Thanks Jill and SeismicGuy. Your idea would probably work, Jill. Unfortunately, we have found out that my drive is not working and was storing its contents on my back up drive. More investigations are needed!
I have updated my computer and I now find that my slide styles have not transferred over to PTE. Luckily I have the slide styles in a separate folder but do not know how to get them back into PTE. I have lots of styles so would prefer to add them all at the same time if possible and not individually. Can this be achieved and if so how?
Thanks everyone,
Thanks guys. I am just grateful that the shows are stored and in my case, on the same drive as PTE when the computer is up and running I shall search for the templates folders.
Hi, I recently updated to Windows 11. I have my programs on C drive and my pictures on F drive. We got the C drive transferred without problem but F we tried to download from the cloud (my computer was too old to transfer the hard drive from old to new so we had to resort to the cloud) We have so many pics on F that BackBlaze gave up! I was panicking thinking I would lose my shows made over the last years. I was so thankful that when I opened PTE and clicked on Templates, my shows popped up. I can only assume that the pictures are stored in the program. Thank you Igor and team. Lesson - make templates of every show.
I took some video of a local storm we had on Tuesday using my cell phone. I then used Video Optimizer to brighten and stabilize the video. I found that even with my limited skills, the program was easy to navigate. Congratulations Igor and team. I look forward to being able to access the Video Optimizer through PTE
Hi Jt49. Thank you for getting back to me. Your method works well except I have over 1000 styles and when I try to export them from PTE it takes a long time. The slidestyles window in PTE is slow to open so it would take forever unless I am doing the export wrong.
Thanks Denis. You have solved my problem. Just double click on the style number and then double click on Style.xml and amongst the data is the style name.
Thank you Igor. I can find the Styles folder fine but how do you identify which style is which? The styles are not named - just numbers. I can only assume that I am missing something.
I decided to make a copy of all my slide styles. When I go to PTE via Windows C, Users, Computer ID, Documents, Pictures to Exe, Styles all I see is a list of Slide style numbers. How do I identify an individual slide style eg Left to Right Flip?
Thanks everyone,
Thank you Alex. These slide styles are great. It has been so long since I used the program that I had to think hard about how to change/add the picture. I need to get out and about and get some new pictures!
Thank you. What a work of art the hall is. It is also good to see how others present slideshows of buildings. Great job and thanks for sharing.