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HASTINGA Look at Larry's Post No:98 and the 'Attachment' ~ It quite clearly shows that the 'rogue file' is a Corel-Viao JPeg Image. To suggest by inference to re-install his XP System is a bit OTT until all other avenues are explored. Furthermore in this instance he could invoke the utility "Restore to last known Good Configuration" within XP ~if he so wished. This before resorting to a full 'Re-Install' which creates many serious problems unless you have the 'System Utilities Disc' to hand. I also think at this stage that we have really gone as far as we can go with this 'Off-Topic' thread and its really up to Larry as to how he should proceed.. Brian.Conflow.
Larry This gets more interesting, but it seems that I am on the right track ! Comment:- Like Windows Media Player for Sound, many Graphics Programs have a hierachy to process Images. It seems to me that you have accidentally set the Corel Program as the "On-Top Graphic Program" which makes it difficult to access other programs 'on-call'. Somewhere in the Corel Opening Window there is a Button titled "Options" or "Preferences" and if you find this I bet you have selected the function 'All Image Associations' or another titled 'On-Top' which means you have set it as the de-facto primary Working Program to the exclusion of others. This also answers why your other Computers don't do as you Personal PC does. (slang english) If you want the choice of "Opening With" another program you have to cancel the Corel Association, but don't be alarmed as it will appear when you RH.Clk on any Image where-in the opening Screen you can have the choice of opening with multiple Programs by choosing.....'Open With' option. As I said before, you can do a Search/Find and delete any 'pesky' Image from the Search Window, that applies to ALL Operating Systems and I must say I am a loss to understand why you don't do that as that rogue Image is what you origionally reported and was the basis of this 'Thread' ? Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow.
LARRY I think I have solved your dilema ~ your Screenshot answers the problem ! Somehow or other you downloaded/or/were sent a Jpeg Image from a new Sony Laptop Computer the Tradename of which is "Sony VAIO" followed by Model No:XXX. This Sony is using 'Corel Software' which is also used on Mac's and Mini-Mainframes. It is using Corel Draw or Corel Grafix to process images prior to sending them over the NET. Quite some time ago Corel aquired the sole rights to 'Wordperfect' and if you are using Microsoft Word '97 or 2000 there is a facility within these to process Corel Wordperfect and Corel Image products. I may be wrong,I also think Photoshop has a similar utility to handle Corel/Viao images. It looks as if Grisoft AVG is not set-up to recognise Corel/Viao products and in my opinion you may be getting a 'False Alarm' which is quite common with Grisoft ! May I suggest.... Scan the image with your Grisoft AVG and if its O.K press the "Start Button" on your Screen (lower LH.side) select-->Search/Find-->when the Search Window opens-->type in the Corel/Viao File name and run a search. When the image is found (within the Search Window) simply RH.Clk on it and select delete,thats it. See Attachment. Brian.Conflow.
LARRY, The following is by way of trying to help you, so don't take exception to anything I say !. 1) It appears you are using Windows XP and XP without its Firewall has absolutely no defense against anything. 3) The Firewall is "turned-off" or so you think ! ~ What is turned off is its "blocking" capability but it is still actively Monitoring whats coming in but doing nothing about it. (Good Firewalls do that) 4) If you are using Norton A/V is it fully paid up to date ? ~ If not the Full Protection will have run out and although it appears to be upgradings it doesn't install the upgrades, so watch that ! 5) Mozilla Firefox has certain protections built into its Browser (unlike I.E) aren't you lucky ? Summary You have downloaded an 'Infected JPeg Image' which is still on the system and and the Shield is telling you its still there. That Icon is probably coming out of Norton and in fact you are now caught in a "Catch 22" situation. If you remove Norton (if you can) you have a real problem:- either bring it up to date or download another AV.Program and that won't load properly with Norton on the System.....That would entail removing Norton and what a massive job that is ! To verify what I have written:- Get on to Paretologic.com and download a Free Scan of their program "XoftSpy"- run this and see the results for yourself. You are not obliged to buy it ! Link http://www.paretologic.com Now decide what you want to do....I would suggest to upgrade your current AV.Program, if not go out and buy Kaspersky Lab A/V...it has facilities for removing Norton and that 'pesky bug'. Brian.Conflow.
Cinerama Effect Following on the topic 'Preparing Slides for Photoshow' here is an effect I have been using for some years. With acknowledgements to the late great "Mike Todd" the inventor of Cinerama, the effect is very easy to achieve and if deftly handled it can give great 'width & depth' perspective to an otherwise static Photo. It works best with a 3:2 aspect ratio (1024x682 pixel) and can be generated by virtually any Graphics Program capable of constructing a 'solid filled elipse' ~ Photoshop not necessary, but better results. In the example the two ½ Elipses were generated in 'PhotoFiltre' as 2 solid elipsii whose ends were dragged to 'Full-Screen' width and and then pushed off Screen top and bottom to give each ½ solid elipse, then saved. The 1024x682 format was also created by 'PhotoFiltre' which in PTE Full-Screen mode gives no border effects. The photo was taken a short while ago on the Rhine with a cheap 'Canon BF-7 Wideangle Snapper' using FujiFilm 200, I had left my own Camera in the Hotel ~ just shows what can be achieved with the most mundane Camera which goes to prove that PTE for beginners can be truly creative ~ just use your imagination. You may need to experiment with your Screen Size and low-lighting for best results. (Should you wish to see a Full-Screen copy just send an EMail). Brian.Conflow (example below)
PICTURE RESIZING There is a very simple solution to re-sizing an entire folder of Pictures or for that matter single Pictures. It's called "PIXresizer" available from 'BlueFiveSoftware'. This Program takes copies of your Pictures from Folder X and resizes them and parks the resultant resized Pictures into Folder Z. (You choose the Folders). It uses "lossless Jpeg Copying" ~ You simply decide on the largest dimension Eg:-1024 pixels and it does the rest. You can preserve the X-Y Ratio or alter to suit your needs. It uses simple Steps: 1,2,3,4. thats it ! Here is a link below:- http://bluefive.pair.com/ And a Screenshot above:- Brian.Conflow.
Hi All, Very interesting (although off topic)...Did you see the Discovery Channel Program (today) about the U-31...yes a U-Boat. A brand new U-Boat - Class 220 which uses the 'Walter Propulsion Drive' surpressed after WW.II. This machine extracts Hydrogen from Seawater and drives a 3.Megawatt Motor (yes 3 Megawatts) to drive the Sub. It was open to "allcomers" for inspections, needless to say many 'jaws' dropped throught the floor as the machine is silent and leaves no environmental residue whatsoever. And they cracked the danger problem. It seems its future Trials & Tests will be a forerunner to other work in creating 'cheap-energy' from seawater. Just like the new Jumbo-Airbus this could not have happened without the combined resources of the E.U. Just shows you what unfettered developments can achieve... Brian.Conflow
Hi Al, And if you Hi-Light "Members" at the left-bottom of the Screen where it says ...'Members using etc... It Hi-Lights ALL SCRIPTS on the Screen ~ thats downright dangerous ! It must be a "joke" ~ The Invision Web Team must have been on the Beer celebrating something ?? Hey Guys, Get real, give us back our origional 'Post Board'. Brian.Conflow.
Hi John, Your problem is not rare by any means even when using the same ISP Provider ~ Firstly you are using 2 PC's on the same ISP but each PC has a different ID.Number and more than likely each has a different 'router set-up' consequently your wife's PC has worked O.K and yours has failed to complete the same task. Job.No:1 Send a small Exe. to your wifes' PC over the Internet and get her to return that Exe to your PC. If that works, then both PC's are definitely O.K. If not then you have a problem ! Job.No:2 (a) Your problem may be in the 'ISP.Router Set-up' on your particular connection on their Server. ( The problem can also occur between your ISP.Server and their 'Links' to the Receiver ISP. Note:- There can be up to 20 Servers between you and your Client, some Router-Server like 'Tiscali' set limits on 'File Size' when routing 3rd.Party Traffic such as from your ISP.Provider. Ring up your ISP.Provider and get them to "Ping" the recipients' ISP.Address from your PC this can be done over the Phone. You can also do this from within Windows,but its "tricky". Alternatively download a Program called "Fping" from www.snapfiles.com 50kB.size. (See Link below) http://www.snapfiles.com/downloadfind.php?....x=7&search.y=4 Simply click on this 'Link' and download and run, suitable for all Windows OP.Systems. Hope this helps. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Jim, I appreciate what Igor has advised you ~ however,within the past few days a few really bad "Nasties" have attacked PC's in Canada,USA and Europe. Firewalls offer no defence to these new 'Coolweb/Trojans' which latch on to Dll's within the Windows OP System and then activate a target Exe. in an attempt to communicate back on to the Web ~ enough said. To confirm one way or another whether you have been attacked, download and run a program called "Spybot" ~ its specially designed to detect these things. If you are clear,then its a PC or Firewall issue - if not,then Spybot will trap it and hopefully remove it. Brian.Conflow.
Problem having a slideshow play another slideshow...
Conflow replied to goddi's topic in General Discussion
Hi Gary, The "attachment" below should put you on your way. I use this utility for Travelog's where I want to show Restaurant 'Menus' and return to Main Show - I also use it to download Instructional Pdf's and have also used it to jump-out to live URLs ~ 'On-Line Travel Ticket Bookings' ~ and interactive Hotel Bookings from within the Main Travelog Show'...crazy,but it works ! Brian.Conflow. (USE FULL SCREEN TO VIEW ATTACHMENT) -
Dave, Following on from Toms' suggestion you might consider using a few 'Flash Presentations' and incorporating these into your PTE Show ~ these as an alternative to AVI/Video Clips. Since 'Macromedia/Flash Corporation' was acquired by Adobe Corporation last year some very serious developments have taken place with Flash and Dreamweaver and are just now coming into the Marketplace and are available for Amateur usage. I can only comment on the New Flash presentations that I have seen...they are superb ! One of our Members, Lin Evans has considerable experience with this technique ~ You would need to do a Forum Search for Lins' Posting contributions. Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow.
Paula, After you physically 'installed' your New Video Card ~ What did you do next ? Windows would 'advise' that it has found New hardware and would offer to install Drivers for this Hardware. If you choose this option Windows has selected Generic Drivers it considers best suited to your Card, but that only works if Windows has a complete and up-to-date Library of Card Drivers ~ I suspect it hasn't ? You should always 'install' the Drivers from the CD-Installation Disc that came with the Video Card. I suspect that you have a Driver conflict because Windows has defaulted to a 'Small Screen Display' which is typical when it encounters something it can't resolve. Hope this points you in the right direction... Brian.Conflow.
Hi Dave and All, Dave I was pleased to read your Post about 'Laptop-Sound Quality' which vindicates both of my previous Postings and yes you are quite correct about the Laptop PCMIA Port and your external plug-in 'Sound-Blaster Card'. That's the right way to go about it and what a 'heck' of a difference that makes, one wouldn't believe that a Laptop could actually delivering that level of Sound-Quality...one word,superb ! I only hope that our Readers 'heed' your advice and Al Robinsons and mine. Brian.(Conflow).
John, I mentioned earlier about 'Desktop Speakers' for a 'Test-Trial Run' on your Laptop to determine quality this prior to any Hi-Fi Speaker Purchase's. However if you are determined to go for the AEGO Speakers here is a word of caution:- Make absolutely sure that the 'Sound Source' is in fact your personal Laptop and not a demo from a CD playing through a Hi-Fi System into the Aego Speakers ~ two different animals completely. Don't get caught out with a Salesmans' excuse that he doesn't have a connecting lead for the Laptop....bring one with you, (Stereo-Mini Jack to 2.Phono Plugs) and make sure the 'Demo-Amplifier' has the Filters switched off. Brian.Conflow.
For: JP.Kelley "W.32 Licum" (Backdoor Virus) came out in June 2003 - It allows the Hacker to execute any Code of his choice on the target PC. Your PC may have become infected through a rogue Server. Its definition catagory is classed:-"Critical" because it can migrate from PC to PC. The Virus 'attaches' its Code to various Exe's running on your PC (PTE included) and unfortunately in the cleaning process, various Exe.File elements may be damaged when removing the virus hook's. Microsoft advised, and advised, and advised again about this Virus and "patched" their Operating Systems against it on 7 different occasions. It effects ALL Operating Systems except ME. It looks to me as if you have not kept up to date with your Virus Definitions and System Upgrades and at this late stage a 'Registry Repairer' can not replace damaged/erased Exe.Program Code although your Operating System will have been repaired. You will have to re-install those Programs you find damaged. Microsoft Technical Article Link:- http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/MS03-026.mspx. Brian.Conflow.
John, The Sound Cards in most Laptops are to say the least, "deplorable".... Don't go mad just yet in purchasing a good Hi-Fi Amplifier and Speakers ~ You would be well advised to get your hands on a good pair of Desktop PC-Speakers those with an intergrated Stereo Amplifier would suit. A good brand is "Kinyo PS-552" ~ these have Volume, Treble, Bass Controls and are quite loud and you are going to need those Controls to get any reasonable Stereo-Sound from the Laptop. Having done preliminary tests with this set-up you can decide on the Sound-Quality rendition as to whether the quality is good enough to proceed further into a Hi-Fi System or it may be that the 'Hiss Level' is too high ~ if so stay with the Kinyo Speakers (or alternative) as the Treble Control will remove most of that hiss. You simply plug the Speakers 'Mini-Jack' into the Laptops 'Earphone-Output' and plug the Power Cable into the Mains ~ thats it ! These are available in most good Computer Shops or from Laskys, Comet, etc. Brian.Conflow.
Carol, That's quite true about the USA Monopoly Case ~ However in Europe, the 'E.C Parliment.in Brussels' went even further than that, let me explain:- Lets assume that you a a very large Corporation based in Europe like:- Siemens, Mercedes, Aerospatiale, Deutsche Bahn etc; and you are investing Millions in developing 'Engineering Systems' or 'Management Systems' or 'Aircraft Navigation Systems' and 'Public-Health Systems' including things like GPS and these are all based on Windows Operating Systems ~ In order for you to succeed with your Development you would need 'Microsoft-Source Code' to get things up and running, so thats O.K. Microsoft supplied that. But then it transpired there was a vast amount of 'Hidden-Code' which they did not divulge although they had signed Contracts with those Principals to make available...All that was necessary to make those 'Investment Developments' work. So in effect they were and still are in breach of Contract(s) and we European Taxpayers and Governments and Corporations had coughed up the money under various Business & Regional Development Scheme's...there is an awful lot more to it than that !!! ...and it's on-going. Need I say more, its a matter of Public Records, and in my opinion it certainly impinges on the early availibility of 'Vista X-64' in Europe. Hope that gives you the general idea and why I'm not too hopeful about an early 'Vista Launch' in Europe. Time will tell, things can happen in the meanwhile, and I hope they do for all concerned, including Microsoft. Brian.Conflow.
Carol, This is my personal opinion ~ I would not anticipate an early release of 'MS.Vista X64' within the E.C nor other countries, such as (Japan,China,Middle East,etc) until Microsoft are quite satisfied with 'Patent & Copyright Licences' and Agreements against possible 'Anti-Monopoly Litigation' against them. Also there are other minor Technical Details yet to be sorted. Quite honestly I can't blame them being cautious, but I'm sure the 'Spin-Doctors' will publish other reasons ! Brian.Conflow.
Terily, Because you have changed Computers 3 times...You might try this:- Find and open your (damaged) 'PTE Program Folder' and within that Folder you may find a File titled 'Reg' or 'Key' about 220 bytes long. It can be identified as follows,it starts with:- REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"="0vFigforSbp0YX...............etc, Its a very long Key Code, and it may appear as a 'Notepad' document. Simply copy this into a New Folder (call it PTE Reg) now copy and paste that entire Keycode into your (New) downloaded 'PTE Program Folder', make sure that doesn't have the same File Name as the (old) damaged PTE File. The New Program will find the 'Keycode' within the new PTE Folder on Computer re-boot. Brian.Conflow.
Image Quality-Dpi-Pixels-Pixels per Inch Follow up on the current topic "Image-Quality and DPI-v-PIXELS" here under is a Zip Folder containing 3 Documents which explains all about Image Quality and the dilema about Pixels and Screen Resolution and Dpi etc,etc ~ (Copyright Tech Encyclopedia) Brian Kelly.Conflow. _______________________ The 'Zip Folder' is 64.Kb size 3 Items in 24.Bitmap Format for superior quality. Quality_Dpi_Pixels.zip
Al and Ronnie, Al, I also appreciate your sentiments about 'Ronnies New Year Resolution' (quote) ~ but looking at Ronnie's last Post, he does have a point concerning New PTE Users and this hoary old topic of 72-300. Would it not be a worthwhile suggestion for someone to compose a "One-Page Explaination" about this 72-300 dilema and have it posted to a Web-Site where New-Users could be refered to for enlightenment ~ The same could be said for the 'Registry-Key' dilema ! Just a suggestion... Brian.
Solid-State Hard Drives Gilbert, Hope you had a pleasent Holiday. I noted your Post above,and may I say that it was as recent as yesterday that I happened to be discussing 'Solid State Hard Drives' with my collegues in Irish Railways, this in connection with recording 'Security Videos' from Cameras installed in Trains. (Anti-Vandalism) No, its not a dream ~ they exist, and are being used extensively in Industry "See Attachment" (Open Attachment in Full-Window) Brian.Conflow.
Al, How right you are... When I see '72-300' it reminds me of an old Boeing 727 Aircraft ~ they all look the same, and what have 72-300's got to do with Pixels, absolutely nothing, and if memory serves me correctly, that particular Topic raged on for over a month...not once but many times over a few years. Ronnie, be careful with visual perceptions as ambient and background lighting can make a vast difference in what you actually perceive, particularily if you wear spectacles. Brian.
LumenLux, Glad to be of help ~ On the Disk Cleaner you will notice a tiny square button on the Lower.Rh corner under the 'Remove Button' ~ that brings you into a sub-menu. By unclicking 'Hide Enteries when Empty' will bring up the entire scan Menu Files on next re-boot of the Program. Examine the Main Window very carefully before you press 'Clean' ~ it will show you the amount of garbage it has found under each File Listed. You can also save a "copy of things removed" by using the 'Save Button' in the Main Window, thats your Log. You can install the Program into your 'Remote Drive' and make access to the copy Program within the Drive. Also by going into "Advanced Folder Settings" via Win.Explorer shows 'Hidden System Files' of which, 90% of the time these are pure garbage left over from Windows Installs and 'dodgy' Zip Temps all of this is lumped under the title "Temp.System Files" which I had advised about. Hope this helps... Brian.