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Rosemary A

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Everything posted by Rosemary A

  1. Hi, Is there any way of identifying a transition changed from AB to say eg Page Curl. It does not show on the timeline or slide list. Makes it difficult to see where the default AB has been changed. Thanks, Rosemary
  2. Lin, you are absolutely correct. Works beautifully. I really appreciate you doing this for me. Rosemary
  3. Good Morning Lin, Thank you for this style. Unfortunately whatever I am doing the attached screen shot happens. I have selected the 3 slides and then apply the style. Unfortunately the style creates more slides! Help because that would solve my problem. Rosemary
  4. Thanks MUR, I shall try this too. I do like my outline around text! Rosemary That looks great! Thanks a million. Will be useful for Title Slides too.
  5. No problem Lin. I have just finished a 5 min. show. Needs some tweaking but gets the message across. Thanks everyone Till the next question Rosemary
  6. Great tip, Thank you, Rosemary
  7. Thank you both. Rosemary
  8. Firstly, congratulations on the recovery from the stroke. A lot of hard work and determination. Let's hope I can apply the same to PTE... I am disappointed about the lack of outline ability in PTE as I tend to use text on images during my shows. The outline makes the text easier to read. However onwards... Thanks for the instruction re maintaining the text colour. I shall use it a lot! Thank you once again, Rosemary
  9. How do I apply an outline around Text? eg like the video example "Many facets of PTE." Also is it possible to select a text colour at the beginning of a project and have the colour maintained throughout the project or do I have to select the colour every time?
  10. Thanks for the encouragement Wideangle. I shall keep trying. Rosemary
  11. Thank you both so much. I have been trying to point PTE towards F drive for a couple of hours!! So easy when shown. Happy New Year.
  12. I have tried to start a show and am having difficulty getting my edited JPGs into PTE. The only folder I can access is my original unedited JPGs. Where am I going wrong or does PTE only access Drive C? My pix are all on drive F. The pathway is F:My Pictures\Norwegian Star\Grand Caymen What am I missing or doing wrong please. Thanks, Rosemary
  13. Hi Lin, You have come to my rescue yet again thank you. Happy New Year, Rosemary
  14. Hi everyone, I have been playing around with animation today (beginner level) I made a slide which zooms in from the side, increases to full zoom prior to leaving the screen.(Thanks Barry). Do I have to repeat this process for each slide I wish to use eg 7 or 8 slides? Seems very cumbersome. or is there an easier way to do this? Thanks, Rosemary
  15. Hi Lin, I have successfully completed the cube and changed the background thanks to your tutorial. Thank you once again. I am looking forward to the slide style list when it becomes available. Happy New Year to all, Rosemary
  16. Thanks Lin, This is so sweet of you to walk me through this style tutorial. I shall have a go at it later tonight and let you know how I get on! Cheers, Rosemary
  17. Thank you Lin for the quick and simple solution for me. My slide shows tend to be a group of pictures eg an archaeological dig in Peru, grouped together for effect. Dave, I have found the carousel too Thank you.
  18. I wonder if there are any slidestyles that have more than one slide. I am looking for 3 to 9 slides to a style. I have looked on the forum but am not having much luck. Does anyone sell slidestyles/themes although free is always good. I am using the trial version of PTE AV Studio 10. I used Photodex Producer previously but now that is defunct so I hope to get to know this programme. Thanks, Rosemary
  19. Thank you Jill for your speedy answer. I am new to this program so will have lots of questions Rosemary
  20. I am using PTE AV Studio 10 trial version. I note that I can have an external editor but only see the option for one and can't work out how to use it through the programme. It is a graphic editor. I would also like to have Audacity and a video editor but can't work out where to download it to in PTE AV Studio. Thanks in advance, Rosemary A
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