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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Raydene, In reply to your Post #7 above ~ I had followed the instructions as described elsewhere above ~ the New Icon worked sometimes but it permanently changed the (standard) CD-Icon which is always parked on my Desktop for easy access to that particular CD-Drive. To get rid of it I have to delete the New-Icon and open 'My Computer' and make a short-cut back to the (standard) CD-Icon shown in My Computer now restored to the Desktop. It is quite possible that this 'problem' has something to do with the way we at Conflow Services have set-up our Laptop's and the Desktop PCs in our Workshops. Personally I don't like (dead) Icons left on our Monitors as they usually 'hang-up' our PC's particularily when the active CD-Program or Exe is no longer running on that particular PC. Now we use the standard PTE.Icon but that stays on the Monitor even when the CD-Pte.Exe is long gone from that PC. It doesn't happen with other CD-Run Exe's ~ they exit cleanly and don't leave remnant Icons ~ No left over Icons. Its really an 'inconvenience' more that anything else ~ and I'm not worried about it ~ I was just reporting my experiences with PTE Icons and Bespoke Icons used to herald the Pte.Slideshows. Brian.Conflow.
  2. Stewmil, There have been major changes to the 'Login' procedure and 'Security' procedures of You-Tube within the past 6 weeks. The You-Tube "Link" below addresse's these issues and it should resolve your problem. Hope it helps, and if so, please let us know. Link: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/...amp;topic=10557 Brian.Conflow. NB. read this Attachment:-
  3. Hi All, Its rarely we get Good News these days and when it comes its most welcome. Later on in 2009 Microsoft Corp. are making available their new 'Morro Anti-Malware Program' to all Windows Users of XP-Vista-and the New Windows.7 Op.Systems.........and it's FREE ! See 'Attachment' and Link below:- http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=3067&tag=nl.e589 Brian.Conflow.
  4. Umberto, Your arguement is 'true' for a Single Processor System ~ but a 'Quad-Core' Processor System is specially designed to multiplex Memory resources in both 32.Bit and 64.bit operation and its Bios is similary altered ~ thats according to Intel Corporation~ who are bringing out their own Operating-System in late 2009. The reason being is to get away from the Bios constraints imposed by various Windows Operating Systems. The origional 'Thread' was started by Wideangle who wished to know the merits of modern 32.Bit versus 64.Bit Core2Quad processors ~compared~ to the Quad-Core System and which one would he purchase to cater for current Programs and the future 64.Bit Programs.(His Post No:5) Why buy a '32.Bit Single-Processor System' when Memory is so cheap and the labour cost of extra Memory installation is so high when one wishes to upgrade. Better off by far to purchase a Core2Quad or a QuadCore with all the Memory you will ever need and do it now rather that sell the 32.Bit System for buttons in 2 years time....total waste of money if a person buys an (obselete) Single 32.Bit System now. Brian.Conflow.
  5. Right-On Peter, That (unheralded) upgrade was 'auto-loaded' to XP-Systems last May, I had only noticed some effects in September but accepted them as 'cleanup-upgrades' ~ looks as if they are a little more subtle that I previouusly thought. In fairness to Microsoft they didn't "dump" XP-3 on PC Users who elected not to download it. But they did clean up XP-Security issues relative to internal Graphics-Management which was open to abuse if the XP-Firewall was dropped, so for once I take my hat off to them... Brian.Conflow.
  6. Raydene, I was replying to another query when I saw your Post ~ Question: Are you trying to change the PTE.Exe Slideshow Icon ? I found that was impossible to do unless I was making a CD-Disc of the Slide-Show and where I was using a 'CD-Autorun Utility' and I could use my own Icon to represent the new CD-Slideshow Disc. But when I opened the CD-Disc the Pte Icon was still there on the Disc. Brian.Conflow.
  7. ED, Now that you are a 'Happy Man' (thanks to nobeefstew) you might like to have more details about Microsoft Screen-Savers for future reference. If you want to play around with these things there are certain facts you need to know which are hereunder illustrated in the "Attachments". Nobeefstew is quite correct about "8.Characted Naming" of certain Images ~ you will also find that most Cameras use 8.Digit naming for Images as does most 'Burning-Software' to agree with the ISO-Naming Convention for Images. The 8.Digit Standard is used right across the board because it's an exact multiple of:- 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 Bit Data Systems. Hope you have some use for the 'Attachments-Data'. Brian.Conflow.
  8. Ed, Can I have more details and perhaps you can answer the following:- You say that the 'Screen-Saver Folder' is in C:/Windows/System.32 ~ I cant find it. Q1) What is the name of this elusive Screen-Saver Folder ? Q2) Is this Folder of your own making or is it a Windows Folder ? Q2) Are you using a 'Slideshow' as a Screensaver or 'Static-Images' ? I did say that there have been changes to the Screensaver System and I want to see if your XP-Home is the same as mine with the SP2 (only) upgrade. Brian.Conflow.
  9. ED, I assume you are using XP ~ if so, I too had this problem after a recent Microsoft 'upgrade' some months ago (May). The damn System was putting 'spurious' Photographs it found in the 'My Photos' Folder into the Protected Screen-Saver List as shown in the "Attachment" below. Obviously Microsoft were trying to secure the Protected Screen-Saver Folder and made a 'haymes' of it as usual. I was using 'still Images' rather than a Slideshow and I now note that Win creates its own 'Screen-Saver Slideshow' ~ it didn't do that before the upgrade. You will find that you will be forced to remove the Folder "My Photos" from within "My Documents" and park it somewhere where it's not open to saving Photographs. Alternatively if you don't use it, delete it and create your own (source) Screen-Saver Folder as described in the link below.(On your System it could be the 'My Pictures' Folder) Furthermore you will now find that 'Screensavers' and 'My Picture Slideshow' are hidden Folders with no direct access except through 'Display Properties' and the following Instructions "Link":- http://www.xp-tips.com/my-pictures-screensaver.html Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow.
  10. Andre, That's a very nice PC you have ~ yes you are correct, Vista-Ultimate is a very different Op-System compared to Vista-Home and Vista-Home Premium. For comparison it's like the difference's between XP-Home and XP-Pro as Win 2000 is to Win 2000.Pro. What typifies a "Professional/Ultimate" Operating Systems is the the instructions code-set which is very different and very tightly written with no loose ends ~compared to~ the Standard Op.Systems which are very loosely written with many dead and loose ends and a nightmare for good Program Developers. Its also very hard to compromise a 'Pro-Op System' where its relative easy to compromise a 'Standard Op-System' thus the necessity for so many patches and upgrades. You note that Microsoft issues different 'patches' for Pro and Standard Systems, now you know why !! As to Intel Processors - 'Core2Quad' means:- Two x Dual-Core Processors in one Package capable of running a 16.Bit Programs on one of the Cores within a Dual-Core ~ and both Core's in use for 32.Bit Programs. The '2nd Dual-Core' can then run simultaneous Programs along side that Program already running in the 1st.Dual-Core. It can also run a 64.Bit Program split between the 2 Dual-Cores. Whereas a 'Quad-Core Processor' is 4 x Independent Processors in one Package running a 64.Bit Programs or 2 x 32.Bit Programs but can't run a 16.Bit Program. 'Quad-Core' is faster than 'Core2Quad' assuming the Buss-System can match the speed of the 'Quad-Core uP' Hope this helps some readers. Brian.Conflow.
  11. Andre, That's a very nice PC you have ~ yes you are correct, Vista-Ultimate is a very different Op-System compared to Vista-Home and Vista-Home Premium. For comparison it's like the difference's between XP-Home and XP-Pro as Win 2000 is to Win 2000.Pro. What typifies a "Professional/Ultimate" Operating Systems is the the instructions code-set which is very different and very tightly written with no loose ends ~compared to~ the Standard Op.Systems which are very loosely written with many dead and loose ends and a nightmare for good Program Developers. Its also very hard to compromise a 'Pro-Op System' where its relative easy to compromise a 'Standard Op-System' thus the necessity for so many patches and upgrades. You note that Microsoft issues different 'patches' for Pro and Standard Systems, now you know why !! As to Intel Processors - "Core2Quad" means:- Two x Dual-Core Processors in one Package capable of running 16.Bit Programs on one of the Dual-Core Chips and using both Chips for 32.Bit Programs. The 'spare' Dual-Core can then run simultaneous Programs along side that Program already running in the 1st.Core set. It can also run a 64.bit Program split between the 2 cores. Whereas a 'Quad-Core Processor' is 4 x Independent Processors in one Package running a 64.Bit Programs or 2 x 32.Bit Programs but can't run a 16.Bit Program. Hope this helps. Brian.Conflow.
  12. Peter, Its a 'Quad-Core Processor' running Vista and 'quad-core' can run 32/64 Bit - where as XP is limited to 4.Gb Memory (Thats 4x1.Gb Mem Slots) irrespecive whether its a Single or Dual or Dual-Core Processor. However most XP-Machines are runng on 6.Gb when one adds the 'Virtual Memory' to the 'Page-File Memory' and the '4.Gb Ram Memory'. One also has to consider the PC Buss-Architecture whether its a dual-16.Bit or a quad-16.Bit or a Quad running in dual-32.Bit mode. You are correct if you are thinking in terms of a single addressable Buss-Structure where 32.Bit can only address a 4.2949 Gb binary number. But the Dual and Quad (multiplexed) Processors of today are capable of addressing vasts amounts of Memory purely limited by the size and width of the Data-Tracks on the PC Board and the number of Memory-Slots available. Its the reason that Manufacturers are now developing Fiber-Optic Buss Systems to get away from those limitations. Brian.
  13. Wideangle, This is a purely a personal appraisal of "what I would go for" considering the current and future circumstances of how 'Vista' will pan out against 'Windows-7' whilst leaving all my options open and not being constrained to a 'tight' 64 Bit Op.System which as yet is not Market hardened nor do we know the operational temperature stress factors which will be imposed on the Quad-Core Processor's. Already from within the Processor Industry there are 'rumblings' concerning these problems ~ I should wait to see what the fall-out will be !! I would go for the 'Quad Core-Processor' and some 6.Gb of Memory running a (min) 7500.rpm Sata Hard-Drive and paying attention to get the fastest 'Data-Buss System' the Quad-Core can support and '32.Bit Vista Home Premium'. At this point in time, and for the next 2 years at least, the 32.Bit System will hold sway and will be less troublesome and more 'compatible' with all existing Programs now available. (Let's not forget that 64.Bit Software is going to take a lot of Development time and much, much, more de-bugging time). Better to have a very fast PC working well ~with well-patched Software~ rather than ending up as a 'Beta Tester' for the Microsoft Corpopration and other 64.Bit Software Vendor's. (That's the reason for the Special Price offer). Wideangle, its your call, and I do wish you the very best with your final choice. Brian.Conflow.
  14. Wideangle, I am writing this from the 'Engineering' perspective of Vista Home and Home Premium as we use these Systems in our Workshops to satisfy certain Clients requirements. We also use '98 - 2000.Pro - Xp.Home -Xp.Pro and Mac for other Engineering activities. 1) PC Users either love or hate Vista depending on their 'application-requirements' for the Op.System as it can be very restrictive in personal settings and the use of 16.Bit Programs and the deployment of Non-Microsoft approved 'Drivers'. All versions contain 'in-built' DRM Protection utilities which means it will not allow you to Copy nor Burn any Sound/Video media with DRM encoding. (All Sony & BMg Recordings and many others top Labels). This also applies to DVD's ~ iPod ~ UTube and lately Vimeo resources. 2) Vista (all versions) need's 1.Gb to run the Op.System satisfactorily and a further 2.Gb if you are going into Dvd-Discs and another 1.Gb if you wish to run Photoshop, Adobe Reader, and other resource intensive Programs such as Word 2003, Excel etc; and don't forget the 'invisible' demands if you are using a Wireless-Lan and NVidia Graphics Card and external USB-Hub. N.B. Dont be fooled with Nvidia Cards ~ 'Graphic-Memory' ~ this is a streaming Memory to facilitate smooth Graphics-Processing and it needs a 'dump Memory' on the PC Motherboard to operate properly. 3) Memory of 4.Gb is really the comfortable minimum for Vista.'32 and you will need a little more with Vista.'64 (see below) and in comparison, don't forget that XP is limited to 4.Gb max. 4) If you are going with 'Vista 64.Bit' version you will need ALL of that 4.Gb of Memory and to get good 'data-transfer speed' you will definitely need a 'Quad-Core Processor' ~ anything less than 'Quad-Core' completely defeats the benefits of Vista 64 Bit. 5) Don't make the mistake of installing a massive Hard-Drive ~ if you must store big 'Library-Files' on the PC use an external HD-Disc. Finally don't forget that Vista is being replaced in late 2009 with the new 'Windows-7 Op.System' now in final Beta-Testing and is designed to "fix" all those problems encountered with Vista. (Look on it as a 64.Bit XP-System because thats what Business wants). Hope this has been of some help to you. Brian.Conflow.
  15. Robyn. To get you sorted with this problem, please let us know:- 1) Make of your sister's Computer ? 2) Model Type ? 3) What 'Operating-System' is used on that PC ? 4) How did you import the Exe onto that PC ? This is the least information we Forum members need. Brian.Conflow.
  16. Igor, I also wish you a 'Happy Birthday' and I hope you will have one of those famous 'Russian Birthday Partys' which your Country is noted for... Go easy with the 'Vodka' ~ many happy returns ~ and have a great day. Brian.Conflow.
  17. Xaver, Like you, I also have done similar 'tests' both on my Desktop and my Laptop using V5.5. And again I have similar results like yours.."Part of Desktop showing outside the Images" Not nice!! and recently I looked at a show called 'NYMR Rail' from Peter ~ wonderful Show in 800x600 (Web friendly) but it was ruined by the Desktop Images visible all around it when running on Modern Screens of 16:10 ratio. (1280x800) and other similar sizes. One can't adjust a downloaded Pte.Exe to run on those Screens against a 'Black-Background' excepting where it is possible for a User to make such a 'Background'. Very few Users have that option, nor indeed the skills or knowledge to make such a Background. Other Programs offer this simple utility and the question is why can't PTE ??.....Yes I do appreciate the demands of PZR and the needs of 'advanced users' . But they are in a minority compared to the mass market of General User Licences issued who simply want an excellent Slide-Show Program which will work on modern Wide Screens without 'side-artifacts' running against a 'Black-Background' irrespective of size-format....it's not too much to ask ? Brian.Conflow.
  18. gHamer, Something 'strange' here ~ the Dell-19" is definitely 16:10 Wide-Image at 1280x800 however this is not a Factory Menu-Setting:- nearest is 1152x864 and 1280x1024 and to be honest I'm puzzled as to how its running 1280x800 pixel size. Q.1 Did this Monitor come with the Desktop or did you purchase it seperately ? The reason I ask - if it was purchased seperately, did you download its Drivers from its CD-Disc or did you simply plug it in and Windows found a set of Drivers for it ? Q.2 Also did you perform a 'General-Reset' followed by 'Auto-Adjust' ? after you found this problem ? This is a good Monitor with many facilities but I have a suspition that its not set-up properly or else you have a Graphics-Card problem (if there is one installed) in the PC. There are known issues with certain Graphic-Cards and the hi-demands of version Pte 5.5. Also some PC's have 'Graphic-Chipsets' instead of Graphic-Cards and these Chip-Sets do demand 'matching-drivers' for Monitors such as your Dell. (XP drivers simply won't do) Sorry I can't be of more help because there are so many factors I don't know but I hope the above gives you something to go on. Brian.Conflow.
  19. gHamer, Q.1 Firstly, are you using a Desktop or Laptop Computer to make the PTE Show ? Q.2 Are you making the Show on a PC then showing it on a Laptop ? Q.3 If you are using a Desktop PC what type of Monitor are you using ? Q.3 Have you done any 'Graphic-Editing' on your original Images before importing them into Pte.5.5 ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You mention a 'change' of 1f.Stop (relative to Lens-Aperture) thats a Brightness or Contrast change of 1:1.41 ratio, thats big ! Judging by your Image size 1280x800 thats a Standard 16:10 (ratio) Screen-Format used in 15" NotePad-Laptop Computers. Correct me if I am wrong ! If we can have more details, I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this problem. Brian.Conflow.
  20. AAron, I see that Peter has beaten me to it concerning DRM. You might not know that DRM Protection is "in-built" within the Vista System and its Media Player and it's one reason why Vista is so hated by Commercial Users. Peter spent some considerable time searching for a suitable utility to do this job - the 'Exact Audio Copy' program. It's my understanding that the 'Vista DRM-System' applies a global law to all MPEG4 File's in assuming that they are of Commercial origin and consequently applies 'copy protection' to them. Yes your Show will play on your Vista PC because the Re-play Codec recognises the origional format of the Recording-Codec but this will not be the case when you try to replay that File on another system such as XP even using 'Quicktime'. The reason being that the MPEG Codec's on the XP will be very different to those installed on the Vista PC and I dare to guess that you are not using the same version of 'Quicktime' on all the other 'Test PC's'. (It's also the reason why Igor recommended a very Special Player to render the MPEG4 Files after much research). Link:-http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8954 Finally MPEG4 has some 21 variants (for various purposes) and is still in Devlopment so there is no exact 'Standard' that covers all applications. (See Attachment) Brian.Conflow.
  21. Aaron, There's nothing wrong ~ you have forgotten that MPEG4 Sound Files are 'DRM Protected' and in virtually all circumstances are 'Copy-Proof' when 1:1 copies are attempted. You may of course play the origional for your own entertainment purposes but they are specially 'encoded' to prevent unauthorisied copying. You can attempt to Re-Play them whilst at the same time Re-Record the Sound-File into another format, but it doesn't always work particularily if you are using 'Quicktime'. The 'Link' below may help you find a 'work-around' solution:- http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&q=MP...earch&meta= Brian.Conflow.
  22. Geoff, Agreed, and the best of luck with it ~ Should you have a problem you can always send a P.M. Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  23. Ken & Tony, Ken I completely agree with you and as a veteran of Pte I'm sure you will agree that one should never use a PC for permanent or semi-permanent 'Storage' of Photographs nor Music nor Pte Shows. And to rely on a PC to 'store' Templates is simply asking for trouble ~ It's simply just too risky !! When one considers what's going on within a PC over any reasonable period of time:- what with Security updates, and contineous scanning of Anti-Virus and 'unsolicited' Microsoft upgrades and the ocassional 'lock-out' its really no wonder that Templates get lost or corrupted. Tony, Microsoft OP.Systems can't even guarantee the security of 'Microsoft Word Templates' nor 'Excel Templates' over any reasonable time domain much above 9~12 months without some form of corruption or text displacement. I always advise users to create 'Libraries' of archival materials and when these reach about 250~350 Mb in size simply burn them to CD-Disc and create your own reference Library ~ it's a simple solution and much more secure. Brian.Conflow
  24. Tony, There are many Programs out there which do exactly what you have just experienced, they are usually 'Image Programs'. Yes, and 'Floating point' is a 'catch-all message' and it usually means that the Program can't close because it was waiting for a response from you. An analogy is where you are playing around with 'Open Files' and suddenly a message appears..'There is a sharing conflict' and you say what have I done ?? ~ you haven't closed an open File, its thats simple. Brian.Conflow.
  25. Geoff, Thats your problem ~ I came with Vista pre-installed ~ but typical Dell, that Motherboard was origionally designed for XP but it would have said "Windows Vista Capable". I bet if you can find the 'Motherboard Manufacturer' they will confirm what I wrote. If you carefully examine the "Links" I sent you ~ you will see that Dell simply 'customed designed' a set of Drivers for that Motherboard so it would run Vista. You also note that they won't supply XP Drivers, I wonder why? As regards Mp3 Files you will probably find that they use an 'El-chepo' codec not the Lame nor Fraundofer origionals. Anyway a set of Drivers is available for your XP-Sp3 in one of the 'Links' ~ but as you say it's not the time to do this. You will probably find that the Sound-Chipset is running on a set of Microsoft (Legacy) Drivers not quite suited to that particular Chipset. Nice machine there Geoff, and you are so correct about Vista, but shortly that's being replaced with 'Windows-7' now in Beta release.....thank god. Brian.Conflow.
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