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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Mary, Jean Pierre, The ability to make a fully-functional "Old-Time Slide Show" is one utility which I use a lot in the course of my Business ~ particularily for my "Video-Conference" work between Ireland~Spain and Japan where what Engineers see 'live' in Dublin they see simultaneously 'live' in Spain and Japan. Pte.4.48/9 gives me the ability to go Forward and Backward and 'Freeze' any Slide for further discussion with my associates through 'Video-Conferencing' between our respective Countries. I can also choose between 'Full-Screen Mode' and 'Windowed Mode' [in origional format] and also the ability to jump-out of the Program ~ run a PDF File ~ return to the jump-point and continue. Now you understand my recent query about selecting the Pte.4.48/9 Engine within Pte.5xx Program, but Jean Pierre now advises me that its a different Engine to the 4.48 product entirely ? Brian.Conflow.
  2. Igor and Pte.5xx Users My experience with Pte.5xxx is limited simply because I use 4.49 dedicated to my particular Work because it contains certain functionalities which appear to be missing in all versions of Pte.5xxx. However, due to a variety of recent 'Forum Queries' ~ I need clarification on the following issues:- 1) Is it possible to 'manually-select' the Pte.4.48/9 Engine assured to be embedded in Pte.5xx Versions ? 2) Accepting that PZR Functions will NOT be used, will (embedded) Pte.4.48/9 still operate as normal without loss of its origional functionality ? Confused at the moment... Brian.Conflow.
  3. Colin, I'm inclined to agree with you, and I had noticed there were no replies to this query ? My understanding of a Copyright-Logo would be a bespoke 'Limited-size Text Object' simply overlaid on a Image ~alternatively~ a moveable Icon overlaid on an Image. I think Endevil had exploited an delimited Code-Line within the 1st release of Pte-V5.1. (Its normal to leave a number of these 'Lines' in a virgin release such as the V.5.1 Origional). Since then its apparent that Igor has completed that line of Program Code and its now shut. The PNG Transparency used to generate a Picture-Frame (Mask) would be extremely large in size compared to the size of a simple Text Line. So parking that into the Copyright Logo position in Pte-5.2 or 5.3 would cause a Memory over-run as the System tries vainly to load it into that position ~ evident by the returned error-code:- 'Exception AccessViolation in module apr.exe at 00018DFB'.....or other words to that effect. This is my interpretion of the 'alledged fault' whereas in effect it was a simple accidental exploitation of a piece of 'open-code' in Pte 5.1. Brian.Conflow.
  4. Hi Henri, 2nd.Timeline ~ Thats an excellent idea, and I can appreciate why from your Professional background. May I be a little presumptious...imagine if that had 'Positional Tabs' on it ~ either as slideable Markers or Function Objects (selectable) ~ the combination of those two 'ideas' would really put the Cat among the Pidgeons. If that 'Sound-Editing Technology' was introduced into PTE 5.++ one would have the next best thing to a 'Mini-Mixer Desk'. Well I expect we can dream.. Brian.Conflow. P.S. I think the counter got stuck at 1001
  5. Cor, Thanks for your reply acknowledgement ~ I shall wait until Tuesday etc.. Just a comment:- If everything is OK on the 'Beamer' driven from the VGA Socket, then definitely its a 'Monitor Driver' problem. Its my guess that XP is not picking up the New-Drivers or they may be in the wrong Directory. The 'Check-List' I sent you should identify which VGA-Adapter is driving the Monitor, and from there we can find out if the Monitor-Drivers are in that VGA's Directory. Fingers crossed, Brian.Conflow.
  6. Colin, I already gave my reply about 'Timing-Intergration' in my Post No:5 above ~ having said that I go about making my 'Technical-Presentation' or 'Travelogs' as follows:- 1) Draft of Show. * Firstly I select all my Foto's on the basis of 'subject-matter' to cover the entire Presentation. * I sort and collate these Images into 'Alpha-Chapters' prefixed as follows: A, B, C, D, E, etc;etc. * Each Chapter of the Presentation has a unique Theme or Message I want to show and exploit. * The 'Chapter-Images' are sorted and sequenced into a progressive Theme or Message. * I never use more than 5 or 6 Chapters. 2) Image Numbering * The Images are numbered as follows: * Chapter-A...Image numbers from:- A-00 to A-99 in the sequence A-01, A-03, A-05, A-07 etc * Chapter-B...Image numbers from: B-00 to B-99 in the sequence B-01, B-03, B-05 etc; etc * Chapter-C...Image numbers from: C-00 to C-99 the same sequence here also. * Adding extra Images is easy,simply give it an even number such as A-02 or B-04 etc;etc. * The Numbers A-00, B-00, C-00 etc are reserved for Image position 'swopping'. * In any situation one only has to change "1" Digit of any Image to transfer it to another location. 3) Image Proofing * I run each Chapter as a 'Mini-Show' on a small Image-Viewer (Image-Eye) and decide on timing. * I check the 'Chapter-Timing' with a (Desktop) Digital Stop-Watch and note its duration. * I work through each Chapter and record the timings of each. Now I import Chapter-A into PTE and add the effects to my satisfaction. I note its "Preview Time-v-Image Time", and so on for each Chapters in turn. Music & Voice Programs follow the same general planning routine and slot into place fairy easily as all Image-Timings are well established. It works very well for me... Brian.Conflow.
  7. Gary You seem to have everything correct ~ just hit the 'Test Button' on the Autorun program and that confirms everything is OK to Burn. By the way use the PTE Show "Blue Icon" when asked for an Icon. Brian.Conflow.
  8. Cor, Can I get this correct:- 1) Did you run the PTE Show throught the 'Beamer' from the PC and it was perfect ??? or am I in error ? please let me know... 2) Another matter, some Members had similar problems as yours when using Pte.5.1 but these vanished when they changed over to Pte.5.2 ~ they recreated a new Program in 5.2. Its worth a try to download 5.2 and make a 10 Slide Show for Test purposes. 3) I worked out a small 'Check-Test' to see if the Monitor is defaulting to Windows-Drivers when running PTE and 'if' in fact the PC has actually taken-up the new Samsung Drivers. When loading 'Drivers' ~ Always "Unplug" your Internet connection ~ Disable your Anti-Virus and Disable your XP-Firewall because these sometimes 'block' such dynamic-downloads. See "Attachment" below. Brian.Conflow.
  9. Colin, I mentioned this a couple of times a few years ago in 'Upgrade-Suggestions' to Igor,viz:- 'Numeric Interger Adjustment' of the Timeline in PTE4.12 and 4.48 whereby I suggested the placement of 1~3 manually placed adjustable 'Tags' adjacent to the running Sound Cursor which would 'trip' a (specified) Function when it encountered a 'Tag' along its travel. I had in mind the same thing you are talking about, but making simple Slide/Timeline or Music/Timeline corrections towards the latter part of any Show. In other words an (adjustable) Sound-Object akin to the 'Text-Objects' in Object-Editor. Nothing came of that suggestion, I guess it was before its time. Brian.Conflow.
  10. Gary, Please excuse me if I'm being too obvious with details known to you ~ but I must consider others reading this. The 'Files' to write to your CD should be in a 'Root Folder' which contains all the Materials you wish to Autorun after the CD is Burnt. You MUST PUT all materials into a Named-Folder called a 'Root-Folder' because the 'autorun-files' are burnt to the root of the CD before all other materials are burnt. When the Autorun-Program makes up the 'autorun files' these should be "saved" to your Root Folder and from there you 'drag' these into your Burner-Window along with all the Materials you wish to Burn. (The Program makes its own Auto-Save, just check your Root-Folder to be sure) Please Note: All EXE.Programs (PTE Shows) must be 'dragged' from the Root Folder into the Burner Window along with the 'Autorun-Files'. You may also drag complete Folders (without Exe's) into the Burner Window. You can't simply "plonk" a Folder containing PTE.Exes or other EXE's for that matter into a Burner Window. They won't work because you are asking the Program to open the Folder and then run the Exe.Show. Its job is to Autorun the Exe.Show on the CD Disc, not open Folders...do you see what I mean ? See "Example Attachment" below. (The 'Root-Folder' is called Holidays) Let me know how you get on... Brian.Conflow.
  11. Colin, I agree with Peter, I always edit the last few seconds of the 'Sound Track' -not physically in Audacity- instead I use a little "dodge-trick" which may be interest to both of you and is simpler to manage. It depends on the use of a 'Closing-Screen' with or without 'Objects'. Assuming you use a Closing 'Splash-Screen' with Title Acknowledgements for Photography and Music with an Exit Button and Re-Run Button etc;...You simply have to adjust the "Screen-Display Timing" of that Slide so the Music fades-out within that display time and you are left with that final Slide on the Monitor. You can Close the Show or Exit or Re-Run as you choose...there is no time limit as the last Slide stays on the Screen until you do something. You open 'Project-Options' select 'Keep Last Slide on Screen' then go to your Last Slide and select 'Customise Slide' and select 'Own Timing' option-->set a time span to overlap the Music ending. Thats it ! Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow.
  12. Cor You said,quoted....."Our New Samsung Flat Screen 22" SyncMaster 223BW".... Have you downloaded or installed the special Drivers for this Monitor ? or are you running this from the (generic) Microsoft VGA Drivers ? Samsung TFT's and their LCD Colour Monitors have different Driver architectures than the rest of the VDU Industry and I very much doubt if your 'PC Driver Library' has these special drivers installed. To check this you need to open 'Control-Panel'-->Select-->System-->Hardware Tab then-->Device Manager-->Find your Display Adapters-->LH.Click the little '+'-opposite each one-->Now RH.Click each Adapter and select 'Properties'. This will show you what Drivers are installed for each Monitor you are using. I bet you won't find Samsung in there and thats your problem. Brian.Conflow.
  13. Barbara, I CAN NOT EMPHASISE ENOUGH JUST HOW COMPLEX A PROPER 'AUTORUN' ACTUALLY IS, please read on. It makes sense to download the 'Autorun-Tool' as it will confirm, one way or another, whether you have a System Problem or a Set-Up Problem or a Software Problem or an XP-Security Problem and it will help your 'Techie' to quickly diagnose any of the above. You may not be aware that XP-All-Versions, were 'Auto-upgraded' by Microsoft just a few days ago and this always resets your PC back to default values. And as you know this is done behind your back and it always resets 'Autorun' back to its default values giving preference to Autorunning of Commercial CD and Music CD ~ where as you want the priority set to 'Autorun' of your own CD's. The fact that you can run the CD on your own Computer but not 'Autorun' it ~ says to me, that the CD is OK but the Computer 'Autorun' settings have been changed ~ blame Microsoft (see above). The small 'Autorun-Program' I suggested ignores these 'auto-resets' and I have it permanently on all our Workshop Computers for the very reasons stated above. I can no longer be bothered 'resetting' our PCs back to personal-setting, so now I let one or two small programs do that for me. Here is the 'link' again should you wish to try it. But please,please read on their Web Page what Microsoft does with Autorun behind your back. Link: http://www.autoruntools.com/express/ Brian.Conflow.
  14. Hi Barry, A very practical, and very nice Paper on 'Camera Exposure' - its like Black-Magic to most people ! I hope it benefits many readers as its obvious you put quite a lot of work into it, and kept it simple. Best of luck with it, Brian.Conflow.
  15. Peter, No, I don't have that Post on this HP Portable nor is it showing up on our Main PC's in our Workshops. That's strange, but it could be the security set-up on our Server, and if it is, thats a 1st...Many thanks for bringing this to my attention. Attachment to above Post 11:40 am. Found that No:4 Post in our Server Holding-Bin. I have absolutely no idea (yet) why it is ending up in there, I have to follow that up. That also answers my 'assumption' ~ it just goes to show how we can walk into things led by PC's. Many Thanks again, Brian.
  16. Liebgott With much respects to Peter efforts and the 'Instructions' he gave you ~ which under normal circumstances would work for most PC Users ~ there are many situations where this simple 'Instruction Set' will not work due to the particular set-up on some PC's. I hasten to add, that this problem has been discussed on this Forum many,many,times before and you are not alone with this common problem. If your problem persists, its better to download an "Auto-Run Program" which will do the job for you, without all the frustration and hassle experienced with 'quirky' Autoruns. Peter mentioned to 'Finalise the CD' ~ meaning it has to be closed shut after the Burning Process ~ this is an absolute critical requirement if the CD is a 'Music-CD' otherwise it won't run in any CD-Music Player. For a PTE Slideshow it should be 'burnt' as a Data-Disc because of its mixed program content and whether you 'close-it' or not is purely a personal choice. Leave it 'open' should you wish to add more content to the CD at a later time, or 'close-it' should you wish to treat the CD as a finalised product. Below is a Download Link to a relaible 'free' Autorun Program:- http://www.autoruntools.com/express/ With Peters 'Instructions' and the alternative final resort above ~ they should get you out of trouble. Brian.Conflow.
  17. Hi Guys, This topic was started by 'Felix' and it seems that everybody is assuming that his PC has an ATI Graphics Card !! Not one to deal in assumptions, I have asked him what Make & Model is his PC ? and who made his Graphics Card ? I am still waiting for his answer... Surely in these circumstances, its always more prudent to establish the 'facts' before the 'assumptions' then at least we are not wasting time on pure conjecture. If it is an 'ATI Card' ~ then well and good, at least you might be on the right track...However if its a problem with Pte 5.1 and it had some, which were later corrected in Pte 5.2....then that could be another matter all together. Just a thought ~ lets get the facts before the fiction ~ and proof evident of this is in Lins Posting above. Brian.Conflow.
  18. Felix, So all your other 'Digital Photo Programs' are running O.K ~ thats a good sign. But you do not give 'exact' details of your Desktop Computer ? Please let us know:- 1) Maker and Model No: of your Desktop PC. (On rear of PC) 2) Maker and Model No: of its Graphic Card (if you know). This data will speed up a solution to your PTE problem. Brian.Conflow.
  19. Hi Felix, Do you own a 'Digital-Camera' ?...if so, can you download Photographs from it and are they OK on your PC Monitor/Screen ? Brian.Conflow.
  20. Henri This free "RA" Font-Set 'Hypatia Sans' is a Non-Classified Font-Set and does not conform to the 'ANSI Font-Standards' laid down by the American National Standards Institute nor does it conform to any I.E.C nor I.S.O Standards required by the 'ASCII Key-Code Set' in order that it can be accessed from a Standard Keyboard. (DP4 is telling you that) It was designed purely for Graphic Artists-Graphic Designers and Web Designers as a 'static' Font-Set for Photo-Presentation purposes solely. To make this work at all, one must also have the special 'Extended Ascii Key-Code Set' either supplied with the Font-Set or else embedded within Adobe-PhotoShop or such like Program. (The Font-Set comes from Font River.Com) This is typical of Adobe trying it on !...but the International Authorities are guardians of Standards and in these instances those 'Try-Ons' are simply not acceptable as they breach International and National Agreements. This Font-Set is useless for 'cross-platform purposes' unless the Host PC contains the special Extended Ascii Key-Code. It could be used for 'static-photo-imagery' but not as Text Objects. Its like a..."Skype Telephone System"...its all within itself ~ not universal. Brian.Conflow.
  21. Lumenlux, I agree with you completely ~ but from my perspective~ appreciating that 'Silvia' might read my reply, I was trying to keep this utterly simple in consideration of the Language differences between us and as I had enhanced Silvias 'Attachments' it appeared to me that the Programs,Folders & Files were completely disassociated on the Hard-Drive-Tree as shown in the 'Attachments'....Yes I did see the Dom-Folder within the "Pictures to Exe Folder"...there was also a Folder titled Lin Evans and other such Folders within that same Pictures to Exe Folder ??...but I could not find the PTE Program in there nor on the HD ? Both you and I know too well that this is a receipe for disaster, consequently I asked Silvia to enlarge those sections of the 'HD-Tree' so we could appreciate that problem first before we delved into the other probable causes of the Program malfunctions. It's very strange that PTE 5.1 appears to work but not 5.5 - so I assumed it might be a simple matter of cross-confusion between the two Programs. I done this myself between Pte 4.12 and 4.48.where I thought I was making a Show with 4.12 where in fact it was 4.48 and like an 'idiot' I spent days trying to find my missing *pt.File in 4.12 ~ Yes you are right,I gave myself a damn good kick !! Best regards, Brian.
  22. Silvia-1 & Helpers It appears that 'Silvia' has 3 problems:- 1) Creo que entiendo su problema ~ Al hacer Mostrar en 'vídeo-Builder' Las fotografías se convirtió en el "diminuto" I think I understand your problem ~ When making Show in 'Video-Builder' the Photographs became "tiny"... (pequeñitas) 2) Cuando abrí Fotos en la OA que están OK y cuando hacer una vista previa que están OK. When I opened the Pictures in OA they are OK and when I make a preview they are OK. 3) When I publish my Project I can not open it with double-click on the Pte Icon*pt when using version 5.5 but I can open them from the Program directly. (Presumably Silvia means from the Exe.File) ________________________________________________________________________________ I had look at the Images posted with Silvia's query and it seems that she is working within a folder titled 'Pictures to Exe' within which there are very many Folders not in the least connected with the PTE.Program but does contain many Pte*.pt Files of work in progress or finished. ~ but no Exe.Files ! In fact I could not find the "PTE.Program Folder" within the Images supplied ~ I suspect it is somewhere else on the Hard Drive. ________________________________________________________________________________ I might be wrong ~ but I suspect the 'tiny-images' she refers to, could possibly be the rendered Video-Builder Images and not the origionals entered from the Pte*pt File. I have asked 'Silvia' to re-post Image 01 and 04 in bigger size so we may be able to sort these problems. Brian.Conflow.
  23. Henri Yes, "iPTE" could be a possible 'Fast-Track' intermediate solution ~ this is only a personal thought from an Engineering perspective. I may be wrong, but I would imagine that 'iPTE' would have a vast market in the young Commercial Sectors as well as with young people in general who are "with-it" when it comes to the latest Music-Video-Comms Technologies. I think it would be of use to WnSoft because it would clearly identify the cross-platform constraints within the Mac World itself. Initially I would see 'iPTE' as a simple Program with very little functionality except Image-Effects with added Music and Voice with very simple Start-Pause-Stop functions...thats all whats needed as 'iVideo' is already a reality. Is there a Market for this ?? ~ Sure as hell, because Sony-iMAc-Nokia-Warner and BMG and others are up to their necks in this very lucrative Market just right now. Well I guess this is only a concept dream at this point in time...but who knows ? Brian.Conflow.
  24. Henri Its been my experience that people make some terrible mistakes when 'superimposing' Text onto Photo-images. They create 2 major errors:- 1) Implanting 'Text' on to Images before they execute any Photo-Editing. Subsequently the 'Text' starts to fall apart and become corrupted with each 'Save-As' execution. The worst offenders are JPeg Images with any format of superimposed Text. 2) Active 'Text Objects' superimposed on to JPeg Images, Png Images or Bitmap Images. Apart from positional drift these 'Text Objects' can create havoc if they become corrupted with successive 'Save-As' functions. People tend to forget that 'Text Objects' are dynamically active micro-programs and should be treated with the utmost care and caution. Golden Rule: Always leave 'Text' applications until the very last of the final 'Save-As' execution before one creates the final Exe.Program ~ then no problems. Your 'Hypatia Font' ~ this will work if its a simple 'superimposition on to an existing JPeg because it will be treated as part of the JPeg Image. I doubt if it will work if its superimposed as a dynamic 'Text Object'. May I suggest that you download 'DP4-Font Viewer' and see if it has any Classification Index, if not, there is no point in using it as Windows won't be able 'default' to the nearest match type on the Host PC. Thats the general problem with all these New Font Types ~ No indexed Classification so Windows doesn't know what it is, apart from the fact that the damn thing resides in its System ~ thats how it thinks ! Brian.Conflow.
  25. Henri Many users have problems with 'Font Formats' which are NOT 'Cross-Platform' compatible and this is confused by 'True-Type Fonts' which were the Font Bible. Now that Bible no longer exists as the 'de-facto Font Set'. There are many 'Font-Folders' on your PC such as 'Java-Fonts' and Word-Processor Fonts and Flash-Fonts and Microsofts own Font Set....so how does one know which will work on all PC's ? Firstly There is only one generic origional 'Font-Folder' on your PC and that is found in C:/Windows--> Font Folder. Those Fonts come with the Operating-System as a Standard Fonts-Set. Secondly Not all of these are 'Cross-Platform' compatible backwards to Windows '95 up to Vista System. Those which are compatible are type: 'Sans-Serif Family' and 'Traditional Serif Family' and also 'Old-Serif family'. Those with NO Classification are dodgy at the best of times. Thirdly Below is a List of 12 Fonts which are 'Cross-Platform' compatible, but be careful with 'Italics' Formats as sometimes these can become corrupted as shown in the examples. Finally Here is a link to the 'DP4 Font-Viewer Program' ~ Its a Freeware Program and you can see all the characteristic attributes of any Font in your Font-Folder and you can write your own Text and test for compatibility before you use the chosen Font. (The Program is an Exe similar to PTE) Link: http://www.snapfiles.com/reviews/dp4-font-viewer/dp4fontviewer.html Hope this helps you, have fun... Brian.Conflow.
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