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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. Ken Works like a charm! All pictures & music start on “ Q “ Spindle and Turn Player – scratching record sound between years sounds good. Sort of miss that old sound! I can well appreciate the time spent in setting something like this up as I did a small one a couple of years ago with children’s songs for the grandchildren. (Saved them dragging my files all over in Windows Explorer) Very creative – Thanks for sharing. The songs bring back many memories.
  2. Igor Thank you, appreciated. boxig – another of your many useful utilities, thanks for passing along.
  3. mogendavid Glad you got it working, however there is another way if you read my “ Edited “ section on my above post. I am not sure now which is the better way. ( you have me learning something new here ) Maybe someone more knowledgeable can reply, I do not want to lead you down the wrong garden path, giving wrong advise. My apologizes.
  4. mogendavid A created .pte screen saver, I believe you copy the .scr file into your C:\Windows\System32 - folder. It should then appear in your screen saver list. Desktop – right click – Properties – Screen saver, choose PTE screen saver name from screen saver list. The path you mention Quote: Windows Xp control panel/ display / screensaver/ my photo slideshow feature? Is different When you choose – Settings – you browse to a folder of your choice. But this only shows the images in a chosen folder as a slideshow, not your PTE screen saver. I have never created a screen saver of my own, someone correct me if I am wrong here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited: After doing a search and a little reading I found a remark from boxig in regards to right click on .scr file and choose "Install " Quote: I think we have this on windows. Right click on scr file and choose "Install". ---------------------------------- This feature is available in XP When I created a Screen Test.scr, right clicked and choose install. It created my file as Screen Test.scr_1BC65988.pf - into folder C:\Windows\prefetch However it does work. This is new to me, can someone remark if this is the better way to install a .pte screen saver.
  5. Hi Alan Just to add to Lumenlux post in regards to " Permit the control of show " On any given slide you could “ Pause “ in “ Object Editor " add a “ Button “ link - with properties “ Go to slide # “ Then on the chosen slide have another “ Button “ with “ Go to slide # “ returning the viewer to the previous slide they were last on. It has been awhile since I last did something like your request. If my memory is correct I left the last slide of show ( example slide 50 ) on screen for a long duration ( 10 minutes ) with an “ Exit to Windows “ button Slides #51 - #52 etc. was my information slides. I believe in the new ver. 5 – Igor made a comment about a new improved navigation bar.
  6. Robert Using JPD's link, click the top link - " LIENS " about 1/2 way down the page - DUBROVNIK.
  7. As with any “Peer to Peer “ programs, there are security settings, and any updates to MSN are usually a security update. – Keep up to date. MSN in particular there is a setting to only add users to your list that you accept, along with a virus scanner setting to check any incoming automatic acceptance of files if you wish to do so, directed to a specific folder. Of course you can manually accept files and manually scan. I think that problems that occur with these types of programs are with younger users that accept anything you send them and click Ok to everything (my young nephews are prime examples). To day majority of computer users are fully aware and cautious of Virus/Trojans etc. problems. I even advise my own daughter to check anything I send her. - Her responsibility, and yes I check all PTE shows downloaded or sent to me. - My responsibility. All in All – MSN is a great tool, sending a large Picture to EXE show to someone or simply asking for instant help. I also would like to see more members use it, and if I can be of any help – Just ask. Ken Quote: So I take it Ken that this old bird is safe to contact Ron !
  8. leonard Your wishes may come true. Users have created "Flash " to run with PTE. Sometime ago I created a " Animated Menu " as a .SWF file. When the .SWF file is run you can click to " Create Projector " which saves as an .EXE The .EXE was then used as an annimated menu, with button links to other .EXE shows. Basically same as the " Menu Demo " show I passed along to you to look at. I must admit a bit of a clumsy way to do it. Lets see what ver 5 brings us.
  9. leanard I think there has been a bit of confusion here ( using the Custom .AVI ). As that is why I questioned 4:3 or 16:9. Ken Cox and myself have worked together since day one of the introduction of video with Picture to Exe creating DVD’s and SVCD for 4:3 and ironed out a lot of obstacles along with suggestions from forum members in regards to using different encoding programs. Ken has tried many. Neither Ken nor myself own a HDTV, our primary shows are all done for 4:3. As you are aware the results compared to a computer will never match – however depending on how critical one is, my viewers and myself have still been completely satisfied with the results. Yes you are right about presentations looking better with HDTV, I was very impressed. ** The 16:9 HDTV post ( using a Custom .AVI ) have only been results that we have accomplished in testing HDTV over the last month or so, as we feel this is a way of the future. ( even thou we may never own one ) It was a bit of a challenge posted on the forum by Al ( alrobin ) and we joined in. May I suggest you give it another attempt – ( without Custom .AVI ) Create a small show 6 – 8 images and use same images for each test. Good clear Images at 1024 x 768 ** Disregard a Custom .AVI Choose Video – DVD – PAL ( try Interlaced & also a Non Interlaced test on same show ) For starters use only Fades – or limit to a couple of transitions. Sorry I cannot help you with the editing programs you have listed, as we do all our editing and burning with Nero 7, but others on the forum do use these programs and I am sure you will get any questions answered that you may have. leanard If you are looking to create an Autorun CD-R, menu show for computer. E-mail me and I can get a couple of Demo Shows to you.
  10. Peter Thanks for further testing on your end. I take it the best so far is with the NTSC settings at 1920 x 1080 ?. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have been doing some searching for PAL settings and on more than 1 web site they mention that the normal " DTV " standard in Europe has a normal PAL resolution of 704 x 576 ( only one stated ). ** Care to try TEST (11) ?? Images cropped to 704 x 576 INI - to 704 x 576 Custom .AVI - to 704 x 576 DVD 16:9 - PAL Peter - check you (PM message)
  11. Hi leonard I have been reading your post and replies and am unclear as weather or not you are trying to create a 16:9 wide sceen High Definition DVD or a 4:3 DVD, could you clarify this for me. Also helpful, could you post your computer specs and video editing software / burning software your using.
  12. Pete If you changed the .INI file, don’t forget to put it back as 1024 x 768 default when done. I would change the .INI file to match what ever image size you do for 16:9, otherwise distortion will also occur if left at 1024 x 768 default. As mentioned earlier this must be done before starting Pictures to EXE. Glad you have some good results. It is a matter right now of trial and error and maybe the new version 5 will have something added ?, to make things simpler. Keep and eye on Jeff’s ( jevans ) post as Jeff is in the UK, Jeff has done many test of his own using PAL, and there maybe a hint in his image sizes and temp .avi size. I am not sure if Jeff has attempted changing the .INI file but this seems to be one of the key findings. Your mention of changing the pixel ratio to 1.42 with CS2 I find this interesting. I wonder if borders are due to the 1920 x 1080 ?. Possible a different setting would not require the change ?. Here again I know nothing about PAL settings. I am not sure if you are aware of creating a menu with Nero and adding more than one show to DVD?. We recently found out the proper way to return to menu after viewing one show and able to view another. See my post. - PTE - Nero - Multple Show Menu In regards to I take it as this is in reference to PTE, - if so - sorry I do not have an answer to this one maybe someone else does. Thanks for your test and input to this thread - appreciated. Keep us posted.
  13. zydercojoe In Ron's " IntroDemo " show, each of the round images you see would be linked to a seperate show. For instance you can create a ( 1 ) image show. ( .EXE ) Design a nice intro graphic file. example save as ( Menu.exe ) This ( Menu.exe show ) would include - buttons - text - images that are linked to other ( .EXE's ) all seperate shows to view. Show_1.exe Show_2.exe Each seperate show can return to the Menu when ended. All that is required is that all .exe be in the same folder. Click your ( 1 ) image Menu show to start and choose other sequences. All done with Picture to exe.
  14. Hi Peter – welcome to the forum What you have quoted in your post is actually from an old test we did a bit ago ( actually our first attempt ) and things have improved since that date. My above explanation is my latest test and I am completely satisfied with my results. Keep in mind we are using “ NTSC “ here in Canada, and as far as same settings – photo image size and changes to the .INI file using “ PAL “ we have had no feedback on any results. (Settings may be different) I have always used Nero Vision to create 16:9 and / burn “ ALL “ my PTE shows to DVD’s. Picture to EXE – Video - creates the temp .AVI file - which is imported into Nero Vision for the encoding to DVD format. Nero Vision also allows you to preview before burning. I have not noticed any “ Flicker “ - “ Shimmer “ and all transition very smooth. My test have been viewed on a 42” Plasma Wide screen & also a 50 “ showing full screen - no borders. We do not run Photoshop CS2 so I cannot comment on changing of pixel aspect ratio. Download the latest version of PTE, many improvements have been added over the last year. Do you have the Full Version of Nero? And if so what version. If you have a go at creating, I along with others following this thread would very much appreciate your comments and results.
  15. Hawk


    Boogie You show as open=my show.exe icon=my show.exe With a space between " my show ". I believe you cannot have any spaces. If this is the way you have it - you may want to try with an underscore ( _ ) [autorun] open=my_show.exe icon=my_show.exe Your PTE show saved file name will have to match - rename to ( my_show.exe )
  16. Ron Port Orleans is posted at the " Beechbrook Cottage Site " Page #1 Pans are exceptionally smooth, very nice presentation Ken
  17. Hi Jason I am curious to know what settings for the " Effect duration " & " Smooting Lines " you are using in the " Customized Slides " with the " Push Effect " for your pan slides. Also version of PTE you are running.
  18. In reference to Al’s “ Vital statistics " and add to Kens archives, for the records. I would like to comment on my latest test results and procedure that I am overwhelmed with in regards to High Definition Wide screen 16:9 Basics Prepared images from my digital camera, which original are 2272 x 1704 .JPG format. I crop to 1920 x 1080 using my graphic program Photoshop Elements 3 which allows me to crop about 75 % of the original picture to proper proportion. I save at quality 10 option, average file size around 500 KB. Procedure Before starting program Picture to EXE Using Windows Explorer I open Picture To EXE folder to locate the .INI file to make a change. You will see the following lines. AVIVideoRenderWidth=1024 AVIVideoRenderHeight=768 I changed Width= ( to 1920 ) – Height= ( to 1080 ) Close .INI file and save changes. Start up Picture to EXE, and create your show as usual, however up to this point I have kept things pretty simple with a few transitions. When your show is complete best to Create AS & Save AS at this point. Video Choose Create Custom AVI video file ( with settings ) Width 1920 – Height 1080 Leave the Audio / Video codec as defaults ( Picture To Exe Video Codec ) Click – “ Create AVI “ Choose a folder to save temp AVI to, note this will automatically be deleted when Burn is done and PTE closed. The “ Making of AVI Video “ box opens and a temp file is created. Once temp .AVI is complete – minimize PTE – using the ( - ) in the box, which will leave Picture to EXE still open but minimized to system tray DO NOT CLICK “ FINISH “ Authoring / Burning I personally use Nero Vision 4, but many other programs can be used with a few basic settings being made. In Nero Vision 4, I open and choose “ Make a DVD “ – choose DVD Video. Click “ More “ bottom of screen Click “ Video Options “ - on the ( General ) screen click NTSC or PAL for your region - choose ( DVD – Video ) screen click 16:9 – OK ( Leaving all other settings as automatic – at this time ) Choose “ Add video files “ – now locate your PTE temp .AVI file, which was created by PTE in the folder you saved it to. Once added Click “ Next “ to proceed to create a Menu – then " Next " Preview screen and " Next " again to Burn Page. When Burn is complete bring PTE back up to maximize. Note Your show should have been saved at the beginning, if not - Create AS & Save AS now. Click “ Finish “ This deletes your “ temp AVI file “ Close Picture to EXE, Open Windows Explorer and locate the .INI file again in PTE folder and change the .INI file back to original. ( Width=1024 & Height=768 ) AVIVideoRenderWidth=1024 AVIVideoRenderHeight=768 Close to Save. On another NOTE you may want to make reference to 1920x1080 in your file name as a reminder to change the .INI file to 1920 - 1080 settings in case you need to edit your show and do another burn. Example: Myshow_1920x1080.PTE / Myshow_1920x1080.EXE If you are fortunate to own, or able to view on a HD Wide screen TV. I am sure those of us that are following this thread would like to hear your comments on your results if you decide to give it a try. There are other variations to creating a 16:9, but this has worked well for me. When I viewed on a 42 inch HD Wide screen 16:9 I was totally impressed. My computer specs Windows XP Pent 4 – 2.4 1.5 GB Ram Media used – DVD-R Burn speed 4x ? Many thanks to those members that have contributed to this topic. Your thoughts, advise & sugestions appreciated.
  19. Hi Bill In PTE - Video have you selected to create a Custom .AVI ? ( 720x528 ) If so - try settings DVD video disc - NTSC WinAVI to Mpeg_2 - ( Auto ) if you want to create a Mpeg_2 to save. Or - as Ken suggested, if you wish to just have one show on a disk. WinAVI direct to DVD.
  20. Gordon As JPD explains - try bringing in as a Picture - in Object Editor Click on your .GIF image in the Object Editor. Click – Properties Make sure – Transperant Background is checked. See if that does anything.
  21. Hawk

    forum AV

    ronwil No matter what pictures we look at maybe people are to judgmental about what brings peace to the soul of another human being. That could be one of the reasons why we have problems with peace in the world today. When I submitted my images, I included an explanation of photos. I also stated that posting of these pictures to the show was left up to the discretion of the author. Regards
  22. Hi Jill, hope you are making some progress. Just to add some quick answers to your questions, and Ken's & Al's comments. No problem, however some limitations without the Nero Full Version and DVD burner. Only VCD & SVCD. Your computer will handle OK, I have done many SVCD's with my old Pent. II No, PTE will create only the temporary .AVI file that is required to proceed further. VCD - Less quality - SVCD - Better quality and close to DVD. Yes SVCD requires a Mpeg-2, created with another program such as free version of TMPGEnc. See Ken's link above. NOTE: - You must check with your friends in regards to DVD PLAYER specs and make sure they can play a SVCD, also what format disk's. Most newer players do play popular formats, but not older models. Here again - no problem. For this one you would tell PTE - Video - SVCD - NTSC, then if using TMPGNec use SVCD - NTSC settings. - pick your file and save folder - use all defaults settings and MPEG-2 is created - to burn onto CD-R. ( here again check about DVD PLAYER specs. ) VCD's - burned on CD-R's will play, or should play on any DVD player. The menu in your PTE show cannot be controlled by the DVD player, I would suggest burning them all as seperate shows onto CD-R and the DVD player will list them all for viewer to choose. To create a DVD Player fancy menu you will require a DVD Authoring program like Nero full version or another that does menu's for VCD,SVCD & DVD's As Ken mentions - video is time consuming. If you go with SVCD and Mpeg-2 creating the file will take some time to first transcode however once your Mpeg-2 is created, the burning of other copies will not take long at all, as you are burning just the completed Mpeg-2 file. Lets us know how you are getting along.
  23. Jim No apologies necessary. There is no time or space wasted on this forum. All questions big or small are equally important to the user or helpful to someone else. Glad it was a simple fix.
  24. Hi Jim Welcome to the forum. You do not by any chance have " Show Image - unchecked do you on #91? " See attachment:- click to enlarge.
  25. Ray Sorry for the late reply, I also wanted to thank you very much for the follow up on this topic. To answer your question as to my daughters DVD player, I am not sure what she has, except that it is a newer Panasonic just purchased before Christmas 2005 and I think it has a few goodies. And as far as my images being slightly distorted yes there are two in question, as you mentioned my image sizes were not a 16:9 ratio. Still trying to put it all together as Al mentions a challenge and a new venture for us also. Ken was kind enough to have my test show viewed on a 100” wall through a projector and results were still overwhelming and promising for first attempt. Once again Thanks.
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