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About Scuba

  • Birthday 09/09/1962

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  • Interests
    Scuba Diving<br>Underwater digital photography<br>Computer graphics

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  1. Finally downloaded - worth the wait FWIW I am on adsl (1500mbps) and it still took me around 35 minutes and I had a load of bandwidth being unused - seems to throttle from the servers end . Anyway, love the pictures, thought the music was most appropriate and the setup very good. One thing you can't get away from - Good photos maketh the presentation ! - no matter how much high faluting technology we use to generate it. Any more where that came from Lowskid? SCUBA
  2. Hi Jeanie, I too, "found" pic2exe from digital photo mag. I suspect you are talking about the tutorials "advertised" on the site of the author of the mag's tutorial ( phew...mouthful ) I have NOT bought those- but there are several EXCELLENT tutorials available free from the members here. You will find them at beechbrook. select category tutorial Beechbrook link Try them first - if it's not clear ask here and THEN buy the magazines tutorials if you need to. I think that you'll find the most experience and help for free right here. It is an incredibly friendly and helpful forum!. Good luck and let us see what you put together! Scuba Australia
  3. Hi Fred, thanks for your comments.... I HAVE been having FUN lol So far have burned --- VCD; SVCD; KVCD...used TMPEG + VCD-EASY, also tried Nero. My DVD player DOES play VCD/SVCD The Pictures / shows come out better than expected and SVCD easily better than VCD. Interestingly KVCD looks good EXCEPT for the transitions. Found that TMPEG seems to be a better / faster encoder than Nero MPEG2 encoder but can't really see a quality difference as I have them set up - ummm at least as I have TMPEG set up ...not many options in nero wrt encoding! Anyway - continuing to experiment now - time for bed - almost midnight in the antipodes
  4. Hmmm.. ok maybe I can answer my own question..... Been playing around I think the problem is that I was looking at the AVI in full screen mode when their inherent resolution is smaller than my 1024x768. This is forcing the media viewer to interpolate pixels for the larger view.?? When I look at the native resolution of the SVCD or DVD avi the pictures seem fine - if a little small... sooooo....gonna burn gonna burn gonna burn all night long talkin' bout a reso-o-lutionnnn uhuh uhuh uhu h ahem - anyway- that make sense?
  5. HI all - new user of P2E and Loving it! Tried to creat an AVI file of a presentation ( a temp avi) and then had a look at it in Windows media player ( P2E still running of course). Went to Full Screen on wmedia player - very dissapointed in the quality of the pictures. Seem soft, indistict with enough aretifacts to irritate me The presentation as a preview or an EXE file looks great on the monitor however. So....question - is the poor quality I'm seeing a true reflection of what P2E has encoded for an AVI file and therefore - as good as I can hope for when encoded for a vcd/svcd/dvd OR is it really a reflection of poor handling by windows media player and I should just ignore it and continue on to the burning route? I was planning on using TMPEG to encode and probably VCDeasy or nero to burn but...am I only going to get a mediocre facimile of what was a great EXE ? your thoughts appreciated,
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