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    Mesa Arizona
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  1. Thanks Barry! Your video has been a big help to me - I certainly appreciate your time and effort to make it. I've already learned a lot and I'll be doing some more work with keyframes. Nice to learn something new... Eddie
  2. Thanks for the quick reply Barry! However I don't quite get how to do what you said...I've never worked with key frames before so I guess I will have to some more trying different things to make the text appear and disappear at the times I want it to. Nothing in the user manual that I can find that says how to do this. Just a matter of an old guy like me trying to learn new things . I'll try again Sunday evening AZ time when I get home from work - I have an early start for work in the morning so I won't do anymore tonight. The more I use PTE the more I like it...it does seem to be a powerful program. I just wish the user manual had more detail....or else I am missing something? I never did much with ProShow other than your basic slide shows making them quite similar to a real slide show with a Kodak Carousel projector and a screen showing Kodachrome slides. I even thought of recording the slide projector and then using that noise for a transition but I never did that - that would have been a bit much! My early PSP shows are of my old Kodachromes scanned and then enhanced with Photoshop and then made into a digital slide show. But I think I can do better now with PTE and some advice from those who are good with PTE. Thanks again - your help is much appreciated! Eddie in hot dry Arizona
  3. Hi all, A new user here...a former ProShowProducer 9 user who is now starting to learn PTE. After a bit of a rough start I am now starting to really like the program. Thanks to Igor for his time and help to get started and understanding how PTE works. One thing I am trying to do is to put some text on a slide for a shorter time than the slide itself is shown. After a little looking around I did figure out how to set the timing for the text object shorter than the slide display time. However, I cannot figure out how to make the text slowly dissolve or fade out when its time is up...right now it just disappears off the slide abruptly. I don't see anything in the help manual about how to do this. I tried using the same slide twice in a row (one with the text and the other without) but somehow that prevented the slide with the text from showing at all. Any ideas? Thanks! Eddie in Arizona
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