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Lin, How true your statement really is ~ it is an absolute nightmare ! Lin wrote:- ..."What we must keep in mind is the difference between true "optical resolution" and "display resolution" which unfortunately is a very poor use of the term "resolution". Primarily because of the marketing mistake of equating file dimensions (pixel count) to resolution we have created a nightmare for general understanding".... Personally I would say...'they' have created a nightmare of a 'Marketing Ploy'....blame it on the IT people. Brian.Conflow.
Bryan, My apology ~ I was on to Nvidia and Dell about that Laptop Graphics "Card"~ In fact its the Nvidia Chip-Set which now replaces the origional Chip-Set that usually comes pre-installed on the Laptop. I was beginning to wonder was I dreaming, because one can not install a "full-size" Graphics Card into a Laptop. It is indeed the Type:- Nvidia 8400/M/GS Graphics Chip-Set in the Laptop and I now wonder does it have the latest Graphic-Drivers installed. Brian.Conflow.
Bryan, You wrote:- ..."I have bought a Dell Vostro 1510 with 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS Graphics Card".... Are you sure of your facts....Because the Dell Vostro 1510 comes complete with an inbuilt Intergrated Graphics Card (It is built into the Motherboard.) and can't be removed ! You can't fit a GForce 8400GS into that Laptop ~ because its too big. See Photograpg below. Brian.Conflow.
Sorry Colin, I have to agree with Ken, Xaver and Peter ~ it appears that you just 'transposed images' expecting PTE to uptake these and auto-create a new Show as if it were an Auto-File Templated System with auto-save. Windows is not designed to do this and never was, that irrespective of any Program you are running. Windows is designed to run a 'Single Focus' object at any time. You may have 10 Windows Folders on the Desktop but only one is actually open ~ the one with the "dark-blue" Title Bar. The 'Save Command' command simply saves to an (open) Focus object - that which is active open. The 'Save As Command' instructs the PC to create an auto-Copy of the (open) object and allows you to either 'overwrite' the origional or create a renamed/edited object from the origional. Yep, done it myself many time - you expected the PC to do the thinking for you - no it cant ! Apologies for the long winded explaination ~ but it may help others to avoid the same mistake. Brian.Conflow.
PTE project file has been deleted after PTE error
Conflow replied to fh1805's topic in General Discussion
Peter, Did you check your Re-Cycle Bin ?...If it's not there and you know the 'name' of the File,try as follows:- Select--->Start Button--->Search--->Files or Folders--->when the Search Window opens,type in the name of the File in the Mini-Window (flashing prompt bar) then select--->'Look-In' window and use the small side Button to select Hard-Drives. Hit the 'Search Button' and wait for the listing to develop... (Make sure under the View Button on the Tool Bar that you have selected the (Details Tab.) If the File still exists it will be listed in the Search Window together with details of 'where it is'. Brian.Confow. -
Loss of transitions in exe when moved from Vista to XP
Conflow replied to apcranswick's topic in General Discussion
Alex, Just a 'quik' reply to your query concerning your Laptop XP and the PTE Program and to stop you chasing your tail...Lin Evans is quite correct. You Wrote:- "....Laptop (Dec 05): XP 1.6GHz 768Mb RAM shared with 128Mb integrated graphics – All fading transitions missing except first and last ones, some other transitions missing, etc,etc..." Some 'quik' Maths: 768Mb.Ram - 128 for Graphics Card (if used)= 640.Mb - 256 for Op.System = 380mB Reserve Ram. Sorry, thats too small, you need at least 1.Gb of RAM (Overhead) to run Pte 5.1 and all other devices. Looks to me as if the Laptop came with 512.Mb RAM and you bought the extra 256.Mb Memory Card.... Change the 256.Mb Card for a 512.Mb Card or better still a two 1.Gb Cards, and all should be OK. (Check Spec Sheet to see if it supports 2 x 1.Gb Cards) Buying Memory today is still cheaper than buying a New Laptop. Brian.Conflow. -
Hi All, Henri did make a very good point about 'Units Measures Conversions' ~ although we at Conflow work in ISO Metric Units ~ those conversions are really a pain in the neck, so for Henri and others here is a brilliant (small) Units Converter Calculator to make life easier. We use it all the time ! Brian.Conflow Link to Program Download: (It also runs in Linux and Unix) http://joshmadison.com/software/convert/
Mikkelrev, Yes,there are many 'Laser-Pointers' on the Market but the problem is:- Many users don't know how to use them properly nor set-up their PC System properly. here are a few 'tips':- a) Things should be set-up so that any of the 12 PTE Commands are selectable with the Laser-Pointer. When you purchase the 'Pointer' do not allow Windows to provide 'Generic-Drivers' for it, always install the Drivers that came with the Laser-Pointer. c) You must think of the 'Projector-Screen' as a fully functional 'Virtual-Desktop' and treat it as so. The Laser Mouse-Cursor must remain on the 'Projector-Screen' at all times in the proper orientation. You use the (virtual) Laser-Cursor shown on the Screen as if it were the actual Desktop Mouse-Cursor. d) The 'Show on the Projector Screen' must be the (primary) 'Windows Focus Object' which surplants the Desktop completely. This means that the 'Laser-Mouse' can not inadvertently select anything else should you accidentally run the Mouse 'Off-Screen'....that happens so often. e) Make your PTE-Show in 'Full Screen Mode' not in Windows-Mode, because in Windows-Mode should you run the Mouse-Cursor into the Black-Border you can inadvertently select a Desktop item behind the Black-Border. f) When you get the Show up and running always press 'ALT+F4 Keys' to make the PTE-Show the main 'Windows Focus Object'. When your Show ends you should see the active Open-Folder on the Screen. Just click on the 'Close X' g) To test all the functionality of the Laser-Mouse, simply open your 'PC.Control Panel' select-->Mouse, (double.clk)-->then select-->Hardware Tab and within the Window you should see your Laser Mouse. You can set it up and test from there. Apologies for the long instructions ~ but others are reading this also. Brian.Conflow. See the "Attachments"
Mikkelrev, Can you be more specific ?... a) Is this a Software Product or is it a Remote Hardware Product that you are looking for ? Do you intend using it 'within' the finished PTE.Slideshow Exe ? c) If it's a Software, what Win.Operating-System are you using ? Brian.Conflow.
Written by Henri..."I only have one remark: we don't work(or think in, for that matter) with inches, but we use centimeters. So for us here in the rest of the EC it's a bit awkward to work with"... regards, Henri. Henri, I need to correct your comment ~ everything in our 'DataCards are ISO-Metric .Where 'Inches' are shown its because Manufacturers of TV.Sets & Monitors still use this 'notional-description' of Screen Size in inches for the English speaking World. TV & Monitor Screen Sizes are purely notional ,and had you read the Note:- 'Popular Screen Sizes' (in the DataCard) it clearly directs you to Table.3 which provides the correct data for Screen selection ~ and they are World ISO-Metric Standards. Brian. Conflow.
Hi All, Over the years at Conflow Services we have developed a series of 'DataCards' on all types of 'Electronic Audio-Visual Systems'. We use our DataCards for 'handi-reference' purposes and I got the idea that they may be useful to Forum Members in choosing and understanding equipment for making Slide-Shows with the PTE Programs.The format is usually 800x600 pix. reproduced in Gif or Png Files. Below is a sample of such a Card and if you think they may be useful just let me know by acknowledgement here in this 'Thread' Please, do not start another 'Thread' associated with this topic ~ Forum space is limited and is now at a premium as it is. Brian.Conflow.
Anthony, Don't worry about that, there are some Forum Members who keep their 'eyes' on these things ~ like Hawks. Not only for the Forum, but because these affairs also impact their Business and Professions. Brian.Conflow.
Ken, Good idea ~ but it would be unworkable ~ the logistics are too vast ! I just done a few quick Maths,viz:- A) There are 5 Forums in current operation. (4 of these are Application Specific) The Main No:1 General Forum covers a vast range of Categories. C) General Forum No:1 has 3 'Open-Pages' covering:- 12 Categories. 63 Topics. 994 Replies. From: 1/4/08 to 1/5/08 If this lot was put under 'One Thread' it would be totally unworkable. If they were put into 'Tutorials & Articles' it would be very unfair to those who have spent a lot of time writing those 'Tutorials' whose life span is that of the PTE Program. Whereas current topics change every few days. "See Attachment" Brian.
Hi All, here we go again ~ There is now a major Microsoft change to the release Schedules for XP-Sp3 and Vista Sp1 Upgrades due to a Software conflict between Vista-Business and the mentioned 'upgrades' above. Brian.Conflow. Here is a 'Quik-Link to my report 29/4/08... www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8282&st=0&start=0
Xaher, I have same problem's in Munchen ~ they mean well ~ but the Message is hidden ! Brian.
To All, Thank you all for your 'Messages of Condolences' which will be sent to Ron Wilkinsons Family on behalf of the Forum Members and the 'WnSoft Production Team' and a special thanks to Igor for allowing this Obituary Notice which closed today 2/5/08 at 20:00 Hours. Brian Kelly. Conflow.
Xaver, What was written,quoted:- ..."John, Now your talking - Make mine something strong"... We have an category expression in the English language:- Allegory of Allegorical. Which means; Saying or Writing something with a hidden meaning. The above quote means:- ..."John, Your're making sense - Lets have a strong Drink (to celebrate)"... In your Language someting like:.."Johann, Sie machen Sinn ~ Ermöglicht haben ein starkes Bier (zur Feier)"... Brian.
Peter, Check to make sure your 'Firewall' is still actually 'turned on' Check to make sure your 'Anti-Virus' is still actually 'turned on' Control Panel-->Windows Firewall--> Check status. Same with your Anti-Virus.-->Check status. Better safe than sorry ! Brian.Conflow.
David & Jeff, Lin and Xaver, I simply don't know the answer to Jeffs question. Xaver is correct about SP1, but lets not forget that Sp1 was on the verge of total collapse with Hacker attacks, and of absolute necessity it needed to be totally overwritten with Sp2 which provided the Firewall and many essential extras. In fact we got a New Operating System for nothing. The same can't be said for XP-Sp2:- Its rock steady, it works well, it has a good Firewall, and its fairly 'bullet-proof' and has been well patched and can be 'recovered' from System crash easily. For those reasons alone, I can't understand why they want to go "messing" about with Xp2 ~ sure it could do with a bit of House-Keeping but not the radical surgery they intend to do (and thats been well played down), and what worries me most...I can't get the details of that proposed surgery. It's about all I can say, Brian.Conflow.
It's always a sad occasion when an associate passes over, and although we may not meet personally we certainly meet in spirit through our Communications on this Forum ~ Such was Ron Wilkinson, a great Communicator and he will be sadly missed here. With respectful condolences to his Family. Brian Kelly, Conflow Services.
Jeff, The requirement is that 'Service Pak-1' must be on the PC as a pre-requisite to installing Sp2 or Sp3. Once Sp1 is there ~ Sp3 will be installed by default. If Sp2 is there ~ then Sp3 will re-write it up to Sp3 Specifications. I'm not aware of any future Service-Paks in the pipeline for XP. Brian.
Barry, Many thanks for that detailed reply, it certainly dispelled a lot of 'assumptions' and 'misconceptions' concerning Hi-Res Cameras and shooting Raw..which I do myself for Technical Photographs. Bear with me for a minute:- I appreciate that you move around amongst Camera Clubs who have some excellent Amateur's but in Ireland (4.million people) we have lost all but a few of our specialist Camera Shops and AV is not taught in our Schools. Consequently we have a nation with few Camera Clubs per capita, and a population which in the main is struggling with 'Digital Camera Technology' ~ and to be honest most of the family owned PC's leave a lot to be desired ~ they have very limited resources and certainly could not run PTE.5xx. That was the reason for my simple Summary of your Post #22. We know that PTE has gone pan-Global but only a small proportion of 'users' are actually Forum Members who come from Countries very much in the same 'mould' as Ireland. Lets be honest here,we do tend to go over the heads of the 'ordinary working couple' who simply want to know how to make a good Slide Show with a good Program like PTE and its the reason I have asked Igor to retain Pte4.49. At least its a start.... Its in that aspect of the PTE Forum that I have most concern ~ particularily for young people who seem to have an avid interest in AV Systems and I for one appreciated your Post #22 which hit the nail on the head for the vast majority of those catagories without going eliteist with Hi-Res Cameras and what-not. In this respect I think we are on two different 'Railway Tracks' both complimentary except at the 'Crossovers' Best regards, Brian.Conflow.
Barry, My apology if I misunderstood you ~ but then in your origional Post #22 there was no mention of Hi-Res Cameras nor shooting in Raw ~ just your good solid advice appropriate to the vast majority of our 5000 Members. Now it seems that the 'thread' is going off the origional 'Moire' topic' and gravitating to those who own Hi-Res Cameras shooting in Raw, and with respects ~I do~ appreciate your working ethos, but not everybody on the Forum owns an expensive Camera working it Professionally for a living. Surely shooting in 'Raw' and its problems are the subject of a different thread entirely. Brian.
Lin, And the 'rationale' for that is seen in the thread..."Windows XP"... Brian.
Tomuk and Lin Both the Shop and Lin are correct ~ Xp is designed to 'manipulate' up to 4.Gb of Ram (User Memory) ~ however thats not the whole story, and in my view, the Shop should know better. Vista had many names before it became Vista and it was primarily designed as a 'Business-Operating System' and as small/large Companies employ many people and they use PC's ~ consequently they needed to Network these PC's and the concept of Networking was born. Networking is called 'LAN' Local Area Network which uses a high-speed communications system called 'Ethernet'. These 'Desktop Work-Stations' needed lots of user RAM (working-space) but very little HD Memory as the Mainframe stores all Programs and all the Company archival Data in 'Hard-Memory'. This was expensive, but not so costly for the Company had it provided large Hard-Drives on each Work-Station. Typical 'Work-Stations' could now be reduced to 8.Gb Hard-Drives or less. So now you know where the 'Vista Concept' came from and why it is so resource hungry. Then Microsoft tried to foist it on to the General Public, despite the fact that its an inappropriate System for private use ~ and by God did they try that with every means within their resources even to actually stepping over the line ! Now its a matter of money, and Shareholders are 'rattled' with that decision and loss of profits, and loosing out to Apple and the EU.Open Operating System. So now they are bringing out 'Windows-7' in 2009 which will incorporate Vista and they have decided to clean up XP-Sp2 with "cross-compatible" XP-Sp3, leaving XP essentially in the Public Domain....or so they say ???. Question is ?...Will XP-Sp3 remain the working mans' Horse, or will they 'nobble it' so badly it becomes practically useless ? American Corporations have done this in the past, whereas a perfectly good stable Product was 'nobbled' simply because it was not achieving Sales returns which it had enjoyed in its boom years ~ and had now fallen to its natural Sales plateau. This is the fear in peoples mind's concerning XP ~ I do regret whats going on~ but Microsoft have themselves to blame for this. Just keep on using your XP until the debris falls from the Sky...and forget those Memory issues...XP is perfectly adequate as it is. Brian.