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Granot, Ken, Igor, I also drop into the "3 Camp" making it a "4 Camp" because I run Tutorials for 'Irish Railways' and others and for these I use 800x600 because I found that many people are actually running 800x600 even on 15"Screens...surprised ? so was I. But then in hindsight most 'Business Networked Computers' are very limited in functionality this by design. For absolute "Universality" there is nothing to beat 800x600....but having said that, I do agree if one constrains one's work to A/V Productions and 'PTE User' Interchange, then of course 1024x768 is the better quality option. However the 'crunch' comes when one wishes to broadcast one work on the WEB ~ If its not in Standard ISP Format 640x480 (or thereabouts) these ISP Providers start getting 'stroppy' about 'Allocated Space & Format' unless one is lucky enough to have a 'Business Account' with them in the 1st instance. At the end of the day it's up to the 'WEB Page Provider' to make choices, or provide a 'Dual-Service' to their viewers and that is a daunting task worthy of all commendations ! Brian.Conflow.
Hi Ed, Yes there is !...It's a brand new Handheld XP with an LCD 7" Touch-Screen, about 20mm Thick. I can find out the Make & Type during the week. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Ken, Red 'Hi-Lite' is perfect ~ it was such an important point I was surprised that everyone had overlooked it ~ many thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Ken, Gottya, my apology ~ The point you were making was buried within the 'body text' of the Photo Competition article ~ which in itself 'threw me' as it did not seem relevant to Ronnies' Post. Ken is there any chance you might 'Highlight or Expand' that particular 'Web Rule' as I am sure (like me) many people may have missed that very important point which is so relevant to Ronnies request... Regards, Brian.Conflow.
Hi Ken, The information about the 'Photo Competition' is appreciated ~ But please excuse me if I have missed something ?....What has this got to do with 'Ronnies Survey' concerning 'Picture Size' for his proposed PTE Tutorials ???......... Did you post to the wrong Forum ? Brian.Conflow
Your Problem, Sounds to me that your New Laptop has a 'User Memory Problem' (RAM Memory) or a very poor CD-Drive with no Memory Cache ~ all the symptom's you describe point in that direction. But as Al Robinson says...more data please, Make, Model etc,etc. Or perhaps, are you getting "hung-up" on just 1 defective A/V Presentation ???..... Brian.Conflow.
Screen Size -v- Resolution, I note that Igor is using 800 x 600 on a 15" Screen and to my certain knowledge there are hundreds of 12" and 14" Screen on smaller Laptops and Mini-PC's in daily use through out the World. This 'boils back down' to numerous requests from Members relative to the new version of PTE :- In that it should maintain 'Screen Size Ratios' irrespective what Monitor one is using. Then we have the problem of 'Web Pictures' where the agreed ISP Standard is 640 x 480 on virtually all Commercial Web Pages ~ but one can push that upwards to 800 x 600 with little loss, but going over that one can loose a considerable amount of Picture information and support Text. I guess at the end of the day, it's all down to what method Ronnie is going to use to distribute his Tutorials ?...but one thing is sure, PTE needs to provide 'Standards Size Ratios' and I for one hope it comes soon. Just some thoughts.... Brian.Conflow.
Hi JEB, My apology if I am incorrect, but your broad based question is really a request to Members to compare 'Pictures to Exec' to other Products you have used in the past. As you are trying out the "Trial Version" of PTE for yourself ~ why not ask 'specific questions' and reach your own conclusions ?? At least that would familiarise you with the 'ins & out' of the product and give grounds for genuine questions which the Forum Members would gladly answer. Brian.Conflow.
Web Counters Hi Ron, Try out this one (Hundreds of Styles)..Free.....www.free-counter.com....you need to type it in. Brian.Conflow.
Hi There, So many questions come up on the Forum about CD Discs, their usage, limitations, mass storage, drives, etc,etc etc. Many of you have heard of "Imation" ~ One of the premier CD Disc Manufacturers, however you probably didn't know that they maintain an excellent Web Site that will be of interest to the Newcomer, the Amateur, the Semi-Pro and Professional users of PTE. You will need about an Hour to get around the site which has many 'pro-active' demonstrations about:- * CD's, How they are made, How you best use them etc. * DVD's How they are made, How you best use them etc. * Mass Storage Devices and comparisons between each type. * New 'Flash Memory Storage' (USB- Static 4Gigabit Drives) ~ Matchbox size ! * Laser Silk Screen Label Software for that Professtional touch. And many,many, more interesting articles and 'Hints & Tips' and articles about Drives & CD Compatibility, burners and burning speeds and so on..... It's refreshing to see a Manufacturer supporting his Industry without the 'Salesmen' in your face, just log on to the Imation Site at:- www.imation.com Hope you find it interesting... Brian.Conflow.
Ken, Well said, that's exactly the point I was making. Both XP and 2000 have the Windows Zip Utility pre-installed and of course one can also download:- 'WinZip 9.0' and 'BigSpeed Zipper' and 'FilZip' if that extra 'grunt' and flexibility are needed (the latter 2 are Free). It's not Rocket Science ~ but in Mysty's case some method of 'Testing' is called for, thats the reason for my posting. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Dave, As I understand things, I was under the impression that WinZip or Zip was (pre-packed) part and parcel of the XP Op.System and the same for the Win 2000 Op.System....So I must ask, how are you making your Zip File's if a 'Zip Program Utility' is not on your PC ? Whether it is WinZip or Windows Zip Utility the process is basically similar in that you RH.Click the 'object' and Send to....Zip Folder or alternatively Rh.Click and choose a Zip method, such as Add to Zip...its the same thing.. In Mystys case I was setting up a 'Testing Method' whereby the 'Zipping Process' and the 'Receiving Process' and Un-packing, could be verified simply by using one's own PC to return the Zipped File back to the PC. That would help Mysty and eliminates all doubt as to its proper working. Brian.Conflow.
Mysty, I have read many of your 'Postings' and please forgive me for saying the following:-You are giving yourself 'major headaches' about PTE and 'Windows XP' in general because you are not familiar with the workings of the XP System in the 1st place. We all had to start somewhere and if you follow this advice you will be 'Zipping' in the next few hours. (COPY THIS EMAIL) 1)Put aside the PTE Program for the next 24 Hours. 2)Find ANY small Photo-Image on your PC. Drag-it or Copy-it into the 'My Documents Folder' or on to the 'Desktop' thats easier. 3)Right Click on it and select as follows--->WinZip--->Add to Zip File. The WinZip Window will open, now Click--->I Agree---> New Window will open, now Click--->Add. (Thats it,dont fiddle) 4)You will find the 'Zipped Image' on the Desktop or in My Documents. NOW Open your EMail Program. Write in your OWN EMAIL ADDRESS in the "TO"...BOX. Make up a Test EMail and when finished Click on the "Attach Button" (paperclip) find the Zip File and select 'Attach'. NOW SEND THE EMAIL TO YOURSELF and when you receive it "Save the Attachment" to My Documents. Later on double-click the 'Zip File' then---> I Agree etc; etc; and 'UnZip' it to My Documents. All should work for you ~ repeat this a few times. Now do the same for the PTE.Exe File Brian.Conflow.
Problem solved here also...and our 'Netsource Server' is now running at full speed just slightly over 100Mbps on a busy Thursday morning @ 11:35am. To be honest I found this 'Netsource Business Server' to be very "fidgety" about System Timing as it auto-corrects for Summer Time and expects others to do likewise, so does Windows...why not Invision Board. One learns every day... Brian.Conflow.
Mysty, I said 'Open any Folder' ~ its as simple as that ~ then follow the instructions I sent to Ron ! Brian.Conflow.
Lumenlux, Your message on the "Board" shows Posted time here in Dublin.Ireland @ 10:14pm (GMT-1)although the Workshop Clock (Radio Synched to GMT) was showing 11:14pm....That would mean that all the PCs in Europe are running 1 Hour fast...god help the Server, surely its more intelligent than that ?....at least I now know I'm not dreaming. Brian.Conflow
Invision Board Clock Hi Folks, Tell me I am not going 'daft' or had anyone noticed the 'Invision Board Clock' appears to be 1 Hour Slow. From my experience with PC's ~ Clock errors can significantly slow thing up with PCs and Servers. Perhaps thats why its so slow tonight ? or am I dreaming ? Brian.Conflow.
File Extensions Hi Ron, Open any Folder-->Select 'Tools' (on the top Function Bar)-->Find and select the 'View' tab. Now run down the List until you find...'Hide file extensions for known file types'--> Unclick the Radio Box. That should do it. Brian.Conflow.
QUOTE....I've struck a problem that, when a previous project included pictures from a CD, the next time P2E is run, it demands a CD in the drive......... Speedy2, I have re-read your post (again) in detail and I see your probem, and in answer as follows:- PTE like other (dynamic) Windows Programs is essentially a 'Database Program' the analogy being like Excel or Powerpoint etc...... The PTE Program DOES NOT STORE DATA (images or otherwise), excepting that you had made a 'Image Template' or a 'PTE Slideshow Exe' in the first instance.....In all other circumstances it is looking for your 'Data Folder' either as a HD.Folder or as CD-Folder. You said that you had 'Lost the CD'. So in fact you have lost your 'Data Folder' and had not made a 'Back-Up' either by way of a Template nor an Exe nor a HD.Folder. In that case, like all (dynamic) Data Programs how do you expect it to work when it has pre-made a 'Data Index File' pointing to those CD-Images which are lost. This has nothing to do with 'bad old Dos' nor Window nor the PTE Program. I'm afraid it's back to the drawing board ~ or else find that CD ! Brian.Conflow.
Speedy2, Many of us would like to help you ~ but speaking personally I am confused about what you are trying to do ?? 1) Are you trying to 'import' Pictures from a CD-Disc 'into' the PTE Program so you can make a Slideshow ? 2) Or are you trying to 'extract' Pictures from a 'CD-Disc Slideshow' so you can re-make a New Slideshow ? If you would simply explain what you are trying to do ~ then we could sort out any problem you have. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Ronnie, I see you lost your USB-HD Connection..It Could be a:- * USB Cable Fault ? * An Ext-HD Fault ? * A lost HD-Driver ? * The PC lost the Ext.HD Ini-Index. ? Try as follows:- a) Turn-off the PC completely-wait a while-Now 'Cold-Start' it...During start-up see if the 'Led-Lamp' on The Ext.HD flashes contineously ? If it does,all's OK,you can rule out the USB.Cable and the Ext.HD Its now down to a Lost Driver or Lost INI.Indexer. Double Click 'My Computer' on Desktop-->Find Control Panel Icon--> Double.Clk that--> now find,'Add/Remove Hardware Icon'--> Double.Clk that...The Install/Repair/Uninstall Wizard will open up-->Clk.'Next' and it will lead you (safely) into the Install/Repair process. c) If it finds 'New Hardware'- it will tell you, let in install it. Also check for New Driver,it will scan and tell you that 'Drivers' are not required for this device ~ otherwise it will tell you to reinstall Driver (From its own Library) - do that. This should sort it out ~ This often happens when a Program is not 'shut-down' properly which confuses 'Win Explorer' which then kicks for touch. Hope this helps... Brian.Conflow
Jim, I second your wishes about Guru's Website ~ I too sent a suggestion ~ for good Websites are hard to construct and are very few on this Forum. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Kurt, Well if I was just that simple as using an Mp3 ~ I don't think I would have gone to the trouble of opening the topic in the 1st place, so if Guido is willing, I would like him to try out this technique on his Web Site before he makes the final decision to drop the site. I'm sure I speak for many of us who would sorely miss his 'Site' ~ but before that happens lets try and come up with some solution to his problem ? Brian.Conflow.
For Guido & Others Reading Guru/Guido's post on this page, it appears that he has a major problem with the size of 'Sound Tracks' on his Web Hosting facility. This seem's to be a common problem, and I had the same limitation for many years within an Industry that demanded 'Small Sound Files'. I finally developed a solution to the problem whereby I could reduce a 45.mb Wav File to below 4.3.mB for a playing time of 4¾ minutes without any loss of apparent sound quality. If Guido' would contact me I will send him an example of this 'technique' and because he has an accessible Web Site I should like to ask him to try out the 'process' and report back on his findings. The 'technique' has worked perfectly with PTE over the past 2 years and may be of interest to others in similar situations. Brian.Conflow.
OOpps Guys, Many thanks for the staunch support and speaking as an Engineer (and in general terms) it has been my experience that many 'Reviewers' simpy don't get their articles published unless its somewhat 'Newsy' ~ for the want of a better word !!. I have great admiration for really good 'Reviewers' who know their business and who give an objective and unbiased view of a New Technology or Process and it's relative performance to other Products in that Technology Group. But there are those who attempt to make 'unfair comparisons' of Products (which are not in the least similar) and by that action they "knock" the reviewed Product and in so doing the Publics' perception of that product is tainted............What does one call that ? To change the subject, and to Barry...You may have seen recent Ad's in Lidl, Aldi and Maplin for Car Viewers (like the ones used on Aircraft) where the 'Viewer' is hung over the rear of the Passenger or Drivers' seat so one can enjoy a DVD on a long journey? ~ the quality is very good and the Contrast Ratio is extremely wide ~ it's this Technology thats used in the VisArt Product. Hope this zeros-in on the Technology used, as I said I don't sell them, my contribution was purely to let folks know that such a Product exists, being 'portable' it has limitations, but it may suit those on the move. Brian.Conflow.