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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Hi There, When you buy the PTE Program we always receive an EMail from the Marketing Vendors, this Company is alltogether seperate from the WnSoft Software Company. At the bottom of that received EMail will be a long string of characters, example shown below:- REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"="0vFigforSbp0YX8UaQY26EI941QAX44NxdzKUnGgvWColxNa3kNjFZpt............... Copy and Paste the whole thing into "Notepad" (save as) and place that within the PTE Program Folder and 'restart' your PC. That should do it for you. Brian.Conflow.
  2. Hi again Bill, Well, that 'Test' certainly proved the point ~ it would appear to suggest that something's wrong with your AV. Just a few little "Tips" 1) When you remove the 'Old AV' always use a good registry Cleaner such as 'IoBit WinCareV2' LINK HERE--> http://iobit.com (Its Free) this to remove all the junk that may/will interfer with your New AV. 2) Personally I would go for the 40 day Trial of 'Kaspersky Lab ~ it really is the best for Vista, and Worlds best. Glad to be of help... Brian.Conflow.
  3. Hi Bill, I'm not too sure what you mean (quote)....."OK, I ran the mail program"....did you actually Log-On to Mail2Web and check the "number of EMails" listed there - then compare - to whats shown in your Outlook Express ? Doing a 'Send/Receive' defeats the Test completely - You must Log-On to Mail2Web and do a comparison. This comparison tells its own story concerning your Vista Security set-up. Before I forget ~ Are you running any form of 'Anti-Spam/Adware Program'....? Brian.Conflow
  4. Hi Bill, Well you tried 'CWShredder' at least you now know its not some "rogue" messing around with your PC. In connection with Firewalls and AntiVirus and AntiSpam Programs NONE OF THEM are 100% secure so it always pays to do an occassional "spot-check" with CWShredder or such like. Next thing to check are your 'Security Settings' ~ If these are set too high your PC will only accept EMails and Web Mails with a Security Certificate, all others will be rejected. To check this, get into your Search Page and find ~www.mail2web.com Link Here ~ now logIn with your EMail Address and your Password. This Mail Program will show ALL your EMails sent to that address. You can read them at the Server, or Delete them, or reply to them and by comparison it will show you if your Security Settings are too high. Hope this is of some help to you... Brian.Conflow. P.S Its also the best Anti-Spam method you can use as nothing is delivered to your PC and all transactions take place on the Mail2Web Server.
  5. Hi Bill, I assume you that you are using 'Vista Home' version with all the Firwall,Bells and Whistles incorporated in it. Problem being that 'Vista Home' has already been severly ravaged by Hackers and if you were using an older or pre-release version or non-OEM version, the problems are even greater. I might be wrong, but the 'erratic' performance of your PC suggests to me that you may have a 5th generation 'Browser Hijacker' infection causing your PC comms-utilities to be rejected by external servers and other Pc's. Get on to www.trendmicro.com and download a free copy of "CWShredder" and run that. But firstly disconnect the PC from the Wed (unplug it) and turn off your Anti-Virus, then run the program. If all is well then OK, its something else. It may be that your PC Security Settings are set to 'Hi or Custom Level' and thats too high for general Web usage but it is the default setting in the purchased full version of 'Vista Home' . Brian.Conflow.
  6. IGOR, I wish to report that all my 'Forum Images' are up and running again as are other Forum Images. Thats a good feature with the 'Mini-Floating Screen' and the Maximise Button works very well. The new 'Word Processor Type' layout has great features compared to the older Page Format. For 'data purposes' my PC is a 2000.Pro. Many thanks, Brian.Conflow.
  7. IGOR, If it's a case that 'Invision Power Board' needed to "Sweep-Clean" all images from the Forum so to get rid of the Adware & Trojans then I guess there is nothing we can do about that... Just lets know if that is so ~ don't spend any more time on the problem, you are busy with V.5. Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  8. Deleted Images & Screenshots Perhaps its my imagination or has any other Reader noticed that 'Screenshots' and 'Image Attachments' have been deleted from Members Posts to the Forum ?? Can anyone throw any light on this interference or is it part and parcel of the New Security measures ?? Brian.Conflow.
  9. CD Disc Recovery This may be of interest to many PTE Users and Forum Readers. Its a 'utiility' for recovering data from scratched and damaged CD-Discs and DVD-Discs and other forms of CD-Data Discs which Windows refuses to run. May be of particular value to those of you who maintain Library Archives. (Acknowledgement to Snapfiles.Com) Brian.Conflow. Link below:- http://www.snapfiles.com/download/dlcdrecovery.html Photoshot below.
  10. Recent Attack on the Forum Readers, On St.Patricks Day I noted a new Member of the Forum: "Diplomat-riga" This Bogus Member posted to all sections of the Forum and I for one opened one of the Posts assuming it was a New member looking for some Help. Then the Alarm Bells went off on my System which is set-up to "STOP" Intruders, isolate them, and make good any damage caused ~ it dutifully done that. I ran an 'XoftSpy Scan' to find out what it was, and my 1st.Screen-Shot below will show you the detailed results. For those of you suffering such repeated 'intrusions' in all probability the 'intrusion' has parked a few cookies on your PC which are designed to self-activate each time you go on the Internet. Provided you have no other infections my 2nd.Screen Shot will show you how to remove these attacks. Start:- Select 'Tools' at the top of this Screen--->then, Internet Options--->then Follow the Screen Instructions shown in 2nd Screen Shot below. Brian.Conflow.
  11. Tom, I don't know if you have access to a MAC ~ so I really can't comment nor surmise one way or another re: Bootcamp/XP and & Pte. What I saw on Brian (Jnr) Mac Laptop really amazed me ~ I simply can't get over the power of the new 'Parallel Program'. Having said that, the Portable is top of the Mac Range and it is 'seamlessy' Multi-Tasking both Mac & Windows. The ability to 'drag' a Program from the Windows Virtual Machine into the Mac System and visa-versa is truly amazing. Its a matter of try-it and see and that should present no problems to 'Mac Users' seeing as a Free-Trial Program is available from www.parallel.com. Brian.Conflow.
  12. Many Thanks Ken, Brian.
  13. Barry You might read my Post about "News- PTE on Mac Computers" which might be very helpful to you should you wish to contact www.parallel.com who have just released a Program which makes the MAC do what you want ~ I am sure they might offer you a lot of help with your proposed Book... Brian.Conflow.
  14. Lin and Tom and a request to Ken Cox, Many thanks Lin for your comments and Tom I can't answer your query about DirX-9 and 10 all I do know is:- I was absolutely stunned when I saw XP-Sp2 and XP-Pro+ running as if they were on a Windows PC as these examples were brought back to me from New York by my son Brian (Jnr) who runs Micronetworks here in Dublin. So my guess is that it must handle DirX-9 and 10 Notes:- 1) Parallel is NOT a re-hash of the old 'Virtual PC Program' ~ its a co-operation between Intel Corp. and Apple MAC and Parallel.Inc ~ designed especially to make the MAC's cross-platform compatible with Windows, Linux, and other programs such as Auto-Cad etc,etc. 2) Parallel is ONLY suitable for those MAC Computers running on the 'Intel Chipsets' thats about 80% of all their PC's. MAC Users should download the "Free Trial Program" and study the abundance of Technical Support available on the www.parallel.com Webpage. (See my previous Post for Links) Ken, if you would bookmark this in your extensive Library I'm sure it would be of great benefit to those who may wish to run PTE on a Mac System ~ thanks in anticipation. Brian.Conflow.
  15. NEWS - PTE on MACS One of our people has just returned from a 'Software Reconnoitre' in New York because we are interested in the new range of Apple Mac PCs'. He found a New Product that is literally jumping off the Shop Shelves. Product Name:- "PARALLELS" which has been developed by Parallel Inc. and Apple Mac. What it does:- It exploite the 'Multitasking' capabilities of ANY Mac using the Intel Chipsets. You can now run ANY modern Windows Operating System on the MAC in parallel with its own System. How it does it:- You install "Parallels" and then insert your Windows System Disc, whereafter it makes a Virtual Windows PC on the MAC. You can run any Win Exe's with the MAC or swap-over Folders betweeen each. Program Trials:- You can download a "Free Trial" or purchase the Program from $50~$80. Photo-Shot Below. Link here. http://www.parallels.com/en/products/workstation/mac/ Brian.Conflow.
  16. John, For those of us 'experienced' in cleaning techniques -all's well and fine- its good advice given by you. However we must appreciate that we are Posting to a very large Forum ranging from the rank Amateur to the Professional Photographer with Cameras from $100 to those costing $5000 and more. Within that Camera range we do indeed have Cameras with 'Anti-Alias Filters' bonded to the CCD Sensor. I have no problems with that ~ However there are many New Cameras fitted with Electronic Bayerian Filters which in essence are active electronic LCD Filters (ie: semiconductor) driven by the internal Photo-Optic Circuits within the Camera. One 'scratch' on these and it's all over for the Camera. I am making the point:- There is no single 'Universal Method' of cleaning Cameras that suits all Camera Types available today. As I said before in a previous Post there are a selection of 'Professional Tools' available for cleaning various types of Camera's ~ these are not cheap ~ but reference to the 'Link' below will give some data on the various cleaning methods used by different Manufacturers/and/or Models in use. http://www.logix-usa.com/PhotoSolutions_main.html Brian.Conflow.
  17. Hi Manfred, Just to follow from Al's reply:- * Sound Editor=Ton Herausgeber Programm. From 'stichhaltiger' to stitch together or make better sound. * Audacity Sound Editor from:- audacity.soundforge.net (Frei Programm) * Audition Sound Editor from:- Adobe Audition from www.adobe.com (Angibot $300) * Cubase Sound Editor from :- From www.steinberg.net (Angibot Euro 98) Pardon my poor German but you understand ~ Brian.Conflow.
  18. TEMPLATES AAhh Templates ~ The 'Lifeboat' of the PTE Program and the best 'Library Archiver' you could create. Its simple, if you know what a Word Document Template is then the PTE Template is the Graphic equivalent of that and much more. In essence it is a retrieverable 'Hard Copy' of your PTE Show Folder which resides within the PTE Folder and can be extracted onto or into whatever you fancy:- Into other Programs,or on to Hard Discs, CD-Roms, Memo-Stiks, Laptops, other Computers, Networks, Raid Archivers and a lot more. On PTE Main Window (Top Left) select-->File-->Templates-->Create Template from this Show-->Click that. If you want to see it go to the PTE Program Folder-->Open it-->select Templates. And thats all you do ! Brian.Conflow.
  19. Al, Don't mind your 'plug and flattery' ~ what I said was meant, and I think many people on this Forum would join me in saying "thanks" for all your help over the years. You know, if you wrote to Disney and asked permission (for non-commercial purposes) I'm sure they would consider "Upendi" to be a compliment to the Lion King ~ I wouldn't be surprised if they asked you for a copy ~ its such a marvellous Show. Here's hoping that might happen in 2007.... Brian.
  20. Manfred, I was pleased that Al Robinson replied to you ~ Al is one of the 'godfathers' of PTE and goes out of his way to help allcomers to PTE. I also note that you and Al have something in common, namely Africa ~ you probably don't know that Al made a wonderful Show called "Upendi" which was photographed by Al in Africa. It has a 'directors theme' loosely based on the Disney Film 'The Lion King' ~ Al's intrepretation is to do with the Birds & the Bees (a wonderful theme) and a brilliant Show. And in contrast, we lately had that wonderful Live Show out of Africa called "Umoja" (together-ness) the human kind. Seeing that you shot all your Animal Photography in Namibia it might be an idea for you guys to swop experiences ~ forget the language problems ~ when I am in Bavaria your people go out of their way to help me over my terrible German. Regards to you both. Brian.Conflow.
  21. Hi Manfred, I have been in your Country many times and I have really enjoyed myself ~ I note that nobody has replied to your Post ~ this is a language problem and perhaps if you re-phase your question, such as:- "Can I run a PTE.4.46 Show/Template on version PTE.5.8" ~ you will receive an answer. I do not run PTE.5v8 ~ I run PTE.V4.8 and looking back on past posts on the Forum there seems to be no problem doing this. Someone should be able to help you with the 'set-up'. Brian.Conflow.
  22. Bert, You asked (Quoted..."Is there a way to save or copy all the pictures that are in the slide list, in a separate folder on my computer?") Yes, simply create a PTE Template whilch is saved within the PTE Program Folder in the Template Folder. You can copy this or move it to your HD as an independent Folder if you so wish. Brian.Conflow.
  23. Al, Wow thats fast ~ given that a Motion Picture (frame-rate) is 24 Fps or 41.6millesecs/Frame. Al, I have a sneeky suspicion that you are coming up with a "Motion Picture Effect" for Projectors ?? All you need now is Flash Memory and lots of it ~ That will be a first ! Best Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  24. Al and Gary, Gary, yes Al is correct ~ you can run Slides down to 1/10sec but that does not include "Effects" timeouts,ie:- Fades,Shutters,Clock effects etc. All these require minimum 500.millesecs time + Slide time ~ thats the reason I suggested an additional 5.secs of Music time in order to give you some lee-way in getting the thing going. You can do the "fine-tuning" afterwards once you know your System limitations. And yes again to Al's point, extremely short Slide times do give problems, thats one to watch ! So I reckon the motto of the story is:- Give yourself some breathing space..... Brian.Conflow.
  25. Gary, Simply remove the Mp3 Music File ~ now run the Show without the Music and get the 'time duration' of the Show. Now organise your Mp3 Music File as follows:- Photo Show Time + 5 seconds = Music File Time. I always do this and it works perfectly and gives me a little allowance for slower PCs'. You have 26 Frames + Resolves in 60.6 seconds, thats only 2.33 secs per 'Windowed Frame' ~ thats too short and well below the 4 seconds PTE default value. However despite that you will find that your Music File is too short. Brian.Conflow.
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