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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Hi All, For those of you who have an extensive collection of 'VHS-Video Tapes' and wish to convert these to 'TV Standard-DVD Discs' ~ Maplin of the U.K are offering a nice Converter Deck which will do that job. Its about the size of a VHS-Deck with intergrated TV-Tuner and incorporates all the 'conversion-electronics' for PAL-DVD. It might also suit as a Camcorder Converter and with Bulent Software I see no reason why it couldn't convert PTE.Exe's directly to TV-DVD. Link:- http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?Module...amp;T=-11838164 Offer closes 10/6/08 They also have a HDMI version for HD-TV at £199. Brian.Conflow
  2. Foto 1, The last I heard from Granot was that he will be away working somewhere, he didn't say. Considering the Cyclone thats going on in Thailand right now, his Websites might be down. I have just sent him a message wishing him well and asked him to make contact ? Should you wish to contact him and drop him a line here is his EMail Address below, that might be a considerate thing to do. Granot (Pte) E-mail Address:- boxig@zahav.net.il Best regards, Brian.Conflow.
  3. Dave, Your comment 'Another Thread Hi-Jacked' ~ sorry about that, that was not my intention at all. I was simply responding to a wild statement..'Blue-Ray has Won etc'...completely unqualified ! Well I try and consider other's reading a particular thread so as not to accidentally mislead them. Potwnc, wrote..."There's nothing about the Blu-ray disc format itself that requires data video or any other content) to be copy protected. If some (e.g., commercial film studios) choose to copy protect their content that's their business".. Potwnc must have a short memory because the driving forces behind 'Blue-Ray' are Sony Media and Warner Media, BMG Media, Walt Disney Media and many others with a vested interest and in BlueRay. Using Potwnc own words:If some (e.g., commercial film studios) choose to copy protect their content that's their business !!!...Well if these people named above are not Commercial Studios, what are they? and if one is so naive to believe that they are not going to protect their interests? What can I say.... Here are the facts from the: 'Optical Technology Storage Association' Link:- http://www.osta.org/technology/bluelaserfaq1.htm Dave back to your Thread (its a good one) I will not comment anymore on the above. Brian.
  4. Potwnc, I think we are at cross-purposes here with Blue-Ray and HD-DVD ~ Let me explain:- Currently on the Market you can go out and Rent a 'Movie on DVD-Disc' the modern equivalent of the 'Movie on VHS-Tape' ~ both are Entertainment Media. It so happens that the 'Entertainment Industry' has been looking for a replacement of the 'DVD-Film Disc' because of its limited capacity and other Technical constraints and lack of Copy protection. Now enter 'Sony & Associates' and 'Toshiba & Associates' and both are using the new Blue-Laser Technology (hence Blue-Ray) and both Associations want into the 'New DVD' Entertainment Industry because its so lucrative. Sony Associates developed their own Technology and called it Blue-Ray and in essence its an Mp2 Film System. (However during 2008-2009 thats going to be changed) Toshiba Associates developed the 'HD-DVD Disc Drive System' and adopted the name HD-DVD as the 'Entertainment Media Name' and were also using Blue-Ray Laser Technology, but theirs was compatible with existing DVD R/W Discs, Blue-Ray is not compatible. This has all been going on since 2003/4. Last January the President of Toshiba announced that it was getting out of the so-called 'Blue-Ray' Entertainment Market and was going alone with Microsoft & Others in the development of their 'HD-DVD Entertainment Market'. Then in mid-April they decided to retire from that HD-Market completely not the least due to the Vista debacle which Microsoft was going through and the loss of confidence by the larger Super-Chains like Walnmart, Next, Amazon and others. It cost Toshiba $835.M losses. This is what you are actually refering to in your above Post:..The HD-DVD Entertainment Market. As towards the 'HD-DVD Disc Drive' ~ thats now being released as an uncommitted Blue-Ray R/W Disc Drive, and its my opinion that will surplant the current DVD R/W Drives we now use. Its capacity will be from 15.Gb -25.Gb....Compared to 4.Gb and 7.Gb double density DVD's. As towards Sony Blue-Ray, yes that will replace the existing 'DVD-Rental Market', problem being when they drop the Mp2 format you will not be able to Copy the Blue-Ray Disc ~ and that is what they wanted for the past 10 years ~ Copy Protection. Hope this goes some way in explaining the 'bare bones' of this Media War ~ its not over yet !!! Brian.Conflow.
  5. Dave, I appreciate what you are saying ~ and yes, the HDMI connection to your TV Set is the way to go, superb quality. Pity that many Laptops don't have that output. The reason I mentioned 'Blue-Ray' being discontinued, was in case other Readers would be tempted to buy a 'Blue-Ray System' not knowing the facts. Brian.
  6. Dave, You do realise that 'Blue-Ray' has been abandoned by Toshiba (Patent-Holders) in favour of the New 'Open-Format DVD Read/Write' Disc System which offers all the advantages of 'Blue-Ray' without the Market Application restrictions of the Blue-Ray System. I posted the 'Toshiba Corporation Notification' here on the Forum about a month ago. Brian.Conflow.
  7. Open Files With I have just read Kens' No:#5 post above about File Expert, and have also taken into consideration what Igor has just Posted about 'Pte Beta-File Associations'..... It just so happens that we use 'BaXBex File-Expert' ~(Kens Post)~ to regularily open all types of Engineering Exe's and Files which have no 'Open With' dialogue in the Windows List. This can be a pain in the neck if one is constantly trying to open some legitimate archive and we found that 'Open-Expert' makes life a lot easier in that respect. If you have that problem try this out... ScreenShot below:- Brian.Conflow
  8. Ronnie, As I had advised you (Off Forum) the native resolution of your Monitor is 1680x1050 - that is actually 16:10 Ratio. By changing the PTE Ratio to 16:10 will give a bigger Picture, because PTE 16:10 must cater for ALL Screen Sizes not simply your own Screen Size. Yes you would have to 'crop-it' back down to fit your size of Screen, that would be a normal procedure. For other's with a bigger Screen the cropping ratio would be different. But the important thing is to retain the Screens 'native-resolution' for best qulity which you have done. Brian.
  9. Jeff, I see that Lin got there before me ~ but anyhow here is another alternative... First I would imagine you would have to ask yourself 3 questions:- * Is the Text a 'cut & paste' job super-imposed on an existing Image and than Saved-As a whole Image ? * Is it Text Object pasted on to an existing Image within the Object Editor utility ? * Is it a live Text word string such as you would find in a Microsoft Word document ? The fast way Home is to download a copy of the Font from your own PC,<40kB. Copy it to a Memory Pen and upload it to the Clubs' PC. Alternatively lets know the 'Font-Name' and someone will send you a Copy of it. If you want to do that ~ download a Font-Editor from www.webattack.com and let it search for the Font then download it to a Memory Pen and upload it to the Club PC ~ I'm forced to do that on a regular basis and it is better that way than having to 'mess-around' with Show corrections. In the past and nothing to do with PTE... I was obliged to 'Re-Font' a Technical Manual for a Client and we used a 'Word Editor Raster' to do the job, never again, and this was only 20 pages long. As Lin said, it is a last resort, at least that was my experience. Link:- http://www.snapfiles.com/screenshots/fontpage.htm Brian.Conflow.
  10. Len, If you still have an origional 'PTE Program Folder' ~ open the Folder now try and find the File shown in the "Attachment" below, that will contain your Reg Key. Brian.Conflow.
  11. Good Man Ken, This is getting better with every Posting ~ Ken Burns was thrown out the Door ~ PZR went over the Cliff, now we have Animation. Hold on a sec, I want to 'animate' my Pentax ~ Ooops wrong setting, it must be the that new fangled IQ setting, no thats not right, blast it anyway, where is the Auto-setting gone ? Help! All sounds too familiar...what next ? AAhh yes IQ ~ that means Image-Quality~ I think Barry wants to have a laugh at that one. I'm off to look at 'Stargate' (real animation) perhaps Lin is looking at it also, he went AWL. Brian.
  12. Barry, Whats wrong with "PZR" ~ is that no classy enough ~ or are to suffer the 'jibes' and sneers of every Pro-Photographers Group laughing up their sleeves at our 'Animation' attempts, where every Kid in the World knows animations are - SONY PLAY STATIONS ! I give up....what a giggle, and what an affectation ! Brian.
  13. Geoff, Speaking from a technical viewpoint, thats a very hard one to answer ! Its a matter of 'objectivity' ~ what has the Machine got to do to satisfy the Members? and 'Subjectivity' whats the best economic choice and Technology to suit those needs? Really, you need to sit down with the Members and agree some form of 'Outline Specification' There are various technologies available: Optic(s), LCD, Plasma, Backscan, Laser (new). I don't envy your job... Brian.
  14. Lin, Thats a right can of worms you have opened up there, so here goes ~ I can't accept the use of the word Animation here in the context of PTE.... Encylopedias' definition of 'Animation' and and in my Training days the word meant:- To bring to life or to give pseudo-life & intelligence to inanimate and animate objects. Examples:- Cartoons:- Micky Mouse, Bugs-Bunny, Top-Cat and Sony Play Stations, and Films like: Shrek, ET, and Robots like R2D2 & C3CPO ~ all are Animations. By no stretch of the imagination would I consider Optical Zoom or Pan as Animations. They are 70 year old Optical effects, even if they are now digitised as PZR. I will stick with PZR ~ in a few months people will ask me what is PZR....What a Lark ! Best regards, Brian.
  15. Peter, Many thanks for that explaination. It had been my understanding since his 1st.Post that he "still had" problems creating the Exe with those 2 Images incorporated within it. And since then he never confirmed he had the EXE up and running ~ and as I said, it must be a language thing. But we both agree on one thing - take the Images out. Peter thanks again for going to the trouble of writing that explaination. Brian.
  16. Hi Cor, Just a suggestion:- I think the Readers of your above Post would need the special 'MediaFire Folio Code' to get access to the "Nederlands.ini File". MediaFire give every Uploaded File a unique Folio Number which you copy and paste into your above Post. The reader simply clicks on the 'Folio Link Code' and this retrieves the File for them to download. You might have forgotten to insert it in your above Post. Best regards, Brian.Conflow.
  17. Jos, There seems to be confusion between what you write ~ and what we understand ~ perhaps its a Language thing. Example: You wrote:-..."With animations I meant Pan, Zoom and Rotate effects"...you mislead me using the word "Animation". Example: You wrote:-..."that I deleted the pictures and PTE did not find them anymore".. This is also misleading:..How can you expect any Program to find what was 'erased' from the Hard-Drive ? Example: You also wrote:- I used SaveAs and then Create Slideshow ~ F9:Create Slideshow is different to F8:Create Slideshow As... (They are 2 completely different function commands) Please Understand: Nobody is trying to be 'smart' ~ we are trying to help you, I asked for 'Facts' so to keep things very simple, one problem at a time, then we will get somewhere. I spent time, and went to the trouble of making a Noted Screenshot of:-..How to do the 'Save As' and 'Create Slideshow As' because this is the only way you can make a proper PTE.Exe when you fully consider what you are doing in swopping and changing Images within the 'Same Work in Progress' (File: .pte). Create-Slideshow will not do what you want ~ Create-Slideshow As with New-Name will do what you want. You seem concerned about 2 Photo-Images ~ be clever, take them out and see if you can make a successful Slideshow, then review your problem again. Best of Luck, Brian.Conflow.
  18. Jos, Can we get back down to 'Facts' and stop introducing 'assumptions' and 'red herrings ~ Your Post #1 Quote:..."with 6 images layered and with complex animations"... As far as I know PTE doesn't do animations...but apart from that, I think you are getting yourself tied up in knots by moving and shifting Image Files all over the place and not saving your changes. Below is an "Attachment" showing what buttons to press and when to do so ~ It might sort out your problems in some logical order of sequence. Priority.1 Get the Exe up and running properly. Priority.2 Then worry about the Quality aspects. Brain.Conflow.
  19. Jena, Would I be correct in assuming that you are engaged in some form of Commercial Business ?...and that you have no control over what PC's your Clients are using ?... and would those Client PC's range from Win 98se to Win 2000 and Win XP and even Vista ?...and finally your Showroom Laptop, what is the Make and Model No ? If you answer 'yes' to 2~3 of the 4 questions you would be better advised to download Pte4.49 which is the Commercial Workhorse of the PTE range of Programs ~ it will work on virtually any PC regardless. The new version of PTE is PTE.5xx and it is a fantastic Program but is designed for newer PCs with lots of Memory and good Hi-speed Graphics Cards....these things you cant guarantee your Clients actually have !! So why not enjoy the best of both Worlds ~ use Pte 4.49 for the 'older Computers' and use Pte.5xx for Modern PCs. I'm sure you will find some way of convincing your more diserning Clients (with modern PCs) to use Pte 5xx Brian.Conflow.
  20. Colin, How right you are ~ that "offer" is the old release with the 'bugs' which is still active on their Download Site and they have been "Inviting" a cross section of users to download the File so they can get 'Automatic-Feedback'. Their intent is to use that data to root-out remaining 'bugs' and finally 'patch' your Copy of Xp3. Furthermore they have hundreds of 'National Download Sites' across the Planet and many of these DID NOT withdraw the File as Microsoft had offically announced. So in effect you become an 'unpaid' Beta Tester. I fell into that trap in 2002 when they were launching their interactive "dot .Net Framework System" ~ never again. Brian.Conflow.
  21. Jos, Looks to me that you did not 'Re-Save' the work in progress File ~ not the Slideshow Exe ~ but the intermediate .pte File see "Attachment". When you make corrections you must 'Save As xxxxx' before you make the Exe. File. Brian.Conflow.
  22. Geoff, Irrespective of 'Computer Screen Size' whether its 4:3 or 16:10 ratio we have found if you 'Save' your Images in 4:3 ratio or alternatively in 16:10 ratio thats exactly what you will get out from the PC.AVG Socket irrespective of your Screen Format. That fact gives so much hassle with 'Projection Beamers'. Now can that AVG Signal be converted to good DVD-TV Vision renedering ? The arguement about proper Image Size to best suit a PAL TV System is very nebulus for the reason that the 'PAL Analog TV System' is so entirely different in engineering concept compared to the more advanced 'PAL Digital TV System' ~ so one would have to choose a different 'Rendering Technology' to put a 'Pal-Digital Recording' on to a DVD compared to the older 'Pal-Analog Reording System'. I now hear all types of contra-arguments against that statement, but now consider this,viz:- In this context one is trying to emulate the amazing 'quality' of a PAL-Digital Television Signal with DVD-Burners running very limited Software such as is available to us ~compared~ to that available to a Television Producer in a Hi-Tech Studio ????? (But that Software is expensive and so are Commercial Burners) One is up against that Brick Wall... Brian.Conflow.
  23. Hi All, There have been many queries in the past Month from Members who wish to 'adjust' their Monitors to suit different circumstances. Many users do not know how to get 'Access' to the Monitor nor its settings so here is a DataCard (below) which will give you 'step-by-step' Instructions on where to find the Monitor and explore/change its settings together with a 'handy-tip' on how to get 'Quik' access to it when needed. Enjoy, Brian.Conflow. Open the Image in Full-Screen
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