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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Conflow


    Sam, Bear in mind, that for this particular Show, had the JPegs Images been 'tagged' by the Program to open in Web Format, then thats exactly what the Photo Editor will do. There are ways to circumvent this, but I must say, I have been caught out many times with such settings...just keep it in mind ! Brian.Conflow.
  2. Hi Ron, B&H Photo Video (New York) have what you want starting at $150 ~ (£75). They are called "Camera Rolling Cases". I have dealt with this Firm for some years and they have an excellent 'Delivery System. Apart from the above, the 'Link' below will give you an idea of whats available. I'm sure Jessops will have the same item by "Brand Name" which name you could look up on the Web to find the U.K Supplier. Brian.Conflow. B&H PhotoVideo:- http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/shop/191/Cam...ling_Cases.html
  3. Sam, I made a reply to your problem posted by you on 24th August..."Pictures to Exe on Network"...(School Net) which was not acknowledged, and may I ask you, have you solved your School Network Problem ? I see you have 'Posted' a request concerning downloading PTE.5xx through the 'Mistral Thread Link' which I sent to you. You said you are using Pte 4.46 on the School Network and I sincerely hope you are not planning to use Pte.5xx as a remedy replacement to Pte 4.46 currently running on the School Network. Tell me I am wrong ~ because if you do this without performing a 'Systems Hardware Audit' of all the Networked PC's you are facing certain collapse of the entire System ~ for the reason that your Hardware may not be capable of running Pte.5xx in the first instance. Brian.Conflow.
  4. Conflow


    Hi Sam, Thanks for your reply ~ It looks to me that the problem is with the 'Graphics Editor' and its set-up. No apology for asking those 'questions' now at least we know what PC we are dealing with and on reflection, that PC and its Graphics Card are well up to the job in hand with Pte.5xx. Back to the Graphics Editor ~ I have a suspicion that this has been set to 'Web Default Format' and every time you RH.Click an Image it opens the Editor in that format. Its very unusual but there are some Graphic Programs which can be set so, examples:- * "MGI Photosuite" (old '95 Program) I still use it for direct Cut/Paste and Script insertion. * "Picasa" now owned by Google ~ AutoWeb Image Formatting is a feature of this Program. * "Cam2 PC" is another one, and it can be set-up to Web-Image Format. There are many more. If you write down the 'origional image sizes' and get 20% of each dimension, you are very near to the standard Web Size formats shown below. Let me know how you get on... Brian.Conflow.
  5. Conflow


    Sam, You have Posted to the Forum many times before and you say that your friend is using Pte.4 and Pte.5 but as you know (from reading other Posts) its impossible to answer those 'questions' without first submitting more Data:- 1) What PC is she using ? ~ What Operating System ? ~ What RAM Memory does it have ? 2) What Image Format is used ? ~ What Graphics Program is used ? ~ What Video Card ? As you are aware - if Readers have that data - then I'm sure you will get a helpful response. Brian.Conflow.
  6. Sam, This subject was exhaustively covered a shorth while ago...... The Topic was:- "No Midi-Playback" Topic Starter:- "Minstral" Pc Computer:- "School Network" Whereas Teachers had problems running PTE over a School Network and Music Files were being dropped and some Student PCs, "Froze". It resolved to be an internal PC Management problem on the Network and nothing at all to do with PTE. Select 'Page 3' of this Forum (select at bottom of Main Page) and when opened find "Minstral" (Topic Starter) then read last replies. This should give a direct link to it:- http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7151 Brian.Conflow.
  7. JudyKay & Readers, Microsoft Power Toys "Pic Resizer" is designed for XP where as "Blue 5 Pix-Resizer" will run on ALL Operating Systems (Vista version coming) also 'MS Pic-Resizer' does not have an adequate Uninstaller even using Control Panel Uninstall. Although 'MS Pic-Resizer' is a very nice convenient Program it does not offer all the selectable options right down to Icon Sized Images which 'Blue 5 Pix-Resizer ' does, and more. I thought it fair to bring these differences to the attention of those who might inadvertently download the MS Program unto a '95 or '98 or ME or 2000 PC or Pocket Portable and then wonder what went wrong !!! Brian.Conflow.
  8. Hi Fuzzy, Well if you have sorted the problem, thats great ~ but let me bring to your attention that the Forum has 4 Divisions, one of these deals with DVD-Video Problems and most people who get involved with these aspect of PTE.Program have to learn a little about their chosen subject, thats the place to do it. .....you said "I have absolutely no idea what you said"....in answer to my Post, thats fair comment ! Here is something you should know ~ If your PTE.Images are less than one tenth of a second in duration, then you will have problems. I had assumed that was your problem ! Best of luck with your Project, Brian.Conflow.
  9. Al, How right you are ~ I have seen that 'defect' before, I think it was in Pte 4.38 and Pte 4.41 or some version around that era. I my case it came from downloaded CD-Discs and from 2 CD's I made myself. I chased after the 'defect' and in my case with my 2 CD's I had not set-up 'Nero Burning' to ISO 9600 and as a result the proper Pte.Icon was reproduced as the default 'Blue-Box Windows Icon' = Unknown Exe. It might be that Grisoft AVG interpret's the 'Blue-Box Icon' as a possible 'rogue Exe' and responds to it. Just a thought.... Brian.Conflow.
  10. Fuzzy, Thats a very clever idea indeed ~ but to my mind you might have a problem. I take it that your Video Clips are short contineous 'streams' converted to streaming Exe Images ? Well in Europe that equates to 25 Frames/Sec and in the US it would be 30 Frames/Sec. That is 40millesecs per Frame Image EU and 33.33millesecs per Frame Image US. PTE can get down to 100millesecs/Image with the correct Video Card ~but~ 33/40 mS per Image. I guess thats asking just too much !! (1 Frame=The origional Line Frame Scan + the Interlace Line Frame Scan) Brian.Conflow.
  11. Leona, Here below is a Shot and a 'Link' to a very nice Photo-Resizer called "PixResizer" from Blue-Five.Com. It executes "Lossless JPeg Resizing" as well as the other popular Formats and has a PreView Window. It handles single Files and Folders and Multiple-Folders. Its "Stand-Alone" and only 3mB in size. Brian.Conflow. Link:- http://bluefive.pair.com Once Site opens up, go to Downloads in left Column and select.
  12. Barrie, I won't be in my Workshops until Monday after 11:00am as I have a site visit to do. Check-out what 'Nobeestu' has advised you ~ it will either allow you access to the Video Controls as shown in Nobeefstu "Attachment" ~ or it won't. When I return on Monday I will fire up one of our ACER's and take some shots of the System Manager and send them to you for comparison with your Vista Laptop and determine if it has the 'Intel-Bridge-Set' installed. If it has, please be extremely careful, first go into the 'Display Driver Selection Window' and see if there is a comprehensive List of Drivers, if there are only a few:-The Intel Generic and Nvidia Set then it has the Intel-Bridge-Set installed. This will not accept any other Drivers as it is locked by the Bridge-Set Bios ~ believe me, I have been there !!!!!!!! it won't work and it will upset the (fixed) USB Root Hub, then you have to restore Factory Defaults. TIP When working with ACER's....ALWAYS take ScreenShots of what you are doing because the is only ONE WAY back home, no options allowed. Brian.Conflow.
  13. ACER LAPTOP ~View in Full Screen~ Barrie, Yes, Igor is generally correct about that diagnosis. We have 2 older ACER's in our Workshops running Win 2000-Pro. We bought these PC in Germany for many reasons:- 1) Because of excellent Picture quality. 2) Because its one of the rare Laptops you can view in Sunlight. 3) Adjustable Brightness and Contrast and Sound. 4) Most of all for producing very fine detail in Engineering Drawings. 5) Extreme Stability and Toughness. They work best with:- 98se - 2000.Pro (SP2+4) and XP.Pro (Sp2+4) Your "Acer Vista Laptop" would be using Intels OEM version of Vista 'rigged' to suit the Intel Chipset which like all other ACER's would be using 'Chipset Bios' and not Software Bios like Dells and PC's. They all have a few "design quirks" not seen in other Laptops. They all use a fixed Chipset Bios System from the Intel Chipset series (which can't be altered). The TFT.LCD Screen is a special to ACER, it uses a system of pixel accelleration and long persistance to achieve fine detail ~ having said that, you might try to adjust the Frame Rate in Display Properties to reduce 'Focus Smear' when Panning & Zooming in PTE. We have adjusted ours for other reasons. Igors definition of:- Long Pixel Update..is be true to the extent that the LCD Screen is always 'pro-active' in showing an Image and Refreshing to another. You see this with 'Effects' in PTE 4.48 they are always finely incrimental. Drivers:- The 'System Drivers' in these Laptos are set by the 'Chipset Bios System' (Hardwired) that includes all Coms Ports, the Display, Printer Ports, Serial Ports, and all USB Device, USB Hub, Hard Drive, PMC Cards, and Floppy. I assume its the same for Intel/Acer Vista Laptops if they are using the 'Intel Bridge Driver System' - you might check that ? Driver Updates would generally apply to Program Drivers not System Drivers. But now and again Intel bring out a 'Bios Upgrade Pak' to fine tune the System Dynamics ~ this is somewhat rare. It's really an Engineers/Accountants Laptop and it's very popular in Corporations because of its ruggedness and stability. Hope this detail is of help concerning a very fine Laptop, but as to Pans & Zooms, 'Frame Rate Adj' is all you have. Brian.Conflow.
  14. Hi Mike, Yes you are quite correct, many of the 'CoolWeb' Hijacker/Trojan "Pests" use 2 x System dll's,one is genuine and the other is a 'mimic' of the real thing ~ big problem being, which is which ?? But the 'mimic dll' is only part of the problem, it depends which Trojan Hook is activating it, and how ? Some recent versions of CoolWeb are using 'cloaking techniques' to hide the mimic ~ in your case you were extremely lucky that the Prevx Program caught the right one ~ others have no been so fortunate because most 'so-called' CoolWeb killers simply kill the Trojan but leave the active mimic behind. Personally I prefer to immobilise the migration of the mimic dll, find out what it is, then deactivate it and go after the Trojan, kill that,repair IE and do a total System Scan including DiscPartitions and External Drives, finally I quarantine that 'mimic' so my AntiV will always have a reference copy. Best regards, Brian.Conflow.
  15. Ron, I appreciate that compliment ~ "Touch Wood" its great to hear everything is O.K for you ~ I have not forgotten that 'other item' I promised you, I am getting there slowly. I now appreciate the toil that you guys put into writing those Tutorials, damn its hard work ! Be back to you soon... Brian.
  16. Craig, Because simple 'Autorun Scripts' (like the example shown) which should Autorun a CD don't always work and can be erratic for many reasons. Also 'Script Autoruns' are NOT part of the PTE Program.:- Example: [ autorun] OPEN=filename.exe ICON=filename.exe,0 A simple space error before or within [autorun] like above, will stop it, so will Font errors ~ so will errors in the National Language used by the creator. Not everyone uses a TT Font and not every Font is 'unicode' compatible in all National Languages, also dropping the full-stops or comma will also stop it. These are all simple errors and very human to make. Better to use a 'structured' Program guided by Windows to do this critical but simple job with elegance ! Brian.Conflow.
  17. Hi Lin, I'm fairly sure that I know what this "Pest" is. In my experience its a rogue BHO or 'Browser Helper Object' which usually resides under the main 'IE Windows ToolBar' on the top of the IE Search/Home Page. Most BHO's are an 'aid' to faster browsing amongst other things, but there are others.... Then you have the "rogue" BHO whose sole purpose is to "Hi-Jack" your Home/Search Page and create a Mimic Copy of your Home/Search Page which it installs to the IE5 Cache. If you attempt to remove it they are designed to migrate and multiply with the assistance of a 'Mimic System dll' ~ yes they copy a System dll. This dll is modified to generate a replica's of the 'Mimic Search/Home Page' which it installs to the IE5 Cache,viz:- Cache1 ~ Cache2 ~ Cache 3 ~ Cache4 and I have seen it go as far as 85. Have a closer look at your "Attachment" your Cache Image, clearly shows 1,2,3,4 replications. No its not a...."zit-faced adolescent", its a Corporate Hit-Organisation who get $0.50cent to $0.75cents each time they transfer you to one of their Host Clients...it's big Business and these Programs cost real money. Bye the way Firefox is not immune to these activities either. Why can't all these AntiV Programs get this thing ?...thats very simple, these Programs are designed to ignore genuine Windows System Dll's. The "rogue dll" is a carbon copy of the genuine article so its passed over and not detected. Now if you clean out the cache, the dll "hook" to the cache will recognise your action and promptly replicates the Mimic IE Window again. So you have a classsic "Catch 22" situation. Also that 'Mimic Dll' moves around the System to avoid entrapment. You have:- a 'CoolWebSearch Hi-Jacker Trojan Replicator'...there are a few, and they are very clever. I have Tools to trap this and get rid of it ~ I won't publish these here for obvious reasons on a Public Forum,but if you contact me off List via EMail (NO LINKS PLEASE) and plain Text only, I will send you what you need. Brian.Conflow.
  18. Hi Pauline, Thanks for your reply ~ Ahhh now I see where you are coming from ~ don't mind the mix-up. Concerning AVG and CA AntiV, no I was not confusing them. I gave due consideration to both, individually and seperately, because I'm in that business...not of my own wishes ! Both AVG and CA (and others) have certain know issues which effect users from time to time in that they create "Catch 22" situations which are extremely difficult to diagnose. Such as:- False Positives - change of File of Types - changing File Extensions - ignoring embedded Scripts. So rather that "messing around" with them, its always better to seek an alternative diagnosis, its why I suggested you run an 'XoftSpy-Scan' to establish an independent Report for comparisons. Had it not turned up in the 'XoftSpy Report' then its likely you have an AntiV Program problem. If XoftSpy Reported it - then I can assure you it's a genuine Virus/Trojan or malicious Script. Should you have cracked the problem - thats good News - if not, remember there are other ways. Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  19. XoftSpy-SE Anti-Virus/Hijacker Program Trial Following from my Post No:675 of yesterday and Al Robinsons comment about his 'Kaspersky Trial Scan' and the problem he encountered ~ I want to assure all readers that no such problems exist with XoftSpy SE. We have used this Program and its different upgraded versions since 1998. Note XoftSpy Trial will simply scan your PC and give a Report on what it finds ~ it neither interferes with, nor will it removes anything from your PC. That decision is left up to you if you wish to purchase the Program. Hallmarks of a good Anti-Virus Program 1) Good AntiV Programs always come with a simple efficient Clean Uninstaller 2) They will attempt to 'Repair the Rogue-File' and if unsuccessful they will 'Quarantine' it. 3) They never auto-delete a Rogue File ~ that decision is left entirely to you with Warning. 4) They will attempt to auto-update your AntiV Definition Files every 2/3 days if you allow them. 5) After a few updates they will allow you to re-scan the Quarantined Folder to effect a repair. 6) Good AntiV Programs always offer a utility to scan CD-Discs, Memory Pens and Floppy Discs. Your Security * If the 'infection' came from a Internet Download ~ Your AntiV Program is useless or out of Date. * If it came from a CD-Disc or Memory Pen or Floppy Disc ~ then its your fault for not scanning it first. * Install an 'Innoculation Program' like Spybot or WinCare2, its vital that you do so. * Have you installed the latest 'Microsoft Patches' -if not- you gave the Hacker a personal Visitation Card. * If you run XP or Vista and you 'switch-off' the System Firewall, need I say what I think..... Simple thruths ~ some hurt, but at the end of the day, its down to one's own personal vigilance ! Brian.Conflow.
  20. XoftSpy-SE Anti-Virus/Hijacker Program Trial Following from my Post No:675 of yesterday and Al Robinsons comment about his 'Kaspersky Trial Scan' and the problem he encountered ~ I want to assure all readers that no such problems exist with XoftSpy SE. We have used this Program and its different upgraded versions since 1998. Note XoftSpy Trial will simply scan your PC and give a Report on what it finds ~ it neither interferes with, nor will it removes anything from your PC. That decision is left up to you if you wish to purchase the Program. Hallmarks of a good Anti-Virus Program 1) Good AntiV Programs always come with a simple efficient Clean Uninstaller 2) They will attempt to 'Repair the Rogue-File' and if unsuccessful they will 'Quarantine' it. 3) They never auto-delete a Rogue File ~ that decision is left entirely to you with Warning. 4) They will attempt to auto-update your AntiV Definition Files every 2/3 days if you allow them. 5) After a few updates they will allow you to re-scan the Quarantined Folder to effect a repair. 6) Good AntiV Programs always offer a utility to scan CD-Discs, Memory Pens and Floppy Discs. Your Security * If the 'infection' came from a Internet Download ~ Your AntiV Program is useless or out of Date. * If it came from a CD-Disc or Memory Pen or Floppy Disc ~ then its your fault for not scanning it first. * Make sure you install an 'Innoculation Program' like Spybot or WinCare2, its vital you do so. * Have you installed the latest 'Microsoft Patches' ~ if not ~ you gave the Hacker a personal Visitation Card. * If you run XP or Vista and you 'switch-off' the System Firewall, need I say what I think..... Simple thruths ~ some hurt, but at the end of the day, its down to one's own personal vigilance ! Brian.Conflow.
  21. Pauline, Forgive me, but I am completely confused when you say,quoted:- ...."A friend using Pics to Exe 5 and AVG was yesterday told that he had Trojan Horse in his slideshows which couldn't be healed hence he could not access his slideshows. He downloaded CA Antivirus but then his slideshows were taking an age to open, or not opening at all".... ** Your friend was told that he had a Trojan etc; Who told him ? and why can't they be healed ? ** Trojan in all Slideshows ?~ Are these Shows on his Hard Drive or coming off a CD-Rom ? ** CA Antivirus prevents Slideshows from opening...thats a possibility, but lets test that ! ** You may not be aware that certain versions of Programs are not Vista compatible...another issue. You want a definitive answer to these problems ? do as follows:- Click on the 'Link' below and download "XoftSpy SE" from Pareto Logic and run their Program as a Diagnostic Tool to scan your PC and selectively scan any "suspect" CD-Discs. After downloading the Program disconnect your Internet (unplug it) and disable ANY Anti-Virus running on the PC ~ then test the PC. This Program is probably one of the best Scanners out there, it does cost money, but the "Free Scan" will turn up anything effecting your PC ~ you will have a definitive answer, I assure you of that. Let me know the results ? Brian.Conflow P.s When you hit the large Download Button its the 6th Selection down on the Left side. Link:- http://www.paretologic.com/
  22. Jeff, Well all seem's to be O.K in the Memory Department ~ but do watch Norton, we run Norton Executive here at Conflow and it sure does chew Memory. You say you are running a 'Duo-Core' PC ~ by any chance have you changed the Hard Drive configuration when you downloaded PTE.5xx ? ~ I had a problem recently where the owner had created a 'Dual-Drive' on his HD. He had the Pte Program on Drive A and his Images & Music on Drive B. He could make an Exe on the PC no problems, but when he 'burnt' a CD, he had just a few Images, the rest were missing as were the Music Files. This is a 'classic example' of not putting EVERYTHING in a Root Folder........Just a thought ! Brian.Conflow.
  23. BETH and Photo Phil, Following on from Lins excellent Tutorial on Autorun ~should you still have difficulties ~ here under is a "Link" to a small Auto-Run Program and a Screenshot of same. This Program will autorun virtually anything even Pdf's. Also for your Clients you can create an "Intro Splash Screen" with "Intro Music" about 5-8 secs duration which announces your Clients Proof CD ~ it add's that professional touch ~ simply dump the lot on the CD, thats it ! Brian.Conflow. Link:- http://www.rjlsoftware.com/?autorun
  24. NON, You might look at the previous Post to yours... Subject:-..."Problem with deluxe version Fade in and out not working properly"... Brian.Conflow.
  25. Cagney 123, Yes,John may be on the right tack ~ Norton AV in particular can use up to 120mB of 'User RAM Memory' when the PC is initially started from a "Cold Start". This demand added to your Pte.5xx Program when making an AVI can literally devour your User RAM to the extent that Norton can not close-down properly ~ it leaves desktop images on the left side of the Monitor. There is also another scenario,viz:- Norton does not 'return' the User Ram to the System when finished scanning, this is done by the PC System itself provided it has enough RAM to work with ! ~ and its only when the System gets into "real trouble" will it invoke an emergency expansion of its (internal) Virtual Ram size. So "catch-22" on all counts. This is more likely to happen with PC's which use 512mB of User Ram or less ~ Rule of Thumb:- Disconnect the Internet and Exit Norton ~ don't forget to reconnect when done. Brian.Conflow.
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