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David, There are 2 ways of doing this:- 1) If you have a 'Memory-Pen' simply copy the entire PTE.Folder on to the Memory-Pen and load that Folder on to your Laptop. (Simplest way) Close & Restart Laptop to activate the Reg-Key.This guarantees that both Programs are mirror-images. (Chances are the Reg-Key is within the PTE Folder) 2) Download a brand new copy of PTE to your Laptop, now you will have to find your 'Reg-Key' and load that into the new PTE.Folder. Close and Restart your Laptop. (No need to Re-Reg the Program). Brian.Conflow.
Davidx R All you have to do is go to the top of this Page and where you see "Invisiion Power Board" right under that is the Link to the Program Downloader. Here is the "Link":- www.wnsoft.com Couldn't be easier~ Brian.Conflow. Picture here:-
Slideshow will not create and how to get on diff computer?
Conflow replied to nct's topic in General Discussion
NCT This might help you with your 'Misplaced' Reg-Key... Open your 'old' PTE Program Folder and find the item shown in the "Attachment" below ~ its your Reg-Key. Brian.Conflow. The 'Attachment' shows part of the PTE Folder contents. -
AndyM, 1) You don't say what version of the PTE Program you are actually using ? 2) Ripped Music ~what Music Format did you 'rip-it' into...Wav,Mp3,Wma ?? 3) Did you activate PTE to 'add' Music to your Slideshow ? PTE Main Window-->Project Options Button-->MusicTab--->Add Music ? See "Attachment" below. Brian-Conflow.
Jim, Glad to hear that good News ~ It's been my experience that when one creates a 'New User Account' one must always Close down and Restart the PC to avoid 'Page-File Memory' faults. Funny enough this never happens with brand New PCs' ~ it just starts to occur with heavily loaded older Machines. I would love to know how much rubbish 'WinCare-Personal2' removed ? All the best of Luck, Brian.Conflow.
Charles & Ken, Charles, both Ken and I are trying to help you with this problem for the reason:-Been there, done that, got the 'TeeShirt and got Bitten' and I do believe that Tiscali are one of the best sales-predators in the E-Business ~ I have had the experience of dealing with them before. No, they are not trying to stop you from buying from 'RegNow'.....thats Illegal. 'RegNow' are trying to send you an EMail which contains a 'Script-Code' ~Your RegKey, Tiscali are blocking that in the belief, that its a 'Hacking' attempt. Thats exactly what they will tell you if challenged. That intrepretation suits them just fine for the reasons I previously mentioned ~ unfortunately you have fallen for it, you are not the only one. Think of it as a 'Cash-Point Machine' ~ you can play around with it all day long but it won't perform until you insert your CashCard with its magnetic Code strip...same thing. Brian.Conflow. Ken, I've had this problem before with these people and its so amazing how they are able to fix everything for the ordinary man in the Street should he upgrade to their Premium Service. Ha,Ha,ha,ha ~ Funny isn't it, you know exactly what I am implying.
Charles, Many thanks for your reply. I note that you use 'FreeServe' through your (paid) ISP Account 'Freedom2Surf' a 'Tiscali' Product. believe me, thats your problem. Had I known this in the beginning I would have answered you in one sentence...DUMP TISCALI NOW... This 'so-called' Provider owns many Net-Routers and has been in more trouble with the British Regulator about 'mis-representation' of its Products than I have had Hot Dinners.They are also under scrutiny by the E.U people for flouting 'E.U Standards Regulations' of services to E.U Citizens, of which you are one. Just look what they are doing:- They provide you with an ISP Account - meaning that they charge you a 'Fee' for a very basic Internet Connection. They want an additional 'Fee' for providing you with an EMail Account, and another 'Fee' if they provide Anti-Spam, and a 'Tiered Fee Level' depending on connection speed and god help you if you have their Telephone Service. [This 'tiering' was outlawed by the E.U many years ago under (minimum) E.U Standards of Customer Services] You think you have an 'open-access' EMail Account...Sorry, no you don't... In fact you would have a better service if you had a Hot-Mail 'Paid' account, or a Yahoo 'Frebie' account. (Many Forum Members use the Hot-mail System) Your 'FreeServe EMail Account' is so heavily'filtered' that its virtually useless ~ thats deliberate, so you are forced to subscribe to their EMail Service, although they will offer an alternative explaination for these actions. Sorry to be the bearer of 'Bad-News' but the quicker you resolve your 'Tiscali' problem the sooner you will enjoy PTE. Brian.Conflow. ________________________________________________________________________________ VAT Footnote: It was the Americans who designed and 1st introduced VAT in 1954 as a 'Border-Tax' and put it over on their people as a Sales Tax and it was them who forced it on the International Community through various GATT Agreements, notably the Graetz Agreement in 1974 as a Trade Sanction. The E.U then introduced it as a 'counter-measure' to their 'Border-Tax'. Then GATT became the WTO (World-Trade Organisation) with 152 Members including China,Russia,Vietnam who also charge Vat as a 'Border-Tax'. As of 2002 its now generally accepted that VAT is responsible for ruining the American Economy because it provides these Countries with $$Dollar Currency which they use to purchase Hi-Tech Manufacturing Systems on a $$Dollar value. (Source: Harvard University:Law Department:Economic History)
Barry Barry stop changing the subject, my comments were addressed to "Charles" a British Citizen. (1) If you reside within the E.U Membership States and you purchase any product FROM the USA and your 'Credit Card' is processed through any Clearing-House such as 'Pay-Pay' with Registered-Offices in your Country YOU WILL pay Vat at your local Country rate which will be deducted from your Credit Card by Paypay and such other registered Clearing-Houses. Thats the Law in the E.U and USA. (2) Of course your Sales to the USA are 'Free of VAT' because they are Exports ~ And of course your American Customers don't pay you ~ they pay their Local Tax Authority on an Overseas purchase made with their Card and its deducted from their Card in the USA. (If they are not charged then the Product is exempt). This is the 'mirror-compliment' of what happens in item (1) above. I suggest you contact your 'Revenue Commissioneers' or VAT Authority for clarification on that issue. Brian Kelly. Conflow Services.
Barry, Well thats one problem sorted ~ so in fact you are an Authorised-Vendor of the PTE Programs. It's a pity you had not made that clear in your previous Posts, it would have avoided all this reply posting. That still does not sort out the problem with "Charles" - in that - He cant make contact with certain Web-Sites which contains 'scripts' like RegNow etc;- so he is still flying on one Wing. Not much point in that if he can't download and upload Images and all that goes with PTE. It's my intent to try and get him up and running properly so he can really enjoy the Program and get the best from it irrespective where he buys it. Charles...take note.. VAT Charges: This has nothing to do with RegNow nor even yourself . Due to regulations within the E.U and agreements with the USA, anything thats paid for by 'Credit-Card' is charged at the Vat-Rate at the point of Import of the Product as if it were a Sale within that Country of usage. In your case thats England. Example: If I buy a Camera from B&H Photo in New York with my Credit Card and that goes thro' 'Pay-Pal' etc; ~ I am charged at 21% Irish Vat as if I had made the purchase in Ireland with US.$$. In your case its 17% (I think) and in Germany its 19% or so. I'm afraid there is no way around this as the days of Retail-Vatless purchases are nearly well gone ! Web-Sites: If you are running a (registered) WebSite as a business or Sole-Trader you can get a Vat refund because your 'Social-Security Number' is also your Vat Number ~ few know this ! Brian.Conflow.
John, I was just about to ask the same question - but you beat me to it ! This thread was started by "Charles" who could not make a connection to "RegNow" the authorised vendors of PTE. I had just posted a possible solution to his problems and I hope he follows the instructions given. Even if he had purchased from 'bbdigital' how is he supposed to register the Program if he can't make connection to the 'Key-Vendor Site' ~ thats appears to be your question also ? Brian.Conflow.
Charles, Its my opinion that you might be 'blocking' yourself from certain Internet Files that contain Images & Scripts such as those supplied by 'RegNow' and other legitimate Websites, because you said something interesting,viz:- Quoted..."I have now from tried another computer on my home network".... Firstly:This means that you are working on some form of 'Wired LAN Router' or 'Radio LAN Router' which contains a Firewall and someone had to set-up the Security settings on that...If set too high that could block the return traffic from 'RegNow' ~ but for now, proceed onwards with two other possibilities listed below. Secondly: Please check your Internet Security settings on your PC...see the "Image-1" below for details. Thirdly: Open up your EMail Client 'Outlook-Express' Select--->Tools--->Options and see "Image-2" for details. Close down and Restart your Computer...Ah,ah, I said Close down and Restart for a very good reason ! That sorts out your PC, and in Ireland that usually resets the Settings on the LAN Firewall...now try 'RegNow'. Finally, I assume and hope you are not using a "Free-Mail Account" for EMail Communications because the vast majority of these use 'Automatic Script-Blocking' as an Anti-Hacker security procedure. Brian.Conflow.
Rodeoshooter AL, How right you are !!....Now here below is some 'info' which you could pass on to your MAC Client. Get him to 'Log-on' to the Apple Mac Forum ~ there are 23 sections in this Forum and the section he wants is the 3rd down the list..."Digital Lifestyles"...everything to do with Mac Photography and Screen-Savers etc...all he has to do is post a query for 'Screensavers'. Link:- http://www.mac-forums.com/forums/ Brian.Conflow
Henri and Al, I just read your query ~ You do not differentiate between ''MAC PCs' and the latest 'iMAC PC Range. MAC-PCs will run PTE through an additional Program called "Parallels". Its not the best solution but definitely Pte4.49 will run through this. Pte.5xx I dont know, I haven't tried it. If your Client has an 'iMAC-PC' ~ PTE will run on its Dual-Platform under Windows provided it qualifies in terms of Memory and Processor Speed. Hope this is of some help. Brian.Conflow.
Mike, You say Quoted:..."When I do a show I use a Wallpaper image"... This may be a stupid question, exactly what do you mean by 'Wallpaper Image' ? What is the source of this Image ?...Is it a Screensaver Image ? or have you imported this Image from the Web ? or do you mean one of your own Photo Images ? Brian.Conflow.
Your Question above I had msunderstood what you wanted...Its quite simple to do. I use a 'Screen-Capture Tool' called "ScreenPrint-32" from www.snapfiles.com ...I open the 'Target-Image' then I hit F12 to activate Screen-Print, I take an 'Scan' of what I want and this is pre-programmed to auto-save the Image to my Documents as a 'Gif.File'. I open that Image in FotoFiltre or SnapIt then use the 'Text Tool' and simply paste the text onto the Image. All Image ratios are 1:1 in realtime. When Posting to the Forum there is a 'Box' under the 'Reply-Text Window' called 'Browse' - click that and find the wanted Image in My Documents. Beside that 'Browse-Box' there is another button called 'Upload' ~ hit that and the Image is appended to your Post. In the process of Posting that image is re-processed by the 'Invision-Board Utility' where its stored but shown in your Post as a Thumbnail. Like any Web-Site when you select the Thumbnail it auto-expands that into the full-size Image. Hope this answers your query... Brian.Conflow.
Ed, Yes its a very good Program, we have used it for over 2 years now and never had a problem with it. We use it daily on our Workshop Computers, reason being, we need these PCs in tip-top condition and when we have problems its one of the best 'diagnostic tool' around. I might also add that the Security Module protects you against some 4000 Malware Sites and Malicious Scripts. Also, and as you have seen, when in the 'StartUp Module', one simply has to Right.Click any item and it goes off to its 'Web Data-Base' and finds out exactly what it is thats going on....even the 'Nasties'. In the Memory Cleaner Module, simply switch on 'Auto-Clean' and it does the rest. Be careful of the 'Deep-Clean' utility because it really scrubs out all the dross and you will need to open one or two Folders afterwards before it settles back down to a viable Memory quantum. Should you accidentally 'Delete' anything ~ the Restore Module really works in real-time, no problems at all with that ~ and it even keeps a copy of 'what was restored' should you wish to have that analised. We always recommend that our Clients put a copy of the 'Program Icon' on their Desktop and then you can delete the Program off the 'Start Menu List' ~ don't worry the 'Uninstaller' resides within the Iobit Program Folder and by doing this you have 'manual-control' over the Program and this does not use any resources. An updated new verion of the Program is usually released every 6/7 months and this can be installed in the existing 'Iobit Folder' after you have uninstalled the old Program. May I suggest that you recommend it to your 'Camera Club Members' as its an ideal Program for such usage as it puts you all on an equal reference footing as it easily detect anything going 'amiss'. With such a small footprint of 11.Mb its very economical with valuable PC resources. Brian.Conflow.
Lumenlux Below is a Screenshot of "Advanced WinCare Personal2" plus "Link" below. Excellent program, very stable.We use it daily on our Workshop Computers and over the past 2 years we never had a problem with it. I might add that it takes a 'Registry-Snapshot' before it does anything and there after it always makes a 'Backup' of any Fixes it performs. Not once in 2 years have we had to perform a restore. They also offer a Pro-Version. Best from Dublin, Brian.Conflow. "Link" http://www.iobit.com/
Jim, I have just been looking at your 'Query' and subsequent replies to your 'crash problem' and I think I might have an explaination based on your comment below:- Quoted..."We were running it on a WinXP machine that has run 100's of PTE shows (ver 5 and 4) without error. The only difference was that we had just set up a new User Account on the computer"... To me this appears to be a very hard working PC but you give very little detail about that PC,for instance: * Its a Desktop PC but is it a Single or Dual Core Processor ? * When the New-Account was created,did you immediately Restart the PC ? * Did you set the 'attributes' for this Account or simply left it open ? * When was the last time it was given a good 'scrub-down' ? * How many user Accounts on the PC ? The solution to your problem lies within the 5 questions above based on what you said (Quoted)...... In my experience of hard working PCs, its imperative that you 'Restart' the PC after creating a New-Account. If you dont you will quickly run out of 'Page-File Memory' because the New-Account is factually a 'Wild-Card' without set-attributes and in such situations the PC will default to 'All-Users' Mode which will burn up some 140mB of 'Page-File Memory' which is already in very short supply on that particular hard working PC. When you exceed the allocated 'Page-File Memory' the PC will simply disconnect any running Process without any warning at all....In other word it ran out of its ability to provide sufficient Virtual-Memory to run the Show because of the unusual circumstances it encountered. May I suggest that you download 'WinCare Personal2' from Iobit.Com ~ do NOTHING except open the Program Select-->Tools-->Memory Manager-->Look for 'File Page Memory' see what you have available ? Details in attachments. See the two "Attachments" for a visual explaination. Brian.Conflow.
Threat to Apple Macs & PCs For those of you who are using Apple PCs & iMacs and iPod Products and PCs running 'Safari' we have just received a serious 'Security-Alert' from C-Net Corporation concerning a 'malicious code' now in circulation which will crash your Apple Product and Safari PCs should you inadvertently visit certain Web Sites carrying this code. The "Attachment' below explains all ~ forewarned is fore-armed ! Brian.Conflow.
Peter & Xaver, This is 'off-thread' but its important ~ If any of your Friends are using Apple Macs or iMacs you might like to warn them about a 'malicious-script' thats now circulating which is killing off a whole range of Apple Products without intervention from the PC User. I have just received this warning from C-Net and I shall post a New Thread to advise those PTE-Apple Mac users. Regards, Brian.
Hi Peter, I agree with Xaver ~ and my post was never intended as a criticism ~ I was mearly pointing out the fact that 'Fn+F Keys' are different on every Computer depending on the Manufacturers set-up....its as simple as that ! Brian.Conflow.
Hi Peter, Yes, I appreciate where you picked up on that generalisation with respect to Toms query. I too have fallen into that trap by assuming that all PC's were like mine. Xavers' recent post above only goes to show how different each PC really is and how we must always be aware of such things simply because other Readers would take "whats written" as Gospel. Best regards, Brian.Conflow.
Peter you wrote Quoted:- "...You will almost certainly find that the Fn+F5 key combination is a wrap-around three-position toggle: Display only on the computer monitor - Display on both the computer monitor and the projector - Display only on the projector and then back to Display only on the monitor..." Peter this is not true because it depends on the 'Management Suite' installed on any particular Computer whereby the Function Keys F1~F12 are designated by the 'Management Suite' or Bios-Settings - and in particular where an 'FN Key' is provided which is calling for additional functionality such as on Laptops/Portables the 'FN+F5 Function' is usually commanding the Laptop/Portable to go into 'Hibernate Mode' ~ again this depends on Manufacturer. Excepting: Function Keys F1, F2, F8 there is no 'Universal Command Set' allocated to the other 'F' Function Keys. The only place where one finds 'Universal Commands' is in the use of the 'Alt.Key+Fxx Key' Modes and now,Vista is trying to change that 'International Command Set' which is used by virtually every Non-Vista Pc in the World. Brian.Conflow.
Tom, Thats Laptops' for you !...they do those things all in the interests of keeping down the 'self-generated' Heat and contineous Fan usage whilst on the Mains. This apart from saving Battery Power whilst running on the Batteries solely. That little 'glich' is normal as it returns to Desktop. Tip: Always try and raise the Laptop above Table level when in full Halls as this allows under ventillation and keeps down the Heat. Few people know this! Brian.
Tom, It might be the 'Power Settings' on your Laptop which is responsible for your problem. I agree with Colin, I dont think its anything to do with PTE nor your Graphics Card because this would be a repeditive fault which would show up on the Laptop itself. See "Attachment" as to how to check your 'Power Settings' Brian.Conflow.