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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Ken, I appreciate what you say about 'updating' their Databases ~ but surely thats simply a matter of directing a Web-search to the appropriate Web-site such as the PTE Forum. Since my last Post above I have uninstalled Google from my PC's and gone over to the new MSN-Explorer in particular the personalised version,viz:- 'My-MSN' its now both my Homepage and Search-Page ~ you have to Log-in to get access to it and it can be fully customised and its auto-updated by Microsoft as needed. Results so far are amazing, its fast, its stable, no hang-ups and no timeouts and it opens the Forum Mainpage in a flash. Thats what I wanted, no messing around and no 3rd party (anomynous) interference. This may be of benefit to others, time will tell.... Brian (Conflow).
  2. Ken, AAAhhh, with reference to "Auto-complete" in IE-8 and the (unknown) power politics of Google trying to 'swamp' Firefox is making me turn away from Google completely ~ its getting too big for its boots and I am not the only one who thinks that way. The very fact that Google regularily taps into this Forum is a matter of concern for many and it begs the question ~ WHY ??? Brian.
  3. Ken, Your're bang on target with the Disc-Rename utility, we have used it many times before in our Workshops. Members should Bookmark your Post as that utility can often save a premature Data-Lost of the C:Drive when it starts acting up. However in Ralph's case he has already lost his M:Drive and the only way to get that "de-registered" off his System is to pull its 4-Pin Power Plug. This "de-activates" its Data-Buss ~ it becomes invisible,and as you know the System will ratch up the N:Drive to replace the M:Drive. Thats the usual 'Hierarchy' feature of the Windows "Auto-renaming" function which you described, and unknown to most "dud" Drives place a terrible strain on the Processors which perpetually try to gain access to it ~ disconnect it and have done with it !! Brian (Conflow)
  4. Gary, AAAhhh I now see your problem ~ as you say IE-8 has no "Auto-complete" and that function is now relegated as a 'Browser Add-On' which I personally think is an absolute invasion of personal privacy. I ditched Google-Chrome for the reason that it tries to take-away my preferences of Browser functionality and having reverted to the previous version of Google and despite having "Auto-complete" switched off Google keeps on inviting me to switch it on, and despite numerous searches I cant find it in the "Add-in Lists". Firefox has the same basic functionlity as IE-8 and Google-Chrome is trying to emulate both (reviews explain that) and now you have a conflict of interests,in other words the "dirty tricks department" of both vendors are vieing for your Browser Business as Microsoft lost its (installed) Browser monopoly some time ago. (Act of Congress - Monopolies Committee). You will need to choose one or the other and uninstall the unchosen -or- revert back to the good old Microsoft MSN Browser which is alive and well and now called MSN-Explorer (V.9) suitable for Win-7 etc,etc. Brian.
  5. Ralph, If your Operating-System and Programs are on your C:\Drive then Drive M and N are Auxiliary Drives. As you have already transfered your Files to N:Drive its a simple matter of re-naming the N:Drive to mimic your "dud" M:Drive. There is a way out of your problem, but it requires that you to take the Cover off your Computer then find your "dud" M:Drive and disconnect its 4-Way Power Plug,it has Red,Black,Black,Yellow wires. On re-booting the Computer the N:Drive will be renamed as your M:Drive ~ its the way Windows works. But a word of caution it will also re-name everything on the N:Drive as the new M:Drive. Make absolutely sure that you disconnect the "PC Mains Power-Plug" before you attempt the above. Brian (Conflow).
  6. Igor and Gary, Igor, everything is now working fine here in Dublin ~ all O.K ~ many thanks for your help. Gary, you're problem with Firefox had me 'foxed' (Oops sorry for the pun) but in IE-6 and IE-7 you can select 'Tools' then 'Internet-Options' now select the 'Advanced-Tab' then scroll down the list and find "In-Line Autocomplete" ~ untick that. By the way if you are using IE-6 this is now obselete and not supported by Google and you will find that many modern Websites will display with errors.(Too complex for discussion here). Brian (Conflow).
  7. Joy, Exactly what do you mean by..."My friend could not open my CD on their PC or on their Laptop" ? Can you explain exactly what happened after inserting the CD into their PC and Laptop ? 1) Did they simply wait for the CD to open and Play the Slideshow ? 2) Can they find their CD-Drive Icon, then right-click on it and select "open" then double-clk the Exe Icon. ? 3) Can you advise as to what type of CD you used in the "burn" process:- CD-R or CD+R or Re-Recordable ? Brian (Conflow)
  8. Igor, Here in Ireland we still have a problem getting on to the Forum ~ but once connected we can now Post and Edit contents without the timeout failures. Brian (Conflow)
  9. David, If you are using the "Save As" function you MUST specify a New File-Name in the File-Name Box which then creates a New-File different from that original which you saw in the File-Name Box. So now you have 2 Files ~ the old one and the new one. This method is used for comparison purposes. If however you simply choose "Save-As" then the PC will "overwrite" the (old) existing File with your New-File but it will use the (old) Filename. So now you have overwritten your existing File with the new one ~ this is solely used for "updating" an existing File by over writing it. Hope this helps... Brian (Conflow).
  10. Igor, Many thanks for your prompt attention to this Web-Forum problem. Brian (Conflow)
  11. Hi Guys, Yes, I also am having severe problems trying to connect to the "WnSoft Forum Main Page". Its some 3 weeks since this problem started and Windows responds with various messages:- Cant find Web-Page....Trying to connect to Web-Page....Web-Page not available. Now I have to make a Google-Search for "WnSoft" then trawl down the 'Listings' and select 'WnSoft Downloads'-->and when this opens,select-->Forums which opens up immediately ??. Firstly, I thought it was an ISP-problem, then I 'pinged' the Site and all was O.K. Secondly, I thought it may be a Key-Logger diverter or Coolwebsearch ~ all Scans O.K. I have come to the conclusion thats its a 'Space-allocation problem' in that the amount of Mail traffic and Show/Images have exceeded the Invision-Board space allocation. It could also be that the Invision-Board people have run out of Server capacity due to the number of Companies using their Services ?? Brian (Conflow) This is my 7th attempt to post the above. Igor please look into this and let s know !!
  12. Don, Just got your Post and i would like to say as follows:- 1) I lost confidence in these 'PixBridge Photo Downloaders' many years ago ~ its a long story which I won't go into here. 2) I developed my own simple 'direct-downloader system' some time ago and its never let me down ~ so to try and resolve your 'color saturation' issues I would like you to try out this method (See "Attachment" below). 3) Dont shoot RAW just use the Cameras 'JPeg-Profile' but firstly make sure you have its 'White-Balance' set correctly. You might have to go through its Menu to find the correct settings. Anyway give the above method a try and let me know the results and we can take it from there. Brian (Conflow)
  13. Don, Firstly my apology ~ I had to disassemble your PP-Slideshow so to get at some of your Photos. I put these through various Analyser's to see what was going wrong and I was quite surprised by the results. 1) All photographs have a 'White-Balance' problem which indicate's that something else was wrong. 2) After various tests I found that that your PTE-JPegs had serious Colour-saturation problems. 3) This has nothing to do with PTE excepting that PTE can not handle the embedded Adobe scripts placed within the Photos by the Adobe RAW-Converter further enhanced by sRGB selection. 4) On further investigation I found that there was a consistent +25% Colour-saturation in all JPegs. 5) I corrected these and the Photos were put back to normal as shown in the 'Attachments' The reason:- The Adobe RAW-Converter is not the proper choice of Converter ~ it should be the Cameras-Converter. Furthermore I dont know why everyone uses sRGB as its an 'old' Printer oriented system from the '90. Better to use modern (Apple) RGB as its more in tune with modern LCD & Plasma Displays !! Others say its your Graphic-Card Drivers ~ I dispute that as I was able to reproduce your Images as you saw them on your PC ~ then I was able to correct them as shown below. I could be another problem most likely the routines you are using or System set-up, but it is correctable. I hope the contents of this Post and Attachments will help you overcome your problems. Brian (Conflow)
  14. For WnSoft Team, Many thanks Igor ~ I was able to replicate Kens 'Sound File-Fault' in Audacity and by re-saving it and re-exporting the File that added the tags to close it properly. I'm nice to know that PTE 6++ has been adjusted to close such a user-fault as this. Thanks again.. Brian (Conflow)
  15. Ken, I answered this problem some months ago ~ I cant find the thread just now ~ but like Xavers' Post above I also found a 'loop-back' in one of your Alice Springs Tracks. Your problem ~ you are trying to intergrate a (single-Track) Mono Voice-Over into a (twin-Track) Stereo Music Track this wont work. You need to 'duplicate' the Voice-over in Audacity (import it twice) and then import your Stereo Track. Now you have 3 Tracks in Audacity. Go to Edit-->Select all-->Go to File-->Export (all) as an Mp3 Sound Track. I have 'attached' a Sound File called "Alice Springs-Corrected" in which you will hear the corrected Voice/Music File. Hope this helps... Brian (Conflow). AliceSprings-Corrected.zip
  16. Barry & Ronnie, Mike is using the VM-Fusion System on an Apple-Mac, ie:- VM-Fusion is a method of reproducing a Win-Program on an Apple Mac PC. He wanted to retain his (original) Windows Photos but re-size them to run on Apple-Mac for an Exhibition Show. Resizing Win Photos on a Mac is not a simple procedure, thus the request for a resizer. Brian (Conflow)
  17. Hi Barry, Good choice of 'Resolution' ~ and if I may add for XP-Users the 'attachment' will show how to find the Screen Resolution for XP-PC's and Laptops. Brian (Conflow).
  18. Ray, Glad to help ~ by the way the FastStone Program will also 'resize' single Images as well as Batch-Resizing selected Groups and it will re-size complete Photo-Folder even in Video & You-Tube Formats. The same goes for the FastStone 'Re-Namer. Brian (Conflow)
  19. Hi Mike, One of the very best Re-sizers & Re-namers out there are the FastStone.org Utilities ~ been using them for years. FastStone have a well deserved reputation on account that their conversion qualities are really excellent. Here below are a few Screenshots and I might add that their "Resizer" will also resize to Video and You-Tube etc,etc. To preserve your original Pictures you can load them into the 'Re-Namer' part of the Program and this will create a 'one-to-one copy' of your originals where after you can Re-name them as Img-001, 002, 003, etc. and use those for your New-Slideshow and still preserve your originals. Important:Make sure you read the 'Help-Files' before using the Program(s). Screenshots show you what's available and contact details, hope this helps... Brian (Conflow).
  20. Nobeefstu & Argonaut, Nobeef ~ my compliments,your solution to Argonauts' Font problem is a true classic but I am still puzzled as to how he got the Font binaries/unicode platforms into such a quandary ?. I say this because if his PC operating system is XP or XP-Sp2 or Xp-Sp3 etc; these binariies would have been automatically refreshed at each service-pak upgrade and checked again with each auto-update ~ provided auto-update is switched on ? I am beginning to wonder if parts of his Font-Library were overwritten by some 3rd.party Program such as for example: Corel-Draw or if he had accidentally installed some "older" 2nd copies of his choice Fonts? Argonaut might follow this up and let us know how it happened... Thanks again for that good "tip". Brian (Conflow) P.S. By the way, Argonauts Fonts worked perfectly on our PC's.
  21. Hi Argonaut, Yes it is true, some Graphics-Programs certainly change Font-Formats to suit particular applications. However if you look at the 'Comments-Window' in Pte.6xx you will note that 4 True-Type Fonts are the preferred fonts for comments (Screenshot). You might like to consider or experiment with other options but be warned there are limitations to these selections as shown in 2 other Screenshots attached below. I hope this help you in sorting out your problem. Brian (Conflow)
  22. SPaul, We are glad to help you and anyone else who falls foul of Comcast and of course if you get into difficulties ~ just drop a line here and we will get you on course. Brian (Conflow) P.S When you go to uninstall Comcasts' (version) of Norton-Sonar10 make sure you go to Section.2 of the Norton-Uninstaller as you were not given a 'product-key' from Comcast.Inc ~ Section.2 of the uninstaller is provided by Norton for people in your situation.
  23. Administrators, A recent Post from a New-Member "SPaul" has been moved to an unknown location but with respects this original Post contains content which effects hundreds of PTE-Purchaser's who are unfortunate enough to use the Comcast IPS Provider. This provider is know to cause major issues with users of the PTE-Program and in particular those users are getting little or no support from Comcast who use Norton-Symantec as a "diversion" to avoid the issues. I have posted this New-Topic so matters can be rectified by the Administrators for the benefit of WnSoft and its new customers and in particular those who are effected by Comcast.Inc. (I also Posted a 'work-around' for the problems). I respectfully suggest that the "SPaul" original Topic be assigned to the Main PTE Forum Page for at least a few day so those effected can take remedial actions and then enjoy the PTE-program which they have purchased from WnSoft. Kind regards, Brian (Conflow)
  24. SPaul, I have Posted on this problem many times before about certain ISP providers and here is a 'presse' about those Posts. 1) Comcast is one of the 'known' bad culprits in relation to the quality of its IPS-Services to its Customers even to the extent of being examined by many Federal-State Authorities and still it flies in the face of Communication Law and this can be verified by a Google-Search. 2) If ANY attachment exceeds 15.mB it is automatically 'ditched' by its Servers whether its in Zip-Format or in PDF format or simple Plain-Text. 3) Attempts to upload +15.mB Files to 'MediaFire' are also blocked, and unknown to most of its Customers it has a silent counter which limits Monthly-uploads to XX-amount of Megabytes depending on the type of customer-account in service. 4) Comcast is not the only IPS-supplier with such a track record. Virgin Communications in the U.K is another, but at least they let you know in advance its precise business terms & conditions. Their client Anti-Virus also gives major problems. 5) There is always an "excuse" for this arrogant behaviour, such as the "doctored" Norton-Sonar 10 provided by Comcast.Inc. No Commercial IPS-Provider would use a domestic-product such as Norton-S10 as its mainstream 'Server-Filter System' for the reason that such Server-Filters cost in excess of $250,000 each and additional Licence-fee's for each IPS-connection. Note With respects to the Norton-Symantec Corporation they know that their 'Norton-Sonar10' product is being abused by various IPS-Providers to the extent that Customers-PC's has been effectively 'Hi-jacked' by these people and in response they have provided an honest solution to these problems. (Refer to the Link below). My Advice is:- Uninstall 'Norton-Sonar-10' and replace it with 'Avast-Free Anti-Virus' and claim reposession of your Hi-Jacked Computer. Alternatively just purchase a simple Norton AntiVirus Program ~ DO NOT PURCHASE the "Internet-Protection + Anti Virus" (Dual-Package) otherwise you will end up as you started. Link:-Norton Removal Tool. http://www.symantec.com/norton/support/kb/web_view.jsp?wv_type=public_web&docurl=20100225150644EN&pvid=nav_2010&selected_nav=5 Link:Avast Anti-Virus Tool http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download If you are in a position to dump Comcast, do it as soon as you can ~alternatively~ live with it, but at least get your PC back under your own personal control and then download a UPX-Packer which will reduce your AV-Files up to 58%. This will give you some 30.mB File size capacity ~ its not a lot more, but its very useful. Hope this helps you... Brian (Conflow).
  25. For the attention of McAfee Anti-Virus Users I have just received this 'Warning-Notification' here in our Workshops in Dublin and its serious enough to Post here for all McAfee AV-users. A McAfee update release as of 6:00am this morning concerning a virus-definition .Dat File will crash your XP-PC should you have been unfortunate enough to download that File. The Company have claimed that the problem is 'now fixed' ~ none the less you may have this update residing on your Local ISP Server waiting download when you go on Line. Delete any McAfee download for the next few days so to stay safe. Details below. Brian (Conflow) McAfee-Warning.pdf
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