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Everything posted by rosy

  1. Hi Rosemary Glad you liked the show. Re BB's 5 minute help videos, I wear 2 hearing aids & have difficulty hearing, unless I turn the volume up enough to annoy the neighbours. I use the YT subtitles, but unfortunately they don't give the correct interpretation of what is being said 30% of the time. So an up to date written version of the PTE Video help files I could print out & study, or have running in the background to refer to as I was constructing my shows. Sounds like Jill has enough on, you can tell that from the late or early hours she posts her comments. Thanks anyway.
  2. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM, Not sure about that. Rosy.
  3. Could these be added to the next version, 1 the ability to edit text from the main O&A screen, not just from the side panel where the print is so small it's hard to see. Also, to make the whole programme, more eyesight friendly. I use the dark mode to view the forum & PTE because it's easier on my eyes to see them clearly but again the text is very small. Finally for the video help content to be up-dated to match the current version, BB's 5 minute How To's are ok if you can take them in, a written version in addition would be a good thing, I think, . Rosy I bet Jill could do one? Rosy.
  4. Thanks Kieron. But it's only one day a week. Rosy.
  5. Thanks Tom, whats an ASMR? Rosy.
  6. One of my problems is when I don't get things to work as they should, I find a way around the problem. This happened with this show. It does 90% of what I wanted it to. There is quite a lot of text most of which is at the speed I can read comfortably, however, one slide of some copied text would take too long to do that, so the space bar will pause the show. Hope it doesn't put you off bacon. Rosy Air Fryed Meat Free Bacon Sandwich.
  7. I have now completed the video, not as I think I should have done, but it works mostly how I wanted it to. Thanks to Jill & Dave for contributing. The video will be published in the New Slidesow section. Rosy.
  8. Hi Dave. Yes. Before Jill's replys, I was clicking all sorts of things in Preferences which I normally don't have set. Maybe I've clicked something that is causing the latest problem. Wasn't well yesterday, my 82 year old brain was only half functioning. Just to clarify more, there is more than 1 video clip & scrolling text on a PTE blank slide, don't know if that matters to the Master video function. Cheers Rosy.
  9. Morning Jill Tried what you suggested & Master Video does not appear. 3 options Single Video Clip, Master Video Track & Link To Bacon Frying? See attachments Thanks Rosy.
  10. Hi Jill Copy it from where, If I copy it from the slide list & paste it to the next slide, the opacity is 100%, do I have to reduce the opacity & paste it to every slide. The bacon slide is added on top of the blank text slide, should it be the opposite way around? Rosy
  11. We recently bought an Air Frier. I am putting a show together about using it to cook a bacon sandwich. I have a couple of MP4 videos & some stills. My problem is getting the MP4 of bacon frying at 25% opacity to start on a blank slide with scrolling text. I've managed to get the text slide to run the correct length, but the bacon slide needs to show at 25% opacity over all the remaining slides, but it doesn't show on the remaining slides. The sound track is there but not the image of bacon frying. If I try to adjust the MP4 & slide times, they revert to the same time, say 60 seconds for the scrolling text & 7 minutes for the sizzling bacon. Any ideas welcome. Rosy
  12. Easier to cut & paste if you have to do it again. Rosy.
  13. Jeff said PC, where has laptop come from? Rosy
  14. Hi Kieron I produced a similar effect to the first video in 2012 using the burst feature on my Panasonic FX150 bridge camera, then adding the burst shots into PTE. It was almost like a slow motion video. You could try in the current version of PTE by slowing a video clip down. I haven't tried it but I do use PTE to speed up the action in long clips. You would need a fast moving subject. (I think) Rosy
  15. If you want to add a music background to your voice over, how would that affect your suggestion? Rosy.
  16. Hi Barry, Can't read the text, I view in dark mode Rosy.
  17. Hi Peter 5 This is my Windows view of PTE Styles. Rosy.
  18. Hi TonTon Bruno I'm afraid that's above my pay & time grade. I'll just plod on & re-make parts 2 3 & 4. Thanks anyway. Rosy.
  19. Hi Tonton Bruno Thanks for the tip. However the chances of getting the slides & clips & text in parts 2 3 & 4 in the same order as they were when they were in one piece are pretty remote. There was a lot of text & remembering what I wrote will be impossible. Most of the sound track is background music plus the sounds from the video clips, which I still have. It's my own videos that were extensively edited that will be a pain, getting the same lengths as the originals (around 25 clips) is impossible. Thanks anyway. Rosy.
  20. Hi Macian Still not got over the shock Rosy.
  21. Hi Jill I didn't see a message when I clicked the cross top right, the show just closed as part 1 & would only open as part 1. I have all the videos stills & YT download, I remember Ken's favourite saying, "Jesus saves". I should have made an MP4 of the full show before using my splitting method. Lost at least 50 hours of editing etc. Ah well, back to square 2. Cheers Rosy.
  22. Thanks Tom & Jill for your suggestions. However, I thought of another method of doing this. The sound track is in Audacity, so that is easy for me. What I decided to do was to delete all the slides from the end of part 1, parts 2 3 & 4. Produce an MP4, then close the show without allowing the changes. Then re-open the 4 part show, delete the slides in part 1 3 & 4 & repeat the process until I had the 4 separate shows. Then I dropped a bomb. Instead of closing part 1 from the File & Exit links, I closed it from the X link, therefore losing parts 2 3 & 4. I have the making of 2 3 & 4 in my main show file, but not the editing & tweaking. I tried re-opening part 1 & clicking the return arrow to no avail. So now it's back to square 2, re-creating parts 2 3 & 4, separately this time. Sad Rosy.
  23. I am in progress on a new show called "Caring" which is the story of what I have to do for M in my capacity as official carer. Originally I was going to make a separate show for each aspect, but I've ended up with a show 40 odd minutes long which I now want to split into 4 shows. I was going to make the full show as an MP4 as it's too big for Exe files with quite a lot of video, then split it into 4 using PTE's trim facility. However there are some tricky sound bits. How would you go about splitting it into 4? Rosy
  24. You aren't getting it guys, this hasn't happened before, it only started a couple of days ago. If I want to see what's going on on a non English language forum I just click on the link for German French etc. Now it's highlighted when I open the English language version? Rosy.
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