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  1. Hi. From Russian colleagues. I hope it will be easier for you to understand the style. We Russians are always ready to lend a helping hand. Good luck Change the background style to your own. Specify the path to the folder. Documents. PicturesToExe Styles and transitions Slide Styles Each style has its own individual number. Find the folder with our style. Replace the photos in the folder with your own photos. Important! When replacing photos with your own. 1. Do not change the size of the photo. 2. Save the original file name. Insert 34 photos into the timeline. By applying style to photos. It turns out to be a style with a new background. Copy the timeline. Go to the "File" window and create a new project. I agree to clear the timeline. We insert the timeline in a new style. Which was copied after creating the new style. A new style has been created. Good luck.
  2. Crop the slideshow in any video converter. Or change the settings in the PTE program. Run the rendering to create a new slideshow. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Y23EbMZCAlLdSQ The 16x9 format has the correct video position settings. Shift 0, size 100 https://disk.yandex.ru/i/FP6q4VcnyTvdjQ
  3. May this year bring only the best. May happiness and luck accompany us! Happy New Year!
  4. I had this situation in Windows 10. I put together a slide and output a video at 30 frames per second. The video in the video editor was played jerkily, slowed down. I looked at the slide and nothing helped. I brought up a 60 fps slide. And the video started playing normally. Without jerks and delays. I often make complex slide shows. And they are played in PTE with difficulty.
  5. During the creation of the slide, you decide what time to set for the slide show. It is important to know how to do this. I don't use basic styles. On the topic of the slide show, I create one or another additional style.
  6. If you have selected all the slides and synchronized them with the music, you can ruin everything. This method cannot be used. In the photos, I showed how to change the time of a simple slide. Everything is more complicated in a complex slide. It's easier to assemble a slide yourself thin to sort out someone else's slide. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/KyW8-JZB_wF45Q
  7. I recorded the fishing video without any problems. After the preview. When watching the video in the program, it goes with jerks in the video player everything is OK. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/0pQD8EJSJ41xRA
  8. I watched the video files from a professional camera, a camera, a smartphone and a monitor. I turned off the sound in all files and checked the reverse box. Then the reverse preview checkmark was removed from one video file. The program works well in all variants. Combined video files captured by a professional camera. Video playback in Video Optimizer slows down. It plays well on the player.
  9. Hi. I took two files and turned on all the functions from top to bottom, with different settings, except for the logo and mute. This time I added mute. I output different files several times. The program has never crashed. I have combined the files.
  10. Thank you to all developers for the Video Optimizer. The program is intuitive and simple. All control functions are working. Space bar to start and stop the video editor, as in PTE AV Studio, it didn't work for me. Good luck to everyone and success in improving PTE.
  11. The created style. Contains all the slideshow files.
  12. After creating the slide, I create a zip archive. Then you can delete all the materials you have worked with. Also delete the pte file. Create a new empty folder to unzip the zip archive into the created folder. Navigate to the new folder. run the pte file. All work materials will be in one new folder. I save the style and zip archive.
  13. You can scroll through the photo like this. Add a point to the rotation set the opacity to 0 Photo rotation.zip
  14. Thank you. It's a very beautiful job.
  15. Simple and convenient book assembly.
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