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Everything posted by Alan Lyons
Sir?, did I miss something, an honour at last . I dont know about XP but in 98 you ask to run a screen saver, then click browse,and the file is picked up. Thats all i know, Your Honnor, Upps, sory thats when you are in court Good luck with it, Alan
Correct me if I'm wrong, To run a screen saver you need to tell your computer to run a screen saver, and to run a peticular one. This is done in the display setion of your controll pannel. You cannot run it as an .EXE file, Alan
Hi Bubba, The difference will be noticable when you try to play the file over speakers in larger rooms then where you make your shows. as Ken says the richness goes first this difference is like comparing tape to CD. If you use voice it is importent to use the best quality possible as when the voice becomes less clear so does the understanding of what was said. What I do to check my tracks is to burn them toCD or onto tape and play them over the home hi fi. Try listining from another room or part of the house, but remember if you have worked on the soundtrack then you already now how it should sound. Try to have someone else listen to it. Alan
Ken, The info has been sent to you by ICQ off this posting, Hope you enjoyed the book , Alan
Hi All, Just in case any one thinks I've fallen off the planet, My email has gone sick. I have not been able to send or recieve all week. Sorry if you have emailed me and not recieved a reply, Alan
And he said unto them, "The larg print givith, and the small print taketh away" (Tom Waits) Alan
Hi Walt, Glad to see you are up and running. To upload just go to Beechbrook.com ans full instructions are on the upload page, Alan
Adding titles and credits to slide show
Alan Lyons replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
Welcome Ron, One good point about P2E is if you copy a slide to the list the file sise does not grow. So, to make a title appear over a slide you can take your slide, say "my slide01" as your first slide then on your editor add your title and call the slide "my slide01title" add this to the slide list after the "my slide01" and then copy "my slide01" after the title slide. This setion of your slide list will look like this: "my slide01" "my slide01title" "my slide01" Depending on the rate of disolve, the image will remain constant for three slide times with the title appearing on the screen over the image then disolving away as you see on TV or Film, Alan, -
Hi John, I would back up what has been said so far. P2E is a very easy programme to use. the exe files are reliable and can be opened on any PC. I would a ways recomend it to new users. I see by your details you are in Lancashire, did you know there are many A/V Groups around your area? In fact the Wimslow Group are holding an event in November. Tap into www. maureenalbright.com to see whats happening in the Uk, you will find a link to most A/V sites there dealing with analogue and digital presentations, Alan
Phill, See boxig's web page at http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/ He has an autorun utility there, Alan
Hi Claire, Welcome aboard. As Al says, the syncronization takes a little more work, but if you combine the entire sound track into one sound file, (search for music editors on this forum), you dont run the risc if a delay as the programme goes off to find both a new music file, and a new slide at the same time. Also if the section ends before the music the music will cut sharply when the next piece of music is requested. With the single music file and the syncronize option you can set your fades and transitions to key points in the soundtrack. i.e. fade to black as the music fades, or to burst on to the screen as music peaks. With a commentry sound track you can deliver the slides as the comentry needs them. Good luck, Alan
Thanks for the tip on the "loaf of bread" I thought it was a slide preview button perhaps I should ues my own loaf Alan
Hi Al from Al, You cannot preview a show if you have not added music as the time line uses this to determin the lenght of the show. what I think would be useful is to be able to test transitions between slides as wdid on projectors to see if the disolve/ third image worked well. Currently if you move down the slide list you just get a swithh between slides, but if the transition worked here you could see if the effect was sucessful, Alan
Hi Igor et all, Like Mc Arthur, I too use P2E for digital a/vs. One addition to thhe programme I would like to see is the ability to see the transition between slides in the slide list. Currently the only way you can check if two slids disolve well to gether is to apply music and use the syncronise option. In some shows you may not have desided on the soundtrack until after the slides are selected. It would be nice to be able to check if the transitions are effective at this stage, Alan
Hi Barry, You plan to cover a lot in your tutorial! I have given lectures on sound creation from time to time here in Ireland, and what I find is this. People will proudly tell you that "my photography is a life long learning experience, but if you cannot teach me all there is to know about sound in one afternoon then you must be useless". As you know the sound side of A/V is just as complex as the photography and therefor just as rewarding when it starts to go right, Go for it lad! Alan
Terri, Glad to see you are undre way now. it has been said before that the best help file for P2E is to search this forum, most problems have been encountered before. I'll just mention the preview button, this allows you to see your show in full screen mode before you create the final exe. file. It is a handy tool as it returns you to the place you were in, in the programme i.e. customise syncro or, front page. It saves you having to re launch P2E and load the project if you find that the running order is not as you wished. Preview would be the last stop before create. Good look, Alan
Another thing you have to consider is the read rate of your CD rom. I think this is the main cause of your problem as the system cannot deliver the images and sound fast enough if it needs to read from a CD rom drive. I always recomend that the exe. file be copied to HD and then played. Alan
Welcome Walt, Good advice from the crew as usual but I would add that you listen to the final track through speakers, as a track can sound fine in a headset but quite poor in a room. As Guido says a seperation of about 20bd between the voice and the music is good, but if the voice has a little more trebble also it helps the seperation. The sound side is like the photography, it needs careful attention and lots of practice to get good, Alan
Hi Igor, Welcome back from your 'alleged' holiday I agree with Andrew about the thumnails, most traditional A/V workers would like to have a "light box' for their shows. but we dont want the interface to get too busy so maybe you coulld replace the slide list with a thumb viewer. I like the idea of having the timeline at the bottom of the screen, this would save a lot of window swapping, Take it easy, Alan
Harry, What can happen also is if you still have your music editor open with the file in place P2E will not be able to use the file, it likes to have sloe acces to the music at the planning stage. At create P2E takes a copy of the file. Not good for the heart this one as your first thought is that you have lost all you work on the musuc file Regards, Alan
Marianne, Some of the problems with scanned images, in fact all digitized images comes from "noise" caused by the way the image is collected and rendered in digital format. Try www.neatimage.com this programme is designed to deal with this problem by examinine a single colour section of your image. Once you have found a good result you can save a job for a given scanner/ camera and pass all images through this first before going to your image editor. The free version allows you to do one image at a time but if you buy you can batch treat. Have a look at the free before buying, Regards, Alan
Hi all, Sorry I gave you all some miss information re the Irish national A/V championship they are on 18-19th Oct from 10.30 each day at the AOH Hall on Joyclyn St. Dundalk oppsite the tourist office. regards, Alan
I agree with your point (pint) Ray, Think how much damage is avoided by not having to move slides around a triditional light box. I now scan all work in progress into the computer and only use the slides if an analogue secquence is needed, Alan
Teaching Californians to speek English? Are you shure you haven't bitten off more than you can chew. There are many A/V groups in the UK which would be worth your while checking out. Go to the members section of this forum and find Maureen Albright's file, she has links to AV WORLD, RPS A/V Groups, ect Regards, Alan
Hi John, Welcome to the forum, Al is right the Irish are gathering in this forum maby we need a new section called "The Pub" Anyay, my reason fro writing is to say that P2E has taken hold in Irish A/V circles and we will have a demonstration of DAV at the Nationals in Dundalk 25-26th Oct. Check the IPF web page for details. The hope is to have DAVs in next years competition. Why not come up and see us, I know it's a bit of a lep but if Al Robinson is willing to come from Canada to Cork, Dundalk should be no problem Best Wishes Alan