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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Guys, Yes there are a lot of '98se out there, usually handed down to Grandparents by their children and indeed in some Corporate Engineering (sectors) '98se is still used for its ability to handle 16.bit Drawing Programs. Concerning Win.2000Pro ~ There are millions still in use by Municipal Authorities and Semi-State Companies as well as Transport concerns and medium/small Business because of its unique NT.System and its ability to run 16.bit and 32.bit Programs on LAN Networks where up to 200 PC's could be connected. Its only within the past 2/3 years that such Authorities & Business are changing over to Win.Xp Pro which is still available in the Corporate sector from such vendors as Hewlett-Packard ~ Acer and others. Microsoft though it simply had to 'Click-its-Fingers' and every Corporate Company would change over to Vista. No so !! and hardly unlikely, as the Corporate sectors had just invested billions (yes billions) in Win.2000 and then Win.XP Pro. After that rejection Microsoft attacked the Private sector and forced the Public to buy Vista by the simple expedient of closing down the distribution and support of Win.2000 and Win.Xp....not very nice ? On our end of things in PC Applications we have to support Win.98se ~Win.2000 ~ XP because thats what our customers want of us. (We also have to make sure that PTE works reliably on our Customers Op.Systems). We in the Forum tend to forget these facts, and have we forgotten what Microsoft have done with XP ???? I don't think so...and are you all forgetting that Vista will be replaced in 2 years by "Windows-7" now available on line in fully working 'Beta-Format' and its damn good. (It's XP revamped to work 32.bit and 64.bit plus XX). Brian.
  2. Guys, The 'Singular Folder'with everything in it classified into 'Sub-Folders'' does not work with all Operating Systems and different versions of PTE running in those Op.Systems. For Example:- PTE 4.49 running on a Win'98se can not find Images spread across different Sub-Folders within a Master Folder. It likes a 'Named Target-Folder' with all Show contents (pertaining to that Show) contained within that Target-Folder. The same goes for Win 2000. Perhaps that's not made clear enough to new PTE Users ?.....because what has been written above can easily be misinterpreted by a novice user to the effect that Images & Sounds can be extracted from miscellaneous Folders in the making of a PTE-Slideshow..that's not true. A footnote in the above Posts should clarify all ~ for all. Brian.
  3. Mike, Following on from Xavers' suggestion to Zip it up ~ I also have experienced problems with exporting Templates. However when one gets to 'grips' as to how a Template works and the cross-compatibility problems likely to be encountered (much like a Word Template) they don't export very well to different PC's and different Op.Systems. The "attachment" below gives details, and shows how to reliably get around that problem. Hope it helps, Brian.Conflow.
  4. Ronnie, Collin, Ken, Ronnie you done the proper procedure in downloading the MSRT Tool and had not run it from the PC 'run-command'. The MRT.Exe is part of the PC.Cab System 1386 installation and resides in Win.32/Sys on XP machines but it has many referenced 'hook' locations and dll's spread across the Op.System and those locations depend on what Op.System is in use so pointing to the Exe is only part of its system activity. (In Windows 2000 it is located at C:\WINNT\ystem 32 with 7 dll's) The Program has undergone many changes over a short period of time including many code changes and that's why its not generally available to the public any why its so vital to have the latest update. The New 'downloadable' version is a much safer option than simply running it from the PC 'run-command'. Collin seems to agree with that approach. Another problem ~ unlike open Programs this is a self-executing EXE ~ It does not have an 'Uninstaller' so if one makes a mistake or runs a non-compatible (older version) any changes made by the Exe are irrevocable. You cant undo these changes ! Warning: Do not make the mistake of copying this to a CD or Mem-Pen and loading it on to another PC. It will do damage. Ken's Link (above) brings you to the correct multi-lingual Download Page recommended by Microsoft for PC usage. Yes, it does contact the Window-Server for the reason to examine your PC Set-up and supply the correct compatible utility. Guys...My apology for labouring this topic, but one must remember there are many less experienced Forum Members reading this and its so easy to walk into a MS quagmire. For those PTE users this is one area best left to the monthly Microsoft-Updates. Brian. (Microsoft recommendation below)
  5. Colin, My understanding of Ronnies' Post is that he was trying to find the location of the MSRT Tool ~ whether he wants to run it I simply dont know ? but he should be warned about running an 'old-version' of that Tool. It is dicey if he ignores Microsofts invitation to update it having selected the 'run commnd'. Brian.
  6. Syonewall, You wrote..."I have asked a few questions on this forum and when I try them out either I am successful or I am lost in trying to implement them. I have still not mastered how to use nor have I created my first slide show"..... You are not alone in this experience as a 1st. time user ~ Alan Lyons (above) has given you the answer but I fear it may have gone over your head, so lets try this..... 1) Please forget your 58 Slide Show and all the things you have tried to do ~ let make a fresh simple start and use 5 or 6 Photos only ~ forget all about Sound for the time being. 2) There are some Photo-Attachments below clearly marked File-01 and File-02. Simply click on each to open it, than have a look and then save them. You should go to the top LH.corner of this Web Window and select 'File' then select 'Save-As' ~ Use the name given to you. Print out the Files as necessary. Hope these help you get started. Brian.Conflow.
  7. Hi Ronnie, There are 2 versions of the 'Microsoft MSRT Tool' ~ the Automatic version and the Downloadable version. The 'Automatic' utility is part of the MS Live-Care Program and its a 'run-once' device in response to their request to you,ie:- Do you wish to run this Tool?. Should you say yes, it runs once only,then exits the PC. The MS.Program which runs after that Microsoft Web-Instruction is a 'hidden-utility' somewhere in the Win Sub-System. There are many parts of the Win Op-System which are not accessible to the User and are updated regularily by Microsoft even without your knowledge of such. The 'Downloadable' utility is (in essence) a Manual command utility which operates the MSRT Tool with a few extra 'bobs and bells' added. To make it simple to understand for Example:- The PTE Program. You can not get access into this Program, you can only use it through its various Windows whereafter it makes an EXE.File for you. So in effect you can only 'use-it' and nothing else. The Microsoft MSRT Tool is similar except its hidden for a very good reason. Brian.Conflow.
  8. Lumenlux, Just to update you concerning the H264(xxx) Codec. I was on to some of my Pal's in Germany and I was surprised to learn that the Fraunhofer Institute was responsible for most of the advanced research and devlopment of the H264 (Series) of Video/Sound Codecs for use in the Television Industries which has now spun off downwards to iPod, You-Tube etc,etc; Mpeg-4 and H264(xxx) are one and the same thing depending on who is publishing the Codec-Specification. 1) If its H264(xxx) its the ISO/IEC Standards Authorities for World Television Systems (The ITU-T Standard). 2) If its Mpeg-4 its the Film Industries Specification (inc) DVD-Manufacturers, iPod, You-Tube etc. There are some 10 Variations and 23 Sub-Catagories of the H264 Codec depending on 'Quality-Performance' in any specific Application. At this stage there are no 'Freeware' versions of the (advanced) H264(xxx) only the AVC type. (There is a Link to an 'unofficial' version of H264.Vfc below). Windows Media-Player uses the (lo-end) H264(Avc) version of the Codec developed in 2004. The one you want is the H264(Vfc) HD-version - (Quantized half or quarter pixel type) dated 2007. Below are 2.Screenshots and 2.Links to possible solutions:- Brian.Conflow. Links to Codec Source:- http://www.afreecodec.com/26/h264-codec/ http://www12.atwiki.jp/lunatilia/pages/70.html
  9. Igor and Peter, Well I am absolutely 'non-plussed' ~ in fact 'stunned' is the proper word to describe my surprise !! Igor ~ I think I owe the Invision-Board Team an apology ~ and may I say thanks to you and Peter for your fast replies in correcting my mistaken assumption about 'Uploading Pdf's to the Forum'. Now I need to go away and think about our problem. It's quite obviously something in our security set-ups on our PC's thats blocking our attempts to upload Pdf's to the Invision-Board. Many thanks again, Brian.
  10. Igor and Team, On a few occassions I have tried to upload a PDF File to the Forum containing 'Instructional Images' of the type..'How to do a particular Task' so far with no success, nor given an explaination why not ! 1) I realise that this is an Invision Board "thing" which I find very hard to accept for the reasons:- 2) Virtually every Commercial/Private organisation in the World use PDF Imagery/Documents on the Web. 3) PDF Technology is very secure and its quality is far superior to 'cramped' Jpeg/Gif Images in current use. 4) PDF Technology will print anything:- Word Docs~Images~Excel Sheets~Plans~Copy EMails etc,etc. 5) PDF Documents can be Zoomed~Reduced in Full-Colour and can be saved in Multi-Page Book Format. 6) All PC's have Adobe-Reader. If not, download Foxit Pdf-Reader and Cute Pdf-Writer and your in business. For Library & Web purposes nothing beats a good 'Multi-Page Pdf-File' with embedded Thumbnail & EXE Selection's and is 50% smaller than comparitive systems. My question is:- Why are we ignoring this superior Communications Media-System here on the Forum as it would vastly enhance the usage and deployment of the PTE Program -and- the Members Forum ? Brian.Conflow.
  11. Good Man Barry, Controversial as usual ~but in essence you are correct ~ what ever happened to personal common sense ?? Sure there are 'rogue' owners of Portable equipment who think nothing of extending the Mains cable by spliicing it to an extension cable with nothing more than 'Insulating-Tape' then using that in a Public Hall. Or the 'idiot' who sticks two bare wires into the Mains or those who roll Heavy PA Speakers across Cables? My point in this discussion is:- If Electrcal Installations in Public Venues were ALL fitted with the proper specified "Approved Electrical Safety Equipment" and wired to Regulation Standards and Test-Certified then these measures would suffice in protecting the Public and Premises against 'defective' wiring and Equipment faults (Portable & Static) whilst offering Fire protection and lower Insurance costs. But as you say, that would be too simple ~ or is that they won't spend the money ? ~ so a way had to be found to exonerate and cover those negligence's. PAT's are certainly a convenient and much abused way of doing just that. It's become an Insurance "get-out clause" which simply passed the BOOK on to the unsuspecting Public sector. (It reminds me of the current U.K and Irish Banks fiasco's ~ if it's toxic put it on the Public account) Brian.Conflow. P.S. This is for Camera Clubs: You can now gets a 'PAT Tester Certificate' on the Internet. (1.Day Course £250). So for a 50 Member Camera Club, you have your own resident Tester for £5 per Member ~ makes you think !
  12. Lumenlux,, The Program below shown in 'attachment' and with a link to www.snapfiles.com seems to do the job. Snapfiles.Com and www.webattack.com (one and the same thing) are a really good source of clean Freeware and Shareware for Video utilities. Lets know if that Video-Editor works for you... Brian.Conflow. Link: http://www.snapfiles.com/reviews/Avidemux/Avidemux.html
  13. Hi Dave, You wrote..."In a modern context of an installation ELCB/RCD are they not effectivly the same thing? Answer:- No,they are 2 different devices and you are correct about ELCB's no longer in use in UK. but they are extensively used on the European Mainland. The reasons being:- When you worked in Ireland you would have noticed that our Mains Distribution System is different to the UK in that we use 3.Phase Star-Distribution with centre Earth. Thats a 4 Wire 3 Phase System and each phase R or B or Y could be uses individually with Earth as a single-phase outlet. Mains Sockets in Ireland & EU have 3 Individual/Independent wires:- Phase, Neutral,and independent Earth which is returned to the Mains Transformer and then Earthed. In the U.K I believe you use 3.Phase Delta-Distribution with some form of polyphase Earth System (I'm not sure). However your Sockets have Phase and Neutral where in fact your Neutral return is also your Earth. ELCBs need an independent Earth return to operate correctly ~ RCB's do not need this Earth return as the neutral is Earth. Problem is an RCB will not protect persons touching Live & Neutral simultaneously. Electronic ELCB's work in a different way to RCB's in that they monitor both Phase & Neutral relative to Earth and should either become disconnected it will trip. It also 'trips' if there is an accidental misbalance between Live and Neutral relative to Earth ~ such as a person touching both accidentally. (There is a lot more to this device). Concerning Multi-Outlets with incorporated RCB's in the UK ~ below are some lead's and these are also available from most Electrical Wholesalers. Sorry if this has bored anybody, but Dave did ask a very valid and pertinent question which relates to Safety. This topic is now well covered and I think we should get back to the PTE Forums' main business - PTE 5.56. Brian.
  14. Dave and All, Purely as a matter of curiosity, who is UK. accreditation authority demanding these PAT Certs ? If it's your HSE Authority they have a number of 'Downloadable Publications - in PDF Format which Forum Members might like to read. Look up the A~Z Index Electrical (E) and for those in Entertainment (AV-Shows) they clearly recommend using 'RCD Trip Relays' on Mains supplies feeding such equipment as Computers/Projectors/Amplifiers but we in Ireland go further with the use of ELCB's (electrical leakage circuit breakers) as I have already mentioned. This would seem to be the answer to Mike's problem, for if he uses such, he is in compliance with the HSE requirement. He could carry a Copy Publication with him for inspection, otherwise he would be obliged to have his Equipment PAT-Tested each and every time he goes to a different venue which obviously is absurd. (See HSE-2 below) Link:- http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/elecindx.htm And a few attachments below:- Brian.
  15. Peter, You wrote..."are qualified (I hope!) electricians and are therefore speaking with a degree of authority on this subject".... You are quite correct, even our small Firm had to undergo accreditation to Manufacture Turbine Controls and when we employ Electricians they have to be ECTI registered and we ourselves are not permitted to use Non-Compliant Tools nor equipment and we have to insist on CE.Certification prior to any purchase of Plant & Equipment ~ including Computers and Welding-Equipment. There is an awful lot more to it than than that, but generally in Ireland if you can show the 'EC Accreditation Marks & Documents' and your Company 'Certs' and in large organisations you must be ISO9000 approved then we dont have that hassle of producing PAT's which seem's be a U.K. Insurance thing. But I doubt that would stand up against E.U enquiry as Britian is an E.U Member and has already signed into Law the EU Electrical Safety Regulations. Brian.
  16. Dave, I accept your point of view in regards to Wales your home territory ~ its probably different in Scotland and other parts of the U.K. ~ but god knows if its enforced locally ?. Many years ago we used to have that absurd situation here but thankfully thats all cleared up now. Is it that the Insurance Companies are Anti-EEC and wish to enforce their own (personal) Rule-Books ?? Thats very interesting considering the UK, Wales and Scotland are EC Members and all equipment made in Britian must comply with the E.U Safety Certification Scheme ~ otherwise no Export Licence's. At least the 'Topic' got an airing and if one uses a 'E.U Approved Mains Multi-Outlet' then its none of their concern, their Installations are protected and so are yours. I wonder would they have the guts to challenge the EU.Directives if it was reported to your local EU.Office in Cardiff where you can get a free copy of those Regulations..I doubt it. Lets leave it at that. Brian
  17. Dave, You wrote..."This whole discussion seems to be a pointless excercise" from your #12 post above Well I'm sorry Dave ~ but Paul and other Forum Members are reading this topic with interest and are quite concerned as to how they stand if and when giving a public performance of their PTE.Slide Shows, so its certainly not pointless... I do understand your comments about Council Insurance and putting the onus on the Hall Warden... 'Thats passing the Book' and I'm damn sure they wouldn't get away with it here. We have a legitimate right here to ask for an 'Electrical Compliance Certificate' which can not Lawfully be with-held irrespective of any 3rd party matters whether they be Council, Commercial, Church Hall, Public Venue or Local Bigwig....the facts are simple:- The Venue must be 'Electrically Compliant to National & EU Regulations' to protect the Public against mishap in those premises irrespective of cause whether its Fire, Water, Electrocution, or simple electrical accident and appliance faults ! To ask the 'Local Safety Officer' to attend each and every opening hour of a Church Hall or indeed to ask the Hall Warden to examine every piece of appliance is absurd and is as abuse of the Warden....Just fit an ELCB and have done with it or make sure the Council have one fitted in the first place. Things are different here ~ we would not ask a 'Hall-Warden' to accept that responsibility ~ that's illegal in the E.U. and Local Councils know that !! I do urge Forum Members to use an (E.U Approved) 'Mains Multi-Outlet Box' with internal ELCB ~ call it Insurance. That's all I have to say on this topic. Brian.
  18. Paul, In that case a 30.mA ELCB-Relay (if installed) would pop-out immediately ~ thats an E.U.Regulations' device ~ and its Law here in Ireland and must be fitted as in other (Full-Member) E.U Countries. In fact if you buy any E.U.Multi-Outlet Adaptors from Aldi or Lidl they come complete with an internal ELCB fitted. I'm sure there are other places where one can get this E.U approved Multi-Outlet, its an absolutely vital piece of 'Kit' for AV Demonstrators. On the funny side of things I wouldn't be writing this except for ELCB's ~ I have lost count of the number of near 'misses' I have incurred in my Business ~ sad to say many Electricians haven't been so lucky. On the Insurance issue (in Ireland) both parties must have 3.rd Party Liability Insurance, the Venue, and its Exibitor, if Commercial. If it's an 'enthusiast' who is Demonstrating/Exhibiting the onus is on the Venue to insure its installations are Earth/Leakage proof and compliant with regulatory Standards and that person would be considered as a member of the public. It would be near impossible for them to prove 'negligence' of the Venues' Electrical Installations in face of a current Electrical Compliance Certificate. It's the reason for the existance of ELCB device's even in the Home and for usage of Domestic/Garden Appliances and my heavens did we have 'abuses' in Ireland before they were made mandatory in Installations. Not sure if its the same in the U.K. Brain.
  19. Mike and All, My reply was perhaps 'over simplistic' but here in Ireland we have the (ETCI )Electro Technical Council Ireland, who make sure of 3 things:- (1) All Electricians must be Qualified and Registered with the Council before work can be undertaken on any Site. (2) All site installations even our Church Halls must be signed-off as Compliant with all National & European Electrical Safety Standards and that includes all our Houses etc,etc. There are no exceptions,see the following:- (3) The premises themselves must be Electrically Safe for Public Usage and must be Fully-Fused complete with Overload Relays and equipped with RCB's (residual current circuit breakers) and ELCB's (earth leakage circuit breakers) so in the event that any appliance has a 'dicky' Mains cable etc ~ that circuit simply trips out 'isolating' that appliance thus protecting everyone. (In Wales and U.K North I have seen installations which rely on Fuses and nothing else ~ very dangerous and Non-EC compliant) My point is:- I agree, other Countries have variations on these requirements such as the (OTT) U.K PAT System which I have just learnt about. But at the end of the day seeing as the E.C has made sure the Appliance's are safe ~ surely its up to the Church Hall to make sure it's installations are Electrically safe for Public-Usage and stop using this nanny excuse of a PAT Test on everything brought in. (That's simply passing the Book and its open to fraud). What's to stop them asking for a 'PAT' on my Electric-Razor or Camera-Charger or my Laptop-PC or someone passing a local 'lecki' a few pounds for a 'dodgy' Cert ?....absolutely ridiculous. If I were Mike I would ask to see their 'Electrical Compliance Cert' before I would commit my expensive AV.Equipment to usage on their Mains Supply of unknown Certification,if any ?.....Mike also has Civic Rights as Peter has confirmed in his #4 Post above. It's my opinion that Camera Clubs should insist on seeing the 'Electrical Compliance Cert' of the any (visited) Venue if only for the safety of its own Members and its own Insurance liabilities. That's all... Brian.
  20. Mike, You wrote..."I was to do a show in a Church Hall but was told I had to have a Portable Appliance Testing Certificate for my electrical equipment as otherwise I would invalidate the Halls Insurance"..... This is a load of "old rubbish" and whoever said that to you knows nothing about Electrical Appliances !! and is simply exercising a self assumed authoratiive pose without no substance nor knowledge of what they are talking about...."Posers" The "Portable Appliance Testing Certificate" is only applicable to those in a Professional Trade such as Electricians, Plummers and Contractors so as to assure that they are using 'Certified Power Tools' which (On Site) demands the usage of 110.Volt Appliances even in the E.U and UK and the USA. These products must bear the CE Mark and the UR Mark and an IEC/BSI Specification Numbers and will be clearly marked 110.Volt-Usage which is proof enough that the Product has passed its Certification Testing. The purpose of all this is to assure the Insurance Company that they will not be liable for 3rd.Party Claims as a consequence of work persons and the public using defective/non-approved Tools in a DIY capacity or on a Worksite. By the way the "Portable Appliance Testing Certificate" is solely issued to the Manufacturer not the public, but can be requested for a fee from the Manufacturer. Concerning 'Domestic Goods & Appliances' ~ Computers/Projectors/TV & Radio/White Goods/ ~ these are all covered by the CE.Mark and IEC/UL/UR and BSI Kitemarks and if they are not satisfied a little call from your Local Electric Supply Utility will put an end to that nonsence....SHOW THEM THESE MARKINGS on your equipment, if they don't accept that, tell them to expect a call from the Electric Utility which has a little more 'punch' than the Local-Insurance Company Ltd. Have fun on your next visit to that Church Hall. Brian.Conflow.
  21. Ray, More details are needed,viz:- 1) What version of Windows-XP are you using ? 2) What version of Vista is on the Laptop ? 3) How are you transfering your Show to the Laptop ? That would give the Forum members better data to work on. Brian.Conflow.
  22. ED, What Dave is refering too as 256.bit Mp3 Quality is:- * Similar to the 'Hi-Fi Quality' one would get from an expensive Quad Stereo Amplifier System. (Less compression) Frequency response about 16.0 Khz ~ if you turn on the VBR Button (variable bit-rate) you will get up to 20.Khz. * In comparison 'CD-Mp3 Quality' (128.bit) one could hear the quality difference if played through the Quad System. Frequency response around 8.O ~ 10 Khz and with VBR on it should achieve 10~12 Khz frequency response per CH. Brian.
  23. John, Things are not always that simple with Win.Computers for the reason there are things which Microsoft don't want you to know, in fact 'Nobeefstu' is coming in on target with his contributions but there is a lot more to add to that ~ if I may do so. When Microsoft says 70% Disc Space Free ~ in theory that should be correct ~ except they don't tell you about the 'reserved-spaces' which will be used by the System if and when needed. Because thats a 'variable' feast its not counted in the 70% Free space quoted ~ which most PC-users believe to be true ~ its not so ! For one minute lets take an example of an XP 100.GB Hard with no special user partitions. When one does an SIW-Audit on that Drive it becomes very clear that only 70.GB is available for ALL the Op.System and User Programs ~ now you see what you shouldn't know. (The 90.GB attached example only has 67.GB available) If you look at the 'simple' Attached Diagram you will get the picture relative to a simple XP-System with no frills. Unknown to most, XP has a single partition strictly reserved for System-Restore. (Copy of the Op.System). It also has other 'reserved-spaces' not known to the User and in total they all amount to 25% of the 90.GB Hard Drive. One would think if a larger HD was used they would get more HD allocation space ~ Not true because the FATS File Management System works on a 'pro-rata size' basis and you will get a little more percentage but not in size ratio. Some simple facts:- * Any JPeg Image will be approx 1% larger on Disc than the real Image is. * Program Folders are approx 2% larger on Disc than the Folder contents. * Users only have access to approx 75% of total Disc capacity. * Exceeding this User capacity will cause regular 'crashes' as the Page File System can not access any usable Virtual-Memory...because starvation is setting in! One could go on with this for ever, but unless one does a HD-Audit you can not be certain what goes on under the Hood. I hope this, and the 'Attachment' helps to explain your File size differentials. (Attachment not to Scale) Brian.Conflow.
  24. ED, I see Dave got there before me, AAhhh well, I might be wrong but I think I see your problem, you wrote:- Format IEEE Float Frequency 44100 Channels 2 Bits 32 The 32 bits shown above refers to the Composited Stereo Sound ~ and for a WAV Recording that should be 16.bit per Channel and 'set' for:- WAV(Microsoft 16bit PCM) which is the same as a Musical CD-Disc. An XP Machine can't do 32.bit Stereo per channel ~ only 16.bit as is the case with Commercial CD-Musical Discs. The same applies to your 'db-PowerAmp' it can't find a 32bit encoder because there isn't one, its a 16.bit Program. For the benefit of others I 'attach' a Diagram which will show the correct settings. Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  25. Peter, It's funny you should mention DRM and your problem of last year. In the past two weeks I had reasons to use 'Windows Media Player 10' on this HP-Laptop over a period of a few days and guess what ??? My CD-Drive started to act up whilst playing an Mp3-CD Disc and my Spider-Player started to become intermittent. Both 'faults' took me by surprise as both systems were perfectly functional prior to using the Win Media-Player. I then inserted a Memory-Pen with a 'new' Mp3 File ~ all was O.K. Then tried a Data-Disc in the CD-Drive also O.K. Had the fault's been within the Laptop-System's both the Pen and Data-Disc would have reflected the above faults. After a few hours I dawned on me that the Win-Media Player had created its own 'Library-Files' and it was checking the DRM issue through its Com's Port ~ Bingo,got it !! ~ I went into its Folder and removed ALL of those created Libraries and its 'bloated' Media Files and disabled it's Cddb Utility.(Unfortunately you can't unload it without consequences) The Laptop and it's Programs are now restored and back running perfectly. I won't be using Win Media-Player again and like you I decided to use an alternative the 'Win Classic-Player 321' (Its not a Windows program) and it really works. Just goes to show how easy it is to get caught out... Regards, Brian.
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