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Vista -- PTE 4.48 running application Problem
Conflow replied to brilewis's topic in General Discussion
Brian, From your Post I deduce as follows:- 1) You made a Pte.Show with XP-Pro and from within that Show you open a 2nd Show ~ is that correct ? 2) You then made a CD with the Combo-Show ~ is that correct ? Some Questions:- a) When you made your Main Show did you create this Show as an Exe...(In Pte Instructions, Create Show as..."Show.Exe") or have you used the Pte Template....Save Show as "Show.pt" and it was that which was put on CD ? If the latter is the case then the Show will only work on your XP-Pro ~ it will not work on any other System until you create a "Show.Exe" c) May it not be the case that your Main Show was created as a 'PTE.pt' File and your 2nd Show was created as 'Show.Exe' File ~ that would create all types of problems! d) Finally is the security features of Vista-Business set up to run external/imported .Exe Files ? Hope this will create a few pointers to isolate your problem. Brian.Conflow. -
Cleaning CCD Lenses I would like to endorse the advice that Al Robinson has just posted, Al is quite correct "don't mess around with CCD Image Sensors" unless you really know what you are doing, and in particular don't use non-descript Brush Cleaners from your Photo Store for this job. There are 'approved' tools to do this ! Modern CCD Sensors are usually protected with a Lithium-Nitrile form of ultra high-purity optical glass and this is usually coated with some form of Bayer Dye Filter for colour correction, delicate stuff indeed. The materials used are extremely strong but brittle but are easily scratched by dragging a brush across the surface within which is entrapped a partical of silica dust from concrete (it get in everywhere) ~ dont do it ! If you are looking for an approved product ~ Approvals from Fuji, Kodak and Nikon and in fact used by Nikon Service Centres the 'Link' below will illustrate the Lens Swab used by Nikon ~ however do get your hands on the Instruction CD before you attempt any such work AT YOUR OWN RISK. http://www.logix-usa.com/PhotoSolutions_main.html The 'Link' will give you lots of information about this daunting task and I might add that we use the 'Swabs' on the optics of Infra-Red and Laser Depth Meters and their CCD Signal Sensors which are not too far removed from Photography. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Guys, For ongoing updates to XP and other Systems the link below brings you to Major Geeks:- http://www.majorgeeks.com We have used them for major Updates for Win.98se and even downloaded the "unpublished" Microsoft Pak SP-2 for Win 98se ~ in my opinion these 'guys' really do know their business. Just 'Bookmark' them for future reference or have a prowl around their site if you are having problems with some System or other. Brian.Conflow.
Bart, Your Zip trouble might be due to the fact that many Libraries use 'RAR Zip' whereas most of us poor mortals use 'WIN Zip' ~ just check with them to see if that's the case, it might save you a lot of frustration. Brian.Conflow
STEVE You might have seen my Post further down the page ~ Yes,I am in complete agreement with your uptake on the Microsoft situation and in particular I resent the 'overt pressure' being imposed on current Windows Users in attempts to enforce them to use Vista right now ! Brian.Conflow.
FREE VISTA TESTER Here is a 'Link' to C-Net and their 'Vista Compatibility Tester' and 2 Screen Shots. Although this is 'Off Topic' it will provide quick answers for those thinking about changing over to Vista and should also free the Forum from numerous discussions concerning PTE and Vista ~ but first lets see if your PC will run Vista ? http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-3672_7-6671810-1.html Brian.Conflow. P.S Use 'Expander Button' on Thumbnails which will appear as an Arrowed Circle on Screenshot in lower RH.Side of Screen whilst hovering with your Mouse in that location. (see example)
Hi Barb, I assume the .Exe File worked perfectly on your Home PC ? Now this is begging the obvious ~ What Laptop do you have ? ~ What is its Operating System ? Laptops have totally different System Architecture's than PC's and stupid things can go wrong with them particularily when it comes to Sounds & Graphic Presentations... The Sound System on older Laptops & Notebooks is to say the least.."An afterthought" and they don't like Wav Files due to the 'tiny' user memory available which 90% of the time can't be upgraded. So let's have the details ? Brian.Conflow.
Bob, The article below is from another Forum-------------------------------------------------------------------- Avenue A's product, Atlas DMT, is a third party ad server that many advertisers use to serve their advertisements. Users who have cookies disabled, or have aggressive anti-virus software, may receive a notification of a cookie from Avenue A being downloaded. This cookie is used simply to track the performance of ads being served by Atlas DMT. For more information, you can visit the privacy policy page of Atlas DMT: http://www.atlasdmt.com/privacy....... 'Avenue A' is not malicious, its just downright intrusive.. I also use 'Spybot' but I use its "Immunisation Utility" solely to immunise my Browser against these invasions of Privacy. May I suggest that you configure SpyBot thus:- "Please Immunise" and let it download X Marked Files Directory and then press "Check Again".... That will block 'Avenue A' Finally when you open your Browser go up to "Tools" -->Internet Options-->Delete Cookies-->Delete Files, now (cold) restart your PC and that removes their resident cookie and allows SpyBot to block any further attempts to download, the same applies to Zamaan Software. Apologies to all for the 'Off-Forum Post' but these things can be a real annoyance to the sufferer ! Brian.Conflow.
Hi Bob, Looks as if you have an infected Home or Search Page or a rogue BHO Helper Object in your Browser. These things are very difficult to remove as they reside down in the IE.Kernel and are usually hidden away from the usual Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware Programs and usually 'auto-boot' from Memory on Startup. The following Program will get rid of it (link below):- http://www.zamaansoft.com/index.php Its called "Zamaans HiJack Retaliator" ~ I have found it to be much better than Microsofts Defender. It lives in your Browser and it 'detects' ANY script changes and blocks them and restores the Browser. It tells you of any attempted changes to your Browser amongst many other "hidden" things it detects. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Peter, This might be a practical solution which I done some time ago. I had some very old 'Slides' from a Holiday in the Bahamas going back 15 years, these were irreplacable, and like you I found out the hard way that modern 'Scanners' (with Slide Scan Utility) take for ever to scan one Slide never mind 160 of them. Oliver and John, two Professional Photographer friends and I got together and after some serious 'head bashing' we came up with this novel idea....which worked a charm ! We 'borrowed' an old 3M-Carosel Projector and Silvered Screen ~ then loaded in 36 Slides into the Carosel and projected these to a size of 6.ft x 4.5.ft then set up a Pro-Fuji Digital Camera and took the lot, all 5 Carosels worth ~ some 160 slides allowing for "duds". * The Camera had been set for 'apeture' not speed and I think Oliver used a Neutral Filter. * The resolution was set for 1.0 mB per shot (in consideration of the slide quality). * The 3M Projector was great at correcting small Focus errors on the origional Slides. We downloaded the lot into the PC and used 'Foto Filtre Program' to revive the Colours and 'JPeg Crops' to resize to 1024x768. All of us were rather amazed with the results, I personally was flabbergasted at the quality ! The 'Projector Time' and download process was LESS than a hour ~ Editing of course took longer. Hope this might give you some ideas..... Brian.Conflow.
WALKABOUT DLL's Maureen, Many Graphic Programs deploy Microsofts System Dll's ~ they are called 'shared dlls' ~ and at times if you disable certain types of these Programs some of those shared dll's will go walkabout. In particular we know that the following "types" of Programs are prone to make certain dll's go walkies ! 1) Such as ~ Bulk EMailer Programs. 2) Graphic type ~ Personal Organisers. 3) Screen Capture Programs ~ those with which you can perform 'Live Edits' on the Capture Image. Walkabout dll's will eventually bring down the very best of PC's, so I would try and find the culprit before it does some unforetold. Hope this points you in the right direction. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Peter, I have just read the Forum Post this morning ~ I see you solved the problem ~ Well that's one for the "Books" but it comes as no surprise as in the past I had observed that both XP and 2000 don't like contineous Exe.Files much above +400mB even on PCs with massive RAM and Virtual Memory. I have seen this irrespective of what type of Exe they are processing, I put this down to an Operating Systems Quirk which we have failed to find, but it seems to point in the direction of Processor Cache limitations. This came to light with us when we used to Download and 'Burn' large contineous Data Files using the latest Nero Utilities this despite 'buffer-overflow protection' on our A-Open CD Burner(s). Now we use multi-session in blocks not exceeding 250mB per contineous block burn, now we have no problems. It's a rare phenomenon but still a mystery ? Brian.Conflow.
Peter, When you see the Windows Icon below it means that Windows can't find the origional 'Pte Program Icon' and in default it has provided a workable systems Icon for you to use. Most Program Icons are simple 'executable-shortcuts' to a Main Program - executable means that it will open that Program on command, viz~ the Icon. There are a number of reasons that Window looses that connectivity:- a) You tried to make your own Icon without success, happens all the time ! You moved the Program from an origional Folder to another Folder or Sub-Folder. c) You moved the Program to another sector within a partioned Disc. d) You burnt the Program to a CD-Disc without specifying a default Icon. e) Simple plain corruption of the Program. The simplest way around this is to re-load Pte from its downloaded Exe (it should be on your HD,do a Search) or alternatively re-load from Pictures to Exe. Hope this helps, Brian.Conflow.
Hi Ken, Just as a passing note ~ Many of the older and newer semi-pro "Hi-Resolution Monitors" have inbuilt 'Colour Calibrators' for RGB and sRGB as well as Colour Bias Settings and Brightness/Contrast settings. These also have display panels giving 'Recommendation Settings' for various types of work such as Web-Settings, Graphic-Art Settings and Slideshow Settings. This means that they have internal Firmware which monitors the relevant optical display performance of the VDU. In our Workshops we have a number of (older) 'ProNitron 21/800s' which were designed for Graphic Artwork. If I attempt to use an 'imported' Software Package to change the characteristics of the internal Firmware ~ that would work for my current session ~ but on Reboot the Monitor reverts to its Factory Program. Sometimes that has driven me mad, but on reflection when I see the final presentation, the Monitor always gives superior results to what I had asked it to do in the first place !! This may help a few people by virtue of the fact that they may have such a Monitor and simply don't know how to set it up correctly ~ consequently that type of Monitor will always over-ride imported Software. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Bob, The 3 Examples below were made with "PIXresizer 1.09" from www.bluefive.com (Freeware) and an untouched PTE.Exe was made with them with no White Border ~ could not load the Exe here. The Program will re-size Single Frames or large Volumes with Lossless JPeg Cropping. (Switch off Aspect Ratio in Program and decide what you want Can send you the small EXE if needed (2.9mB) Brian.Conflow.
Patrick, Yes, I also have noticed this problem ever since Pte 4.41. I my case I always use "Create Slideshow As" ~ that works fine,always. Then the Program announces....pt.xxx has changed,do you want to save the changes ?. Answer "No" to this and you will find you will be able to re-create the Slideshow again and again and Rename if needed. Answer "Yes" and I find that I can not re-create the origional Slideshow from the..pt.File... I don't know why ? Now I never bother with this problem ever since I learnt to answer "No" to the question above. Brian.Conflow.
Nathan, We have been in this Business for some 18 years ~ ever since Win 3.1 hit the Streets and we have lost many PC's due to our lack of vigilance over the years. That has since changed as Spyware & Hijacking and 'Coolweb Intelligent Trojans' are a far greater menace than any Virus one will ever encounter. Recently we lost 2 PC (Win 2000.Pro) due to 'updating failures' in Grisoft AVG ~ their fault not ours. This was reported here on the Forum and to be very blunt we recently found out that the latest version of (Free) Grisoft AVG seems to be a 'cut-down version' of the origional excellent Program. I bring your attention to the above highlighted quote from your Post ~ I assume you mean that there are OTHER PROGRAMS available apart from Grisoft A/S ~ not versions of it as you seem to suggest above ! Yes, we are very familiar we those you listed including Ewido, but in the past year we found the "Freebies" to be seriously lacking in adequate protection against Hijacking & Multi-Drop Trojans and regrettably these things are now finding their way around Firewalls including the Vista-64 Firewall....se la vie, because these activities are becoming big-business. We now use 'Norton Executive' and 'XoftSpy-Active' with back-up from 'Spybot Immunisation' and a 3-Comm Hardware Firewall on our Server. We also use a utility that detects any 'script-changes' in the Internet-Explorer 6 Program. The nature of our work demands this costly protection, even then we know the cold wind of intrusion is never far away. We at Conflow Services realise that the days of "Free Anti-Virus Software" is nearly a thing of the past because it too has become big-business, and if you want REAL PROTECTION one needs to budget for it ! Regards, Brian.Conflow.
Notice Re:- Grisoft AVG (New Free Edition) Jeff, I must also direct the following remarks to other readers as well as yourself. The New (V-7 Free) Edition of Grisoft AVG is 'Fully' operational for a Trial Period limited to 1 Month . Thereafter many "vital features" of the Program are "switched-off" until you purchase the Registered Program. This leaves you LESS THAN FULLY PROTECTED ~ you have been advised ~ see Attachment. Brian.Conflow.
Security Notice For those of you operating in (Microsoft) Windows 98, 98se, ME, 2000, 2000Pro and XP-SP1 its time for an urgent review of your Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware Program Utilities as many of you are using Windows Defender and Microsoft Beta-1 which as of the 31/12/2006 are totally ineffective on these Operating Systems. On 31/12/2006 Microsoft released an Automatic-Upgrade for Windows Defender and Microsoft Beta-1 which automatically "Switched Off both of these Programs on the above Listed Operating Systems. There was no warning of this intrusion on to your PC. 'Grisoft AVG' and 'Windows Defender Beta-2' are being purveyed by Microsoft for EXCLUSIVE USE on Windows XP-SP2 and Vista Operating Systems solely. They have also announced and published their 5 Year and 10 Year Product Support Program but conveniently forgot to distribute this to those "signed-up" to their Automatic Upgrade/Information System. Grisoft AVG is being incorporated into this Product Support Program and its 'Free Version" is being phased out. This Notice can be verified on the Microsoft Data Information Web Site. Brian.Conflow.
GRISOFT AVG - Free Edition BE AWARE ~ When the 'Trial Period' of this program has expired it appears as if it is 'Updating & Installing' new Virus Definitions etc. I have mentioned this before on this Forum. Yes, it is downloading these but it DOES NOT update your (expired) Free-Edition. Please read their 'Documentation' and this will be confirmed. Recently two of my Customers have lost:- A brand new XP-Pro (6 months old) and another a 2000 Pro. Both PCs' fell victim to a 'Coolwebsearch Trojan Bundle' and both PCs' were using an expired Copy of AVG. The Program also suffers from 'False Positives' alert activations. To be REALLY SURE that your PC is virus free ~ Download a 'Free-Scan' of the XoftSpy Utility from www.paretologic.com Brian.Conflow.
KEN, Too right you are ~ and here's another !!! Brian.
For KEN and all JAVA SCRIPT Ken, You are absolutely dead correct about the 'hype' and Java Script ~ but one tiny 'insignificant point':- There are 3 reasons why 'Java Script' got a bad name:- 1) It was designed by Sun Microsystems Inc. and with a few "little modifications" Microsoft decided to call it their own. They subsequently lost the American Supreme Court action taken by Sun Systems and were ordered to "turn it off" and desist from using it. They promptly did this with a fanfare and various Service Paks with a lot of 'huffing and puffing' as to its suitability for use in XP-Systems..... 2) Funny thing, Sun Systems offered Microsoft users a completely 'Free Copy' of the program and Ken and I and many like us downloaded it a few years ago with absolutely no side effects whatever. Just goes to show how "little modification" can compromise a perfectly reliable good Utility. 3) And to round it all off, Microsoft now have their own version of a Java Engine and Scripter which can emulate the genuine Sun System product...I did say emulate ! Where its used Airline and Shipping Timetables ~ Hotel Reservations ~ Car Rentals ~ OnLine Shopping ~ and virtually nearly everything to do with OnLine Transactions, thats how popular and reliable it really is. Suitability for use in JPeg Images ~ an excellent method of Image Control as is Visual C++ but the latter has a very steep learning curve compared to the Java Script Library of nearly 100 Commands (ready-made). See my Post #6 above ~ Brian.Conflow.
Robert & AL Absolutely excellent idea, I had just touched on the subject with Larry and his rogue Corel/Viao Image problem in another thread. Of interest to both of you here below is an Image Attachment and a Link to a simple Freeware Program which uses Java Script to achieve what you want ~ I think it's well worth investigating. This Forum Page has such a 'Mouseover Facility' just open a Photo Attachment and scroll your Mouse over the lower RH.Corner of the Image to enlarge. Link: http://www.mobw.net Brian.Conflow. P.s. Just found out that the "Attached Image" contains a java script to bring you directly to the Authors Website ~ very clever ! ~ had to knock out the connection.
LARRY [i]......Quote:-BUT, lo an behold, the pop up message no longer pops up. That surprised me. Why has this pop up not been doing this for the last 10 years? All of the settings are the same....[/i] Just to answer that point:- JPeg Images sometimes contain 'hidden script' or 'code' such as Watermarks and Display Instructions....most of the time these are completely innocent, but now and again some idiot decides to load malicious script into them such as a Virus or Trojan. Then again the Image could contain some innocent Sun Java Code and as XP does not have a Sun Java Reader up comes the Warning Flag, the same would happen if the implanted innocent 'script-code' was badly written. By dis-associating the XP Graphic Engine from Corel-Draw you broke the 'scripting-hook' within the Image and your XP is no longer trying to auto-download something it can't understand....(simple explaination) Larry, over the year's I have pulled my hair out over these System glitches and 'one-off bugs' which can cause absolute mayhem in Control Data Electronics (thats my field)...in your case it was a unique once-off experience. Best of Luck, Brian.Conflow.
AUTORUN WIZARD Just download "Autorun Wizard" from RJL Software ~ Its a very nice, small tidy Program that does a lot more than the scripted 'Notepad.inf' approach. It's also very reliable. Click Link below:- http://www.rjlsoftware.com Brian.Conflow.