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Really great slideshow - every corner of every slide is full of interesting detail - congratulations Stuart
I have tried various ways to set uniform text without success I would like to be able to insert a pre-set uniform text on any slide by using the Insert Text Template in O&A. The Templates could be set up in Project Options To suit different user requirements, there could be several text templates with different Font/Colour/Size/Shadow/Position Stuart
I realise this subject has been raised before so apologies for repetition but in order to adhere to the Forum Topics I will add my bit here and also add something in Suggestions for next version. In O&A it is only possible to set Project Font and Colour by Save/Reset Font but not size/shadow/position etc In Project Options/Default it is possible to set Customise Font for Text Comments - Font/Colour/Size/Shadow/Position and then Apply to all Slides then type the required comment in the text box and again Apply to All Slides. The text can be edited on appropriate slides. The advantage to this method is that uniform text is repeated across every slide but it is also a disadvantage since you may not require text on every slide!!! Without resorting to (for me) complicated solutions I am trying to easily insert uniform text where required. I personally don't want text on every slide nor do necessarily want different sizes on the same slide nor for the text to zoom etc. I am suggesting that Text templates could be developed in the next version that would allow uniform Text to be added to slides only where required. Stuart
Hi Many thanks to DaveGee for showing how to set the Font/Colour. In addition to setting Font and Colour it still would be nice to be able to also set the Size and Shadow so it is all done in one process. Stuart
I am also remaking a lot of older shows and find I want to insert quite a few text titles on different slides. I can use a template for customising text shadows but that takes almost the same amount of “clicks” as doing it manually each time. Agree that it does seem overly time consuming for such a seemingly simple thing. Or maybe I have missed something! There are many useful adjustable settings in Project Options, it would be really good to be able to set a text font/colour/size etc for the whole project. Thanks Stuart
Hi Please find various versions of a one hundred part landscape 100 Part Landscapes.ptestyle
Hi Have visited Moscow many times but never at Christmas time, looks really beautiful Great photographs, great music and as usual a great slide show! Thanks for sharing Happy New Year to you and your family Kind regards Stuart
Hi I have been using PTE for the last 12 months and have accumulated copies/modifications/adaptations/creations etc., as the basis for the foundation for some of my styles. I have placed them in a new category to help me remember what I am trying to do! I have used the terms Components and Basics as alternatives to Objects or Placeholders that some may prefer. I claim no originality and acknowledge the innovative work that Forum members have previously created and shared. For my travel and family type slide shows, I have found most of them useful but some, much too complicated and therefore less useful, so would like to share that some may find helpful and some others not. Either way, they have provided a great way for me learn some of the potential of PTE Studio though mostly Trial and Error, though more Error than Trial! Stuart Style Components Category.ptestyle
A. The addition of a Quick Slide Style is an excellent idea B. I would like to be able to have the option of creating a new slide style direct from the OandA screen so I can keep track of 0r keep the various changes I may make. I have been using PTE for nearly 1 year and still consider myself a comparative beginner. Judging from the various forum posts and comments there seem to be a range of objectives/desires that users are looking for eg 1. Family and Friends type shows for holiday or personal memories 2. Presentation type shows for clubs and lectures that may include more complex features and/or giving talks to groups etc 3. Competition type shows that want even more sophisticated features I believe you have succeded in developing a very good product for all three of the above groups. There will always be users who want less features and others who want more but I do like the idea of having the possibility of being able to incorporate the more complex features as I learn (or try to!). For the first time I looked at the Slideshows on the WNSoft Home page and they provide good examples of the wide range of shows Stuart
I also moved some file locations and also messed things up but with help from Igor I managed to rectify it. As a precaution I exported my styles into another folder See my post of June this year I use an iMac but presume file location similarities Stuart
Dave Couldn't resist trying to create the style from scratch as per your advice. So far so good Must admit I got hung up about the "TextWithSize" messages - they are confusing. When I finally understood the full and proper process of style creation it is far more straightforward to start from scratch than trying to modify existing styles in OandA Thanks once again Stuart
Dave Many many thanks for this I will try it early next week Stuart
Dave I understand about not supplying enough images etc but how did you get the correct Objects into the OandA screen in the first place? What I am trying to understand is the process of creating a style from scratch, that is choosing an Object(s) that have unique numbers that follow the Name and Picture in Properties. Once the parameters are set in OandA, the style is created and applied to the relevant number of slides in the slide list. I have no problem applying the style to the slides in the list but I am struggling to learn how to create a style from the start. Hope you can help Stuart
Dave I am using an iMac and the latest version of PTE AV Studio Here is a screenshot of the 16 Images showing the OandA screen with "TextWithSize" showing in the Object Properties box ie Name and Picture and under each frame with its own unique number Your 16 image style is working perfectly I just wanted to be able to create blank Objects so that I can add them when and if I try to create new Styles Sorry if I am confusing you! Stuart
Dave Many thanks for the updated 16 image style, really appreciate it. I will use the term OBJECT for the TextWithSize:1624:1080 etc I have tried to create a TEXTWITHSIZE in Photoshop Elements and can get the blank object/picture/image into PTE OandA but not with the Object numbering as you have done It seem to work when applying the style to 16 images in the slide list but if I can't keep track of the Main Object Numbers it may be self defeating On reflection, I should ask you how to create the TextWithSize Objects? Once again many thanks for taking the time and effort to help me Stuart