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Henri, You said ".... I don't hope that with the solid state story you are saying that we don't need this revolutionary version of Pictures to Exe.... Henri, I did not say that, thats your assumption !....being an Engineer I am not blind to Technical advancements, they are a fact of life, and we all enjoy the benefits they bring not the least in Medicine and Communications. One must understand that there are millions of Linux and Unix Computers out there and that Europe (+450.Million) is fast moving towards the "Open Source Operating System" a fact which Igor is very aware of. Therefore its very much in the in the interests of the WnSoft Team to develop this PTE-Project because it addresses two Markets:- Apple-Mac and Open-Source Org ~ and more below. 'Vista & its Service Paks' will be the last of the Microsoft OP.Systems as the Corporation wants to return to its core business in the Commercial sectors leaving a retail vacuum which Apple-Mac and 'Open-Source Org' wants to exploit. No wonder that so many 'Cross-Platform' Programs are in development ~ thats a good thing because Windows users won't be left Hi-&-Dry in the next 10 years. Igor has anticipated this and he is to be commended on a good business decision in bringing PTE to Mac users and eventually to 'Open-Source' users. The long overdue "Solid State Computer" was delayed by vested interests (enough said) and now that its a reality, it could not have come at a more oppurtune time because its the ideal vehicle to suit both New Markets and the old Win Market. Hope this gives you a better understanding why 'Mac-Pte' must go ahead because it compliments the 'Old' whilst developing the 'New' oppurtunities arising. Brian.(Conflow)
Virus Protection - Norton versus AVG
Conflow replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
John, Just in case you opt for "Kaspersky AV7" ~ yes it's extremely good and fairly fast and uses much less resources than 'NAV' but here are a few pointers:- 1) Its really designed for a PC with ++256.mB of Ram Memory. 2) Its "dogged" about the Administrator (solely) doing the necessary updates. 3) It can drive you mad with unnecessary 'prompts' about daily updates etc; 4) It requires that you "refresh" your Personal Password every 14 days or so. 5) It does check everything coming in and going out from the PC + Downloads but it does make small 'irritating mistakes' like blocking some genuine EMails. Would I recommend it for a 'Multi-User' Home environment ?...very much yes. Would I recommend it for an experienced 'Sole-User'...sorry no, its too fussy. Hope this shortens the List. Brian. -
Virus Protection - Norton versus AVG
Conflow replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
Removing Norton Anti-Virus Jeff has suggested the "David Taylor Method" for uninstalling Norton, there are others like so but a word of advice:- Unless you are proficient with Registry Editing techniques which should always be done in "PC Safe Mode" I would not recommend these methods for ordinary Forum Members who do not have the skills to complete the job. Its O.K for Jeff and I to have a go at this daunting task but I would stop short at "XP-Sp2" because now I am messing around within a powerful Security-Suite namely Sp2 !! For the ordinary mortal here below are the "Uninstall Links" to various versions of Norton but afterwards you should run a good Registry Cleaner like Reg-Clen or Advanced Win Care. Brian.Conflow Here below is the "Link" to the various Norton Uninstallers and a Screen-Shot of the various versions. These are virtually identical to the 'Uninstaller' provided on your CD-Version of your Norton Anti-Virus. They also work with all 'downloaded' versions of Norton. http://service1.symantec.com/Support/tsgen...lg=en&ct=us -
Virus Protection - Norton versus AVG
Conflow replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
Ron, The simplest way is to get your hands on any modern 'Norton Disc' and use its uninstaller. The hard way is to get on to the Norton/Symantec Site and literally trawl through the Files and find an 'Uninstaller' ~ there is no other way ! Brian. -
Virus Protection - Norton versus AVG
Conflow replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
Dan, Thats O.K you used the proper 'Uninstaller' ~ thank god, but you will have remnants floating around the PC which in my experience pop up now and again but are more of a nuisance than anything else. The reason for 'unplugging' the Internet is quite simple depending on the version of Norton which you are running on the PC. When one interfers with Norton it tries to make contact with the 'Symantec Security Centre' behind you back (unknown to you) then all hell breaks loose as it tries to maintain the 'status-quo'. In effect it thinks its being , "hacked" and this starts a chain reaction against what you are trying to do, "uninstall it". Thats the reason why the 'Norton Uninstaller' must be used. Hope this helps. Brian.Conflow. -
Virus Protection - Norton versus AVG
Conflow replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
Ronnie, The subject you just raised is sheer "dynamite" and with respect to others who may read the responses to your 'questions' I would like to issue a GENERAL WARNING-UNINSTALLING NORTON. Procedure 1) Before removing Norton disconnect your PC from the Internet ~ pull out the Internet connection. 2) Make sure you have an alternative Anti-Virus Program in Zip Format ready for Installation. 3) Norton CAN NOT be removed with the Add/Remove Program Utility in Control-Panel) on your PC. (This procedure purely disables the many exe.Files in Norton) and thereafter it "nags-you" about re-installation. 4) Norton MUST BE removed with a Norton Installation Disc or a Norton Dowload Utility. 5) After running the REMOVE UTILITY then you run the Add/Remove Program Utility. 6) SymantecFiles:-Somewhere in your PC there is a System Folder called 'Common Files' and within that special Folder you will find a Folder called 'Symantec Shared' . You will have to delete the 'Symantec Shared' Folder....extreme care needed. 7) Clean-up:- You then need to do a 'Search' or 'Find' for Files named Norton and Symantec and delete these remnant Files. Then you need to run a 'Registry Cleaner' like Win.IOBit to remove the empty Registry Keys and enteries in the File of Types Folder. If you DO NOT follow this procedure the PC will forever "nag-you" about missing this and that. Readers have been warned ~ removing Norton Anti-Virus is NOT for the faint hearted and you would be better advised to contact your 'Techie' ~ show him this and get him/her to do the job. As to other AV.Programs, this is a matter of 'research' and personal choice with due consideration been given to the amount of User Memory (RAM) available on your PC. These AV.Programs can take anything rom 50.mB upwards to 150.mB to run in a singe session at the Start-Up Scan. Then added to this is the start demands of the PC itself which can easily exceed 200.mB. (XP Home takes up to 250 mB at Startup). After 'Start-Up' you can be left with very little RAM which is usually evident with the remark....... My Computer is running slow ?? ~ Now you know why ! Hope this is of some assistance to readers of this 'thread'. Brian.Conflow. -
Gerald, Very many thanks for that information about the French 'Twin-Platform' Image-Program for Macs. Once again it clearly demonstrates the International desire to make the Mac-System compatible with Windows and Microsoft Programs~ but the converse must also be desirable for Apple-Mac Programs to run on Windows. Appreciating that Steve Jobs of Apple-Mac and Bill Gates of Microsoft have been life long friends and have recently been reported being in negotiations about 'Cross-Platform Support' for both Systems, it seems that its only a mater of time before we see 'Cross-Platform Products' and it is that advance which has prompted Mac to bring out the "Solid-State PC Computer". Now with 'Twin-Processors' in Windows PCs and the advent of the 'Solid-State Hard Drive' and the new 'IC Chip Operating Systems' its only a matter of months before these new Solid-State PCs start hitting the markets.....and about time too! Brian.Conflow.
Tim321, The item you refer to is actually a 'PalmTop' not a full Laptop/Notebook nor PC ~ you may have noticed that Asus are planning to bring out their version of a 'Solid State PC' sometime in 2008,see below:- Quoted:- "...ASUS has announced a desktop version of the Eee PC, without an integrated display, to be released in 2008.." I was talking about a full-blown "Solid-State Mac Laptop" with Display including all the Bells & Whistles and Coms Ports etc; and if you are in the PC Business you would agree that this is a (long-overdue) gigantic step in Business Technology particularily as it will also run Windows. Its a pity Microsoft didn't go down this route long ago, then of course they don't make PCs, more the pity as this new Technology effectively puts an end to Hackers, Virus Makers and such like. Its going to be rather difficult for these people who try and 'crack-into' a Solid State Op-System. Brian.Conflow.
Great News Igor, That will probably make PTE the only "Twin-Platform" Slideshow Program available anywhere in the World. This will certainly find many users in Business and Design and the IT Industry once the whole System is finished. As you know, I said two years ago that the "Solid-State Computer" is just around the corner, well from my sources in the PC Industry it seems that Mac are about to release such a PC. So far its known as the Mac-G12, its completely solid state ~ with Solid State 'Hard Drive' and embedded Op.System ~ no moving parts at all and will have a 12" Screen. What an oppurtunity for 'PTE-Mac V.1' and in saying that, may I wish you and the Team good luck and great speed in this major project. Brian.Conflow.
Genuine "FREE" Screen Capture Tool No Ads ~ No Limitations ~ Fast ~ Reliable ScreenPrint-32 does what it says, you can capture anything seen on your Monitor in any part of the Monitor or the whole Screen if needed. It can save in BMP,JPeg Gif, Png. Images are extremely clean, no smear, origional size and can be 'Edited' with any 'Image Editor Program' and also annotate as you wish with any Editor. And as a 'bonus' you can drop the Images into PTE and they will work every time. I have been using this Program for the past 5 years and it still amazes me with its 'capture/save speed' and utter relaibility.Its the Volkswagen of all ScreenCap Tools. The "Attachments below were done with ScreenPrint 32. and 'pasted' directly in here without any Editing, except adding my Notes. Brian.Conflow.
Bruce and Peter, In replying to Post on the Forum I think that many Members 'inadvertently' hit the nearest Reply Button which of course 'Copies & Quotes' the origional Post entirely. This is a bone of contention with many Members and of course we must also respect those who wish to keep the origional Post intact so not to extract 'text' from context. This was the reason I included a simple 'Instructional Attachment' in my last Post,this offers simple choices from a pictorial diagram. But I do agree with Peter, there should be a simple 'Instruction Sheet' available to all which explains how to use the fetures of this 'Invision Board' thus making our Forum a lot more efficient and user friendly. A 'PDF Button added to the top Buttons would do. Brian.
I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU GUYS What a waste of time 'unnecessary Quoting' really is ~ Besides causing confusion with an important Topic, it very often destroys the 'topic-thread' and contributors tend to wander Off-Topic with items bearing no relevance what so ever to the Topic under discussion. Perhaps the "Attachment" to this post might just point Members in the right direction. "Alternative"..Simply 'Hi-light' the sentence of interest in a Post with the LH.Mouse Button, then RH.Clk the 'Hi-light' --> select Copy --> then go to your Reply, RH.Clk anywhere in your reply and Paste in the copied quotation. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Dan D, As you see from the previous replies you have 2 Choices:- The updated Version 4.49 and the brand New Version 5.1x Whats the difference ?? If you have an 'older PC' choose the 4.49 Version. If you have a New PC you could use 5.1x but be very careful, the new version is reallly designed or modern PCs with 'Hi-Speed Graphic Cards' and lots of avalable Memory and fast Processor's. Brian.Conflow.
Colin and Steve, Colin,in retrospect I am inclined to agree with you having read your last Post. I did not realised Steve had actually tried out the 'Show' on another PC which ran the 'Show' fault free. This definitely points back to the IBM. But I have a problem with that,viz:- If it is the IBM Graphics Card ~ Why does it not occur with all Show Images, all of which have been processed from 'Raw-to-JPeg' all in the same way ?? And why does it not occur with other Shows made on the IBM, or is this simply a once-off production or is that a speculation on my part ?? There seems to be an unexplained inconsistency in the Show as if the PTE programs are being 'selective' in their renditions of those particular Images, in my experience thats not possible. My reading of the story is ~ its happening with 'certain images' so I refer back to those images again ! I do believe that there is something wrong with those Shots particularily if all the other Shots are rendering O.K. Perhaps I am missing out on something..and I wonder if Steve were to reconstruct the Show with the 'Problem Shots' and a few 'Normal Shots' with NO Transitions and NO P&Z ~ with each shot some 5 secs in duration, then review the results. Brian.Conflow.
Steve, Well it looks as if you have exhausted nearly all options in an effort to cure this "shimmering-effect" and on reflection something has nagged me about the sample Photograph because I have seen this effect before when working with 'specialised-photographs' of working Engines both Diesel & Electric and with IR.Photos. Some of my artifacts were generated by 'electrical field emissions' from the Machinery and others by obscure 'infra-red emissions' from both man-made and natural phenomena. May I offer a possible hypothesis and will you tell me if the following assumptions are partly right or wrong ?? On close scrutiny of the (sample) Photograph I make the following deductions:- * The photo-location is somewhere on the 40~45 Line of Latitude in Europe or Mediterranean perhaps ? * Its an early morning Photo, shot in the "raw" without an IR.Filter and without "raw" IR.correction ? * Photo was taken in mid Spring or late Autumn when the sea-temp is higher than the morning air-temp ? * There was considerable hi-altitude 'sea-fog' which had not yet burnt off ? * The camera was pointing in an "easterly" direction with overall back-lighting from the East ? * You used considerable Zoom to get the Photo and you used a large "raw Image Format when shooting ? * When converting from RAW to JPeg did you use a Program with 'Colour-Temp' correction ? Normally invisible to the human-eye but can be seen by the Camera are spacial 'Light Defraction Waves' caused by the Sun hitting the rear of 'Sea-Fog' layers as it burns off the individual layers. The colour of these layers are relative to heat values from Lo-IR values up to Hi-IR values (yellow-orange-red). Note the semi-circular layered pattern within the Photo but nothing on the RH.side ~ the Equator side ! (1) I can send you a few copies of similar IR artifact's shot in evening sunshine in the Alps where the Camera saw early evening Alpine Mist in the centre of Fussen Town ~ this was not visible to the human eye. (2) I can also send you a magnificent B&W Photo of Wexford Harbour (shot in colour) but only the cold & hot parts of the images are visible on the Photo ~ again an early morning shot. Brian.Conflow.
Tom, The points you made are now well noted ~ in fact I don't know whether Steve is running "Vista" on the IBM T60 ? and indeed whether he is running PTE 5xxx (what version) on the T60 ? and indeed that would beg the question as to whether the T60 is really suitable for Vista etc,etc......I don't have those answers ! I guess we will have to wait for Steve to get back to us concerning those crucial points. Happy "New Year" to all... Brian.Conflow.
Steve, I have just read Colins posting.....and on re-reading your origional 'Query' there was something I had overlooked,viz:- that which Colin had picked-up on,quoted... ...."The shimmering of the light areas in the images during the fade transitions is horrible".... Could you verify that the effect only happens during 'Transitions' on the Laptop LCD Screen ? and is this 'effect' visible on a connected external Monitor...don't leave the Ext.Port switched on without a Monitor or at least dummy-load connected...(don't forget you have 2 VDU Drivers). I looked at Colins' enhanced Image and quite definitely this is an 'inter-modulation' artifact superimposed on the fading image and in my experience that 'smacks' of an RF reflection somewhere in the system, you can clearly see the multiple waveforms. If you have time to do that 'Test' then it might resolve that issue one way or another as I am very loath to suggest changing a good Laptop like the IBM T60 as I find it inconceivable that IBM would release such a modern Laptop with such an obvious design defect. Brian.Conflow
Steve We are involved in Video and VHF and UHF Data Transmission for Data/Images/Sounds etc.... How many times I forgot to terminate cables and I should have know better ~ even JC has lost count ! I can't speak for the Projector input loading (they are all different). But thats not the problem,its more to do with the fact that you have 2xVideo Drivers sharing the same split input signal, then amplifying that up to Video-Output levels so any stray signal reflections within the system will appear on both Outputs. This is caused by 'standing-waves' or reflected waves due to Driver System misbalance or misloading. The same happens when 2 TV Sets share the same Aerial Cable without using a Diplexer (Aerial-Splitter). Do try the normal PC.Monitor when you have time....use a Video Cable connector not more that 1.0Mtr. Twin Video-Drivers are tricky systems even at the best of times. So much depends on the signal loads and their relative 'balance' and the quality of the Video Connectors and whether they are screened and if they have EMI Filters and so on..... but you are on the right track now, and when you get time, contact IBM for the correct cable ~ they are well aware of these problems, unfortunately so am I... Best of luck with the "Moving"... Brian.Conflow.
Bob W, The 'copy-protection' that these Vendors use ~ (to stop you distributing their product) ~ usually comes in 5 Formats:- * Time limitation were the Copy process stops after 30 seconds. * Alternatively a total 'music-harmonic' is inserted into the Copy Track. * Reverts to a Web Site looking for legal Cbbc data ~ then stops. * Injects a 'tone' into the Copy Track. * Limits the Copy track to AM radio bandwidth ~ 50-5000Hz. Brian.Conflow.
Steve, You said...."The problem appears to be much worse when driving both the internal and external displays. The screen shot I posted was with both the internal display and the external port On but NO cable Nor External Display connected"... Steve, Unlike the vast majority of Notepads/Laptops your IBM is unique (repeating myself) in that it has many features not found on other Laptops.. The one that concerns you is that it has a "Dual Video Driver System" ~ I am not talking about software drivers I am talking electronics circuits. It has 2 individual "Video Driver Chips" one for the LCD Display and the other for the external Monitor. (Like all Video devices these are R.F Transmitter devices and MUST BE terminated correctly) In the standard Laptop you have a choice of using the Internal LCD Display or the External Monitor but not both at the same time because there is only 1xVideo driver Chip....you have 2 Video Driver Chips. It's IBM's assumption that you will terminate both Video Ports correctly....(A) If the Laptop LCD is in use it will be correctly terminated with the LCD Driver Chip....(B) The same can't be said about the external Monitor nor Projector Port because it depends whether the external Port is actually "switched-on" with no-load connected or actually left open circuit without a proper 'Video Cable-Connector' being connected to it ~ This is "illegal" in RF.Electronics. Because the 'External-Port' is switched on and NOT Load-terminated it will create 'standing-waves' within the PC circuitry showing up as 'ghosting' or 'patterning' on the active Notepad Screen ~ when the Ext.Port (Video-lines) are properly loaded or terminated this artifact will vanish. Because its a 'Dual-Port Laptop' there will be a "special" Video Cable for this PC ~ its identified by having 2 cylinders either end of the cable, each one of these being adjacent to the Video Connector Plugs either end. See your "Quotation Above" where you actually answer your own question ~ with a little help given here. Brian.Conflow. P.S (First Principles of RF.Electronics) All RF.Sources must be properly terminated with the correct Line-Loads dictated by the source resistance of the primary signal generator.
Steve, Two questions for you:- Q.A The "Sample Picture" you Posted ~ (1) Was this an origional JPeg from a Camera ? (2) Was the Image scanned in from a Magazine ? (3) Was it an origional Photograph scanned in ? Q.B (1) Are you driving the External Monitor directly from the Laptop ? (2) When doing this,is the Laptop Screen active also ? (3) if both are active, are the two Images the same size ? I have a very funny feeling that this effect is due to "Ghosting" or R.F Pickup from the External Monitor Cable. It may be that the Video Cable is not screened (many ar not) ~ it can also be a artifact called "intermodulation" this sometimes happens when you set Monitors to reproduce the same Image at different sizes from the same source. Is the "effect" visible when you use each Monitor by itself solely ?? That test will tell its own story. Brian.conflow.
Steve, I certainly wouldn't change that IBM Notebook ~ as I said, the problem seems to arise from the (inbuilt) generic 'TV Driver' and there must be someway of switching off that function. I would open Device Manager and try and find that 'driver' and disconnect its functionality. The 'Lenova' people would know more about that than I do. Examine the site Link I sent. Brian.Conflow.
Leona, The usual standards for Web/EMail Photos are 800x600 pixel for Large images and 600x400 for images that can be seen on most Laptops/Notebooks and smaller PC's. Brian.Conflow
Steve, As you know the IBM-T60 is not the "usual run" of Laptop Notebooks - indeed that laptop is quite special in many application areas not the least being that it has an inbuilt 'Generic TV Driver' on its Graphic Card - this is known to give problems with other Photo Utilities. I'm not a 'specialist' in Business Laptops such as the IBM's so I attach a "Link" to a specialised site "Lenova" which handles all matters concerning this Laptop ~you might contact them with your problem. http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/MIGR-62928.html I hope this helps you... Brian.Conflow.
Hi Alan, Yes, "Audio Cleaning Lab" is a very useful piece of kit ~ I bought mine about 3 years ago and it has certainly got me out of trouble many times. Brian.Conflow.