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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Stone of Folkestone, To be more helpful can you please supply the following data:- ** Make of Computer (Manufacturer) ? ** Model of Computer ? Both available either on the bottom or rear of the PC Enclosure. _____________________________________________________ CAUTION The "VIA-Chrome 9HC IGP" is used in many Computers both in 'Laptops' and in 'Desktop PCs' - IT IS NOT A GRAPHICS CARD The product discussed so far is a 'Graphics Adapter Chipset' It is not as discussed ~ a replacable 'Graphics Card' What does that mean ?? VIA-Chrome Inc. specialise in manufacturing Semiconductor-Chips. They supply 'Graphics-Chip-Sets' to PC Manufacturers worldwide. Their Product:- 'Via-Chrome 9H IGP' is a matching Chip-Set. The suffix:- IGP means 'Intergrated Graphics Processor' + Matching Chip-Set. These 'Semiconductor-Chips' are soldered into the PC Motherboard (intergrated into) ~ They are non-removable nor replacable. _______________________________________________________ Alternative:- If your PC is in fact a Laptop/Notebook and provided it has a PCI-Slot on the side or rear you could purchase a:- "PCI Express 16 Graphic Adapter Module" (Its a small plug-in Module) Warning:-This will enhance your Laptop but its performance will never come near to a 'full-size' Graphics Card plugged into a Desktop PC. Note:- These 'Plug-In Modules' are hard to find ~ Consult your PC Manufacturer. I only know of one supplier, see "Link" below- http://www.villagetronic.com/vtbook/index.html However if your PC is an actual Desktop PC ~ then you have other options. ________________________________________________________ Will the 'PCI-Module' cater for demands of PTE.5xx with all its attributes ?? ~Very doubtful~ Note:- Don't confuse a 'PCI Express Graphics Module' for Laptops with a superior 'PCI Express Graphics Card' made for PC's So the reason for asking...What is your PC Make and Model ? Brian.Conflow
  2. Lin and Sherill, Yes Lin the upgrade Card Slot is a 'PCI Express 16 Slot' and all Utilities & Drivers and Upgrades are available as downloads from Acer. As well as their 'On-Line Support' they have a CD-Upgrade Wizard available for purchase for those who are not sure how to go about these things. As I don't know Sherill's country of residence I gave the 'Euro-Support Link' in the No:2 Image of my previous Post (above). "Link" below ~ Look under ACER Power F6 http://support.acer-euro.com/ Hope this helps..... Brian.Conflow.
  3. SJC, Here's a little more help for you concerning your PC (see below) Lin, I absolutely agree with you ~ and of course the (enhanced) 4.48 Engine is available within the PTE.5xxx Program. SJC may not be aware of this, and she probably needs a little help to get going with the enhanced 4.48 Utility. Igor, How right you are about Manufacturers claims in general ! ~ but with ACER they do provide an excellent Customer Support Utility but very few know about it and thats due to the reticence of the Distributor/Retailer providing that information to the Customer. SJC, below is some support data and contact for your Computer Support:- I'm afraid thats all I can supply as your problem is PC related when using (full) PTE.5xx. Just click on each 'Thumbnail' below. Brian.Conflow.
  4. Lin and Luc M, In my Post above I advised "SCJ" about the installed Video Card in his PC ,its a: "Silicon-Intergrated-Systems 661.FX" (SiS661.FX) Its a 'Chip-set Video System' resident on the PC Motherboard ~ its just a good plain ordinary Video/Monitor System ~ no frills at all. A spare Card-Slot is provided on the ACER designed to accept a 'Hi-Res Video Card' as recommended by the Manufacturer. Brian.Conflow.
  5. ACER POWER 346D Computer This 'Budget PC' is an entry level machine with good basic facilities primarily designed for 'general purpose usage' BUT NOT designed for Hi-end Graphics such as Pte.5xxx but would give adequate performance with Pte 4.48 and Pte 4.49. PC Basic System: 3.Gb processor. 80mB Sata Hard Drive. 512mB Memory (Expandable to:2Gb) Data Bus Speeds: From 300mB ~ +450 mB/sec. depending on Program. Resident Graphic Card: SiS.661FX (As in basic Win2000 Systems not suitable for Pte.5xx). Graphic Expansion Slot: For Higher Graphics the Manufacturers recommend: PC Express 16 Card. (This written recommendation is in their PC Specification Sheet) Both 'Acer Computers' and 'WnSoft.Inc' go to extrodinary lenghts to describe their Products in exact detail to any prospective purchaser who wishes to acquire all the necessary data about their products. Even to the extent of 'offering' a Free Advisory Service as to the suitability of their products running different Software Programs on different Computers and visa-versa. Prior to the Introduction of PTE.5XX a major survey was conducted on this Forum by the WnSoft Team with ALL Members as to the compatibility of Members PC's and the requirements for the PTE.5XX Program. This data is freely available to Members as is the FREE ADVISORY SERVICE for those wishing to use PTE.5XX. I'm afraid in this instance it is the (current-setup) of the Acer Computer which is the problem NOT PTE.5XX and to be fair to 'ACER' ~ they do recommend a more advanced Video-Card for use with Hi-end graphics and the memory would need to be upgraded to 1.Gb capacity. Brian.Conflow.
  6. Glenys, You said... "..I tried this program and recorded the photoshop guys from photoshop user tv. The sound was out of sync with the movie.." Yes this would be true because it looks to me as if you recorded a 'Streaming Movie or Video' and as this has to be 'buffered' in memory there is always a delay on sound even when you use Win Player 10. The trick is to re-run it again which usually gets you back into Sync ~ or try a different player like 'Quicktime' or 'Realtime' or indeed try Adobe's own Player which is the Macromedia Player, that should sort it as they own Photoshop. Brian.Conflow.
  7. Bill, I'm afraid Lin beat me to it ~ yes Lin is correct, this PC Video Recorder is designed for 'Straight-Shows' or Picture Albums or even VCR Recordings ~ it works with all 'Static-Images' or 'Constant Frame Rate' Shows but not with 'Variable Frame Rate Shows' such as those containing Pan-Zoom and Panoramas. (PTE.5xxx) It will work with PTE.5xx provided you don't use those utilities. Not withstanding that, this Program offers a lot more than what we have become used too, and for those who want a 'quik' Video from a straight PTE.Exe File there is very little to beat it and its Flash Converter is really good. It does however demand a small learning curve simply because it uses some 'Controls' which we are not familiar with. Brian.Conflow.
  8. Well firstly, Lins' query was about 'Animations' whereas my work with the Program was to do with Video Conference's and another project where I lost a set of Photo-Files. To recover these I set the Program to 4.Frames/Sec and loaded in my Pte.Exe and replayed the manufactured video through Win Media Player 10 ~ the quality was superb and I managed to recover all my Photos consistent with the quality of my Monitor ~ to say the least I was very happy about that. I will repeat, this Program converts Exe Files to Video ~ the alternative ~ is to make an AVI and then a Video. The Frame/Rate is fully selectable from 4.Fps all the way up to 50.Fps so I guess one has to try this Program for yourself and don't forget it also converts to Flash and AVI and WMV, the latter of which is accepted by UTube and iPOD the latter through the Mac iPod Program. of which there has been so many enquiries. Here is a 'Link' to the iPOD Program- http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300173 Brian.Conflow.
  9. Hi Lin, Sorrry I can't help ~ I have never ventured into 'Animations' but speaking to my son Peter who runs Fluent Design Ltd. (Web Animators) he assures me that normal video rendering of Animations is rarely successful even when one pumps up the sampling rate to +100.Fps. Apparently the 'jerkiness' has nothing to do with the PC ~ its all to do with the lack of Over-Lay Synchronisation which cant be done with video rendering because thats a Frame by Frame process....I hope I have that correct !! Fluent Design uses the full 'Professional Suite of Macromedia' (Cost +£1000) and it deploys something called 'progressive-overlay-rendering' which creates the smoothness required. (Spielberg and Lucas Film use special Apple-Macs and modified versions of Macromedia to do this) As I know nothing about the subject except what I'm told, it might be an good idea to give this some further research down the lines which Peter has suggested. I'm sure there must be something out there that will create the same 'technique' with Windows. N.B The attachment link will give you some idea as to what's needed in the research end of things. http://www.blackmagic-design.com/press/detail.asp?pressID=12 Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  10. Hi Thom, I'm pleased that Linda was able to help you out. Now when you complete your AVI you might like to look at the 'Apple-Mac Instructions' and their (Free) iPOD Program to get you started. By the way its only certain Models of iPOD's which will do this. See their Main Home Page and select iPOD's ~ As well as their Program link below... The Ipod Program 'LINK':- http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300173 As an alternative you might like to examine the "Virtual PC Video Recorder" which I just posted on this Forum Page, title:- PC Video Recorder. Brian.Conflow.
  11. Pte and Videos My recent Post on the 'Main page' of the Forum, titled:- "PC Video Recorder"... may help many of you in creating a fast Video-Recording directly from the Pte.Exe File. with the conversion complications encountered with AVI Files. Just a suggestion... Brian.Conflow.
  12. Henri, You might like to look at my recent Post:- "PC Video Recorder" Brian.Conflow.
  13. PC VIDEO RECORDER Yes its true ~ Your PC can now become a virtual 'Video Recorder' with 'Bulents Screen Recorder'. I have been testing this Program for Video Conferencing with Pte-Slideshows Exe's as the 'media' being converted to Video and then shown 'Live' or from DVD-Disc. So whats New ?? Well this Program converts PTE.Exe's directly into Video Formats: AVI Files ~ Flash Files ~ WMV which can be uploaded directly to the Web ~ UTube ~ DVD Players ~ iPOD with their Converter. Pte Uses 1) For those unfortunates who have lost their Photo Albums, you can now recapture your Photos from the BSR Video Recorder in 'real time' on your PC once you have the Pte.Exe Slideshow. 2) For those who want to make Videos 'on-the-fly' without converting to the AVI Format manually. 3) For those who want to convert Pte.Exe's to 'Flash Format' and upload to the Web quickly. 4) Also for those who wish to use UTube and iPOD Formats on a regular basis without the druggery of 'setting-up' and converting the Pte Show into an AVI and then into other Formats before you get to upload to the Web. The Program quality is as good as your Monitor settings but takes a little while to familiarise with.. Below are some Screenshots as examples: Web Link is on Image A-0 Have Fun.... Brian Kelly Conflow Services.
  14. Thom, Why not do a 'Search' for your (alledged) missing AVI ~ it might not have been made at all !! Simply press the Start Button-->select Search-->Files & Folders-->Search Window opens. In the Search Window type:- .AVI Select it to search your Hard Drive. If you successfully made an AVI it will show up in the Search Window ~ if not try again and if not ~ get some Instructions from the Forum as to how to make an AVI successfully... Its tricky enough even for experienced users. Brian.Conflow.
  15. ______________________________________________________________________________ Robinlew, So its a 'Home PC' not a Camera Club PC ~ this problem often happens when Camera Club Members try to download to the Club PC without permission.... If you run XP there has to be 'someone' with Administrator permissions ~ perhaps "User". You also said no Firewall issues ~ is the XP Firewall turned off ?....or is it working ? May I also ask what Anti-Virus Program are you running ?...is this program in use ? Forgive me, but these are obvious questions and not knowing your expertise with PC's these items can often be overlooked which can result in a wild goose-chase whereas in fact there may be no fault at all. Can you give more detail about the Firewall and your AV Program ? Also can you be more 'specific' with your problem and in particular what exactly is happening after you download the PTE Program Installer ? Brian.Conflow.
  16. Robinlew, You said "...We then downloaded a fresh version of P2E and tried installing that. Same problem. ie:-we cannot run P2E..." (I note the word "We"...who are we, and who is the PC Administrator/Owner?) To me the above looks like a 'security issue' I presume you are running Vista or XP or 2000 ?? 1) Do you have Administrator permission(s) to install this Program ? 2) Are you using a 'Firewall' ~ if so this may prevent its downloading ? 3) Are you using Norton or McAfee 'Internet Security' ~ same as above ? In any of these circumstances you must have 'Administrator/Owner' permissions to effect Any installation of an Exe.File and you must instruct the Firewall or AV Program to permit Installation. Firstly one must comply with these issues before one can address any other problems you may have. Brian.Conflow.
  17. Mike, In case you forgot ?...you need to change the settings of XoftSpy to accomodate your new Home/Search Page...this is important. "See Attachment" Brian.Conflow.
  18. Hi Mike, I had wondered had anybody else picked-up this 'Nasty'...piece of...&£$%* It origionally came out in 2002. Titled: "Backdoor SdBot BKV Trojan" but in reality in 2008 this is a 'bogus' title selected to defeat most Anti-Virus Programs as the declared title is already 'listed' in virus-definitions and your NAV thinks it had blocked it, but in reality it crippled Norton and others...why ? Its one of those NSIS Power Ads which was spawned on the Open.Org and now rewritten in Java and thats why NAV and others didn't recognise it. And yes, it does take over your Home/Search Page once it downloads a simple Java applet which creates 2~3 copies of itself to effect the Hijack. Comment:-A very simple but clever piece of work indeed. Norton went down,so did others ~ but XoftSpy got it ~ but couldn't remove it until they came up with 2 updates, one at 4:00pm and the next at 6:30pm. NAV got it sorted somewhere about the same time. Just keep your eye on your Home/Search Page for the next few days. Just shows there is no such thing as 100% protection... Brian.Conflow.
  19. Lin, Sorry to hear about your unfortunate PC Crash, If any of us can help out, do let us know. Brian.Conflow
  20. Peter, You are absolutely correct ~ when one is using Win '98se or Win 2000 its absolutely vital to use a Hardware Firewall such as found in modern Lan-Routers. The one I recommend is 'Sitecom' for Wired Broadband suppliers such as NTL ~ (From Maplin). You use 'NetGear' which is also excellent. Also with Win '98se or 2000 I would suggest to PC owners that they should install a (secondary) Software Firewall ~ but one has to be very careful about choice. If the PC has a a small User/Ram Memory,say less than 256.mB ~ then I would suggest the 'NetVeda Firewall' (Size 5mB} also great for '98se and 2000 Laptop/Portables with small Memory. If the Win '98se or 2000 has larger Memory ++256.mB then 'Zone Alarm' or 'Comodo' are ideal. With Radio Routers,most of these already have a inbuilt resident Firewall, which effectively is a Hardware Firewall similar to the Sitecom Wired Lan-Firewall. When using XP or Vista there is a pre-installed Software Firewall which is very effective but much more so when used with a 'LAN Hardware Firewall'..Sitecom & Netgear Routers has such Firewalls. That effectively takes care of Communications and rogue EMails and rogue Web Connection but can still leave the PC open to embedded 'script-attacks' this is where a good Anti-Virus Program is so necessary. Its also needed to 'auto-scan' CD-Discs, Floppies, and Memory Pens etc; Finally its always a good idea to have 'secondary defences' stored away in a Folder which can be activated on demand ~ these MUST NOT appear on the Start Menu, but should be activated from within their respective Folders. Products such as Ad-Aware, XoftSpy, SpyBot, Wincare-Iobit are ideal. Anything on the 'Start-Menu' can be attacked on Boot-Up from within the Temp.Directories because thats where these 'infections' reside awaiting to be activated at next Boot-Up. Thats why its so crucial to allow the PC to perform an 'Intelligent Start-Up Scan' OR an 'Intelligent Close-Down Scan'. Your Zone-Alarm is still working O.K, its just that your Hardware Firewall is so effective that Zone Alarm is simply ticking over, but still on guard...you have a nice system there. Brian.Conflow.
  21. Ron and Readers, Please be extremely careful about this report:- "Anti-virus comparative report will be of some help for the best product for your personal needs...." This 'Comparitive Report' is purely based on the premise of:-"On-Demand AV Scanners" meaning that you personally are executing a "Manual Scan of your PC" with one or another of the listed Programs. ODS means = On-Demand Scanner I consider this 'Report' to be misleading because it has ignored the following 'critical' Factors which must be evaluated when considering an effective AV Program. 1) A good AV Program must provide LIVE 'On-Line Protection' for EMail and the Web. (Many ODS will not) 2) A good AV Program MUST PROVIDE 'Start-up' Memory Scanning and Boot-Sector Scanning.(ODS will not) 3) A good AV program must 'Intergrate' with any resident Firewall on the PC. (Many ODS will not intergrate) 5) Numeric-Detection Performance is not a valid yardstick,because:- The 'SpyNet Community' has listed and signatured over +375,000 Infections of one form or another. It is an impossibility to download ALL of the respective 'definitions' consequently 'Heuristic Techniques' are use to define those of similar patterns/objectives. Depending on the goodness of the Heuristics will dictate the effectiveness of the AV Program in detecting 'families' of infections and its resistance to many 'False-Positives'. AV Manufacturers do not share this critical data for obvious reasons. 6) Do AV-Programs Deteriorate?...Yes like all Programs,AV Programs certainly deteriorate over time. There are many reasons for this:- some are man-made, some are machine errors, others are software & update errors. Conclusions In the absence of a Firewall a really good AV Program should provide a simple 'Firewall' and an 'AV Program' and 'Live On-Line Protection' and 'Start-Up Scanning'.This is an excellent product even though it may have small limitations. 17 Programs were Listed in the 'Comparitive Report' ~ many of these are simple 'On-Demand Scanners' with the limitations Listed above ~ Others provide the ALL the utilities Listed....therefore how can one compare "Like-v-Like" when there are fundamental differences in the Listings ?? Brian.Conflow.
  22. Paul & John, 'RegClean' is not Free ~ They invite you to take a 'Free-Scan' of your PC and then they show the results. Now if you want it to execute 'Repairs' you must pay for this or exit the Program ~ it does that cleanly. As far as I recollect I think the price is $20 ~ $24 Dollars. Brian (Conflow)
  23. Ronnie & Paul, I have both RegClean and RegCure. The reason I now use RegCure is that it comes as a 'Twin-Pak Offer' with Xoft-Spy both by www.paretologic.com ~ However RegCure is very 'incisive' and must be used with care as sometimes it can remove a Windows.exe File if that File is actually running something it does not like ~ they do warn you to close all Programs before running RegCure. Having said that, 'RegClean' is more than adequate for most people running XP-Sp2 with its own Firewall and with Grisoft AVG you are as well protected as can be. But do keep a copy of Ad-Aware and IoBit in reserve as from time to time you will need them, particularily IoBit (Its SpyBot with an Organiser/Cleaner) Brian (Conflow)
  24. To Ronnie & Readers, Yes Ron your PC will run much faster after running 'Reg-Clean' ~ I fact you hit the nail on the head ~ keep it clean ! Its a little known fact that all versions of Windows create so much 'garbage' within an hours work that its a wonder the thing works at all. Reg-Clean and others will count in excess of 80 Reg.Key errors and +20 File discontinueties, and editing JPegs creates so many empty Reg.Keys its unbelievable. What price this 'garbage'....?? It consumes so much Processor resources that most PC's rarely exceed 60% efficiency ~ and when the H.D is over half full this drops drastically becomming evident as:- Slow Start-ups, Files opening slowly, Slow EMail and Web and taking for ever to 'Shut down'- So if you want it Fast ~ Then keep it clean ! Example:- It has taken 10 minutes to write this and edit it ~ below is what Reg-Cure (my cleaner) found after this one hour session on this brand 'New Hewlett-Packard Laptop' 1 week old. Sure a lot of this will be corrected after the next 'Re-Boot' but I can assure you a lot won't be removed and its the accumulation of those fragments over a few weeks which will slow down the newest PC. Brian (Conflow)
  25. Henri, Its nice to hear that you're in the 'Television Media Business' and I must admit I am looking forward to Digital Television in Ireland which is just around the corner ~ that will bring some problems as we depend on 4 Major Transmitter Systems ~ because of that RDS is not received everywhere in Ireland at this time. So we have a lot of work to do. It's also nice to know that others appreciate which way the PC.Industry is developing, particularily here in Europe and as I said, I commend Igor on such a brave business decision they being such a young Company. All the best for now.. Brian Kelly (Snr) Conflow Services.
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