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Image size and desktop screen resolution and laptop resolution
Conflow replied to joe smith's topic in General Discussion
Hi Joe, Yes ~ you have made a very good and fair point ~ many of us would agree with you ! however may I add that Igor the PTE Designer has promised a resolution to this 'problem' - indeed it's one of the improvements that we are awaiting when the "Dual-Engined PTE 5.X Program" is finally released. May I make a point about the 'Script Size' changing. Firstly most of us and the vast majority of the A/V Fraternity use 1024x768 Pixel Format as a 'de facto standard' ~ the other being the 800x600 Pixel Format for Web Applications and in my experience many Laptops use various 'House Standards' depending on the Screen Size and whether its LCD or Plasma etc,etc, consequently there is no Laptop Standard such as those used on Desktop PC's ~ in fact its far better to adopt the 1024x768 Standard for a Laptop in the first instance. Also in PTE the 'Object Editor' is a Dynamic Utility (unlike Pro Show Gold) this means that this function is used for many other 'Linked Functions' apart from dropping script on to an Image. It insets 'Buttons' ~ External program Links ~ Hyperlinks and a whole range of functions which make PTE stand head over any other Slideshow Program. Now with the advent of the "Dual-Engined Version" this will put PTE at the top of the Class and its no wonder that so many Professionals and Business interests use it in their 'day-to-day' activities. My point being, its a very small inconvenience to accept this 'minor bug' because the Program offers so much more than its competitors.... So be fair, get familiar with it and give it a good trial before you decide. Brian.Conflow. -
Hi Ken, I'm not sure if the above was addressed to myself ? ~ but just to give an answer anyhow ~ No I have no problems with 'Camstudio' and I have been using it for some time but not in conjunction with PTE. I have never used 'Camtasia' so I can't comment ~ but I did have an issue with 'Techsmiths Screen-Capture Program' in that it uses certain Microsoft System Dll's and if one attempts to Manually Uninstall the Program you run a 95% risk of corrupting your PC.Operating System. I'm all for application progress and development but in the case of Techsmith Products (some have no Uninstaller) so I have become very leery and I would certainly examine their Program Folder to see if they are 'use-sharing' Microsoft System Dll's. I get very worried when a reputable Software Company doesn't provide an "Uninstaller" with a powerful 'System Interactive Program' Brian.Conflow.
Ronnie, Well at least David has replied and he must be reading the 'subject' Postings ~ but please read carefully what he has written...."You can also put a Slideshow into a PDF and upload it to a Website"....(unquote) Sure you can, but try doing that with a "Self-Contained (executable) Exe" such as PTE...it won't work because the 'Sequential Page Formatting' of a PDF can't read the internal "guts & workings" of the PTE.Executable. The same applies to "Jalbum" sure it will place sequenced Photographs on a Website with a 'tacked-on' (contineous) Sound File ~ I might add that FOW (Fotos-on-Web) is a much superior Program which does the same thing with superb quality ~ but none of these Programs are self-executables, they are simply "Thumbnail-Indexers" with a few nice things thrown in. The above is a far cry from Davids' origional proposal where he wanted to "Stream" a Show "Live" from his Hard Drive via a Web Page to a Site Visitor....so I guess he is still trying. Brian.Conflow. P.S Below is an 'Registered Image' as to what FOW can do...click in lower RH.Corner for Full Screen.
Hi John, Yes you are quite right in your Mathematical approach and as you are using 'Arial Photography Shots' I would suggest to use the G-Force Curve (Gravity Curve) which starts off slowly at 32ft/sec/sec and accellerates very fast and slows as finite terminal velocity approaches some 120mph. (Old Engineer) You would need to "fix" a minimum of 7 points on this curve to give effect to those perceived phenomenon experienced by the human body in 'free-fall'. If you use the correct algorithm you will fool the human eye and what an effect that will create...You should try a 'Roller-Coaster' as your next Project, and that would be some Show. Get on to www.answers.com for your Maths, here's a Link:- http://www.answers.com/main/ Brian.Conflow.
Barry & Ronnie, Of course you are both right ~ the only "quality way" of running a PTE Show over the Web is to download it first, and then run the downloaded Exe. directly from the recipient PC.Hard Drive. Davids' proposal was ~ That he wanted to "stream" The Show "live" from his PC.Hard Drive directly over the Web to any Site Visitor ~ well we would all like to do that, but.... Yes,it's possible provided you have the resources of a Professional TV.Studio complete with 'Audio/Video/Colour Carrier Modulator' and a 'Multi-Standard Encoder Console' and 'Line-Carrier Amplifier' and a 'hot-patch' to the Local Community TV.Transmitter then put a 'Link' to that on your Web Site having first paid for the RF.Carrier Licence, Copyright, Mechanical and Performing Rights Licences....and you still only have a "streamed" 625 Line VHF/UHF PAL TV Show...phew, who need's all that ? Then of course one could always go and buy a 'Sony Steady-Cam' (or the likes) and let it do all the work but then who is going to give you 1.0Gb of Server Web Space at the required download speed to effect a "Video Stream" of some 25 minutes (average) duration?...It's hard enough to get 50mB from them, never mind 1.0Gb. As I said previously, we looked at all the alternatives, but none is more cost-effective nor better quality than a downloaded copy of the PTE Exe.Show. Brian Conflow. P.S. I also note, with the exception of one reply. our friend David has not come back to us on this subject ?
David, I would like to 'endorse' Lins very comprehensive explaination as to the difficulties you will run into. Our sister Company 'Fluent Design Ltd' (Professional Web Page Designers) have tried virtually every Technology to make PTE do as you desire even to the extent of using the full professional resource of the Macromedia Corp. ~ it simply isn't possible with the constraints imposed by the Web in it's current phase of Technical Development. The best example(s) I have seen so far is the 'Fuji Camera' Website and their product demonstrations in Macromedia/Flash ~ have a look and you will see for yourself the limitations and these are short video's. Brian.Conflow.
Error: Unable to Create the Disc Structure
Conflow replied to clonergan's topic in General Discussion
Media Problem, Looks to me very much like a Media Problem ~ I just wonder have you inadvertently used an "Illegal Character" on one of your 'Slide Titles'- things like:- *. /, etc (Non ISO Characters) or would you have a 'dicky' Sound File ~ Try to 'Burn' without the Sound File at least if that doesn't work you know the fault is in the Image side of things. Brian.Conflow. -
Error: Unable to Create the Disc Structure
Conflow replied to clonergan's topic in General Discussion
A Shot in the Dark Hi there, I'm running 'Nero-6' (Full Package) with all the expensive 'add-ins' and I also had your problem some 4 years ago ...some questions ?... * Would it be that you are using a 'non-compatible'' DVD-Disc ? * Are you making the classic mistake of using a 'Re-Writable Disc ? The 'Nero Package' is probably the best in the World, but having said that it's also extremely "fussy" about the CD-Media Discs it uses. There is "always" a correct Media Disc for a particular job and Nero checks to see if the inserted Disc is 'compatible' with what you are trying to do:- If not, Nero will give either one of Four warning messages.. (1) Cant structure the Media..problem with- (Formatting and setting-up the Disc for the Media being used) (2) Cant write to the Media..problem with- (Usually a Re-Writable CD or sometimes a Closed CD) (3) Incorrect Media..problem with- (Something wrong with the Media Data Format or non-ISO File Names) (4) Specific to Nero-7..Copyright Protection feature- is this turned off ? As I said,this is a shot in the dark ~ been there, done that, made those mistakes and may I say that Re-Writable Media is a complete waste of money, contrary to what I had expected. Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow. -
Good Man Ken, We have a few 'Beemer Boys' in Ireland also ~ and what with BMW making the 'Mini-Cooper S' for young 'Bucks and Ladettes' and the 'Roller' for mature Gentlemen & Ladies sure the 'Beemer' is only a brief interlude in their live's and keeps the Banks in business ~ Where would we be without them ? Brian.
Hi Ron, I note you are doing a Show on 'Motor Racing' ~ that's up my Street as my Father was involved in the Sport for many years as a GP.Driver (1950~1965) and naturally I was dragged along because I had two hands ~ no Grand Prix Teams in those days. Racing Sound Effects ~ To create 'Sound Realism' is very difficult for 3 reasons:- * Depends what 'era' of the Sport you are interested it:- Different era - Different Cars - different Sounds. * Live Recording is virtually impossible for the 'average man' due to Reverb if you are far away. * Live Recording 'up-close' is also impossible due to 'Mic Sound Concussion' if you don't have the right gear. Ronnie, believe me I've been there - tried it all, and ended up with a Nagra Recorder, Seinnhauser Mics and other 'off-the wall' expensive gear and only then did we get passible results. My advice is:- Get your hands on a Stereo VTR Player' ~ record a World Grand Prix or other (Its still on TV) and get a Skart Adapter, plug it in to the VTR, play that back into your PC and use Audacity to Edit. It works because the TV.Station's have the proper O.B Equipment. If you want 'Old Stuff' contact the Donnington Museum or Brooklands Museum and the BRDC (British Racing Driving Club) ~ nice people,very helpful and they have what you want. Payment is a copy of your Show. Hope this helps.... Brian.Conflow. See Attachment
Hi Chuck, What you say is true,many people do just that ~ What Denis is trying to do (Topic Starter) is completely different ~ He wants to Re-organise, Create and Rename his origional Folders and I'm afraid the "simple method" you describe won't work in these circumstances because the entire File thread has been lost. Sometimes this happens when you change your Version of PTE. The method I developed will work for him because we guide PTE to the 'New Re-Named Folder' and once we execute his 'Show Exe.File' from there, PTE then 'picks-up' on the 'Preview *pte File' and its possible to "re-load" that and also "re-save" the *pte File in its New Folder and from there on there are no problems. Hope this explain's whats going on.... Brian.Conflow.
Denis, I 'posted' an example of how to do this about a year ago and I have re-posted the 'Method' again ~ It may or may not help you,I don't know, but I am sure others would be interested . See new topic "Renaming PTE.Folders" Brian.Conflow.
Renaming Pte Folders I have noticed that this 'topic' has popped up again and it seems to 'pop-up' on a regular basis so once again I would like show a 'simple method' of doing this without re-writing the book. When you have made your PTE.Show and have also created your PTE.Exe File now go to your 'Show Folder' and find the Preview *pt File ~ if it's not there create a new one. Now we need to create a 'Show Template' from the PTE Show, do this as follows:- * Go to "File" top RH.Corner of Screen-->select Templates-->create Template of this Show. * Go to the PTE.Program Folder find Templates-->open & select the 'Your Show Template Folder' * Drag out the 'Show Template Folder' and make a copy in My Documents - Give it a New Name. * Now find the 'Show Exe.File' make a duplicate and put it the 'New Name Folder' with other contents. Run your Show from the 'New Name Folder' and make sure that the 'Preview *pt' also works. Thats it ~ The next time you run the PTE.Program - direct it too the 'New Named Folder' and run the Exe.File from that Folder and you will also find that the 'Preview*pt' will open the entire Show in PTE should you wish to do modifications ~ you can 'Burn' the 'New Named Folder' to Disc ~ I do it always. Now delete the excess 'duplicate' Photos & Music & Pte.TemplateFiles from the PC. "Example Below" Brian.Conflow.
Hi Dave, Well, it looks as if you are at the bottom of the 'Learning Curve' for PTE.(any version) don't worrry we all had to learn. The following will put you on the right tracks:- * When you made your Show and ran it in 'Preview' ~ this file is recognised by a *pte extension after the Title Name. * Then you make an executable from that, Top RH.Corner under "File" select 'Create Slideshow as..' * You then 'Burn' this to CD or DVD as a simple Slideshow which can run on many Computers but not on a TV.DVD Player. * To do that you must make an 'AVI File' of the Show ~ that facility is within the PTE Program. * The 'AVI File' is imported into 3rd.Party Software like 'U-Lead Factory' which makes the correct 'TV.Video Format File' which you 'Burn' to DVD.Disc and will operate on most DVD Players. You note that there are a few "If's and But's" in my Post, this because there are many 'Desktop PC Systems' and very many TV.Video Formats ~ the trick is to select those that work in your part of the World. My advice to you would be ~ Get the PTE.Program running to your absolute satisfaction on PC's and Laptops before you go near 'AVI.TV Formats' (which is poor compared to PC.Reproductions) and most important ,stay in contact with the Forum. Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow.
Lin, My hat off to you ~ You have two very clever pieces of Engineering there and they certainly work. It's always refreshing to run 'Acid Tests' on PC's rather than 'Theoretical Tests' about what should be ? I for one would like to see a small series of 'Practical Tests' for 'Downloading' for PC's which would greatly enhance the 'perceived performance' of PTE (any version) examples as follows:- * Video Card/Adapter Test(s) yours (excellent0. * Standard Audio Tone- Stereo @ 1.0 Kilohertz at 0.db for Sound-Setup. * Standard Test Card (like TV Sets) for Linearity & Resolution Setup. * Al Robinsons Gif.Grids for Image Placements. * 9 Band Grey-Scale Test for Contrast/Brightness Setup. * 16 Hatch Standard Colour Card for Colour/Gamma Setup. The 'Tests' could be delivered in one single Zip Folder for Downloading. (So what if it costs a few Euro) These 6 Tests would bring some level of 'Standardisation' to PTE.PC Presentation & AVI.DVD Shows so that the 'Playing Performance' can be standardised across the PC.User spectrum and they would certainly be a 'boom' in AVI.Competitions. They will be needed when PTE.5xx is finally released...they are used in TV Programs now, why not PTE ? Brian.Conflow.
Yes, I agree with Lin ~ its a classic 'User RAM' symptom, if its not a 'bad RAM Chip' (rare these days) it is probably too little RAM installed on the PC in the first instance which also effects Virtual Memory allocation. In this situation the PC appears to run correctly (with the occassional stagger) then 'locks-up' when you try to terminate the Program(s) it does this because it can't make access to sufficient User RAM to terminate the process and return to normal. (XP's require some 35.Mb of Residual 'User RAM' for their own functionality). As a temporary remedy * Shut down any Anti-Virus Program(s) particularily Norton and Google 'Search-Page' Spyware. * Make sure 'Adobe Reader' is actually shut-down, it tends to run in the background. * Shut down any Printers (particularily Epsons) ~ untick the 'Default Printer Icon' * Now Defrag the Hard Drive because Orphan File & Fragments get in the way of System Exit's. * Use a 'System Cleaner' that removes residual 'junk' from the HD. (Often exceeds 40.Mb) Below is a 'Link' to an excellent Disc-Cleaner which runs on ALL Operating Systems. http://www.diskcleaner.nl/ Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow.
Sheila, I can't emphasise how much 2000 has changed in the past 90 Days ~ if you don't have the recent "Upgrades" particularily to SP4 Folder you may still be in trouble with PTE Beta-5. Let me explain, Microsoft is on the 'verge' of releasing their new Operating System "Vista" and this has to accomodate Win.2000 Engineering Interests Worldwide, so they released a "2000 Round-Up" of all that's necessary to bring 2000 up to the operational levels of XP-SP6 and there are choices thereafter concerning "Vista" itself. When your Son comes home make sure he brings your 2000 is up to the mark, otherwise I am afraid you may be left out in the cold, this apart from any other problem you may encounter. Hope this is of help to you... Brian.Conflow
Microsoft 2000 and 2000.Pro Upgrades Hi Sheila, Read your reply and Igors opinion on 'Dir-X' Upgrade. Your PC Data is all OK ~ So let's get a few things out of the way so you can get ahead. The link below brings you directly to the Microsoft 2000 Upgrade Centre. This will 'automatically scan' your PC and determine the Upgrades you really need. Make sure you Download & Install Service Pak-4 (if its not already done) don't worry Microsoft will make that decision for you ~ Select the 'Express Method' and follow instructions. See "Attachment" which shows you where to Start ~ and below the 'Link'. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/downloads/win2k.mspx After this, all you have to worry about is the Graphics Card as the 'Upgrade' also include the latest Directory-X9 Program. Brian.Conflow P.S When everything is 'downloaded' get-off the Web, then close down your Anti-Virus before Installing the 'Upgrades' ~ sometimes thats not necessary~ Microsoft will tell you what to do.
Sheila & Lin, We have '7xWin 2000.Pros' in our Workshops and in Ireland its widely used in Industrial and Semi-State Organisations for the following reasons: * Its virtually 'bullet-proof' * Its extremely stable, some would call it a "stiff" Operating System. * Loves running with Servers such as AST-400 upwards and Shared PC's. * Its an ultra-flexible 'Cross-Platform System' which can run virtually all Microsoft Op.Systems Programs from '95 all the way to XP-Pro inclusive. But you pay for these features in other ways:- Its Faults (if you can call them that) * Highly intolerant of 'Duplicate Files & Folders' * Highly intolerant of 'sloppy' PC.Management. * Has excellent Memory Management features but uses vast amounts of 'Virtual-Memory' Recently there were Major Upgrades to the 2000 System ~some 35 in all~ and I wonder if Sheila has updated her 2000 PC?...if not, it simply won't work with Beta-5. (These upgrades are free) Having said all that I suspect Sheila has loaded Beta-5 into the 'Old PTE.4 Folder' or has titled a New Folder with a similar name. Another problem is 'User RAM' ~ if the 2000 has not got at least 96.Mb of Ram (it takes nearly 50.Mb to run its own Systems) so in most cases it will refuse to run Beta-5 because it can't manage the vital 128.Mb of Virtual Memory which it would like to allocate to manage the Program ~ and that's minimum. Win 2000 is like that, if its low on User Ram it can't manage the massive amounts of Virtual Memory needed for Engineering Work and Public Utilities Work, that's the way its designed. Sheila needs to check for 'Duplicate File Names' and the amount of 'User Ram' installed in the 2000 and to check for 'System 2000 Upgrades' before tearing-into PTE.Beta-5 ~ this before you start into Graphic Cards and other resources needed to run Beta-5. Brian.Conflow.
Ken, Well Ken as they say...You will never know till you try it !....I have used them all, here are some facts:- * Win Media Player Audio (cut-down version) size 50.Mb * WinAmp Player (minimum) 30.Mb * QCD Player (one of the best) 36.Mb Spider-Player is 2.5 Mb and in my opinion it does a better and faster job than the lot put together, somewhat like the 'PTE Version' of Audio Players and that is saying something. Many Players deny you 'live-access' to their Graphic Equalizer unless you load the Music File into the PC and work on the copy. With 'Spider Player' you can use their Equalizer directly with the CD or any other 'raw' Music Source without loading the File to the PC, thats a massive advantage. If you have ever used 'WinAmp' or 'Win Media Player' on a Laptop/Portable you will find that they don't perform 'as stable' as they do when used on a Desktop PC ~ indeed when you run a Copy-Cd on a Laptop all types of things start to happen with WinAmp-WMA-QCD Player, exactly when you don't need that hastle. This little 'Spider Player Utility' is ideal for Laptop/Portable's and renditions in Clubs & Halls where you want some control over the Acoustics and it certainly gives an excellent account of itself. By the way, the 'Lame +OGG +WMA Encoders and Mp1,Mp2,Mp3' are included in the package. Brian.Conflow.
NEW AUDIO PLAYER Yes,I know that 'Beta-5 Testing' has taken precedence over everything else ~but there is a big wide World out there where other things are moving on~ Not the lease of these is a brand new 'Audio Player' from Russia and in my opinion its "one of the best" I have ever used. It has many 'new features' not found in Winamp or nor Windows Player such as a "Live" 10 Band Equalizer which works as you play the (origionl) Cd or Music. It also has "Live" Reverb and Echo and 'on-the hoof' CD & Track Extractor and many,many, other features. Most of all its tough and absolutely stable (unlike most) at at 2.5mB size I simply can't figure out how this Russian team done it ? Link & Thumbnails below. Its well worth a try and I can see a use for it in Halls & Auditoriums where the acoustics are bad. Brian.Conflow. http://www.snapfiles.com/get/spiderplayer.html
TheDom Superb job, really well done and for those with 'slower PCs and older VGA Boards' ~ Take heart. ** This File is only 1.7mB in Size and really packs some punch ! ** It plays perfectly on an older Microsoft 2000.Pro with a non-descript VGA Card ! To many,this would seem to be an absolute 'Enigma' as to how and why this can be achieved given the size of the File ~ the quality of re-production ~ and the smoothness of rendition even on older VGA's. It clearly demonstrates that PTE-5 can do the job, given the right conditions and deploying the correct techniques and will work without going O.T.T with a Max.Spec VGA Card. Brian.Conflow.
Alliegad Have you got 'Automatic Synchronisation' active ? (Automatically synchronise all slides to Music duration) This apportions equal time to all Slides, the cumulative time of these being the Sound Track duration time. Brian.Conflow.
CHP Per my previous Post ~ make sure you don't forget to make a 'Notepad Copy' of the Reg.Key for future retrieval. All the best with PTE. Brian.Conflow