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  1. Thank you Jill. Yes I agree.
  2. Thank you very much DG for your quick answer. I managed so far to go through the first 4 lines )up to add a new KF which appears at the end of the Tumeline But then when I click on it nothing happens and I cannot enter a value in the PAN x tab in Animation. I attach 2 screens : Screen1 : after I set fit mode to COVER and adjusted the PAN X to sit the image on the left of the screen. screen2: after adding a second KF ,sliding the image with the slider (this moves partly to the right) and clicking on the Key frame to set up PAN X go to the extreme right -> not possible to enter a value in PAN X . I am not sure what I did wrong NOTE: I just realize after posting that on screen1 I had KF 2 selected when I captured the screen as the PAN X value is set to 130 in KF 1. Correction: I seem to have managed now : I think I was confused by the cache and did not position the picture properly (I was entering the value manually in the PAN X tab whereas it seems to be very easy just to move the picture itself and let the tab adjust automatically. Thank you Again I hope this will work. Success! I managed to get the panorama displayed for 25 seconds, very smooth. Thank you again DG
  3. I am using PTE v10 to create slide shows. Searching the forums, I cannot find an introductory post for how to add a simple panorama picture (15000x 2000) and have it show as a panning from left to right as smoothly as possible. Thank you for any help.
  4. Thanks very much Igor for your very fast and efficient response : Yes I upgraded and I get no error anymore. Excellent! Maybe the programmer could intercept the error and give a more useful message
  5. Every time I start PTE (9.0.20), I get the following error message (twice): access violation at address 0075AF78 in module PicturestoExe.exe Read of address 00000000 I can then work OK and publish. I sometimes end up with several iterations of PTE running.
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