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Alan Lyons

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Everything posted by Alan Lyons

  1. Hi all, every so often we discuss the use of copyright meterial, I think those who are using music without a licence should pay special to stories currently running on news sites regarding the crack down by the music industry in this area. i.e. http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,3000...2770110,00.html. Alan
  2. Hello all, This is one of the corner stones of audio visual and is the hardest to teach. i would suggest you download some shows from Beechbrook and watch them not for the images but for the way the show is assembled. You can learn this but it will ruin your television and cinema viewing, as you will always have at least one eye on the director and the editor for their tricks, Regards, Alan
  3. no problem Ted, mine's a pint!
  4. Hi Ted, Welcome to the forum. There are two routes you can take. You can "create as...." and sellect your CD writer drive as the destination drive or a safer way is to "create as...." onto your hard drive and then copy to your CD from there. Remember it's the .EXE file you must send to the CD via "Create/create as..." option in the file menu. The file you get when you use "save/save as..." is only a project file and cannot be used to show your sequence. Enjoy your time with P2E, Regards, Alan
  5. Hi Clive, Welcome aboard. the best way to insure that the right music plays at the right time is to combine all tracks into one MP3 with audoi editing software, many of which are mentioned in this forum. To fade one sellection before playing the next the editor uses a "clothes line" which runs through the display for each track. By clicking and draging points in this line you can controll the volume of any part of the music, i.e. fade in/out or lower behind voice over. With an editor you also have tabs at the start and end of each track. By draging thease over each other you can cross fade two tracks and get a much smoother sounding sound track. Once you are happy with the timing, you can use the syncronise option in the project options to place the slides where you need them. You may have to adjust the timing a few times, but the smooth show you will end up with is worth the effort. Hope your handeling the heat down there in Southampton ok Regards Alan
  6. Hi Cici, One thing you have to consider when you say the quality is still ok at the lower bit rate is where the sound will be played. In analogue systems i.e. tape what may sound fine at home and on headphones may be inaudible in a large hall, or even if the clients sitting room is bigger then your PC room. I would suggest a comparison on a programme which measures sound levels, and with a graphic equlizer. Sound files save space by getting rid of "inaudable sounds" on a track, but the more thats taken away the flatter the sound comming from your speakers. Alan
  7. Pete, I can't see why you would want a dark slide in between each slide. This would bring you back to a show like an analogue single projector show. I wasn't aware that it mattered wether fade in/out was applied to the first or second slide. I am reproducing my projector secquences on P2E and the behave as I would expect them to if I used projectors. I would say therefore that the transission hapens between the two slides, which makes the third image possible, Alan
  8. Hi Julie, Welcome to the forum The file which runs the show is an .exe file and therefor should run without any bother. Are you trying to open the Project file .pte? This file is generated when you "save/save as..." and is only a file of commands ect, to help P2E assemble the show. To get an .exe file you need to use the "Create/create as.." option from the file menu. You should then have a click and run file. Hope this solves the problem, Regards, Alan
  9. Sandra, Glad you got what you wanted, and are now fading away . Another thing you need to consider is which slide fades into which. A slide which has dark(er) areas in contrast to it's successor allows what we call a third image to develop. This happens mid way through a disolve when part of both slides are combined on the screen. For an example see my "After The Rain" on Beechbrook and watch how white water appears from the darker areas of the slides. This is one of the most important methods in Audio Visual presentation and can be used to great effect. Alan
  10. Harold, Do you have a long "display slide for" time on your dark slide. As this is only ment to be a marker to allow you to control your real slide 1, I usually set it to display for 1 sec or less. Using the traditonal numbering method for slide trays I number this slide 00. Alan
  11. Hi Andrew, There is a software company called Magix at magix.com who do a lot of media software. I currently have their Audio Cleaning Lab Delux 3.0 which allows you to export MP3 files to a CD. They are also about to launch Studio 7 for $45? not bad eh! Visit their site and I'm sure you will find what you want, Regards, Alan
  12. Hi Dennis, WEelcome aboard. You will find the option to add numbers/names to your slides in the project options folder. I have not used buttons yet but if you search the forum you will find lots of threads on the subject, Regards, Alan
  13. Hi Robert, No reply from the organizers bit I would assume that the standard digital projector set up will be used. So set your images to1024x768 as this is the limit of most projectors. Alan
  14. David, Have a look at where the two tracks meet. I have not tried Audacity yet but there should be drag bars at both ends of a track, by playing with these you can create a crossfade over the two tracks which sounds much smoother than just laying them in train on the MP, Alan
  15. Hi Sam, Jim looks for wiser people,but the advice he give is wise indeed. I would also recomend using the preview option as this allows you to see the final show before you create. I would save the project, run a preview, then if all is OK 'create as...' On the other matter of slides not in the show, you need to use the "add new transision" in the time line to get the slides in. Another route is to clear the slide list and then re add the image folder to the slide list. Up dates dont work till you close and reopen, Alan
  16. Hi Rob, Two things spring to mind. The .cfg is not a PTE Project file type but you say the problem comes when you try to preview is this file relating to your images or music and if so have you moved it to another location. The message suggests that the file needed is not where you expect it to be. This can happen when you transfare files to other drives, i.e for archiving or to CD. Ckeck if this is the case and good luck Alan
  17. Hi all, Well we're off again on copyright. This is not going to go away. I mentioned that I have a shared licence as a member of the Irish Photographic Federation A/V Group which allows me to use copyright music in the production and showing of A/V Sequences for competition and display to clubs ect on a non profit basis. Any P2E user who is non comertial should try to get a group licence going in their area. As for the comercial boys and girls they may allow you to distribute limmited coppies of a given work for a fee. How many wedding show coppies would you make? How many sample pro mos would you distribute? My advice is stay legal it's by far the cheeper option Alan
  18. Hi Barry, Think back to your immatronic days ant the way you had to allow the bulb to fade fully before making a slide change. The time line acts in the same way, "A" needs to be dark before you change it's slide, Alan
  19. Hi Aha, One thing which may cause a problem is if you import a wav, or mp3 to your music editor. They don't like to be re exported, so you should use the save as option. This has caused me to loose hair as I have used an editor to adjust timings and then because I exported to the orignal file i was left with silance! Alan
  20. John, First check if the show stops on the same slide. If so, click on "customise slide" and check if there is any thing sellected which is making the show stop there. If it is a random slide then you may have a conflict on the time line which is causing the show to stop. If you are still not under way you can search the forum as there are many threads on this subject, Alan
  21. Here's another for you Peoplesound.com this site promotes new music and musicans and most will allow you to yse their work if you give acreditation on your show, Alan
  22. Hi, Welcome to the forum. To be brief Yes. You dont say if it's you or another who wants to take the images but you can find many threads on this subject by typing "taking images from shows" into the search option on this page, Alan
  23. Hello Ron, When talkin to Robert, Hi Robert welcome aboard you for got to mention that a "traditional" A/V worker also uses enough cable to rewire a small country and needs enough techinacal now how to run a Mars mission. The reason Robert you may not have seen a traditional A/V worker before is they are a shy breed who hide behind a gigantic pile of projectors, pluse units, tape machines, and the afore mentionned miles of cable. If you should come across one in the wild you should feed him/ her with large quantities if tea or coffee and catering comittee cakes. For this they will regail you with stories of how they managed to connect all the bits together and saved the day. Then before your eyes they will slowly disolve into that strange other world known as The Third Image, Alan
  24. Hi Barry, Welcome to the forum. I bought your CD last week and recomended it to this forum, very good. My wife is planning to get to the Black Country first chance she gets, perhaps I may get to come along too If you go the Presentations in Pictures to EXE section of this forum you will find a section with links to members sites and you can upload to Beechbrook.com from there. I am contractually obliged to advertise at this stage for my own current upload "After the Rain" now Now Showing at Beechbrook, The best of luck, Alan
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