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Scott S

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  1. Great Suggestion! Thanks so much, wideangle!
  2. Thanks, Jill! based on this, I think I'll go for the Pro :)!
  3. Great to know! Thanks so much!
  4. Thanks so much for your help, Igor :)!!
  5. Agreed, Paul. I just have this "thing" about not dropping endless money on subscription monthly services. I don't even do Adobe/LR, because of this. I am utilizing On1Raw at this point. Thanks for your "take" on their support. That was one of the things I loved most about Photodex, was the support. If you found Photopia's poor, I'd be "out" on them with that alone. I always "courted" Pro Show Producer, so think if I go the PTE AV Studio, I'll definitely go for the top. Thanks again!@
  6. Thanks for the link, Dave!
  7. I will reply more to each of you, but THANK-YOU so much for your helpful replies :)!!! Most Sincerely!!! Scott
  8. Hi Paul, Thanks for your reply! That's my feeling so far surfing the web, too. Photodex recommends "Photopia," and while they might be amazing in their own right, I really resist subscription software. Just do not appreciate it. So I am thankful that this is a buy program rather than monthly. Do you recommend the highest version of WnSoft's PTE AV?
  9. As one who utilized ProShow Gold for over 10 years from the recently closed Photodex Corporation, can anyone here recommend that this is a quality alternative? My gut is that this is also an amazing program for slide shows. Just wondering if anyone here had experience transitioning from PSG to WnSoft? Thanks so much! Scott S
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