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targa911 started following Barry Beckham
Weird. I was signed in but had to do it again to post a reply. Anyway this is just what I wanted. Thanks Barry.
Barry, I just finished a project on a family history. I'm pretty sure I saw a video you did on saving encase I needed to redo it at a later date. What to save in one file. I can't find that with a search. Any clues?
Aren't we all. A lot older then the dvd's of yours I have. I am a subscriber of yours on YouTube and haven't seen any recent updates. Are you still doing them?
I subscribe to Barry's YouTube channel. Haven't had updates in a while. Is he alright? Miss his tuts!
How do I add Photoshop to PTE AV so I can send a slide to be worked on in PTE?
I have watched that one, and really enjoyed it! No surprise there!! I'll go back and look at it again. Thanks!
Xenofex2, So many memories are being lost. Just trying to do my part. I mainly specialize in digitizing old format negatives and glass negatives. Very few outlets for this. I have over 50 years in darkrooms and labs so I'm familiar with most of these old format treasures. A couple years ago I digitized over 200 5x7 glass negatives that had been in an attic for over 80 years!! Some of the images in this show are from that collection. Would love to see these images! Don't toy around! Do it! Sounds like a great project. A couple hints. I personally wouldn't use pixbim on sepia images. Just adds another layer of potential color distortion. Pixbim as well as most colorization programs I have used tend to go to paste colors. Adding sepia just adds another level. My workflow: First I scan with a camera. Much better results then a scanner. Take image into PhotoShop and turn into a black and white using channels, in grayscale mode. Change mode back to color mode. Make any clean up and or contrast changes and send to Gigapixel. I try for the highest sharpness of my images and Gigapixel mostly works better then PS, IMO. Back to PS and size to 1920x1080. Bring into either ProShow Producer (a great program but no longer in business) or my current favorite slideshow maker PTE AV 10. If I can be of any help let me know!! We need more people saving old memories!!
JJR, need to have my videos public as some are used by historical societies and local town historians. And families with relatives in the videos. I have looked at some of the YouTube selections but didn't find anything I liked. The one I used in this video was free with a donation so not great but I found it quickly. As for the colorization I have been using pixbim. It mostly brings it close to accurate colors. Recently they added a slider to correct for the over abundance of reddish tones. Works kinda. Also pixbim misses some areas and leaves them b&w. I almost always take the photos into Photoshop to add color or correct for missed color by pixbim. PS's new select and mask works pretty well for making small selections for color enhancement or changes. But pixbim is really just a starting point. I rarely use flash. I was trying to emphasize the textures and rust of the poor almost forgotten work horses of old. Softening them probably would have given them a more sad and vintage look. Good point. Maybe if I were doing a slideshow about old tractors as objects that would have been the way to go but I was looking for more of a sad narrative so less bright should have been considered. In Iowa old tractors are considered lawn art. I have lots of photos of tractors in the wild. This shoot was a paying job and the farmer wanted a calendar and a couple posters. I appreciate your comments and suggestions.
JRR, Totally agree on the opening title. Wouldn't do that again. Been watching Barry's videos. Next thing I want to work on is syncing the music. Considered it for this one but you are correct the music didn't seem to be appropriate. Kinda hard to find free music when not monetizing or profiting for videos. I just use my videos for historical memories and saving history's. Can't stand elevator music or electronic music. Any suggestions for a source for the type of vintage vintage I do? Not sure what you mean by "background story on colorization's"? "- Exposures on the rusting tractors is inconsistent" Not sure on this point either? Thanks for the comments.
Macian, thank you. I mostly work with original negatives and use camera scanning. The old negative formats such as 122, 616 and even the old 620/120 negatives are large and hold looks of detail. Mostly I have 5x7 glass negatives but even the smaller 4x5's contain lots of detail. So many people scan their photos but neglect the old negs and leave them in drawers or boxes. I'm not a big fan of colorization but it works well on some photos. But I find they almost always need tweaking in Photoshop. I'll go back and try working with the saturation issue. Wasn't a color issue as much as a bit of contrast. I use On1 and add Dynamic Contrast to many of my originals to add punch. Sounds like I might have over done! Thanks!!
Rosy, I'll look into that. Thanks.
JJB45, the main reason I use YouTube is for the advantage of people being able to view it use the YouTube app and watch it on a TV. Might give Vimeo a try though.
A question on YouTube videos. I do not sell, monetize or add ads. How do I stop YouTube fro adding ads?
I make videos to try and save the memories of small farm towns and farming. I appreciate any comments. Thank you. https://youtu.be/5Aqa4IHdpzU
I must be the worst searcher. Trying to find info on posting a slideshow. Can anyone lead me to that topic?