albeit not nearly as intuitively or perhaps as "pre-packaged". For example it looks like a Ken Burns Effect style(?) can be created for a slide but it would first need to be created as a style. Even then if you want to have this effect on multiple slides you can do this using Theme(?) but then each slide would behave EXACTLY the same (yes?) while MOTV had an option to apply random Ken Burns Effects to multiple slides so that each one was slightly different. Am I misunderstanding this? Same thing with creating a multi-slide slide--kind of automatic option with MOTV with many canned options but it seems like a more involved process with PTE. Am I stating this correctly? Doug
  16. Hey Lin--quite an impressive demonstration of what the software can do. Probably way beyond what I had been doing with MOTV but nice to know all of those features are there. What I liked about MOTV was that it was fairly intuitive to use, even the more sophisticated features. The online help with PicturesToExe makes it look rather daunting but I suppose there are a bunch of YouTube-type tutorials if I search. Doug
  17. Sorry if this has been asked before but I am looking to find another slideshow-maker program that is as friendly and powerful as MemoriesOnTv was. I had bought MOTV several years ago since I enjoyed creating DVD's of my vacations. These ranged in length from about 20 minutes to more than 40 minutes and included still photos as well as video clips. All of the shows also included a variety of music clips that were appropriate to the subject (i.e., Italian songs for my Italy trips, etc.). The appeal of MOTV was how easy it was to create great shows with various transitions and effects (the Ken Burns effect being one of my favorites). However, the creators of MOTV did not keep up with the times (e.g., no support for burning BluRay discs) and the software was getting long-in-the-tooth and was subsequently abandoned. So now I am looking for a replacement and came across several alternatives including PicturesToExe, Photostage, Movavi, and others. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Doug
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