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Guido, And to you also and your family ~ A very happy Christmas Guido ~ get well soon. Brian.Conflow. Dublin
Donna, I don't know what PC you have ?...but if it has Windows Media Player +9version or higher it should Play a DVD immediately. It may be that the Win Player is not correctly set-up to play DVDs, you need to go into Options-->Formats and select all Record/Replay Formats, they try again. You also need to find the DVD Burner Software such as "Ahead-Nero" it should be on your Programs Start Menu. (Start Button-->Programs List-->Find xxx) It may be that your Burner Software only supports CD-Burning and not DVD-Burning..? Sorry,thats the best I can offer without knowing all the PC Drive(s) details. Brian.Conflow.
Bob W, If it's a Wallmart download its almost certainly an Mp3-128kps Audio File. This is a common Format used by most 'Music Download Vendors' as it suits the 'Internet Broadband System'. (I might add that many of these downloads are copy-protected) however.. If you use Audacity, load it into the Audacity Program, then highlight (select all) and export it as a WAV File. It will 'auto-export' at WAV 22050.Hz. Thats the best you will be able to achieve and its FM-Stereo Radio quality. Brian.conflow.
Donna, See if the PC will play a Standard (Bought) DVD in Drive "D". If it plays O.K ~ then I suspect you are trying to Burn to an incorrect Format DVD Disc -or- you may have tried to "Burn' to the same Disc more than once, that cant be done. There are many different types of "Burnable" DVD Discs. You need to read the Drive Manual to choose the correct 'Burnable' DVD Disc. Brian.Conflow.
Jean, Before you remove the PTE.Programs why not "Burn" them to CD-Disc along with your "Registration-Key" ~ Dont forget PTE 4.48 also. "Old saying" ~ its easy to be wise having closed the Stable Door after the Horse has bolted... ..Meaning you never know the day when you will need that Disc !! Brian.Conflow.
Peter, How right you are ~ I having been in this Business + your 25 years ~ and I have never met a 'fault-free' Computer. Like me I am sure you often wonder if the "Thing" is going to boot-up properly each morning when we switch it on ~ or is it going to be one of "%$#@" those days ?? Brian.
Pictures to Exe website contains trojan???
Conflow replied to daveharris's topic in General Discussion
Hi Igor, I just got back from a few days Holidays.. Yes that "Trojan" was quite real, it was sitting on the 'Invision Server' and was trying to auto-download a Video-Clip each time somebody tried to access the 'Forum Site'. It had absolutely nothing to do with the Forum Site what so ever... it was an undetected attack on the 'Invision Server' ~ they should be more vigilant about things as that Trojan-WildCard came out in 2004. It now seems to be cleared off their Server... Brian.Conflow. -
Al I have just downloaded your +400k File and saved it. I can't look at it now as I am off to Bavaria early Friday morning and just right now "things are coming out of the woodwork" don't they always when one is in a rush. I am pleased to know that Photoshop seems to re-install Exif Data after editing and after Pan & Zoom. However I regret to say that the vast majority of other Photo-Editors simply "ditch" the data. Steve I know that the Exif Data is in an ascii-string' ~ My reference to a codec was purely an 'off-cuff-comment' suggesting that one would need a codec to decompile the string into text-data. A Hex Editor won't do that as the source code is not known,thats the reason one would have to use 'Line Command Arguments' to see whats there. Concerning loss of Exif data after Image modifications, yes this happens with many Photo-Editors and its the reason that Exifer has a 'Save/Replace utility' just to get around that problem. As you know 'AL' has now found out that Photoshop replaces the Exif data but the vast majority of other Photo Editors simply use the 'embedded Thumbnail' and ditch the data. Yes you are correct about the Manufacturers ~ you should see the problems we have with GPS ! Mary I never used the word "Hijack" you did. I was my opinion that the "topic" was drifting away from Argonauts' origional problem of Exif loss ~ I accept that you were trying to help him, but as you are well aware it has now become a full blown debate, not so at the beginning of the thread. Yes Exifer is 5 yrs old, I was the 1st.to Post it to the Forum 3½ years ago and for what its worth, I dont expect any updates as the job was 'done & dusted' with the help of the JEITA Organisation way back in September 2001 (released 2002). Personally I can't see JEITA changing the Exif Specification simply to suit us... Must go no now, Happy Christmas to all. Brian.Conflow
Lin and Al, Lin I do see and understand your point concerning PTE.5xx (I assume it is V5xx) and I also appreciate your frustration with the "intermittent nature" of the perceived bug. But to be fair, we do know that Igor has acknowledged an EXIF problem and is looking at it. Earlier in the thread I said, if you modify an Image in any way you will loose Exif data and to my way of thinking 'Pan & Zoom' are such a modification and I am firmly convinced that this inbuilt-utility is at the root of Igors' Exif problem ??....How do you preserve metadata in a (programmed) "moving Image"...think about it. Then of course how is a particular PC set-up to resolve Metadata, many won't because those Files are usually hidden and 'user-scripting' is most often disabled. The same goes for IE.6 when 'script-debugging' is enabled, it usually rejects non-Microsoft Web Scripts. Bringing an 'unmodified Image' to another Program should show the Exif Data PROVIDED that Program has Exif utilities,some dont. There is a List of Exif enabled Programs under one of the Buttons on the Exifer Web Page. Just some thoughts which I hope will help. Brian. PS. As an example here below is a little Utility which I use to "Block" all Scrips running on my Laptop when viewing EMails and downloading from the Web...keeps me safe !
Lin, I did not say that ~ Quoted:- Brian...What problem do you see people adding comments to their pictures? In my experience this has not corrupted the header and is readable no matter how many times edited. The name of the main field, UserComment seems to indicate this is what was intended, and I can't see how the developers expected people only to use their cameras to enter this data using arrow keys and a gridded alphabet chart..... I have no objections at all to people adding their own comments, what I said was:- ..."Personally I don't see the point in changing EXIF Data -except- for a 'PhotoTitle' and a re-edit of the numeric 'Image Size' to its new size - and of course ones' own DataNotes. These are all within the permissable editable Fields, no problems at all. You must have misread my Post. Cheers, Brian.
Lin, We have to distinguish between the (Friedemann) "Exifer Program" and the "Exif Data" coming down from one's Camera... 1) The "Exif-Camera Data" is subject to a Trade Licence from the JEITA Organisation and certain Data-Fields CAN NOT be changed this because of Firmware Agreements and Copyright and Legal reasons. 2) Changing certain 'Data-Fields' would negate the Legal Acceptability and viability of all Photographs used in the Legal Profession and Geo-Physics and Marine GPS Surveys,etc. Its that "raw-data" which has caught out so many Newspapers in Libel Actions.... 3) The "Friedemann Exifer Program" is bound by these constraints and you will notice that you can only change certain "non-critical" Data-Fields and comments. 4) Apart from the "EXIF Protected-Fields" (Firmware) each Manufacturer can write Metadata to certain Fields for his own purposes and Products ~ so there is no Standard. 5) If one wants to go 'under the counter' there are a few Programs on the "Black-Web" which use 'command line arguements' to do anything you want. These are "illegal" and bring the Photographic Industry into disrepute.....not my cup of tea,thank you ! Personally I don't see the point in changing EXIF-Data except for a 'Photo-Title' and a re-edit of the numeric 'Image Size' to its new size and of course ones' own DataNotes. I agree with Al Robinson ~ all he wants is the Exif Data ~ who would want more ? Lets be honest, we don't own the Programs, nor have we purchased an EXIF Licence, so what the heck are we expecting ?? Brian.Conflow.
Mary, My apology, but I think you have changed the 'topic-subject' of this thread away from the original problem posted by Argonaut...(see below)...but no matter. You said,quoted: OK, I stand corrected (somewhat) but here's the problem as far as I can tell...then you engaged with Steve in a debate about your interpretation of Exif etc; and in so doing you have missed the points I made previously concerning Argonauts problem. I wish to clear up some points:- EXIF/IPTC WERE NEVER DESIGNED TO BE PUBLIC DOMAIN PROGRAMS FOR THE PURPOSES OF MANIPULATING AND EDITING IMAGE DATA. THEY ARE WYSIWYG STRICTLY FOR TRADE, INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL and LEGAL PURPOSES WITHIN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. Of course you can use the data ~ but Editing it is seriously frowned upon,to the extent, that I only know of one person in Europe who has succeeded in writing a series of new "Command Line Arguments" which can change all Comment Fields..That says something ? The Origional Query from Argonaut:- I use Lightroom for editing and tried a test image with *all* the Exif, IPTC etc. fields filled in, and yet when I set PTE project options to "JPEG Exif Comment" and set it for all existing slides, nothing came up when I previewed the slide. The "JPEG Exif Description" works just fine and in Lightroom this field is the Caption field. So, where can I find the Comment field and display it in PTE?....Argonaut Steve Newcomb and myself have answered that query and I have posted "Examples" of what's gone wrong. Steve has given you a full Summary about EXIF but please appreciate that neither EXIF nor IPTC are our's to do with as we wish..they are not our property. Steve is correct in saying 'whysiwyg' (in so many words), because its really down to the EXIF Licensee as to what "Fields" they wishes to use in their Product's and quite rightly there is considerable room for expansion. Note: Dont forget that the Metafiles are generated with "Firmware" not Software so there is little that can be modified except the Metadata and that 'corrupts' if modified too much, and becomes unreadable if the Image is altered in any way. Igor: Has very generously offered to include an EXIF Utility in PTE.5xxx but he is not under any obligement to do so as it is a particularily difficult job.I do hope he abandons this until such times that he is more comfortable with the progress of PTE.5xx. The arguement as to which is better EXIF-v-IPTC is really a matter of conjecture and ones own choice, because at the end of the day there is little one can do with either. The 'Exifer Program' was designed by Friedemann Schmidt and some 20 Collegues with the full co-operation of the JEITA Organisation ~ its the best one out there. I hope this simple explaination puts EXIF/IPTC into perspective... Brian.Conflow.
Hi All, I had intended not to 're-post' to this thread but having seen Al Robinsons 'Test-Work' in coming to conclusions about Exif Data and the Adode LightRoom problem I have to say that I agree with Al and fully support his conclusions. I joined the Forum 3 years ago and at that time I posted Data and Links to an 'Exif Utility' which had just been developed and which I have used extensively....So lets get the facts:- LightRoom Was never designed to handle Exif Data ~ it was designed by Adode to imbed 'Meta-Data' into Documents and Tiff Images as XMP Files ~ their name for MetaData. Exif Utility Designed in 1998 by the JEITA Organisation (Japan Electronics & Information Tech Assoc) where by Camera Makers would have a 'cross-platform' of exchangable data common to the Camera Makers and Process Laboratories and Geo-Physicist's and GPS Utilities, yes it does handle GPS. The Format is JPeg ~ The 'MetaData' is an EMI File. (sometimes emi) Argonauts Problem Lightroom see's some 'metadata' in the JPeg Images and 'mistakenly' thinks its an XMP File of its own genisis, and to quote Bill Newcomb...Adobe has a long history of messing up... The Exif Format Exif offers 256 Data Fields comprising:-16 Generic Camera Makes with 56 Comments and Thumbnails with 20 ~Make Notes 80 ~GPS 31 ~IPTC 36 and a few Header comments. What goes Wrong Exif Data has strong inbuilt 'Anti-Tamper Security' ~ if you alter or in any way change the origional Image the Exif Data is lost (for Legal reasons).If you wish to preserve the modified data you must first save the origional data as an EMI File (emi) then complete any Editing and then re-import the saved data to the Modified Image. The same applies to any Image and also those with Pan & Zoom ~ therin lies the "crunch" which Igor is working on. Examples are shown below:- Image1. Size 1280x960 pix. plus Exif Data. Image2. Resized to 1024x768 pix. No Exif Data. (Image modified) Image3. Corrected for 1024x768 size with 'reinserted' Exif Data. Image4. Example of MetaData EMI File within the Image. Also below are 'Snapshots' of 2 Programs which handle Exif Data ~ I recommend "Exifier" designed by a brilliant Engineer ~ Friedemann Schmidt. "Link" to the Exifer Site:- (Click-on the Web Photo for more Screens) http://www.exifer.friedemann.info/index.htm Hope this helps the problems... Brian.Conflow.
Mike, Best of luck with your assessments. I know you are in the Professional end of things somewhat like myself ~ and you know ~its great to be able to "Consult" with a Client on the Web with the "Live File" open between both persons. Then simply pick up the Phone or use your WebCam to converse and discuss details with each other. I use PTE like this for Video Conferencing ~ its so much better quality than a Web Site where 'Image Size' is constrained below 800x600 pixels compared to PTE where I can scan in complete Engineering Reports with hi-quality Drawings and Images and Excel. This is where a good "Hosting-Service" really scores above own Web-Services... I can tell you,my Clients are absolutely amazed with these Quality Reports. Regards, Brian.
Argonout, I think you might have missed my point... I said..I am not aware that such a Codec is used in PTE or whether PTE would support an 'imported' Codec, I suggest you EMail Igor about that... If a 'Codec' is installed in PTE.5xx I would imagine that this would give Igor some problems because you have to content with Pan & Zooming of images ~ meaning that we are not dealing with 'static-images' ~ consequently extracting the Exif Data is going to be difficult....Thats the reason I suggested you should EMail Igor to get an update on that aspect of the PTE Program. Regards, Brian.Conflow.
Hi Mike, Back to you again ~ you ask about Security on these Sites ? 1) I am a bit dubious about 'Free Upload Sites' for the reason that they must make a turnover somehow - who's Financing the Site - how? I hope its not by selling ISP Addresses ?....yours and mine, unfortunately many do. 2) I would recommend that you read (in detail) their 'Privacy Policy' because the site you mentioned does WARN YOU about non-secure items. 3) In comparison "Box.Net" have a rigid Security Policy and their transactions are conducted with SSL Utilities - like PayPal and Banks and Airline Bookings. (SSL=Encrypted Secure Socket Layering). Its extremely difficult to 'Hack' and for the 'pittance' they charge it certainly gives me peace of mind and security with my PC's and "Norton Executive" doesn't scream every time I use it. 4) They offer 3 Packages: Individual ~ Business ~ Corporate, now that says it all. I can't imagine any Corporation doing business with them unless they are secure and in my case I use it with Irish Railways,with no problems. This IS NOT a recommendation, its purely pointing you to a 'Model Utility' which has stood the test of time and most likely would set the yardstick by which you could compare and assess others. Study the 'Box.Net' Privacy Policy its very different to others I have read. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Mike, Here are 2 Utilities which I use, 1)BoxNet Link:- http://www.box.net/ This costs a few Euro (well worth it) because I use the Business-Version which allows me Conference facilities with my Clients "Live-OnLine" where they are looking at the same File which I am looking at. Great for Pro-Engineers and Photographers talking to clients. 2) MyTempDir Link:- http://www.mytempdir.com/ A very clean functional utility which I use for personal purposes. You are allowed up to +100mB. Files are time-limited depending on download usage. If not downloaded at least once in 21 days they are deleted. However you can download multiple-Files over and over again. Screen-Shots below... Brian.Conflow.
Argonaut, The 'Exif Data' is encoded and stored within the Image itself, provided of course the Camera put it there in the first place. If 'Exif' was switched-off then no data will be available. Programs which record or extract Exif-Data use a specially written 'Codec' designed for that purpose. I am not aware that such a Codec is used in PTE or whether PTE would support an 'imported' Codec, I suggest you EMail Igor about that... Brian.Conflow.
Kipper, Glad to oblige and should you have the 'odd' problem with your Mac send me an EMail 'Off-Forum' as we use Macs extensively in our other family business 'Micronetwrks.net'. Brian.Conflow. P.S If you re-open the Griffintechnologies Website and run your Mouse Cursor along the various (greyed-out) iPOD Models, you can click on your particular Model and find 'Links' to the various accessories which it will support.
Hi John, Welcome back ~ and as you said..yes,you're out of touch..because I can't see that Photo on my Laptop, its 36"x25" in size....aahhh give us a chance, we do have the New PTE 5x but we have'nt got around to the New Foldable Laptop yet ~ I wish ! Best of luck in your New Home... Brian.Conflow.
Want To Record Voiceovers And External Sounds
Conflow replied to kipper's topic in General Discussion
Kipper, To help Mac Users I have posted a New Thread on the Forum:- "MAC and iPOD Users" if you open this thread go to the 'Audio/Video Solutions' section and look up "iMIC" ~ you will find solutions to your USB enquiry and a possible solution to your Sound-Recorder enquiry. Site Link:- http://www.griffintechnology.com/ See instructions in my New Thread. Brian.Conflow. -
Hi All, As is evident from some recent 'threads' on the Forum many Mac Users are starting to use the PTE Slideshow Program on their Mac Pcs. I have noted that there seems to be a lack of Hardware Utilities and Software Utilities for these owners. I hope the following will address some of these problems ~ * There are over 100 Audio/Video Hardware solutions available to Mac Users. * iPOD's suitable for use with PTE and the Macs are the "Nan0-2" and "iPOD 5-G" * All have inbuilt USB.2 Utilities and Memories of +1.Gb (Some Models up to 8.Gb) * Sound and Picture capture quality are superb with the correct Attachments. * These small "Universal Memory Bunkers" are ideal for Photographers on the move. The problem so far is the availability of the Attachments and Accessories & Software. Here is the answer:- Griffin Technologies are the 'de-facto' Manufacturer of Mac and iPod Accessories and below is a link to their very extensive Web Site (be warned it takes time to explore) http://www.griffintechnology.com/ Here below are some instructions to get going with their Web Site.. Enjoy, Brian.Conflow.
Pam, Thats "twice" Ronnie has advised you to Archive your Shows and I have also said same. You also need to attend to a few things,:- * On the Forum when we say 'Slideshow' we mean the completed Blue Icon,Exe File. * For work in progress we refer to the .PTE Files, apparently these were your Lost Files. * The 'Naming & Title' of your Files need to be more compatible with PC requirements. Many of us will seriously recommend you to make "Templates" of your Shows and burn each 'Template' to a CD-Data Disc ~ its so simple I'm at odds to understand how you could have possibly overlooked this crucial Utility which is available in all versions of PTE. Click on File (left-Top) of PTE Main Window-->select-->Template-->Create Template of this Show.The Template Folder is within the Main PTE Program Folder,simply Burn it to CD. That way you will never loose a Client Folder again and it is complete including all Sounds. Brian.Conflow.
Pam, Forget PTE 4.48 until you get your problems sorthed out with V4.31 ! Looks to me as if your PC has decided to 'Save' to your Archive Folder as a 'generic-save' which is over-writing all the Folder Contents.... This could be 'human error' or a 'confused PC error' and looking at your Filenames this is an accident which was waiting to happen,let me explain:- 1) It seems that you were simply saving to the Archive Folder without going to the bother of opening up that Folder in the 1st instance and then giving your File a unique name and then selecting Save...see 'Attachment' below. 2) You made the classic mistake of relying on your PC to 'Archive' your Files where in fact most PTE Users Archive their Files to a Master CD-Disc then you loose nothing. Burn as 'Data-Files' to which you keep adding to the CD. 3) Your Filenames (your example)...Lori Ford Family 11-15-07...Has 3 spaces and 22 characters, this is excessive and beyond the normal 8/10 characters which a PC prefers and those three spaces loose 'connectivity' between the characters, so anything can happen, and it will eventually ~ 4) The following Filename Format would suit your work:- A01-Ford, A02-Ford, etc, Thats: A,Zero,One. Then for a different Family: B01-Smith, B02-Smith,etc,etc. Note : There are no spaces. The Numeric values gives you the date sequences which you keep on record. So from A01~A99 gives you 100 Files for Ford and B01~B99 is a 100 for Smith, and A to Z is 26 Families. (All told that allows you 2600 SlideShows). Hope this helps you... Brian.Conflow.
Hardware rendering of AVI/DVD in PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.1
Conflow replied to Igor's topic in General Discussion
Tom and Wideangle, The following may be interest to you both:- Laptp Computers (Rerun), I see that the subject of Laptop Computers and PCs has raised its head again ~ The 'Links' below may be of interest to many Forum Members as they were derived from the recent "Digital Life Expo~New York 2007" which was the Showcase for all New Laptops and PC's and other exotic devices. I hope you have time to 'drill-down' through the many Links and in particular the Voodoo Site has all the Reviews on the new Laptops and the HP Site shows off the new Blackbird PC ~ thats some animal of a PC. Brian.Conflow. Note: These Links need Full Screen Display. Note: Recommend you look at the CNet Blackbird Video in Link. Link:- http://laptoping.com/voodoo-envy-m152.html Link:- http://reviews.cnet.com/desktops/hp-blackb...ag=nefdprod.rev Attached thumbnail(s) Reduced 71% 338 x 343 (52.27k)//