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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. Patrick Hit the browser "Refresh" button once or twice. Common "Yahoo Briefcase Problem"
  2. Patrick As I had already created a small demo to further explain my post. (if you requested) For the benefit of others and new users interested in this type of presentation ( and to demonstrate the possibilities of PTE ) I have posted my sample (quick!) demo to a web page temporarily for a couple of days. ( Due to limited space ) ( files removed Nov 14/06 ) Files are still available - E-mail me from my profile.
  3. Patrick A side from the 2 show suggestions. If you wish to only have one show, and intend to use the navigation bar. I wonder if creating your own, navigation bar would do the trick. On slide #20, the “Next Slide” navigation button would give the “Action” directing to last slide #40. ( No extra buttons required ) You can re-name the navigation buttons and direct anywere in the presentation you wish. As to "Automatic", I think the only way is with 2 shows.
  4. Igor Using images 1920 x 1080 as I have always done in the past for HDTV 16:9. I have been working with the 16:9 ratio, and seem to have problems with the menu when played back showing as 4:3, when the DVD player reads the IFO file. No problem with the burn and they do play on TV / Computer but as 4:3. During the rendering images are displayed as 4:3 on screen however your menu at the end does show 16:9 PTE screen setting is set at 16:9 and DVD Builder also set as 16:9. ** If I create a DVD without the menu it burns perfectly as 16:9 ----------------------------------------- Video_TS Folder. From computer. Clicking on the following files. VTS_01_1.VOB - ( Main show files ) – ( No menu ) plays the show as it should 16:9 VTS_01_0.VOB - ( Menu show files ) – plays menu as it should 16:9 VTS_01_0.IFO - or the Video_TS.IFO - ( DVD movie info start file ) - Starts menu 4:3 and show plays at 4:3 ? I have also created an .AVI – with HDTV settings and dragged it into the DVD Builder. This does render and display all images as 16:9, ( thought I had problem solved ) – but same results once the IFO file is read or clicked on – back to 4:3. -------------------------------------- There is also a small flaw when one drags / resizes the menu show thumbnail pane larger. A yellow box flashes as if it is the original size frame flashing ( when using annimation )
  5. Penton – Welcome to the forum. You may want to give this a try. ( ver 4.48 ) Example: Slide show images 1 to 20 Slide 20 – last slide of show - give a long timing duration say 10 minutes. (Actual end of presentation) Slide 3 – using Object Editor – Button – Properties “ Go to slide number “– in “ Enter slide number section “ enter 21 ( lets say this is an Information slide ) Slide 21 you could add a Button with same properties as above directing it to go to back to Slide 3. You could have as many as you wish to use as INFO slides outside of the original presentation, 21 – 22 - 23 – 24 – etc. Just create a button to direct it back to the original show image. Yes I would use the “ Navigation Bar “ (with Pause) I believe you cannot use " Synchronize show " - will have to look up an old show I did with this procedure, been a long time. Not sure if this is what you are trying to achieve.
  6. thedom I have a complete tutorial here that seems to be what RayC has. Your template - bjc tutorial using it - .SWF files - HTML file - the .ATN file plus Readme file. Sent to your e-mail address via Dropload. ( 36.254 kb - zipped ) Take a look at it and let us know if that is the one you are after.
  7. Hi Robert In a reply to JPD, I used the following method to copy and paste a slide from one project to another. See post #5 http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....amp;#entry31206
  8. Dominique If I can be of any assistance, contact me through my profile.
  9. Fried Yes however there are a few things you may want to consider and plan ahead before attempting such a large file. Let me gather my thoughts and I will e-mail you over the week-end.
  10. thedom Working fine on my end, I just received notification of your post above.
  11. I see that this appears to be a new version of Invision 2.1.6, old version was 2.1.4. Down in the lower left corner it is set at this time to default color / skin. It does show a Skin Selector possibly this is not enabled yet ?, which would allow us to choose our own color scheme Visable when logged in. If this is the case - Lets hope it is enabled shortly.
  12. Fried Let me add my compliments to an outstanding presentation, as PTE users we can well imaging the workload you had putting this all together. We personally are using Nero 7 ( latest Burning rom ) and there are other programs that will allow you to add separate folders before the burn which could contain the .EXE, all images of your show along with the .PTE for backup or editing. In version 5 you could add the backup.zip. ( all in one neat package on the DVD disc ) In Nero this is accomplished by using Nero Vision to encode and write the DVD – Video_TS folder files to your hard drive. ( this is the time consuming part ) Once the files are created, Nero Burning Rom can be opened and the extra folders can be added to contain your images and any other files. The burn procedure is rather fast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOY ! – would I like to see this show done with 1920 x 1080 cropped images as widescreen HDTV 16:9 and viewed on a 42 “ plasma. ( was a projector used at the awards banquet ? ) Something to consider is the file size, but with the sharpness of your images a ( 1 pass ) encoding might well be acceptable to cut down on time. For example I just finished a Car Show final .EXE was 42 meg. Using images 1920 x 1080 with average file size 700 KB and 3 MP3’s using 16:9 HDTV settings in version 5 ( 2-Pass – High Quality settings in Nero ) this took me 4.5 hours to encode. Your high-resolution file is 92 meg !!! ( So this will be an extremely long encoding time ).
  13. From version 4.48 - Help - FAQ 2. Question: What is the largest size that the generated EXE file can be? Answer: The resulting EXE file can not be larger than 2100 Mb.
  14. Hi Jen - Welcome to the forum. Choosing - File - " Save as " creates the .PTE working file for your own use. You must click - File - " Create Slideshow As " - this creates the .EXE for your customer to run. Advisable to take the .EXE and create a .ZIP file to send. Maybe too large for E-mail so you will have to use a different method to get it to your customer. - Post to a web page. - Use " DropLoad " - Use " SendSpace " Any problems - come back to this thread and someone will give you further assistance if required.
  15. Cheryl Burning Data and DVD Video are different. Encoding DVD video can take close to 100 % of computer resources. You may want to try shutting down any running programs “ EXCEPT PICTURES TO EXE “ – which is minimized. I go as far as turning off my Internet connection – closing down my virus scanner, mailer – etc. and not touching the computer while encoding. Just choose ( DVD – Video disc ) – choose ( NTSC / PAL ) your area, and try that first.
  16. Fish 2 There you go !!!! Link works fine ! --------------------------- By the way - nice " Pan " - very smooth on this computer and I like the " Film strip " effect very much.
  17. Hello fish There may be a few ways to do this. One way is to go to the direct download page on Beechbrook and you need the URL ( location in the address section of browser ) - click on it to highlight, or left mouse click ( hold down ) and drag right to left to also highlight - right mouse click and choose " COPY " Then simply right mouse click in the text section when compsing a message - click " Paste " Presentation - A pan by the water ( then you right click - " Paste " link as this below ) http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=1375 --------------------------------------------------------- Also you can click on the " Link " icon top of the text area when composing a message and in the box that opens " Paste " the link into the http:/www - section When you click OK - in the section that says " My Webspace " - type in your presentation name. - click OK The name of your show will now show up in the text editor section with the link that will show up in your " Post ". Example: A pan by the water Go ahead and give it try yourself either editing your original post - or do another post below this one.
  18. Gary Your more than welcome. Ken Cox was also kind enought to go through older versions and send me the screen shots of message in question. versions: 4.31 4.41 4.45 4.48 Being upgraded in 4.40 I guess the message being corrected was an oversight. If you still have your problem .PTE file, maybe you would like to send it to Igor I am sure when he reads it he could point out were your error was occuring. There is one warning message in Ver 5 that is nice that I am aware of, and maybe more ?. Example - Project Options - set Time Duration of each slide for 4 seconds. - Pick any slide in slide list - Customize it to Effect Duration 6000 Then click Preview - message will pop up advising you the error and slide number.
  19. Gary (?) Information message Gary not sure were your problem was, but glad to see you have it resolved. Just thought we would pass this small finding along to you.It appears the information in the little (?) mark next to “ Synchronize slide show to music duration “ has been out dated for some time. Actually March 5/2004 – version 4.40. After reading the “ History File in 4.48 “ – it is stated. PicturesToExe v4.20 (March 5, 2004) ----------------------------------- + Improved synchronized mode of presentation. Now you can fully control presentation in this mode; go to any slide; use Navigation bar; Pause feature. To activate this mode set checked "Permit the control" (Project options | Main tab). -------------------------------------------------- So I do not think your problem was in this area, no violation on your part that I can see. I see that in version 5, it has been removed.
  20. Gary Not sure if this will help - but if you are " Synchronizing show " Have you got - " Permit Control of show " checked ?
  21. Gary Have you got " Close show after last slide " checked ? If you are " Daisy Chain " ( running in sequence ) presentations then " Close show after last slide " setting is used for all shows.
  22. Gary Your Menu ( 1 image show ) ( Menu.EXE ) - must have " When show ends keep last slide of show on screen " checked. The properties of each button has the " Run application or open file " directing it to the " show.exe " For each of your seperate shows to run individually - you must have set to " Close show after last slide " This will return you to the Menu Show still on screen ( still running in the background ) You can then choose another show. Keep all .EXE's in same folder & no path is required in the " Run application or open file ", just the show name .EXE If you wish to " Daisy Chain " your shows it is a different procedure. Let us know.
  23. Lance Ken and others may have a different opinion, but I never use the Sharpness Filter. I do all my editing with my graphic editor. If I feel some adjustment should be made I can do it at the TV level - Contrast / Sharpen. Using Photoshop Elements I crop from the original camera Image, sharpen 1 touch. I also prefer to burn/ write to Hard Drive with Nero to produce the Video_TS folders. Then using Nero Burning Rom I burn at a 4x speed to DVD disk. Nero I think defaults to 4x. I have heard the slower the burn the better ? Glad to hear you are seeing some improvements.
  24. Hi Lance - also a warm welcome. You may want to un-check Sharpness Filter. Images on the TV I have found if just a touch blured show better / smoother. You are aware you will not get the quality of the .EXE as you do on your computer monitor. However they should be acceptable. Your Log File posted looks Ok to me. Take Kens advise and crop your images to 1024 x 768 and do a small 7/8 image slide test show.
  25. lazarus – Welcome to the forum Can you give some more details as to the construction of your show? For instance have you used “ Customized Synchronization “ If customized sync, you may want to look at the problem slide area in the timeline. ( second slide from the end ) ( possible transition points are too close together ) Will your show run OK – without the music?. Are you using Mp3 music files and are they joined as one file?.
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