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    Melbourne, Australia
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    Photography, Attempting Photo Restoration, 4WD Travel and Camping, Computers, and lots more...

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  1. Wow, a very big and special thank you to @denisb for his help. Awesome mate... The big question now is can I make head or tail of the video tuition and achieve the goal. Again, many thanks.
  2. Hi @denisb many thanks. It would be appreciated. Have sent you a PM. Cheers
  3. @jt49 Thank you very much for that update. It is so sad to hear. I know he will be dearly missed within this community.
  4. Hi all, yes, I am aware this is a very old thread, but it seems to be the only lead to what I am after. I am hoping to create an animated water ripple effect on some of my images; however, the links in this thread no longer work. Number 47 [Adding Water Ripple To Complex Image Procedure (an overview)] in the list seems to be what I am after and wondering if it is still applicable to PTE in its current configuration and if anyone may have a copy available? If not, is anybody able to point me in the right direction? Or probably the most important question "Is it worth the effort?"
  5. Hi Aleina and many thanks for your reply. Apologies for the delayed reply, but I got caught up with other things. Thought that may be the case and definitely not afraid of things , just lazy when I can be. You know, select 3 or 4 images, click on a style and bingo... No doubt, given time, I will end up with a bunch of modified styles "as I see them". Regards Peter
  6. Thanks for the quick response. That is what I suspected, but having downloaded from what I would consider reliable sources, I trusted what I downloaded and I have quite a few that all fit that category. As a matter of interest, I just revisited Barry's website (https://beckhamdigital.photo/styles-themes/) where I got the Kodachrome style from. Definitely stated it was a style, so I re-downloaded and this time got the correct file. Last time, I got a zip file, this time, just the ".ptestyle" file. Makes me think I had better go back and check the other ones I am interested in. Maybe I hit wrong links or something. Many thanks for that answer. Regards Peter
  7. This question may have been raised in the past but I will be damned if I can find the solution. And yes, I have researched high and low, watched numerous video tutorials, but still elusive. No doubt a very simple answer if someone can point me in the right direction. Have been downloading different styles to try out and learn from. No problem, get a file with a ".ptestyle" extension and import it. Downloaded a few like "Kodachrome" which only have "source.pte" and "style.xml" files and maybe an image or two. Can't import them? Can open them and play with them to make them work but a lot of fiddling around and at the moment, I don't want to re-invent the wheel, I'm still learning . Any assistance greatly appreciated. Cheers Peter
  8. Thank you
  9. Hi one and all. My name is Peter, from the land down under. I'm another one of those ex-Proshow Producer users. When they crashed, I trialled Photopia because I didn't really want to waste all those styles and transitions I had purchased. I like other peoples work because I don't want to reinvent the wheel and it makes making slide shows so much easier. Well, I don't really want to bag anyone, but let's just say the bugs got me in the first few days, so since then I have been on a mission of trial and error to find what suited me best and my journey kept bringing me back to trialling PTE. Today, after some communication with @Igor, I bit the bullet and made the purchase. After less than 24 hours of communication, I discovered first hand why there is so much good press out there about him and PTE. Igor, consider this a super huge public praise for you. Looking forward to being part of this community. Thank you all.
  10. Hi @Igor, I have tried on several occasions to contact WnSoft recently using your online contact, sadly; however, I have not heard back from you. Could you please contact me through my registered forum email?
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