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  1. Looks good Igor. When will the first release be available to buy?
  2. Thanks Jill, i hadn't noticed the change in the file name but, as you say, it doesn't show duplicates or files added via O&A. I definitely think PTE is far superior to Proshow. You can certainly acheive a lot more & it's getting better all the time thanks to Igor & his team.
  3. Before the demise of Proshow this was the software I used. I have to say PTE AV Studio Pro far exceeds the capabilities of Ptroshow, however there was one very useful feature. In the file list an icon appeared on the file thumbnail showing the number of times that image had been added to the timeline. This was very useful to ensure that no files had been missed or duplicated. Would it be possible to add a similar feature to PTE AV Studio. The attached image demonstrates this.
  4. If this doesn't work try adding the video first in the timeline then right click & you should get the "Separate audio from video" command. In the screen capture below I have completely removed the audio from the video. Then go to O&A , resize the video to suit then add the background image resizing if necessary. Video2.mp4
  5. Thanks again jt49 and Igor. I tried jt49's suggestion & it worked! I guess, coming from a Proshow background, I was getting confused between "Fit All Slides To Soundtrack" and "Synchronize soundtrack and slides" . My executables are now working perfectly! All part of the learning curve I guess. Thanks again to both of you. Geoff
  6. Thanks jt49. I have synchronized the soundtrack and slide and the AVs play perfectly in the PTE program itself. The execeutables also play in perfect sync if you just let them play from start to finish. It's only if you pause the exe file or try to jump through it that the soundtrack goes out of sync.
  7. Hi, I recently switched to PTE AV Studio 10 Pro from Proshow Producer. I have produced two shows for my Camera Club competition next month as executable files on a Windows 10 PC. They both play fine but, if I pause the show using the on screen pause button, the audio continues to play. Similarly trying to skip through the slides results in loss of sync with the audio. Can anyone help please. Thanks, Geoff
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