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    Dayton, OH, United States of America
  • Interests
    In photography business since 1977. Photograph over 200 weddings per year. Also many family portraits, dance studios, and elementary schools. Still use film and Hasselblads to capture images for weddings but color lab scans film and provides all images on cd; this way we get the best of both worlds.

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  1. PTE is just about the best program I have ever used and I have been using computers since 1982. I just love this program!! I am a photographer and use PTE to create a slideshow for each bride. She views all her wedding images so that she can order her images for her album. We use the same basic setup for each show. But I think that I am not doing it the best way possible. When I choose the "wedding show" template, I get all the images from the wedding that was set in the show when I created the template. This forces me to clear all the images, move to appropriate folder and add all the images from the new wedding. I just found out tonight that when I press the "create" button, the .exe file goes into this folder: c:\programs\pic2exe\templates\bridesname.exe. I had to press the create button several times until I could figure out where the file was going. After I got to the folder under c:\programs\pic2exe\templates\ I found a lot of images from the first wedding that I created the template. Here is what I would like to do: 1: go to folder where bride's images are stored 2: apply template (without having to erase all the other images) 3: create the .exe file that is written and stored in the same folder as the bride's images (so I don't have to find it). 4: as a side issue, I would like to delete all those images that are under the templates folder. Is this possible? Thanks, Chuck
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