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Everything posted by Alan Lyons
Hi Al, Looks like you had a great weekend if a long one. What is it with AV wives? Nothing sexist here but I see Liz on the door, at the Irish IPF Festival you will nearly always see the same job been done by Phil Lyons and Mary O'Loughlin Try getting in without a ticket with that duo on the door. I wonder if there will be a convention of world A/V Festival door keepers soon. But who will do the door on that one Congradulations on your first Supercircut Festival roll on 2006! Alan
Hi, I oftrn do this to help organize my HD. But i keep afolder on the HD where all my projects come from called "Audio Visuals" Each show folder lives here. So if you remove a foledr for say "show 1" to CD, all you need do is put them back where you got them and then you can work on your project again. I move the whole "show" folder so it is easy to put it all back where the .pte file expects it to be, Alan
Hi The easy way to do this is to select the slide customisation music tab. add music for this slide and don't forget to check the "play new music box at top right. The music will play while the slide is on the screen and be stopped once you move on. It would be a good idea to have a small image file for this slide as this will help with a quick delivery of the sound file, Alan
Yeah, like I said, You only get out what you put in
Hi All, here is a forumle from the past, The bigger the negitve, the more you can enlarge. I assume the same applies to the digital image. The more pixeles used to render an image the more detail will be available in the enlargement. Alan
Hi Jean, Jeff says that the equiptment is expensive, but not if you reliase it can be used again and again. How much did you pay for your camera? I did a show 2 years back which we interviewed members of the public in a near studio enviroment, (a shop) . If you are inter viewing one on one then a uni directinal mic will help filter out what you don't want, but an omni directional will give you some ambient sounds. Record high, but not in the red. Be prepared to edit, we ended up with 15 mins out of 45 mins of tape. Do all your processing before you mix the voices with music or FX. Listen well and often to what you record, and get another set of ears to listen when you grow "tired" of the sounds. Good luck with it it will be fun to do, Alan
Hi Maureen, I know Kierann & Mary are going to the Great Northern. Phil and I are thinking about it. New job starting Monday so I'll have to get my feet under the desk before looking for time off By the way, love your photograph in the id panel, I like the new hair do . Joe , to class yourself as an also ran is just plain loopy Barry, there are no pland to upload shows we will leave that to the authors, Alan
Hi Al, Thanks for your wishes. Sorry I missed the Supercircut this year. As you know it's been a bit of a wobbly one for me. Hi Stonemason, You need to be a member of an Irish Photographic Federation affiliated club. Most clubs in Ireland are members. Hi Barry, I hope to put mine in the Great Northen maby Kierann will do the same. Regards to All, Alan
23rd Irish National Audio Visual Championships Celbridge 2005 Results: NOVICE "Waterford Tall Ships" John O'Neill & Karl Reinl First Place "Bunratty Folk Park" Sean Buckley 2nd Place "The Who Behind The Beauty" Marie McGuinness Highly Commended INTERMEDIATE "Of Bog Water & Hills" Cliff Colreavy Commended ADVANCED "The Photographer" Kierann O' Loughlin 1st Place "Salthill Airshow 2005" Alan Lyons 2nd Place "Brugge By Night" John Dohney 3rd Place Best Photography "Of Bog Water & Hills" Cliff Colreavy Best Sound "The Photographer" Kierann O' Loughlin Best First Time Entrant "Bunratty Folk Park" Sean Buckley Best in Show & Audience Vote "The Photographer" Kierann O' Loughlin Well done to all now for 2006!
Hi David, Welcome to the forum you will enjoy every minute with this programme and make many friends on this forum. Speaking of which, I see you have added a picture Al. Guess the medication didn't work then? Regards to all Alan
Ronnie, This can be abit of a pain at first but once you have "always allow pop ups" from your trusted sites they will run without this bothering you. It's job is to stop thoes anoying "YOU HAVE WON A SQUILLION £££££" pop ups from sites you may visit from time to time. There is one here in Ireland which gives you a pop up after every click cluttering up the task bar and the connection. Leave it on and tailor your favorites. Alan
Hi, The principle for doing this on CD is the same as HD. But you must save all in the same folder on your CD. Then when you use the " run applocation after last slide" you remove all path names i.e. c/ my documents/ show .exe. The link should only contain the "show .exe" section. Regards, Alan
Hi Harry, Irish thoughts and prayers are with you, But dont be too hard on your son re the photographs. See Peter Coles and " Tripple By Pass" www.avworld.org. Alan
Hi, Sorry I have no Spanish, but your problem seems to be that you are using many MP3s in one show> If your processor is slow there can bea delay or failure to load the mp3. If you use a sound editor to combine the files into one then the problem should go away. Search this forum for "Sound Editors" and you should have all the info you need. There are people in Argentina who are entering Audio Visual competitions so you should be able to find local help, Good lucl with your work, Alan
Hi Glenys, I have had some success using the push effect but you need to have the thickness of the smoothing line to 0. and it is better if the transition is not too slow. You can push left to right, right to left top to bottom and bottom to top. Alan
Hi, Bart, One advantage of using a black slide is that it becomes the 1st slide of your sequence and your first image becomes slide 2. This way "transition to no.2 is moveable along the time line and you can place the image exactly where you want it. This also works at the other end, and allows you to fade image and music to darkness and silence together, Alan
Sorry folks, Am I missing something here, If you put 2 slides on the timeline then the second slide starts at the point where it's number appears on the time line, and ends where the next number starts. This applys to "no Transition" settings. If you use fade then the second slide is only fully on the screen from the end of it's fade time to the start point of the next slide. I have found it easier to add the slids to the timeline and use the drag option on the effect shadow to set the disolve. If you drag the blue arrow through the disolve you can also test the efect back anf fowards to see how the effect will look. Also if you clicl "Preview" on the time line when the "play" is running the preview will start from the current point. This is great for testing mid show sections. (ESC will return you to the timeline. With regards to the resolve question I would take the original image and make any adjustments nessary, i.e. sepia tone, fade, scratch, ect and save as say "immage2a" this meand that the registration is maintained with the original, and that you have a reference back to the original, Hope all this helps, Alan
Hi All, This subject is one thats been around since the first Pollock Duo Fade ect. When you use fade to change between slides there is a lot that needs to be considered. As was said earlier, not all slides will work together, but a good rule of thumb is if the slides look to be oppsites. i.e. if one goes from dark to light from left to right and the other from right to left. If the composition of one is disolved over the plainer side of the other. Never have conflicting or crossing lines. I would always use the layer transission to check if two slides will crossfade. One other quick check is if you hold one slide over the other on the time line in P2E, one will become transperent. Its not the ideal, but it does give you a check. Alan
Hi John, I too have had problems with the posting page "Competition"x2 To answer your question, the picture in picture as I understand you is made in a picture editor. You can use the object editor but the image has to be smaller than the main image. The problem here though is that the location of the insert is determined by the screen resolution, so the image editor is the better option. Before tou save flatten the image and save as JPEG. I would also keep the Photoshop / paint shop file also so you can move the insert about if needed. Regards, Alan
Hi All, I recieved this letter the other day and thought it would interest anyone who has taken photographs in Ireland. DearMr. Lyons, The inaugural Golreland.com Photography Awards 2005 challenge photography enthusiasts, Irish holidaymakers and inbound visiting tourists to capture a photograph that epitomises contemporary Ireland since John Hinde's world-famous series of iconic photographic images. Golreland.com is inviting the Photographic Society of Ireland members to enter these prestigious photography awards. We are aware the Photographic Society of Ireland is a distinguished photography society, attracting top class photographers both home and abroad. The overall winning photograph will be reproduced as an original postcard by The Hinde Group. It will also feature on the new-look Golreland.com website which will be launched in September. The winning photographer will win a Nikon D70 S digital camera. A selection of Irish short break holidays will be presented to the awards runners-up. In 1963, John Hinde's world-famous photographs and series of postcards captured an Ireland at a particular point in time which featured images of rural landscapes, hard working farmers and smiling red-headed children. - ; Adelaide Chambers • Peter Street • Dublin 8 • Ireland T : +353 1 483 0832 • F : +353 1 483 0833 • E : enquiries@bmcomms.ie • W : www.bmcomms.ie By identifying and capturing a visual representation of Ireland today through these newly launched photography awards, Photographic Society of Ireland members have the opportunity to become a modern-day John Hinde. The Awards features three categories: scenery, people and places. Entries may be made online by visiting www.goireland.com/photo^comp/Enter.htm. The closing date for entries is Friday, 9th September 2005. Further information on the Awards is available by e-mailing photographyawards@goireland.com. The Golreland.com Photography Awards 2005 Judging Panel is chaired by Dick Spring and includes Niall Howard, Group Chief Executive of The Hinde Group as well as senior tourism industry representatives such as Paul O'Toole, Chief Executive of Tourism Ireland. Where this letter mentiones the PSI, the compition is open to all. Regards, Alan
Hi All, I got this letter in the mail the other day, and thought it might interest any body who has taken a photograph in Ireland. DearMr. Lyons, The inaugural Golreland.com Photography Awards 2005 challenge photography enthusiasts, Irish holidaymakers and inbound visiting tourists to capture a photograph that epitomises contemporary Ireland since John Hinde's world-famous series of iconic photographic images. Golreland.com is inviting the Photographic Society of Ireland members to enter these prestigious photography awards. We are aware the Photographic Society of Ireland is a distinguished photography society, attracting top class photographers both home and abroad. The overall winning photograph will be reproduced as an original postcard by The Hinde Group. It will also feature on the new-look Golreland.com website which will be launched in September. The winning photographer will win a Nikon D70 S digital camera. A selection of Irish short break holidays will be presented to the awards runners-up. In 1963, John Hinde's world-famous photographs and series of postcards captured an Ireland at a particular point in time which featured images of rural landscapes, hard working farmers and smiling red-headed children. - ; Adelaide Chambers • Peter Street • Dublin 8 • Ireland T : +353 1 483 0832 • F : +353 1 483 0833 • E : enquiries@bmcomms.ie • :www.bmcomms.ie By identifying and capturing a visual representation of Ireland today through these newly launched photography awards, Photographic Society of Ireland members have the opportunity to become a modern-day John Hinde. The Awards features three categories: scenery, people and places. Entries may be made online by visiting www.goireland.com/photo^comp/Enter.htm. The closing date for entries is Friday, 9th September 2005. Further information on the Awards is available by e-mailing photographyawards@goireland.com. The Golreland.com Photography Awards 2005 Judging Panel is chaired by Dick Spring and includes Niall Howard, Group Chief Executive of The Hinde Group as well as senior tourism industry representatives such as Paul O'Toole, Chief Executive of Tourism Ireland.
Hi All , I agree with Al, if there are no volume letters then P2E only searches the volume where the .exe is. So if you make a front page show on a CD and only use the show name.exe then the file will be found. Alan
Hi Bill, When you add a button you need to right click and go to prpoerties. Here you wilfind a box and a dropdown window called Action. In here you can set the action for that button. To start a show you sellect "run application or open file... This then openes another window below this called "enter programme name. Here you enter your show name, but with out the address ie "MY Show.exe" not "c/:Documents/My Show.exe" Press OK then when you click the button the show will run, Hope this helps, Alan
Hi Fried, Glad to hear it all went well. If you want to be self sufficent, be prepared to spend the dollars! I suggest a "bare bones" computer high on graphics and sound card. A good amp and large room spekers. And also the digital projector needs to be 1200 lumens+. If you deside to bring your own screen as well, you can see that you will not fit it all under your arm, or on the back of the bike . Good luck with your shopping Alan
Hi Fried, One thing you could do is use the "customise start up window"in the project options. This allows you to put a slide on the screen with a "RUN" button. This will guide your viewers to the screen, and give you a last look at the image on screen before you go. Click run and as we say in A/V circles "you are now over the top on the rollercoaster, sit back and enjoy the ride!" Alan