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Alan Lyons

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Everything posted by Alan Lyons

  1. Hi Guido! " Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ"
  2. I would suggest you start by searching this forum for topics such as "run application after last slide" and "add buttons" ect. i guess what you want is a combination of a manual driven show with automatic sections starting at agiven point. I'm sure what you want is possible but you may have to do a bit of trial and error to get to work. Keep us posted, and the best of luck, Alan
  3. Al, just to clarify, I ment to say that the table would alert you that say D:Pictures/my show/ 005.jpg is missing this would allow you to restore rhe file to this location. This now hapens when you open P2E so it shoule be possible to have it hapen when you open the table. Alan
  4. That wouls be a hum dingger of a slidetable Al! It would also need to track the file paths, so if a file is moved you have a path to put it back. like the file error notice at start up. Alan
  5. Remember the critics guide to editing. "I was glued to my seat throughout, only for this I would have left in the first minute" The amount of slides you can use is: just enough
  6. Hi Al, Thats the general idea, but if you decide to stop in mid session you would need to have the table reload with the last settings. Or start all over again. Perhaps the info could be part of the .pte file, Alan
  7. Hi all, I also would be a fan of the light table but I feel you would need to have a rename option to hold your sequence. Or some way of P2E knowing that the slides follow in that sequence. As for the wave form I have already said in the other thread, that the waveform is helpful but don't lean on it too hard as it can effect the tempo of your show. Would we like to have thumbnails on the time line also or is the screen enough? Some programmes use both. In transitions, I feel that each should be used carefully. Just because it's there does not mean it has to be used. The show is the thing not the clever effects. Having said that, at Ian Bateman's show in Dublin on Saturday, we saw many different effects used with stlye and subilty. The pan / zoom was very interesting. My last wish is for someone to bring the coffee now and then Alan
  8. I would agree that the light table would be more urgent. Having come from slide/tape it seems so easy to time a show with a time line and not have to rewind a tape or try to listen through a sync. pulse. But we loose out by not having a light table to sort the secquence. As for the beat recognition, I would stay away from using this to sync a show as it can lead to rough edged secquence. I remember seeing a show many years ago where the slides changed with the beat. by 10 slides in we were all clapping along with the change Alan P.S for Maureen thanks for the parcels Saturday, Ian was the only postman working in Dublin that day. Alas, they did not help with the lotto win.
  9. We all seem to have survived wish I could say the same for the weather here in Dublin. Hottest 17th for a while now today back to the rain and wind no gardening today But to quote a Hollywood legand "If they can dye the river green for one day, why can't they dye it blue for the other 364? See you Saturday week Clive, Alan
  10. Just to wish all here the very best for Paddys day from all in Ireland. Well except for the guy who calls time tonight
  11. I think Larry's comments can be summed up by the old saying, 'Every thing is art, it is the job of the artist to convince someone else" Alan
  12. Never mind Maureen, We will make a collection at the IPF event and will send food parcels over to the Geoffrey Round to keep ye all alive to the end. Hope it's a great success Alan
  13. Hi Granot, You forgot to add the name of the utility. Regards, Alan
  14. Hi all, I've been watching this thread for a while, and a lot of good ideas have been put out. I like to hear comments on my work as I find that as you bring a show to compleation you need a cold eye to spot the cracks. The final mile is always the tricky one and it is easy to make do as a deadline comes for a competition or such. We amatures are lucky that we can choose to ignore the closing date and wait for the next one. I don't think that anyone would list a show as being bad. The members here are too willing to help you improve. Also if you take a review too seriously then you've missed the point. As Ken said "different strokes for different folks" Take whats said on board and see if it's benifical. We have a world forum here but perhaps some local groups could meet to learn or show. See what the UK A/V world is up to most months, Alan
  15. As we say over hear Ron "Nevermind the quality, feel the width." Alan
  16. Hi Ian, If I get the grant I am thinking of I would be omnipresent . Either way I will see you on the 27th, Regards, Alan
  17. Thanks Maureen for the kind wishes from St. Davids Country. Hope you were not too tender yesterday. We are now in full traning for St. Paddy's Day. Standards must be maintained . I have applied to the national lottery for funding to attend A/V events world wide. I make my application every Saturday and Wednesday, but as of now the cheque has not arrived Where are your shots for the THIRD IMMAGE Best Wishes, Alan
  18. Hi Peter, Looks like you have your work cut out. when was the last time you saw an event whith this level of entries? It seems that workers are voting with their CDs . My two should be with you now P.G. unfortunatly the local bailiff says I can not go to the event, but Phil and I wish you the very best for the weekend, Regards, Alan
  19. Hi Bart, Very good images. just one question though, if we use the laptop shot as a title will this be sponsorship, and will we all get a free laptop? This should incourage the others to enter, Alan
  20. Hi Mike, I see you say you have 3 or 4 disolves per second? If this is the case it could be the root of your problem. To change images this fast, you should use the "no Effect" option (cut) the disolve takes time to happen, and it is hard to get good disolves less than a second each. In the timeline, you will see a shadow after the transition number. No other transition can be placed within this shadow. Alan
  21. Hi Leslie, As was said examples of work will show you what this programme can do. But it will not show you how easy it is to get to grips with the programme. I think all would agree that this is far and away the most user friendly programme of its type. You also have the free updates for life which no other programme will give. But the best part of all is this forum, which is full of friendly willing experts and novices who are willing to share their ideas, and help all who ask. A brief scan of the forum will show you just how valuable this resorce is, Best of luck, Alan
  22. hi Ron, sorry about the ratio mis match. I'm still working in 35mm and the retain aspect ratio was on. I'm still playing with my scanner so things can be a bit wobbly at times. We are having Ian Bateman over at the end of March hope some of the clouds will lift then . Time is getting tight for the rest of the group to lodge thier work. I hope the site wont crash in the rush Best wishes, Alan
  23. Hi Claire, As the image suit says you need to have a sound editing programme. There are some cheep/free and chearfull programmes available, but the likes of cool edit may be a bit daunting to start with. In these programmea you load all the mp3 files ore record sound onto a time line which becomes your show sound. You then have verious tools which allow you to, drag a file to a given time, fade a track in ot out, or cross fade two sounds. They will also have multi tracks which will allow you to add voice overs or sound FX to your show. The final file is saved as an mp3 and this is used for your show. I see by your profile you live in SE England, there are many A/V workers in this area it would be worth your while to contact www. avworld.org to see whats happening nearby. The one day workshops are always good and I've yet to hear of anybody been bitten by a tame or wild A/V worker Best wishes, Alan
  24. Hi Clare, I assume that when you say to add music to the start is no problem that you are using sound editing software. If so, then the best way to get your result is to mix the pieces as neded into one mp3 and use this as your show music. As for gettong stuck on one slide, have you added all your slides to the timeline? What I do is use the "add timed teansitions" this sets out the slides at equal distance along the time line, you then can drag them to where you want them on the time line. Hope this helps you get going, Regards, Alan
  25. Architecture it is then, Lets hit the bricks! Sorry, I'll go lie down now. Alan
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