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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Hi Charley, Welcome to the Forum ~ you posted 2 questions,viz:- Intergrated Volume Control When I first became involved with PTE some years ago, I asked the same question about Volume etc... As you become more familiar with the Program you will ask yourself...What would I use to turn down the Volume had the utility been incorporated in the 1st instance a) The Mouse ?....Thats invasive when the Program is running because it needs some sort of 'Volume Icon' on the Screen. However one of our Members "Granot" has made such a Utility and its available from his Web Site. Infra-Red Remote Control ?....That needs a IR Hardware Receiver and Software....It's not a PTE problem. c) Ultra-Sonic Remote Control ?....That also needs a Hardware Receiver and Software....It's not a PTE problem. There is nothing to stop you from buying these things which would Remotely Control your Sound-Card ~ you see it's nothing to do with PTE at all. Furthermore most Members who give Public Shows use external Audio Power Amplifiers with Tone Controls,Speakers etc. Moving Object Buttons Yes, that is a "moot" problem with all versions of PTE 4.XXX - This has been corrected in Beta-5 version. I use PTE 4.48 and the way I get around this problem is to "Test" the 'Objects Slide' for 800x600 pixels and for 1024x768 and for the next size up. After some practice you get familiar with this routine. You can change 'Screen Sizes' on the Top.LH Side Toolbar in the 'Object Slide Screen' and "Test" from there. Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow.
  2. Esben That 'phenomenon' you are experiencing is quite natural to the Human Visual senses and is also natural in the Human Aural senses. All Human senses obey a Logarithmic Law and the opposite Anti-Log Law. Simple examples are:- "Cablecar" When descending,the ground seems to be rushing up to meet you and when ascending the oppsite is true, although you have the same velocity in both directions. "Amplifier" Amplifier Volume Controls are Logarithmic because the Human Ear obeys a Log-Law what's called 'A-Log' "Doppler Effect" Both Visual & Aural senses are responsive to 'doppler-effect'. White-Light coming towards you has a different wavelenght than departing White-Light. Sound is similar,approaching Sounds have a higher pitch than departing Sounds and so on and on... It's all part of being Human ~ unfortunately to try and correct this Visual phenomenon to a Linear characteristic is electronically very complex in the extreme ~ 90% of the time it simply doesn't work because the 'senses' realise there is something phony about the Linearisation. The simple way around this:- Don't Zoom so quick, try and keep Zoom's above 400millesecs execution time. Hope this helps somewhat, and before we go down this road, let Igor finish the Program before we ask for the 'Salt & Pepper'... Brian.Conflow.
  3. Hi Al, Yes you are correct, we had noticed that each variant of PTE comes with ~ what looks like ~ a different Key Code 'aka' PTE Key. Also the Security Encryption has been updated to SP-2 level. We had a look at these Keys in BSL Computers Ltd and it would appear that these are not simple 'Product Keys' such as those used by Microsoft and other Program Makers. The Keys seem to be randomely generated by a Computer and set-up to mimic a 'command strings' and within the 'string' is a Hex or Ascii Code Set recognised by the PTE.Program itself ~ it's very high Security. When I had problems with Product Registration my people at BSL decided to 'paste' the Key.Code into an executable such as Notepad and load it into the Program in that manner ~ it never fails ! The most important part is:- "Key"="xxxxxxxxxxxx=" The whole 'character string' has to be pasted in otherwise it doesn't work which leads us to believe that it is an executable and a really good one ! I always make a Copy of the 'Notepad' executable to a Floppy Disc ~ then I can't loose it Brian.Conflow.
  4. CHP You mentioned that our HD Crashed ~ What Operating System have you Re-Installed ? ~ or have you installed a Brand New HD ? ~ or have you done a System recall ? More than likely your Security Settings have been re-set to default,do as follows to check. Top of this Page-->select 'Tools'-->Internet Options-->Clk.on Security Tab-->make sure its set to 'Medium' then apply & OK. Do the same again but this time select 'Privacy Tab' make sure its set to 'Medium' then apply & OK. The best way of Installing the Reg.Key is to open Notepad-->Save as 'Reg.Key'-->park it on your Desktop. Now go to the Reg.EMail and find the Coded Key String-->Highlight the entire string-->RH.Clk it and Copy. Now open your 'Notepad' and paste the keystring in there-->Hit Save. Now open your PTE.Folder and drag the saved 'Notepad' into the PTE.Folder-->Shutdown and Restart the PC. (See Attachment for example ~ for security reasons this has been edited) Brian.Conflow.
  5. RESIZING IMAGES Hi Guys, I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you ~ I have been 'Resizing' smaller images from 640x480 to 1024x768 WITHIN the .pte File for the past 18 months without problems. The .pte File in this case being the Master Composition in the 'Main Program Window' distinct from the Slide List on the Left Side of the Screen. A "Trick" is used in the process where by PTE is intelligent enough to 'recognise' differences in 'Photo File extensions' even those of the same format such as Jpegs and Gif's. That intelligence is uses here. The "Attachment" will describe the process in detail and is fully illustrated and if you want copy Exe's just Mail me. Brian.Conflow.
  6. Theo, You might like to look at a "New Topic" ~ Automatic Picture Resizer, which may answer your Problem. Brian.Conflow.
  7. PICTURE RESIZER * The 'Blue-Five Picture Resizer' can resize any Picture Format from 96~1200 Pixels Width. * In can work in all popular Formats and can convert from one Format to another. * When in JPeg Mode it uses the 'Lossless JPeg Algorithm' * It can resize:- Single Foto ~ Multiple Foto's and Complete Folders * You can set 'Source Folder' and 'Resize Folder' Titles and interchange between the two. * IT DOES NOT change the 'Foto Title' nor the 'Folder Titles' unless so commanded. * It should be extremely valuable to users of the PTE.Slideshow who wish to convert 'sizes' without loosing the Foto Title nor the File Association. Brian.Conflow. (Link Below) The Program can be found in the Download Section of the Website. http://bluefive.pair.com
  8. ADVISORY-2 To follow up on my previous Post concerning 'Vista Compatibility & Your PC' ~ hereunder ~ is a 'Link' describing the PC requirements for 'Vista' and it also describes in detail your 'Download Choices' when the Programs become available. Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/getready/capable.mspx
  9. ADVISORY In line with the 'New PTE.Beta-5' Program and its requirements and particularily for those who are thinking of buying a 'New PC' ~ STOP ~ and review the requirements to upgrade your current PC, it may be suitable to run 'Microsoft Vista' The following 'Link' will bring you to the 'Microsoft News Release' of yesterday and will open the 'Upgrade Specifications Window' for Vista. In particular Clk.on the Features Button and all will be revealed. Enjoy... Brian.Conflow. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/getr...quirements.mspx
  10. IGOR Yes, I completely agree with you ~ indeed I have been saying this for some time on this Forum and that also has been vindicated by Ken Cox and Ronnie Boothwest and some other Members. As well as 'McAfee' you can add 2 more to the List:- Most all of the 'Norton Anti-Virus' since 2004 Versions and Adobe Acrobat 7.0 upwards. Both of these have a 'nasty habit' of hanging around in the background even when they are 'disabled' or shut down. A good alternative to Norton is 'Grisoft AVG 7.01' as advocated by Ken Cox, we now use it on all our Workshop PC's having finally removed Norton. A good alternative to Acrobat Reader is "Foxit Reader" from www.foxitsoftware.com. This Program is just as small as PTE and it is 'Flash Fast' in operation and opening Pdf.Files and shuts-down properly. Brian.Conflow. QUESTION:- Why is it, that when a Member replies to a Posting (underneath an origional Letter) that 'Invision Board' ALWAYS QUOTES the 'origional letter' ?? ~ Its most annoying and a waste of space ~ perhaps I am doing something wrong ?
  11. Ken, I'm also an ardent W2K User...Everything in our Workshop's is W2K. Indeed we also have some XP's BUT when the "going gets rough"' its ALWAYS the W2K's that come out on top, unscathed ! So like you I'm sticking to the 'old workhorses' and lets see what Vista brings ?? Again it great to know that the GeForce6600 runs with W2K ~ many thanks for that. Brian.Conflow.
  12. Ken, You certainly done your Homework, the 'GeForce 6600 VGA.Card' is an excellent Product and is used here at 'Trend Logic Image Studio' (Professional Web Designers) and it returns superb results. But again one must read the 'Manufacturers Instruction' as the Card is not suitable for all Microprocessors. So any (intending) Buyers would need to do their homework also, particularily with Sony Vaio Desktops which are one of the most "fussy" Desktops ever made. But it's nice to hear a success story now and then.... Brian.Conflow.
  13. Hi Jeff, Yes, I had intended to reply then I saw Igors Posting concerning your VGA.Card and that it may not be really suitable for PTE.5.0 ~ I assumed that was the end of the matter ~ my apology. You are correct just enter VGA in the 'Search Dialog Box' and it should come up with all the VGA Files such as:- vga.exe - vga.dll's - vga.drv's - etc,etc. This is purely for means of identification and whether there are 'duplicates' installed on the System which can create havoc. If that won't work, go into the Add/Remove Manager and find the VGA.Adapter there, delete it and do another Search ~ whats left are the 'generic' Windows VGA Files ~ don't touch these, just take a note of them of them for future reference. Now continue with the procedure at the Paragraph titled...NEXT. Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow. Ken You're dead on target about "Uninstall" its so vitally important to do just that ! Brian.
  14. Installing VGA Graphic Card In response to many who are now purchasing a New VGA Card. Some background:- When 1st supplied your PC has a 'generic in-built' VGA Graphics Adapter on board installed within the Motherboard Hardware so you can see Images from the day of Purchase. If that was not there you could not use your Screen Monitor. * When you go and buy a new VGA Card there is a "bodger way" of installing it or the "correct way" ~ * When you go again and buy your next VGA Card and try to install it ~ you will have problems. Why is this ? All VGA Cards need Software to operate -(Microsofts VGA included)- when you install your 1st.VGA your System says O.K go ahead no problems. You install your Card, the System then looks for the CD-Disc Software to run the Card - you go ahead and install it and if things are O.K, well and fine. The Bodger How many of us install the new VGA "without Software" - cross our fingers and hope that the MS.Library has a set of Drivers for it ?? Now we go and get a new 2nd. Card, install it with OR without Software and expect great results - Nada, no way, its not possible. Why Not ? You are asking your Computer to solve an 'enigma' which it can't do ~ sure it will try, but it will make errors of indecision because you have 2 VGA Software Programs on the PC ~ what is it supposed to do ?? Proper Installation For any Complex Hardware such as modern VGA Cards, always 'Defrag' your PC.Hard Drive before anything. Next find the Software Program of the "old" VGA Card by:- Start Button-->Run/Find-->type in VGA-->it searches for it and there should be some 10-20 entries. Take a 'Screen Print' of these. Now go to your Add/Delete Manager find the VGA Program and delete it. Shut down Re-Start the PC. This returns the PC to its origional Factory settings of its 'generic' origional internal VGA.Monitor Next Shut down the PC again and open up the PC.Cabinet, - remove the "old" VGA Card and replace it with the "new" - Wrap everything up and Re-Start. Make sure you have the Software Disc available. The PC will find the new VGA Card and ask you to insert the CD-Disc. Follow the Instructions. When finished, Shut down and Re-Start the PC again. Its absolutely vital that you don't "skip" the Closedown/Restart sequence as this 'initialises' the new VGA.Card. Problems For those of you having 'problems' with direct replacements -review the above- and 'ask' yourself did you follow those procedures ? If not, start again from the beginning and repeat the process. Hope this is of some help to many of you. Brian.Conflow.
  15. Ronnie, I had a problem yesterday trying to "Log On" to the Forum ~ here is my reading of the situation:- (1) If the CPU (Processor) returns 'Code 13' it means that the "Data is Invalid" ~ usually corrupted. (2) If it returns 'Code 86' it means ~ "Specified Password" is not correct. ** Corruption, I have no idea where this is arising ~ I suspect a 'Bad Installation' of your new VGA Card. ** The 'Password' it is referring to ~ You probably have a few 'Passwords' you need to examine them. Here are some facts:- a) Microsoft Defender does not work like an ordinary Anti-Virus Program, to put it simply, its a 'special' based on numeric indexing of Files and their Checksums and its actually part of Microsofts .NET Framework. Norton and others, physically 'root into' and scan files for script changes and other phenomen and use vast amounts of Memory in doing so. Benchmark Tests *) Based on a Standard Memory Pak of 256.Mb, here are some results:- 1) MS Defender will use some 6% of that Ram Memory. If disconnected it uses nothing. 2) Norton 2006 uses a whopping 17% ~ 24% depending on its current Task. It can't be fully disconnected. 3) Adobe Acrobat (if not shut down) can use the same as Norton. When 'shut down' it uses nothing. 4) Smart-Printers (ones that tell you Out-of-Ink) use vast Memory space ~ disconnect, or turn them off. By the way, the bigger the Memory the more Norton uses it because there is more 'residual data' in it. Hope this helps..... Brian.Conflow.
  16. Jerky PTE.5.0 Beta ~ A Solution Ronnnie, The "Trick" here is to remove everything you don't need from the PC.Start Menu into a "Shorts Folder" in the 'Program Folder' and place a shortcut to that on to the Desktop ~ do you remember I advised you of that before ? The reason behind this is very simple ~ Everything on the 'Start Menu' is constantly scanned and refreshed and kept alive whether it's in use or not ~ This "burns up" valuable Processor Scanning Resources and naturally slows down the IDE Communications Buss on the PC.Motherboard. A finite 'speed-limit' in Buss Scanning is very easily reached compared to the actual Processor Speed itself. In a heavily loaded PC the 'Buss Scan Rate' can easily drop to a 'tenth' of the Processor Speed and of course your 'Hi-Speed Graphics Card' simply can't reproduce what it ain't getting from the Buss !!! So just remove the 'Loads' from the Start Menu and make access to your Programs from a simple 'Shortcuts Folder'. You will find in practice that 10~15 Programs on the 'Start Menu' is quite enough for anybody quite apart from the 'Invisible +18 Running Processes' demanded by the PC. for self-operation. Hope this helps.... Brian.Conflow.
  17. Many Thanks Igor, I am very pleased you confirmed about 'Dual-Engine' ~ Both you and I are aware about the 'Next Generation' of Graphic/Video Cards and the need to get these to an 'International Performance Standard' not only for 'MS.Vista Operating System' but also to achieve compatibility with new 'Digital Television Standards' I also appreciate that you are stopping PTE.Beta.5 -AVI Development- at the Standard PAL/NTSC stage and letting someone else provide an 'AVI/Digitiser Program' for Digital Television ~ a wise choice indeed. Again many thanks for that confirmation.... Brian.Conflow.
  18. Hi Guys, I completely agree with your comments, particularily Tom's comment - "There are literally thousands of perfectly good, working PC's, out there, etc"...... It's also the reason I raised this with Igor many months ago..."Will PTE.5.0 be a Twin-Engined Program" ? If memory serves me correctly I think he confirmed that for me ~ It's certainly going to be necessary ! Another issue has also come to the fore with the new "Twin-Processor PC's" ~ Many of these will be "Slim-Line Types" with New Mini-Plasma Displays, indeed it's fast heading to the situation where the PC will be incorporated into the Display Unit with Inbuilt Graphics Card offering no options to install a 'Hi-Performance Card' ~ indeed these Cards will be rationalised to International Standard's keeping in line with 'Digital Television Technology Standards' ? (Look at the new Mac Cube ~ and keep an eye on Samsung and Hyundai) The latter two retired from the PC.Markets some years ago ~ but they (and others) are on the way back with brand new Technology ~ Intergrated PC.Plasma Display Computers with MS.Vista 'Dual-Core' Operating Systems, with Intergrated Graphics & Sound and a whole host of Communications Utilities. Very soon current AVI Video Technology (Interlaced 25.Fps) will be replaced with Hi-Resolution 'Digitised ImageTechnology' ~ This is available now with Digital Cam-Corders and who else is keeping quite about these New Products ? This is all going hand-in-hand within the Communications Industry which is fast merging with the PC.Industry...all this within 3 years. It's already starting in the U.K and Ireland and other E.U.Countries are well on their way. So where do we go from here....well I for one am not going to invest in current 'Life-Expired PC.Technology' I intend to wait a few years and invest in the New Systems. It's also the reason that I hope PTE.5.0 will have 'dual-engine' Utilities ? Brian.Conflow.
  19. Hi john, Thanks for the reply. I note you are using XP-Home ~ if this has the full upgrades it will be 'XP-SP2' with the 'Advanced Firewall' ~ I can tell you that you have one of the best "Software Firewalls' in existance. This coupled with your 'Router Hardware Firewall' makes it even better, and if you install 'Grisoft AVG. V7.1' you are litterally bomb-proof ! Your 'Uninstalled EZ Anti-Virus' - Is not fully 'Uninstalled' although you believe it to be so. 1) Go to your Program Folder, open it - and remove the 'EZ Containing Folder' that's probably still in there. 2) Also in your Program Folder find a Folder called 'Common Files' and open this. Look for any reference to EZ and delete them, while your're there, take a peek inside the Microsoft Shared Folder and look for EZ, delete if there. Now close the Program Folder. 3) Next press your Start Button,select-->Search/Find-->Files & Folders-->when it opens-->type in the "Title" of your Anti-Virus and remover every entry with a RH.Click and select delete. Now you are eventually rid of it ~ by the way Norton is treated in the same way ~ these things are really impossible to remove unless you 'know how'... Best of Luck with it, Brian.Conflow.
  20. John, Firstly, can you please advise as to what 'Operating System(s)' you are using on your PC's ? You failed to mention these in your origional 'Posting' So much depends on the PCs.Operating System(s) and their current 'Upgrades' prior to making any decision's one way or another as to what (if any) Firewall/Anti-Virus should be installed on a particular PC. In many circumstances there is 'interaction' between (generic) self-contained Firewalls such as the 'Windows XP-SP.2 Firewall' and external Firewalls and indeed newer versions of Norton (post 2004) can conflict with recent 'Windows Upgrades' and I might add that Microsoft are well aware of this. 'Hardware Firewalls' are a 1st.line of defense and are by not satisfactory in providing full protection to any PC. Other things must be considered in providing 'non-intrusive' full Protection. Brian.Conflow.
  21. LiquiaD Yes I agree with you ~ I have done that 'seamlessly' many times with great success. In my situation(s) I am running a 'primary' PTE.Show then as an option the Viewer can press a Button and jump to a 'secondary' Show which when finished jumps back into the 'primary' Show and continues on. In one instance I was doing a Holiday Promotion on Bavaria. In this Production there were '10 Jumps' each of which was a side Attraction and in one such 'side-show' I had an Automated URL Page ~ yes an 'Automated URL Page' where one could pre-book Airlines and Trains and Hotels ~ and then jump back into the PTE.Show and continue on to the next chapter of the PTE.Show. With this particular PTE.Show I was able to demonstrate 'Bavarian Menus' and show 'Railway Routes & Timetables' along with pre-selected Hotels ALL with their own "Live On-Line" direct Button access. THIS WITHOUT A WEB SITE Yes it took a bit of Code to do that, but it would be nice if PTE had a selection of 'Exe Pointers' to point to external Programs and auto-run them and then return to the main PTE.Show. Now PTE becomes dynamic and "Interactive" Nice idea.... Brian.Conflow.
  22. Ken - Texas Your external HD-Drive (Self-Powered USB) that you are using is probably a USB-2 Device. You say 1.0Amp/5Watt consumption. Using this USB.HD by itself should present no problem irrespective of the PC or Laptop in use.. But using it together with other USB Powered Devices such as Cameras-Scanners etc; is starting to "push-things" a little, particularily if you are using them all at one time. Using 2 x USB. HD-Drives simultaneously is stressing the "PCs Internal Power Supply Allocation" for other USB's devices. You will get away with it for some time...unknown...then silence. Better off to buy a 'Self-Powered USB Hub' -- One thats rated for 1 or 2 Amp demands between 4 Ports. This will prove invaluable for all sorts of reasons not the least giving you extra Ports and peace of mind. The alternative is to buy a bigger PC Power Supply, if it will fit into the Case ? Brian.Conflow.
  23. John. JPegs 'Stored' on a HD don't deteriorate if left alone. JPegs only deteriorate when you are 'Editing' and using "Save As" and you are 'over-writing' the origional Image using its old File Name. If you are doing 'Simple Edits' and using "Save" the deteriotration is much less. In fact the deteriotation is proportionate to the 'number of times you Edit and the depth of Editing'. In your case as you are using 'Copies' of the origional Image, there is absolutely no deterioration to the origional unless you replace the origional with a new Copy. As a 'Golden Rule' origional Images should be copied/burnt to CD-Disc and kept as an (indexed) Library Folio ~ This gives you the best of all options with excellent security just in case your Storage HD goes down and it also makes it easer to find a particular Folio in a hurry with access to a fresh Copy Image. Brian.Conflow.
  24. PTE.5.0 Test Report on a 2000.Pro PC. Hi Igor, Just tried both Shows on a 'Lower end 2000.Pro PC' Build 5.01+Service Pack 4 with all available 'Upgrades' downloading from 'Radio Broadband Dual-2mB'. Graphics Card SiS 730c (Odd-ball Special). Processor AMD x86 Family 1.2mB. PC has 256.Mb Physical Memory and 1.Gb Virtual Memory. PC Manufactured by 'Silicon Intergrated Systems' USA. Workload:- Engineering Data Computation and Excel.Graphics. PTE Show. I wasn't expecting much due to Processor Speed limitations. 1) Zooming was perfect. 2) Colour Rendition,superb. 3) Panning, perfect ~ Except 'Vertical Panning ~ Frame by Frame. 4) Sound, breakup was evident ~ I was expecting that. Flowers 1) Zooming was perfect. 2) Could not see any 'Panning Images' ? 3) Colour Rendition,superb. 4) No Sound File ? Hope this is of some use to you as to how the Shows performed on ordinary "Run of the Mill PC's" Comment/Request Would you make another Copy of "Flowers" with 'Panning" and a "Sound File" so those who use 1024x768 Format can get an appreciation of PTE.5.0 running in that Format ~ It would be very helpful. So far, its a wonderful job that you and your Team have accomplished. Good Luck with the Beta release. Brian.Conflow.
  25. Hi Ronnie, Yes there are very many alternatives ~ I really do hate recommending any particular one as 'Screen Capture Utilities' are just as much about Functionality as they are about Personal Preferences. Try www.webattack.com (Software Resources) - will you "Bookmark" this as I given you this URL many times before. Search enter:-...Screen Capture. Here is a Link to what you want "Freeware & "Shareware" http://www.snapfiles.com/downloadfind.php?...x=28&search.y=9 One of the good ones is "Fastone" Brian.Conflow.
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