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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. Test Image: ( deleted image - uploaded again Oct 13/05 - not working at this time ) Posted image again - Oct 18/05 - This feature is now working. I agree with you Ken, I also do hope this feature stays. Edited Oct 18 - it appears it's here to stay. This sample was edited to 800x600 – .jpg - file size 108 kb
  2. Igor Removed avatar from my web page link. Used - Upload image from my computer - worked ok.
  3. Hi David – also a warm welcome. Be sure to check out fellow member Ken Cox archives of “ Links To P2E Members Sites “. Starting with his first post, visit our friends at Beechbrook were you can download many fine presentations. Read through the posts for many more interesting sites. We are very soon expecting a new release with more enhanced features from Igor and his team. Enjoy
  4. Isabel Ok so you do have Quicktime installed, and it is still being used as Browser Plug-In to play mp3's. I have e-mailed you some screen shots of were I changed settings in Quicktime. Take a look at them Isabel and let us know if they are the same as you changed.
  5. Hello Isabel I am not sure if this is the problem or not?. I do not know if you have Quicktime installed as a browser Plug-In, but here is my findings. I have Quicktime, and I get the drop out on all your links both .wav & .mp3 - each page/photo displays the mini Quicktime Player. When I go into Quicktime Preferences - Mime Settings - Audio - Audio only file format & uncheck .wav Also - Mime Settings - and uncheck Mpeg - Mpeg System, video and audio files. ( Apply ) Windows Media Player - now plays the .mp3 & .wav on each photo/page - with the mini WMP player showing - WITH NO DROP OUT ! If you do have Quicktime installed, you may be hearing the .wav OK and not the .mp3 depending on your Quicktime Preference settings. Just thought I would pass along, of course I cannot verify as I do not know what the other posters to this thread are using for a plug-in. Note - Windows Media Player is my system's default player outside of Browser and plays the .mp3's fine when downloaded
  6. Hi muscle750 - Welcome to the forum After you install 4.43 as Michel has suggested. Top left section across from drive letters A,C,D, & E, click first icon ( small box with dots ) this toggles back and forth between thumbnails and file name. You can then use the slider bar to resize thumbnails. Also clicking " View " - slide to " File Panel As Thumbnails " achieves the same. Once you have your photos in the " Slide List " you can click the bottom far right icon ( looks like folder with arrow ) this puts your " Slide List " photos in a full screen. Another way is " View " - slide to " Fullscreen view of Slide List " Now you can drag them to change their position. Click CLOSE re-arranges them.
  7. Hi speedy2 In regards to your first post: . When you create a .PTE ( working ) file and save it to your hard drive using images on a CD drive, and wish to work on it again it will require the original CD image disk. Also if you clicked " Save " when you first created it loads your last project requiring CD images Yes your right the " Cancel " does not work, the " Retry / Continue " should work if, as the message reads " There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk in drive " It waits for you to insert your image disk ". There is no need to reboot your system, if you had clicked on the close (X) top right corner you would have got a " End Program " pop up screen and could have clicked " EXIT " Start up Picture to EXE again should give you a blank page were you can choose " File " New - project It is highly recommended to create a working folder on your hard dive - copy all images to it and work from this folder. In regards to your second post: Sorry, I am a bit confused. Each time you start up Picture to Exe - is it trying to load the show from your original post, ( one using CD images ? )
  8. Hi Dave, a warm welcome to the forum. After viewing both your shows I can see a remarkable improvement already in your second show Ironbridge Museum Malvern Hill – ending was very abrupt. Ironbridge Museum – Very nice, well done show with quality photos and nice sized border. Backgrounds on both were a little bright for me, but only a personal preference. I think if toned down a touch it would have highlighted your border and photo’s much better. Your enjoying creating! – that’s the important thing. Just some personal comments. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Fried Must be a server problem ? I have downloaded twice this morning - one less than 5 minutes ago. Download size - 45.935 - KB Properties - 47.038.464 Bytes Ran fine ! Ken - give it another shot. ( By the way - Fried - Nice show well done )
  10. Hi Fried Definatly an improper file size, you may want to check size with your friend. ( his download may have got interupted ) Also see - thread http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...x+out+of+bounds
  11. Hi Jim The issue seems to be a small bug with " Unrolling from left " transition - music not starting. However if this first transition is changed to a different one - music does start. If you download Jean-Pierre's small sample above and run his " Test son A ( sound on slide 1) 4.4.EXE " with first slide as " Unrolling from left " you will see that his music .mp3 does not play. The mp3 song is listed in " Customize Slide " Now if you open his sample " Test son A (sound on slide 1).pte " in Picture to EXE program - change the first transition to something else - it does play ?. Either one using - Main screen - Preview Or the work around I wrote above also does get music to start on first slide " Unrolling from left " transition. If mp3 is placed in Project Options - Music list This is a 2 slide sample - not syncronized.
  12. Jean-Pierre I see what you mean about changing your first slide ( unrolling ) to another transition, how the music does start ??? without entering mps in Project Options - Music. I will leave that explanation to Igor !. However my above post seems to be a work around using " unrolling with first image ".
  13. Hi Jean-Pierre I did download your small sample, and opened your .pte file. In the sample using version 4.42 - with page unscrolling, the music does play fine from start ( slide 1 with unrolling transition ) if in Project Options - Music - your .mp3 is entered. Sample .pte file showed this section blank.
  14. Hi bethh – welcome to the forum " Yes " Project Options – up at the top choose “ Comments “ on the screen that appears, at the bottom - check mark “ Set comments for all slides “ – click just to the right in this section (small box with checkmark) opens a drop down list, choose one of the choices. Also on this screen is the option for “ Font “ – “ Color “ & position
  15. Hi David To my knowledge the latest ver is 4.42 http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/
  16. Richhaas - Welcome to the forum I have duplicated your problem and it appears that you cannot use transitions to desktop with multiple .EXE shows with out a work around - as Jim ( JRR ) has explained. It looks as if the last slide of your Show A acts as the desktop image before returning to Windows desktop. ? Maybe Igor can explain why. Al ( alrobin ) I tried both ways Al "Customize Slide" and "Project Options / Advanced" no go. If you view the .PTE file and find something - please post. DEN ( denwell ) Even with Close show after last slide – it still wants to show last slide of show A ? Unless someone else can find a solution. Richhaas - *** another work around - nice effect. Have you considered a one image Menu show, allowing your viewer to choose Show A or B. Now your Show A and B can have a slow fade from and back to the desktop which will show your Menu image as desktop image. Or they could be ran in sequence returning you to the menu show desktop image were you could exit back to Windows desktop. If you or anyone else cares to view a small sample – e-mail me - Subject: PTE Demo.
  17. Click on “ Project Options “ – at the top click “ Effects “ Top right you will see two small boxes – check the one without check marks extreme right. This turns off all transitions, however now it also allows you to choose one or more to use in all slides. For instance choose “ Fade in/out “ all slides will have the fade transition - click OK. Now go back and customize the ones you want the way you were doing it.
  18. Gary Why not break each section up into its own .PTE show Wonder if a Menu type show is what you are after. Take a look at my Demo Menu Show - Page 6 at Beechbrook, see if that can give you a tip or two. Keep in mined this was created only as a demo - no music - older version 4.12 ? Just unzip the file into an empty folder, it contains all images and settings. Menu.EXE starts the demo - it can be altered in may ways. You could add an INDEX slide to each seperate show, listing your images by name ( or thumbnail picture) with a Go to - and a return action to INDEX, or back to Menu Beechbrook - Page 6
  19. anneframe - Welcome to the forum You had your original .pte file saved at first, as you mentioned you did open the earlier project to edit. The edited show once you click “ Create Slideshow “ would have only created an .exe and possibly overwritten the first and not changed the original .pte ( working file ) at that time. Unless you " Saved As " or UNTIL you closed the program – you are then asked “ Project has been changed. Would you like to save it “ If you had checked “No ” it would have resorted back to the original .pte file name. Now if you clicked “ Yes “ the working file .pte would have been overwritten ( lost original ) If you are not sure what you clicked when you did exit the program “ Yes “ or “ No “ ** Check the .pte file again in your working folder. Or if folder or file name was changed - as a last resort, do a search – all files - .pte - see if original is still on computer. I agree with Leif, I also “ Save As “ & “ Create Slide Show As “ using a different file name each time I exit. You can always delete the ones you do not require when show is completed. Ronnie My Error: Ron this message only appears when choosing " Create Slide Show As " with same file name - not when clicking " Create Slideshow" My Error Edited: Sorry Ron my error. It does ask you the first time, however if changes are made and you click " Create Slideshow " a second time it overwrites with no warning.
  20. Also a warm welcome Par I just finished a Fireworks Display show, which had the same “ Swoosh “ – then loud explosion sound as the firework burst and actually found it a bit annoying slide after slide with the same sound. I guess each author has his / her preferences. As far as a mute button added to the “ Navigation Bar “ I would have to agree on that one. There was mentioned at one time of the program adding a new navigation bar with added features, not sure if it is still in the making. Our good member boxig does have a utility which may interest you called MuteSound. (bottom section) boxig's site
  21. Hi Tim Glad to hear you are up and running. You have a very nice collection of pictures of our feathered friends, and have started were we all have at one time with a basic presentation. The tricks, your personal touch, likes and preferences will come in time as you create more shows. Now that you are able to view the .exe show files, by all means re-visit the good folks at “ Beechbrook Cottage “and other show links. Every technique I have learnt with the program is due to fellow members sharing. Thanks for sharing yours and YES I am looking forward to more of your creations.
  22. Hi Dave He is definatly confused and installing the wrong program. Picture To Exe is a Stand Alone Program. Quicktime is not required Direct him to the correct URL - http://www.wnsoft.com/
  23. Hello Larry Aside from checking into a web server with enough storage to upload all your samples too which would be less work involved for you, one thing that comes to mind is a Peer-to-Peer program such as Yahoo Messenger – MSN – ICQ If your potential client has such a program installed you could send them any size file. ( both have to be on line at the same time ) Of course dial up is dial up. Yahoo Messenger has what is called a Briefcase ( web space with 30 meg ) enough for maybe two shows. The visitor is not required to be a user of Yahoo and is directed by your link to your Briefcase Page for download. Added: Larry do a search on forum - ( type ) There are several services you could use Read posting by JRR, another alternative. No doubt a larger web space account would be the best solution.
  24. Hi pprince Are you referring to when you check the box " Create custom AVI video file " If so the defaults for NTSC are Width 720 - Height 540 - and your frames per second 29.97 Pal defaults - Width 768 - Height 576 - frames per second 25
  25. Hi David Check - Project Options - Screen See if you have " Show Transition Efect To Desktop After Last Slide " ( checked ) If so UNCHECK and give it a try. Transitions to desktop after last slide I believe shuts down show.
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