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    Ballina, Australia
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    All forms of photography, drone, video, infrared, Av's and much more forms of photography.

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  1. Objects and Animations Tab in PTE. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. Hello Trevor I am certainly no expert but this may help with your question 1 - In the Project window at the bottom, set the numeric value next to the AB to 0.0 and this will stop the fade. 2 - I did not know how to do this myself but found this info in the Wnsoft Help Files More info here https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/objectsandanimation_1/animation_tab Hope this answer your question. Mark
  3. Made this short AV recently and some OA edits to experiment with. I must admit that making a good AV takes a lot of time and various styles/types of photography is my main interest, then post processing and AV's. On saying that happy how this short AV worked out for the FB group of the model. Mark
  4. Hello Barry Nice work, quite a few early morning rises and locations from my Sunshine Coast memories in that collection. Planning a sunrise shoot next week with my photographic wanderer friends to shoot a shipwreck recently uncovered in Ballina by the erosion. Nothing spectacular but may give some foreground sunbject. Thanks for sharing. Mark
  5. It possibly did not work the first time because you did not have the image active in the screen on the bottom right corner in the Objects and Animations screen. This happens when you click on the main screen outside the image window. I do this regularly and then go OH YES.
  6. Thanks John, the rain depression after the cyclone has been lingering. Luckily no lives lost but still lots of localised flooding and tree damage. It will recover but will take some time with significant beach erosion along the coastline for hunderds of kilomentres.
  7. Over the last few days we have had a cyclone hovering off the coast so it allowed me to spend some time on this project. A series of images captured at HOTA (Home Of The Arts) on the Gold Coast. The images were taken on Sinday March 2. Ironically the area was engulfed by the cyclone from March 5 and the famous Gold Coast (plus surrounding areas) badly eroded due to enormous seas. Captured with a Sony A7RV and 8 mm fisheye lens. The building design in very linear and 5 storeys high and amazed what impact the fisheye lens had on the images. Mark
  8. Thanks Jill, now I see the difference. I was blinkered and looking for the image to be highlighted or different and not the image/file name in the File List. It was at Full Screen (on one monitor - but I use 4). I have now moved the File List toolbar over to the right which reduces the space around the active image and the colour of the File List is more noticeable now. Thanks for your help. Mark
  9. Thanks Dave and Jill for your replies. Sorry for not making it clear I want to be able to see the used and unused slides in a specific project. I can see them highlighted in the S;ide List and the File List. ProShow used to show you what individual slides were used with a tick in the upper RH corner and that is what I am looking for. From the one folder I may have multiple Projects?Shows and want to know which slide from the File List I can add to a show and not duplicate it in the Slide List. In the screenshot below only the "active" slide/file is shown and not all files/slides in the open project. Is there a way of doing that? Thanks in advance. Mark
  10. Hello I have looked at this but must be missing something? I can see the blue highlight of the slidename/title in the slide list table view but how do I see that in the Thumnail view. It would be handy to see as I use thumbnails in both the slide Tab and Slide/Folder/Project view. It would show which images are similar when adding or removing them from the project but keeping them in the project folder for alternatate versios in the future. Recently with the Bird AV I made short and long versions and used the same folder, different project names but had trouble finding what slides were used in each project in thumbnail view. Regards Mark
  11. Pretty happy with this AV albeit maybe a little long. More of a informative presentation supported by images for people interested in bird photography.All images are mine and captured locally in my area. AI used to assist with text and voice generation. The Northern Rivers region of New South Wales is one of Australia’s most biodiverse areas, renowned for its lush landscapes and rich ecosystems. This region is a haven for birdwatching and photography alike. Capturing vibrant images of native birds in this area requires more than just technical knowledge—it’s about understanding the birds and their environment. Ciao Mark
  12. I captured this timelapse with a device that went flat and could not complete the timelpase video. I tried to use the images (about 750 over a 30 minute period) and to make an AV with PTE but struggled with the small time between each frame. In the end I used Adobe PS for the actual AV but added the black end image and music in PTE. Is there a way of creating this solely in PTE with around 25 to 30 fps? Thanks Mark
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  13. Nice work Barry, very well crafted. Not sure I have the patience and focus so appreciate all the knowledge and experience.
  14. Shot on the same day as the previous AV, a series of 4 images of the same bird in flight and made into a panorama. Ciao Mark
  15. Thanks Alex. Unfortunately that is not possible with my level of skills and equipment. This was taken with 200 - 600 mm lens and 2x extender. The birds flight is random and unpredictable. The intial images were taken at the 600 mm end and the later ones at the 200 mm end. I do use a monopod but a tripod would be to restrictive and not effective due to the random flight path of the bird. Happy that I got so many shots in sequence and sharp thanks to the camera technology which is really hard to do. Cheers Mark
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