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Alan Lyons

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Everything posted by Alan Lyons

  1. Hi, We probly need more info for the techies to get going, but in the mean time, MP3 works fine with P2E. So I would guess that the problem is with either the Roxio or the system you use to convert the files. check if the MP plays outside P2E as a stand alone file. If this is the case then you may have a prosessor problem. If this is the case try reducing the file sizes and try again. Alan
  2. Hi again, You could try showing the images side by side. If chosen well, they can be quite interesting. I used this idea for a diversity exhibition this year and it looks well. To break up the two image idea you could have som images which can be croped, appear in the centre of the frame with he others behind going out of focus. I would use the 1024 x 683 format for your background which should give you 2 images side by side, Good luck with it, Alan
  3. Hi Squeekey, When I update I open the p2e folder on my HD and delete all the files ( leaving me with an empty p2e folder). Then when I unzip the download I save the contents to this folder. This stops you having verious versions lying around your HD, and the original shortcut will point to the new version, Alan
  4. Hi Peggy, Jim has hit the nail on the head. you need to visit the music tab on all your slides and un check any that have their own music added. You may have done this in a "customize slide" window thinking you were in the "customize project" option. The windows are very alike and it is easy to do this in the thick of preperation. It's a drag to have to do but it will solve the problem. More importently though, enjoy the party, Alan
  5. Hi Peter, Congradulations to all conserned in the International Festival.When we look back to even the recent past we can see how digital A/V has become a shot in the arm for A/V as a medium. Entry levels have shot up, new faces with new ideas have arrived. All bodes well for the future. Now an extra session on Friday! I alas cannot be there, but should I send some food parcles and blankets with the Irish contengent. Very best wishes to all concerned in the event and good luck to the entrants, Alan
  6. Hi Guido, I agree with what you say, as we said before audio visual is at it's best when 1=sound, and 1= pictures, and when 1 + 1 = 3. A great set of images can be ruined by a poor soundtrack, just as a great soundtrack can be ruined by poor images. When you hear the wonderful sounds created in the days of cassette or even reel to reel the sound editors make it so easy to be right, that we should try harder. As I have said before, people are very proud to tell you they are always learning in photography, but if you cannot teach them all about sound in an afternoon they want their money back. Regards, Alan.
  7. Alright Andrew, we heard you the first time. I agree with him though Andre. A wonderful show with great detail and the colours were superb! Your access to the event made my son Sean cry with envy. He is a Formula 1 nut, and says you should be awarded an extra zillion points for including his beloved Jordan team. I loved the efects you used, the cars running along the line at the start was impressive. The only thing I would change is the point where you cut to an out of focus shot which then becomes a background. This jars on the eye. I would use the front shot over the sharpe image with the shadow, then have the background go out of focus. This is not only better on the eye, but makes the front image seem to move forward. The sound track was great, but try adding some tannoy or crowd noise to put your viewer in there with you. All in all a super show, do you think you could get it to Ricardo by month end??? http://www.diaporamacircuit.com/ Congradulations, Alan
  8. Hi Marrion, as Al says you can add via the "customise slide" music tab, but some times this will cause a break or a bad transfare in your soundtrack. It is better to compile all your sound into one MP3 in your sound editor and use this in your show. It is easy to cut and replace a given piece if you need to change a piece. "Customise syncronation" will then allow you to place the slides at the given point(S). Best wishes, Alan
  9. Now if you could only find something to play granny's wax cylinders Alan
  10. Hi Dan, Welcome to the forum. If you stick around you will find that our "Fairy Godmother' is so good to us that in time all of our wishes will come true. Enjoy the fun, Alan
  11. Hi John, Welcome aboard, as some have already said, the best way is to make one sound file for the show. MP3 flies are small when compered to wav. ect. Just a little bit of techinal now, when you mix a voice over with music you need to do a few things to seperate the voice from the music. 1. All parts should be recorded peaking at around +3db. This prevents hiss ect. from getting onto the recording 2. In mix down the musick should be lowered to peak 20db below the voice peak. It may sound a bit low but through the speekers it will be ok. 3. Adjust the voice towards trebble and the music towards bass. This will help with the seperation and make for a cleaner sound. 4. Never use headphones no matter how good to check the sound mix. Play back will be through speekers into a room so check this way too. Sound is like photography, you need to expose right, adjust the focus and have good composition, and perhaps bt the time we are all 80, wewill still be learning Best of luck Alan
  12. Hi Larry, another you might try is Audio Cleaning Lab Deluxe 3.0. This was written to do what you want i.e. copy vinyl/ tape to digital. It has a full clean up section and can be set to recognise silence as track gaps and mark the tracks. I have used it to make CD copies of lod vinyl and even 78rpm discs! You simply connect your player to your sound card, test for level, press record, and stand back. You can then save as CD audio mp3 wav ect. it is now poping up in the bargain sections of software shops but have a look at www.magix.com Alan
  13. Hi Dave, I'd agree with Mikel and Bart. I have a P2E folder and a Beta folder on my HD. I tell the unzip to over write the last file and all works fine, even the desk top shortcut. I don't pretend to be a computer buff so I will only download the betas to see the new toys . With this new version we can dump all previous vertions as we now have the 3 view options . The only thing not supplied by Igor & co. is the inspiration . Alan
  14. Hi zman, Will any of us ever fully understand the ins and outs of P2E? I'm guessing that your problem is that you are copying the objects and slides, so you end up with 2 or more copies of the same object trying to run different aplications. As with all things computer, "if I'm confused then I'd best do nothing" . Try copying the slide only and adding new objects to each, Best of luck, Alan.
  15. Hi all, I think what we need here is to be able to place say slide 5 at a given time and say slide 10 at a later time then P2E would spread slides 4-9 within that time frame. But we would still need to be able to move 4-9 within that area. This could work by being able to drag the slides to a time point without adding all slides then the others (4-9) would pop in between the set points. This would also need to be a switch on/off option because you may not need it for all shows. A problem occours if you deside to change the order of slides, as the system will need to use the slide order to know which slides will fill the gap(s). As for the fade at the end I am sure a cross fade line as seen in sound editors could be added to the waveform and it could be dragged back into the waveform to create the fade at the disered point. Alan
  16. Hi Carol, If I'm reading you right, you want to respace the slides after the 5 or 6 which are plased to fit a given section. The way I would see this working is if you could select the balance of the time line, not the slides and then had ao option to "space remaining slides to this time section". You could be able to do this a number of times as you fine tune your secquence and perhaps as an added option you could be able to " space slides x - y along the selected section. From little acorns.......? Alan
  17. Hi Michell, Welcome to P2E Forum. You had a reply from Al Robinson on this thread. If you visit the link in his signature you will find a turorioal on this programme. Relax, sitck on the coffee, grab a mug full and watch this excellent tutorial. You can watch it through or run the sections you need to. It is a handy reference to have onyour HD when using P2E. The sync. problems you are having are caused by the rom drive being slow to load the items onto the HD. Alan
  18. Hi Rick, Ken is great for the short and obvious answers . But you can give control in your DVD preperation software. If you make each image a chapter you can show each by either selecting the chapter number from the remote, or if you want to view them in sequence you select 1 then next, or previous to navigate between images. Just rember, DVD uses a lesser image resulotion than your computer based show. It is not really ment for viewing still images, so the quality viewed may not be as good as you would like, Alan
  19. Also if you are in the timeline, you can click on a point on the line and the show will jump to that point. This works if the show is running or if you are in pause and then resume. Alan
  20. Glad to help John. one thing for the future, I as I said have a folder for each show. But if i want to archive to cd i only copy the contents of the folder and leave an empty folder for the show on the hd. This way you can restore all info to the folder, and P2E assumes it was there all along, Alan
  21. Hi John, Welcome to P2E. What I think is happening here is that when you open the programme it opens with the last saved .pte file. The lost pictures message comes up when you move a picture which is in this file. You may have a picture in the file list and this will show up in the window. This is because the window will show the current sellected image regardless of which list it is in. What you need to do is look at the error message and restore the images/sound to the location it says they are missing from, or delete the slide from the slid list, and add it again from the file list. The same would apply for your music in the project options music tab. To help reduce the chances of this happening you should have a file for each show cintaining folders for Images Sound and Project file/.exe file, and always use the save as... or create as... file options, Alan
  22. Heather, If the problem happens in the same place each time, check if the relevent slides have any thing checked to prevent the music playing. Check the music tab or the use own preferences box. You may have set a command to stop the music playing, Alan
  23. For the first option you will have to set the slides to show for the given time and attach each piece of music to the slide that is shown when it is due to play. In your example; Slide 1 "Play 01.mp3" Slide 3-4 "Continue to play 01.mp3" Slide 5 "Play 02.mp3" Slide 6 "Continue to Play 02.mp3" Slide 7 "Play 03.mp3" Slide 8 "Continue to Play 03.mp3" Slide 9 "Play 04.mp3" Slide 10 "Continue to Play 02.mp3" "Stop music after last slide" This has its problems, as different machins may deliver the info at different times causing the sound to arive in blocks. Your first pice may swithc off before the next comes on. With a single 10min. piece you click project options and sellect "add timed points" this spreads your slides out evenly over the time allotted. This is the better option as your show will travle to other machines in a more stable fashion. Best of luck, Alan
  24. Hi Micheal, I agree totally with the bitrate comment. If you have ever been asked to run the sound deck for a slide tape festival you will know only too well the different levels and quality of sound supplied by entrants Alan
  25. This thread proves what A/V workers have said for many years. There is no right way to compile a show. I have used all of the above and in some script driven shows I have even gone out with a shooting list which hopefullt gets shorter after each visit to the location. If your visit is a once off then as Ed said you need to have an idea of what you want to do when you get there. The only thing I have found that is constant is the really good ideas will not leave you alone untill you get them on screen. Alan
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