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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. Gary Try this - see if helps
  2. thedom Yes it is posted, Al was kind enought to adjust and post to his web site. See Al's post #7 this page. Al ellipse_Al-Ralph.zip click to enlarge
  3. Ken Slight error - ( /p23/ ) - try Lin Evans link as http://www.lin-evans.net/p2e/puzzletutorial.zip
  4. This feature has not yet been " enabled " in latest beta version.
  5. Al Thanks for posting to your web site, the touch up looks great. Appreciated
  6. In version 5 - video has not yet been enabled at this time, according to comment from Igor possible in a month or so. Version 4.48 has video function enabled, you must have at least 2 images.
  7. Hi Ray As you are aware from our previous discussions, my standard procedure using Images 1920 x 1080 - PTE default codec – Custom AVI – 1920 x 1080 – Burned with Nero Vision at 16:9 – High Quality – 2 Pass gives me outstanding results full screen. I have just duplicated a show using Media Encoder 9 with end results as you mention a WMV file playable only on the computer. Using Nero Vision that did accepted the WMV file and choosing 16:9 setting I then was able to created the TS_Video folder files that burned to DVD playable on Wide Screen TV. In my opinion the quality between both procedures was equal. This method was double encoding which I was leery about and naturally took much longer. Just another test attempt. In regards to This is something we have been also questioning. Keep us posted on any results with version 5 you may have, we are also looking forward to this feature being released.
  8. Andrew My observations. Your images looked ok – no white line viewing with Paint Shop Pro. On last vertical image the white line fades away, long before the image fade transition takes place. Clean boot up – no background programs running, McAfee virus scanner shut down white line still visible running show. Running preview from “toast” both in main interface of PTE and also “ Object and Annimation screen I can get the line to change – sometimes broken with Blue & yellow on right side and black and white on left. at other times a different color ? – see screen shots. ADDED: If I resize the 5 vertical images to H 750 x W 500 - white lines still appear My graphic card is border line NIVIDIA GeForce4 MX 4000 Monitor screen size 1024 x 768
  9. Hi Andrew Image just before occurance Last image As Ron mentions a photoshop problem ? - or possibly the sky showing from other images in background ?.
  10. Keith Thanks for giving it a try, I only suggested 1280 x 720 as you mentioned your TV will only resolve 1280 x 720. I know very little about HDTV’s as I do not own one, but some settings can be made at the TV level. When you get a chance you may want to try a small 5 – 6 image show with image size 1920 x 1080 and change the .INI to AVIVideoRenderWidth=1920 AVIVideoRenderHeight=1080 See if that produces a full screen. Was the quality acceptable ? There appears to be changes also in ver 5, which may make things a little more simple once this feature is enabled.
  11. Hi Keith ( welcome back ) In regards to ver 4.48 and my link above with my procedure so far, I would be curious to know your results using images 1280 x 720, and changing the Picture to Exe .INI file - before starting program Picture to EXE to read as. AVIVideoRenderWidth=1280 AVIVideoRenderHeight=720 -------------------------------- Custom .AVI - 1280 x 720 -------------------------------- As to Ken mentioning ( Microsoft Media Encoder 9 which produces WMV9 video 1280x720 with HDTV quality ) This is just something I dabled with the other day, and untill I can burn a few samples and view on my daughters HDTV I cannot give any comments. I will post here my results soon as I get a chance.
  12. mcdivit, also a warm welcome. In Ken's top link on page #2, I have described a procedure I used and am very excited about. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....opic=3943&st=20 This is using Nero Vision. What software you are using, maybe you can advise. Creation of PTE video to HD wide screen 16:9 is very new to many of us, so any input you can provide as to programs used, your procedure and final results would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Igor 30 - seconds - twice 60 - seconds - twice 90 - seconds - twice NO ERROR MESSAGE.
  14. Starla You may want to read this thread here. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....x+out+of+bounds I have seen this error with being over your ISP limit in regards to space on a web page. Possible the.EXE is not complete or damaged during upload ? I show downloaded as 36.772 MB When I right click on file - properties 35.9 MB (37,654,528 bytes) Can you check with your original file size. You may want to try also zipping it as a .zip file. See remark by: onbelaydave & admin1 (Igor), in the above link.
  15. Ran exceptionally smooth slight stutter occasionally, mainly on the text portion while in zoom out. If the text had not been there, it may not have been even noticeable. The 2 image slide near begining was completely smooth - and a very nice professional effect. Flowers.EXE Ran flawless!!!!!!!! Pent 4 – 2.3 - 1.5 ram Graphic card NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 4000 It just keeps getting better Igor, congratulations to you and your staff
  16. Gary Your only problem here is you wanting the Menu to play music. Otherwise it will run completly smooth, if you watch your sequence to the end or even hit the ESC key to quit and return to Menu. I agree with Ron that a break of no music between shows is the better way, your viewers may appreciate a pause. Will still give your request some more thought, If you find a solution - let us know.
  17. goddi This is very understandable if you hit the ESC key and exit. You must watch the presentation till the end or slide with the "Action " Ralph Here you can use the " Action " "Run application or run file". but you cannot have two music files running at the same time, Menu.EXE cannot have music. The only other option I can see is to place a transparant "Exit" button lower corner - copy / paste into each slide !!!! with " Action " to run Menu.EXE with music if you wish to quit at any given time using the procedure I described. Problem is you will need to start the sequence over again. Or use the Navigation menu & Pause. Unless anyone else has an idea.
  18. Gary What you want to accomplish can be done very easily. On the Menu show – have “ When show ends keep last slide on screen “ – add background music. On all your linked Chapter Buttons give a Properties “Action “ – " Run application and exit “ ( this shuts down your menu and music playing ) starts up new Chapter show with music. In each Chapter presentation use Project Options – Advanced – “ Run application after last slide “ link it back to your Menu. The Menu will start back up with it's own music playing till you fetch your guests a cold one. Then on with the show.
  19. fonz Glad to see that you have it burning as it should. We use Nero as our authoring / burning program and sorry I cannot answer your question as to Movie Factory. And to your last question, maybe Igor could better explain. Maybe someday a burn section will be added. You could use a program such as TMPGEnc, which has a free version and create as a MPEG-2, then be played back at anytime. Enjoy your DVD's
  20. Hi fonz When you click the VIDEO button in main screen of Picture to EXE, and the Video Box opens. Can you advise what happens when you click " PREVIEW " - before clicking create. Does Windows Media Player open, and play the video & music at this point ? ADDED: Question if I may. When you have created the temp .AVI, are you locating the file and re-naming it ?, then burning the re-named file. - This is a NO - NO No video and music playing will occur if this is what you have done. You must burn the created temp .AVI that PTE produces while PTE is minimized and still running in the background. Give the file the final name at this point.
  21. Ron - how about Should be open=menu.exe Check your mail.
  22. Ron Save as a autorun.inf - not ini [autorun] open=menu.exe Think you might best just to add " all " to root of CD
  23. markoc398 ( using Nero full version ) Discription of proceedure Creating a DVD disc and adding an ( autorun.inf ) file and a PTE show .EXE to same disk, as to be able to run on TV DVD player or the .EXE show on Computer DVD burner/reader. Create PTE show – Save as & Create as. ( use no spaces in file name – under score can be used ) Click Video – DVD – Create AVI ( save as a .temp .Avi file to folder of your choice.) Minimize PTE – do not close Create a “ Autorun.INF Open Nero Vision Locate and add temp .AVI file created by PTE Click " Next " to advance to Menu page ( Optional settings for background – buttons – etc ) ( click " More " at bottom for more options ) Proceed to Burn Page Choose “ Write to Hard Drive Folder “ ( choose a folder ) Click " Write " This has created a Video_TS folder with files inside as .INF - .VOB - .BUP ( make sure your PTE show was saved & created as ) - then PTE can be closed. Place a blank DVD into burner Open Nero Burning Rom Choose " DVD Video " Click " NEW " Locate the saved Video_TS folder and click to open Drag all 6 files to left side into the “ NAME “ column In the “ File Browser “ column locate your .EXE file and drag to “ Name “ column. Also browse to locate your “ Autorun.INF file “ and also drag into “ Name “ column. At top of Burning Rom page click “ Burn “ – box should open – click " Burn " When done – remove DVD disk and shut down Nero Burning Rom. Remove DVD. When inserted into the computer DVD burner, the .EXE show will autorun. When placed into DVD player it will autoload the Nero Menu with choice of shows.
  24. I have created a DVD disc which includes the Video_TS folder files and an .INF ( Autorun file ) also a .EXE – PTE show. However due to the fact it is a DVD disk it does require a DVD burner / reader on the computer and Windows did start the .INF file first to play the .EXE. The DVD player does read the Video files and play fine on the DVD player, including a DVD menu. I used Nero Burning Rom. If you were wanting to use the CD-Rom on computer, the same should apply but creating your PTE show as an MPEG-2 file and writing as a CD-R Data file which would include the .INF ( autorun file ) and .EXE. Your client now would require a DVD player that supports MPEG-2 format. ( most newer player do ) It will not autostart, but show up on the DVD player menu. As Al and Ken have mentioned another is SVCD depending on the format the DVD player will play. This I have not tried as of yet. I will have to repeat again the DVD method to further explain in detail how I accomplished. Do you have the full version of Nero, which includes Nero Vision & the Nero Burning Rom ?.
  25. markoc398 As Tom has mentioned There is a way and I have also done with Nero Burning Rom, for personal archiving, but you need to have a DVD burner / reader to access the .EXE from the DVD disk. This method would require ALL your clients to have a DVD reader on their computer !. Another way is If you burn your shows as MPEG-2, then the client needs a DVD player that supports MPEG-2 format. ( most newer DVD player do support ) The MPEG-2 can be burned to a CD and the .EXE can be added The DVD player would play the created MPEG-2 and the .EXE can now be accessed with the CD-ROM, which most computers would have, and preferably copied to the hard drive. This method is all well depending on your show size and if it will all fit on a CD-R When dealing with many clients. The common practice to be able to run on any standard DVD players would be to use a software that creates a Video_TS folder, then burn the files in this folder but this again requires a DVD disk You might be best to give them 2 disks a DVD and the .EXE on CD to run in their CD-Rom drive or best copy to hard drive. By the way – nice web site.
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