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Everything posted by AleAle5025

  1. Hi. Thanks for the positive feedback. Have a good mood and have a great Christmas. Good luck.
  2. The Adobe After Effects style is assembled in PTE.
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  3. Berny Thank you for the congratulations and feedback on the slide show. I was lucky in my life that I knew Pavel (stranger2156) Have a great Christmas. Health, happiness, and well-being to you and your loved ones.
  4. Hi Yes, there is one image and two images in each ball. The rotation of the ball can be set to one revolution or three at will. We create the main slide in the program. Then we create the balls style on the timeline. We go into the balls style. We copy the balls style and paste it into the main style. So you can insert several balls into the slideshow.
  5. Hi I used to publish this style, it doesn't work correctly. Delete it. Upload a new style. Errors have been fixed in it. The style is based on Patrick's textbook. The lesson was translated into Russian by Pavel (stranger 2156). I collected 3 D balls according to Pavel's lesson. And I was collecting balloons for the Christmas tree. Download: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/dBwg46hKpT0gFg https://disk.yandex.ru/d/pA6zQBSwW-QHfw
  6. Hi. We have 30 degrees. Winter is always beautiful in the city in nature. New Year's Eve is a favorite holiday Thanks for the feedback.
  7. Hi Garland 4 for the Christmas tree. Success https://disk.yandex.ru/d/BtJuXmYQjmjigQ
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  8. Hi. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Good luck, good health.
  9. Hi. Map offsets. Suitable for New Year's style and text. The style turns out to be bright. New Year's Eve, interesting. Thank.
  10. Hi I did not use an offset map in the slides. In this work, I applied an offset map to text and photos. It turned out to be such a slide show.
  11. Hi.. Good job. Thanks for the demonstration.
  12. Hi Thank you for your positive feedback
  13. I wish you to spend time with benefit, pleasure and a cheerful mood.
  14. The work is impressive. Thanks.
  15. Thank you. Henry
  16. Hi. Summer holidays, camping. Visiting tourist attractions, beautiful places in nature. Download: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/EBhiCsWJZUdTTA
  17. Merci. jmc. Salut.
  18. A page with photos is made in Photoshop. The style needs to be changed a little. Before replacing pages, I saw a mistake in the style. We need to raise the photo higher.
  19. Hi. I have removed this style. These were experiments in creating the style of the book. As for the style, pages with photos are created in Photoshop and pages with photos are inserted. It's easier to insert a photo into a style. I left one style. Blue Book Ale5025 22 pictures. Blue Book Ale5025 22 pictures. Download: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/VA9r8r2h2LWWMA
  20. The photos on the left page can be mirrored in Photoshop or another program.
  21. Hi. Not just photos of Alaska. All winter photos and videos. Thanks for the support.
  22. Thanks. For winter photos. There will be a good view through the frozen glass.
  23. Hi. Thanks. Success.
  24. Berny. Thanks. Success in creativity.
  25. Hi. Style for winter photos. Adaptation in PTE. From the work of Adobe After Effects. Thawed glass. Download: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/kuIMmJ4fCYsJEQ
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