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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Hi Lin and all, "The wonders of Gif's and PnG's" ~ I like the scrolling modification you made to the Map of New Zealand which I had Posted above. I'm into 'Travelogues' big time and its a technique which I use when the Map is relatively uncomplicated and its a great Audiience feature. Lately I have been using a "3-D Elipses" technique, which slowly rotates then stops and the next Map-Stop is highlighted where after a small 'Exe' runs and then back to the Elipse again. So Ray has 2 good techniques to play with, and you know, its a pity such techniques are not more frequently used with PTE Presentations as they are great Audience 'attraction' features. Best from Dublin, Brian.
  2. Ray, I'm not quite sure what you are trying to explain ~ if its the apparent nearness of the 'Outward Road' to the return 'Highway', well then thats quite true, they are way less than 15.Km apart at Geraldine. Now what do you want to do with your Map ?... If you want to represent 'Travel Distance' there is an old Cartographers trick, where by, you draw an elongated Elipse and mark it with heavy 'Points' and lighter 'Points' each respectively represents a large Towns and smaller Villages and the Elipse gives the 'illusion' of Travel & Distance. You can replace the 'Points' with 'Thumbnails' and when each is clicked it shows a Map Photo-Location. Also,within the Elipse why not insert the Map of New Zealand ?... Have a look at the "Map Attachment" which will explain all. But trying to do this with your 'Travel Route' will prove virtually impossible because it wasn't a circulous route in the 1st instance as both Roads run nearly parallel for quite some distance. Give the Elipse a try... Brian.Conflow
  3. Tom, During your 'Public Slideshow' were you powering your 'Laptop' from its Mains Adapter or were you running it on its Battery ? Brian.Conflow.
  4. Tracking Map Ray, This is easy to do with superb quality if you 'Save As' PNG Images for Editing. Just open the 4 Examples (in order) shown as 'Attachments' below... View the 'Images' in Full-Screen mode. Brian.Conflow
  5. ISABEL, I just wondered had you read my reply to your problem below:- I suspect that you have recently changed over to a 'Vista Computer' using Windows Media Player-11 and in the past you were using an XP-Computer with Win.Media Player-10, am I correct...? If this is the case I'm afraid I have bad news for you. All new 'Vista PC' are supplied with DRM (Digital Rights Management) pre-installed. That means, if you attempt to 'Copy-or-Rip' Music content from a DRM-CD you will be denied access to that Burner-Utility. Even if you convert the content to another Format ~ this will not fool the DRM System. The only way to do as you wish is to install a 'Audio-Recorder' on your PC and record the 'Live-Music' with that and then burn the recorded File. This problem was recently debated on the Forum to the bitter end. Brian.Conflow. P.S As you know your 'thread' was moved to another section of the Forum because origional replies to this 'problem' took up pages after page.
  6. Bill, May I add to Kens reply... Copying the 'Reg-Key' directly into the newly downloaded 'Video-Builder Folder' can sometimes be problematic if its a 'brand-new' Install on the PC. Sometimes a PC will not identify the File associations where as they alway recognise a Notepad Script Doc. Better to hit your Start-Button--->Programs--->Find Notepad--->Open it---->Name it Reg-Key--->Now copy the Reg-Key String (in its entirety) from your EMail into the new Notepad Document (Save it)--->drag that into the Video-Builder Folder-->Restart PC. Being an active Txt.Document the PC will recognise its association with the Program and all should be O.K. Remember to make a copy of Notepad 'Reg-Key' and store it somewhere safe. Brian.Conflow.
  7. Judy, I appreciate the sentiment of your Post but you are under a misapprehension with your advice...'Do not open the Attachment' for the following reasons:- This type of 'Bot-Spam' contains code within the text of the 'Message-Body' and does not require anyone to open the Attachment. The very action of simply opening and reading the EMail is enough for one to become a "Radiator" of this form of Spam-Mail. After a short time your Computer is Hijacked and is used as a Proxy-Server capable of infecting 65000 Computers each and every time you go On-line ~ this happens unknown to you and no warning is given.. Thats how dangerous this 'type' of Spam is and if anything I would consider the the reactions of the Members to be very conservative...not that of old Ladies etc ! Hope this marks your card for future reference and your own security. Brian.Conflow.
  8. ___________________________________________________________ Igor, Thats a reasonable number, at least it shows that the correspondent is serious about PTE and not simply using the Forum to get a "Quik-Fix" for a Computer problem which they should have attended to, and then we never hear from them again ! (And thats happening too often) Also many thanks for your EMail and sorting out the culprit... Kind regards, Brian.Conflow
  9. Barry, Sorry I disagree with you....We should be welcoming 'Beginners' to PTE' not putting them off by intiminating them with 'Hi-level Programs' just because they are Mainstream to experienced users such as you and I. That to me seems like arrogance on our part.......in fact its a presumption suggesting that all 'Beginner-Utilities' are worthless unless they have a 'price-tag' and a Professional-Logo to go with it. I can't accept your 'Follow the Crowd' philosophy to the detriment of other excellent Utilities better suited to the Novice...Like I said everything has its place and purpose of usage. I'm not with you on this one Barry...and I do believe that PTE is 'shareware' thank god. Brian.Conflow
  10. Xaver, I completely agree with your comments concerning A/V Software. We have an expression in Ireland:- "Different strokes for Different Folks" ~ there is no one particular Package which suits everyone... Its all to do with cognative abilities, level of experience, artistic objectives (if any) and purpose of use. After many years of experience as a 'Technical-Instructor' I have adopted a simple philosophy with all technologies particularily for novice Beginners:- Provide Basic Tools ~Photo Instructions ~Keep it simple. Get the 'novice' to make a simple Project/Task within the Hour...This lights the fuse of achievement and enthusiasm is born ~thereafter~ everything else follows and falls into place to suit the purpose of use. Then and only then, can we start talking about:- refinements,improvements,techniques,presentation and advanced Software with very subjective merits, which again depending on its purpose of use. My point being...There are many very talented people on this Forum who out of their enthusiasm tend to forget the very basic needs of the 'New Novice' who haven't a clue about Photoshop and such likes and they tend to steer the novice into a quagmire of technology, where in fact its the last thing they need ! There are some excellent simple A/V Utilities out there, well suited to the 'Novice' and these will create the enthusiasm so necessary to make the PTE.Program the "de-facto" started program for newcomers. One should keep that in mind... Brian.Conflow.
  11. Lin, This seems to be a 'keylogger' which came in with post from 'organmorgan' see attachment below. I sent the EMail to Igor and asked him to "ping" the routing of the EMail touting as 'MercyJohn' as there is no such person registered with Yahoo.Com. Note the 'Live-Icon' in the Header-Bar of the Post from 'organmorgan'......the infection seems to be limited to those who repled to the origional query from 'organmorgan'. PLEASE STOP COPYING THE MESSAGE AND PASTING IT IN YOUR REPLIES ~ YOU ARE SPREADING THE INFECTION ! IT SHOWS IN YOUR REPLIES AS "PH Code" Brian.Conflow.
  12. John, Have you moved the 'PTE Program Folder' out of the 'PC Programs Folder' to another part of the PC ?....Have you moved it directly on to your Hard-Drive ? or on to another Drive ?...This would prevent your PTE Files from opening as the Index-Register would be lost in moving your PTE Program Folder. [u]Try this: Right/Click on a PTE.Exe File and when the 'drop-down' Menu opens up select...'Open With'-->A new Window will open and from that select-->'PTE' this will re-establish the Index-Register (Clk the little box use this) and all should work OK from there on. That was the cause of your problem, before you Re-Download...so try to remake link. You said..."Have uninstalled pte and reinstalled no difference" Just a thought... Brian.Conflow.
  13. TIM, I have been following your methamorphis from being an 'Old-Timer' into a 'New-Timer' and your wish to change over from the '2.Projector-System' to the new PTE Program. (I also was a 2.Projector affiando) There are many things you have to grapple with, but in the long run they are worth it. May I make a few worthwhile suggestions:- (1) At this point in your progress ~don't spend money~ firstly come to grips with the basic needs to get you up and going ASAP. This will give you the confidence to explore newer fields further down the road in the shortest possible time. (2) May I suggest using PTE.4.49 as your 1st PTE Program, then once you have mastered that go on to PTE.5xxx. (The old story, you got to walk before you run). (3) You will need 2 Programs to accompany the PTE.SlideShow Program..(a) A Sound-Editor, and (An Image Editor. These allow you to adjust the quality, size, and timing of your Photo-Images and Sound-Tracks and provide all the adjustments you would like. (4) For your first attempts may I recommend:- 'Audacity Sound Editor' and 'Photo-Filtre' as your Image Editor. Both of these give extremely good results. (Links are provided below). (5) Finally the 'Golden-Rule' ~ don't be too ambitious, limit your 1st Show to 10 Slides each about 6.secs duration and a piece of Music about 60.secs long. "Believe me you will be all over the place before you can steer the Bicycle"... Audacity Sound Editor (Free-Program Link) http://audacity.sourceforge.net Photo-Filtre (Free Image Editor Link) http://photofiltre.en.softonic.com I don't know what Computer you have, but if a 'Windows Vista-PC' you need to check whether these Programs will run on Vista ?. Personally for a beginner I would recommend the use of a 'Windows XP-PC' because its so much easier to use and no complications with Copyright issues. Hope this helps to get you started... Brian.Conflow.
  14. FETS, This subject was exhaustively covered just 3 weeks ago (1340 Views) and it looks to me that you are the latest victim of DRM...."Digital Rights Management" and if you are on a Vista PC using 'Win.Media Player-11' you have problems. The same can be said for XP-PCs using the new (updated) 'Win.Media Player-10'. For Apple iTunes and iPods you can download a 'free' utility from Apple-Mac which converts their format to a Windows format ~ but again the problem returns ! Please examine the "Attachment" for a simple explaination as to how this 'DRM' works with your Windows.Media Player.The only sure way of getting a 'Sound-Copy' is to record the sound/music directly from your Sound-Card with a 3rd.party Sound-Recorder.(Audacity doesn't always do that). Hope this helps, Brian.Conflow. Link to Thread: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8046 Use the 'Expansion-Button' which pops-up in lower right-corner of the Attachment.
  15. Tom, You have answered your download problem concerning your 'System Download Speed' viz:- When you quoted 300kb/Sec I became suspicious as you said, the 'Link' was dropping in speed.... This is the usual normal 'behavioral characteristic' of a 'Wireless Router Link' when downloading from a 'Proxy Server' such as the WnSoft Site. By the way your Radio-Router is also a 'Proxy-Server' with an inbuilt Firewall. Because you downloaded directly from Barry's Server the problem was solved. Had you connected directly to the 'BT.Lan Modem' this problem would not have occured in the 1st place. To explain why this happens with 'Proxy Links' and 'Proxy Servers' would take an entire page, but let me assure you there is nothing wrong with your Radio-Link System. Its in the design of the System, and all of them are designed to the:-"International Wireless Standard 802.1" ~ it is very complex. Brian.Conflow
  16. Tom, Exactly what is your 'Download Utility System' * Is it a Radio-Modem Link through a personal Radio Router ? * Is it a TV-Cable Supplier Link ~ With Home-Modem ? * Is it a Telecom.ISP Link ~ With Home-Modem ? * Is it a 'Hot-Spot' Radio Link you bought 'Off-the-Shelf' You said your Link is 300kB ~ exactly where did you get that Data ? Its important to answer that question then I may be able to help you. There are various methods to connect your PC to the Web,some good, and some poor, and some downright bad !.....so lets see what wrong. Brian.Conflow.
  17. Hi Mike, Just to advise you concerning 'Vista' being the only thing on offer.... Many vendors including Dell will offer you XP should you demand that Op.System. Now lets forget PTE for a minute ~ Its very well known within the Computer Industry that 'Vista' has major issues with its 32/64 bit Op.System and refuses to run any worthwhile (old) 16 bit Program ~ there are very many of those out there. Furthermore it demands the usage of (Microsoft) Certified 32 Bit Programs and let me say thats its really some "hassle" should you wish to run anything otherwise. That will preclude most Prorams you have gathered over the years which run quite happily on your XP-System. There are ways around that but ?..... I know for sure that Hewlett-Packard offer their entire range in both XP and Vista. Apart from the chosen Op.System their 'pre-loaded' Suite of Programs is very good. Their 'prices' are generally within 5% of Dell's for their Lo-End PCs and within 10% for the equivalent Hi-End Machines before they move into the Ferrari end of things and from there ~ the sky's the limit. We just bought 3 of their "Re-Engineered" Compaq 5500 Laptops (HP Invent Series) 15"Screens -Dual I.66Gb Centrino Processors -2Gb Ram -88Gb.HD -2 PC Cardslots' 3 USB Ports, Printer, Bluetooth, Ethernet, Modem, Camera, and 2 Expansion Ports, Wireless LAN Enabled, Mic & Headphone Socs, Superb 'Altec-Lansing' Sound System. Battery Life:3Hours, Bright(controlable)TFT Screen, Steel Case, They run XP-Op Systems + Vista Compatible, and surprise they also run PTE.5xx. The HP.Laptops totally out-classed our "2-Sony Viao-Vistas" which we promptly sold. Hope this is of some help ~ its well worth while getting a HP.Demo,you will be surprised. Brian.Conflow.
  18. Hi All, It was announced today that Toshiba have conceded to BlueRay and as from Mid-Summer they will cease with HD.DVD Production, now leaving BlueRay as the 'de-facto' DVD Standard. Link and News below:- Brian.Conflow. http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-6463_7-646251...tml?tag=nl.e501
  19. Hi Guys, I posted this here a few weeks ago ~ I'm surprised you had not seen it,viz:- "Bulents Screen Recorder" Photo & Link below. By the way, there is NO 'Extractor-Utility' available to extract Images directly from any PTE.Exe File. You have to replay the Show and photograph the Screen Images. Bulents Screen Recorder does this much better than most other programs. Brian.Conflow. "Link": http://www.thesilver.net/
  20. Good day All, Its like Ken said:- If its free they have to make the $$ Dollars somehow... But if you are interested in a 'Paid-Service' ~ like Neil, I use Boxnet and here are some shots to show what its all about. they offer many Services. Brian.Conflow.
  21. Peter, Well you seem to have it 'cracked' now ~ all told, it took some doing ~ and as you said you are now ahead and you intend to leave well enough alone...thats prudent, but please allow me to add a little advice:- 1) Don't dare remove WinMedia.Player-11 ~ that also applies to Win.Player-10. 2) Since all the "messing-around" by Microsoft through 2007 I have found that both Players are now virtually part of the Operating System ~ like "Internet Explorer" they can' be removed without damaging the OP.System. Many parts of your Vista System depend on Win.Player running in the background so leave it be. (I don't want to go into the 'technics' why for - its quite complicated) This won't in any way effect your 'New Setup' provided you set 'options' in your New Player as 'default Player' and then go to the Top Toolbar in the Win.Media Player and under 'View' select 'options' and de-select Win.Media Player as your default Player ~don't change any other default settings. That should clean things up for you without going into Group Policies & Control Panel. Brian.Conflow.
  22. For-Stonemason Geoff, In acknowledgement of your 'query' and as this of interest to many people I decided to post it here rather than bury in in the bottom of the existing thread: "Volume Control" I hope thats O.K. with you. These types of Systems are hard to find at these Prices. See "Attachments" below. Brian.Conflow. Links:- www.maplin.co.uk www.jaycarelectronics.co.uk
  23. Geoff, I see where you are coming from ~ You want something like this:- Compact, Tough, Robust, Steel Case, Mic Input, Line/Aux Inputs Volume & Tone Controls, Stereo/Mono switch, perhaps a VU Meter. About 15 Watts.RMS per Channel. (80.W.Peak) ~ Light Weight. What you are looking for is a "Commercial Stereo PA-Amplifier" TOA Electric.Japan and both Eagle and Adastra Products made these a few years ago ~ I used them myself. I don't know if they are still available, they surely must be, as there is a ready Market for them. I have seen something similar advertised in "Everyday Electronics" Give me a few days and I will get back to you on this ~ Brian.Conflow.
  24. Henri, Let me try and reply to this as best I can within the space limits here...... The Company was formed way back in 1848 and over a few years became Leitz.AG. In 1914 it developed the '35mm Sprocket Drive Film Format' but production of the Leica 35mm.Camera (B&W) was war-delayed until 1925. Yes its true ! Then AGFA developed the 'Pancromatic Colour Film' with Leica and the 1st.35mm Colour Camera came out in 1933. This was sold in America & Germany and on the outbreak of WW.II the U.S Leica Factory was seized and the technology was divided up amongst American Manufacturers....now you know how the U.S. got Colour Photography. During the war the USA was surprised with the technology of Japanese-Optics and the output of their Camera Manufacturers and one way or another a 'Strategic-Partenership' was formed between Matsushita-Minolta and Leica which by then had developed the 'Single-Lens Reflex' system but never commercialised it due to lack of assets. Canon and Fuji realised the potential of this Patent and somehow got access to it and started to manufacture their own range of Products. Leica-Matsushita then became involved in Industrial Optics whilst still supporting Minolta. Leica weren't happy with the quality of the Japanese Lens Manufacturing and with the help of their partener Matsushita and the Sultan of Brueni they re-relocated this back to Germany. Carl Zeiss always coveted the Company and had made many aggressive bids for it, as had Deutsches Bank and others. From the 1970's to 1997 the Company suffered many set-backs (reads like a Who's-Who) then a Management Buyout in 1998 with the help of Deutsches Bank put it back on the map with most of its Patents intact. To this day they still enjoy the security of their old business partener Matsushita which is reflected in the 'Panasonic-DMC Camera' range and their own M8, M7 and V-Lux Series. These Cameras are superb and why wouldn't they be, coming from such a great Marque . So...Canon, Fuji, Nikon and Minolta owe a great deal to this 160 year old Company which is up running again with a great Product Line and some of the Worlds superb optics. Henri, thats the concise History of Leica ~ but its really a story of implicit trust in quality. Brian.Conflow.
  25. Ken, I'm surprised at your remark "off thread" ~ Autorun is part of 'Microsofts Digital Rights Management' where they dictate what you can -and- cannot do with Media. [Windows Media Player 10 &11] I will say this:- If someone altered your TV so they could control what you watched and what you Recorded...' I am certain sure that you would get them by the scruff of the neck, give them a box, and promptly dump them into the middle of Sarnia Harbour, preferably when its Snowing ~ otherwise it wouldn't be the Ken Cox I got to know ~ and that's precisely what Microsoft is doing. What next..PTE ??? As always, Brian.Conflow.
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