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Paul L

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About Paul L

  • Birthday 03/03/1947

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  1. Same load error here on Win 11.
  2. I do like the idea. Should not only work for images, but also for video clips. The ctrl key is a good suggestion too. Once dropped onto a slide, the O&A panel should automatically open, in order to immediately be able to edit/adjust the settings for the dropped asset.
  3. Thanks a lot. Just pre-ordered few mins ago 26725492.
  4. Very nice show of a very nice small Flemisch city.
  5. I always use 16x9 mp4 to view on 4KUHD TV.
  6. Well that's exactly what I've been doing since, make my own styles that combined features I often use.
  7. Not being able to apply more then one style to a slide is a serious shortcoming IMHO. It was the first caveat I encountered when I switched from Proshow Producer to pte av studio pro. Work on the shelf for Igor.
  8. Thanks Igor. Wish you all at WnSoft and all the users of this forum a Merry Christmas and a Happy and a Healty New Year.
  9. Despithe my mother language being Dutch (Flemish), I normally use the English version but had a look at Nederlands and Nederlands 2 and altough I see some differences in word usage, I feel like both are very acceptable. Some translations are "better" in Nederlands, for others I'd prefer the Nederlands 2 version. I'ts also a matter of personal preferences. An example: In lower right corner one can select Slide or Timeline view. Here I prefer Dialijst, it's more descriptive than Dialijn. In general if I would use the Dutch layout, I'd go for Nederlands and not for Nederlands 2.
  10. No problem here eighter with 4k mov's from iPhone XS as source files.
  11. I fully support both suggestions. That option to export the soundtrack to file, being placed in that dropdown menu is highly unintuitive. My suggestion would be to place it under the Publish button.
  12. Oeps, I missed that. Yes, confirmed it doesn't work in build 4 if file name contains a space. Thanks for pointing me to that.
  13. That's strange. I tested this with a Dutch version 10.0.13 Build 4 and that Play button works as expected here. Could this be licalisation related?
  14. Tested with 10.0.9 and 10.0.10 on a sytem with Win 10 Pro Version 1903 build 18362.778 and I can not repro, works as expected using the F4 key and the triangle.
  15. Thanks for the info. So you already tried my suggestion before and it didn't work, apparently.
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