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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. Jpeg 2000 Igor, Yes, I completely agree with you, my 'research' came up with the same Image results as you have found. It might be O.K for 'Radiography' usage, but it's simply not ready yet for the Photo Industry and at this point in time it would be totally incompatible with the current 'JPeg World Standard' ~ Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  2. My Last Post to 2EZ I tried out JPeg 2000 last night and was very surprised to learn that excepting a few specialised 'JPeg 2000 Viewers' (and some XP.PC's) nothing else works with this new fomat. So I done some research and got to the bottom as to why it has not yet been adopted:- * Jpeg 2000 is in its final Submissions for ISO World Standards Acceptance. * Currently its being used in Radiography, and Medical Scanners on Beta-Testing procedures. * Standard Jpeg ISO Viewers require special Codec's to run the new 2000 Format. * Not all Monitor/Video Cards have the necessary Drivers to impliment the Format. * The 'Digital Photographic Industry' are waiting for the final Standards Approvals. There you have it... Brian.Conflow.
  3. Lin, Seeing as you have "Quoted my Post" its only fair that I take the oppurtunity to reply to your's... 1) I have absolutely no issues concerning your Post wherein you recommend 'SpyDoctor' and your personal approach to rectifying the effects of the 'CoolWeb Search' parasite, so I wonder why it was necessary for you to "Quote" me in the 1st instance ?....What's your point ? 2) It's regrettable that you suffered the 'Coolweb' infection, but please be aware that many Forum Contributors have suffered the same fate over the past 2 years and if memory serves me correctly I was one of the first Engineers to tackle this problem on this Forum,some two years ago. 3) When 'Posting' to the Forum ONE MUST AT ALL TIMES consider those PC Users who are not technically competent to undertake the 'remedial actions' you propose, particularily in the case of 'CoolwebSearch' which ultimately requires manual intervention by the PC.User and therin lies the 'crux' of the problem ~ the vast majority of Forum Members simply do not have these skills. 4) On your viewpoint of 'Windows Date Stamping' everything ~ that's simply not true. There are variants of 'Coolweb' which alter the System Clock and others which are perfect clones of the origional Dll's (date and all) and others which have no other function but to alter various BHO Objects within 'Windows Internet Explorer' which I am sure you are aware is virtually unfixable once certain 'core components' are damaged. So the moral of the story remains the same:- * DONT BECOME INFECTED * PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE * PRACTICE GOOD PC.MANAGEMENT * CHOOSE YOUR A/V SOFTWARE CAREFULLY And for god's sakes let Microsoft get on with their job of cleaning up their Software with 'Beta-1' which is free for everybody.... Brian.Conflow.
  4. For:-2EZ Personally I would try it out..... Why not make a 5 Slide Show with JPeg 2000 or download the 'Converter to JPeg2000' (as I indicated) and use it to make 5 Slides of JPeg 2000 ? As I said, it depends whether the Image Viewer can support the Format and more importantly will your Hardware Monitor/Video Card support it ? Only one thing to do...try it out ~ at least if it doesn't work then I am quite sure that Igor our Administrator/Show Designer will make it work in the interests of the PTE Software. Brian.Conflow.
  5. Reformatting Drive & Restore Ronnie, When things become so bad that a "reformat" is the last resort most people go to a Technician and ask for a 'Reformat' but please,please,please SAVE MY FILES !! There is Reformatting A and also Reformatting B...let me explain:- 1) Reformat A 1) Answer Most people try and restore the System from a previous date known to be 'un-infected' and re-load from there. They mistakenly call this reformat and restore ~ it can work PROVIDED ALL INFECTIONS were remover from the PC in the 1st.instance and the current 'Registry' was washed (its most likely damaged anyway). For most ordinary folk it simply doesn't work because they have no means of clearing the infected/damaged Registry in current use. So as soon as they Log-Off and Reboot, the "infections" simply invade the restoration Registry they have just installed. 2) Reformat B 2) Answer Correct Method * Remove the Infected HD-Drive from the PC and install it into a "Services Dual-Drive PC" now remove and 'Wash the Files' and drop them into the 2nd. Clean HD. * Completely Erase & Wipe the "Origional Infected HD-Drive" and reinstall XP or 2000 or whatever. * Now re-install the 'Washed Files' to the cleaned HD and re-install it into the Clients PC. * Then 're-Initialise' the System plus all Drivers plus the CD-Rom & Floppy Drivers et al. Its a very 'messy long job' ~ unfortunately there is no quicker way of doing this apart from buying a New Drive and re-loading it with Windows ~ but you have lost your Files & Drivers. Brian.Conflow.
  6. Hi Ronnie, The most important thing to do is to approach the A/V Dilema in a professional manner. To do this, get out a sheet of paper and write down the following:- Questions: 1) Do I need "Static Protection" or "Live On-Line Protection" (depends on the PC) 2) Do I have a Firewall ? is it active and effective ? 3) I'm thinking about an A/V Program ~ Is this "Registered" with the Spynet Community ? 4) Can the A/V Program be "Uninstalled" if it conflicts with the Firewall...(thats vital)..many cant. 5) Does my PC have the Microsoft SP2 and/or the SP6 upgrade installed ? 6) Is my PC running Microsoft .NET Framework.?...This indexes all your PC.Files,which currently would be unindexed. 7) Microsoft Beta-1 (V2)...damn it, they designed the Operating System we use, so who better to protect it ? NOTES a) Beta-1 works best when 'cross-linked' with programs which are Registered with the SpyNet Community Group which are using the SARC Technology. This allows you silent 'Automatic-Connectivity' to the Groups Super-Computer System set up by Microsoft,Norton,and many other A/V Manufacturers. c) The reason its called "Beta" at this juncture is to allow intergration time to other A/V Manufacturers who are intending becomming Members of the SpyNet Community. d) Beta-1 ~ By itself DOES NOT HAVE all the answers, but the combined 'SARC Cross-Linking' of other specialists within the Group, certainly does, and its an automatic service. So its a matter of spending a few minutes with pen and paper and deciding what to do. Brian.Conflow.
  7. Hi 2EZ, Welcome to the Forum ~ There really is no main-stream support as yet for the 'New Jpeg 2000 Format' but the following may help you:- 1) Your 'Image Viewer' must support the JPeg 2000 Format. 2) Your PC.Monitor/Video Card must have the correct driver ~ test to see if it works ! 3) Get on to www.snapfiles.com and type in 'JPeg Compressor' ~ there is a utility that will convert standard JPegs to JPeg 2000 with a compression advantage of 3:1 without loss of quality. May be useful to Forum Members. 4) Alternatively contact the Program Home Page...www.anything3d.com... A reversal Program is also available from that author...Jpeg 2000 to Standard JPeg. Hope this Helps, Brian.Conflow.
  8. Hi Ron,Ken,Lin, Lin, I have read your Post and I appreciate that your views are purely from a personal experience. In the matter of the Coolweb Parasites, I only wish that your explaination as to the 'operation and resident methodology' of these was as simple as you have indicated ~ unfortunately its not ~ for the reason that the 'Coolweb Parasite' clones genuine PC Dll Files and assumes the real-time name of such Files, consequently you may have up to 10 Dll's with the same name ~ Which one is the genuine File ??. (Dll is a Dynamic Linked Library) Ron. We also have the 'Invisible Clones' which hide behind the Browser also those that 'Auto-Boot' from Memory (which Lin mentioned) and those that boot from within the 'PC.System INI' and those that create 'Alias CAB Files' parked within the 'Windows CAB Library System' and others that get into A/V programs with the intent of disabling them. Serious problem's arise when you start to remove these "Dll Clones" ~ for each one you remove the 'Win.INI System File' or 'Explorer INI File' has been modified by the parasite to auto-replicate the "clone" elsewhere in the System ~ ergo, unless one really knows what one is doing, the act of removing these can do more damage to the PC even to the extent of destroying the Win.INI or Explorer INI System - now you don't have a Computer. The question of 'attached' Trojans & Monkeys in the 'Coolweb Parasite' is purely the Hackers' attempt to prevent you from interfering with his criminal masterpiece. So the moral of the story is:- DONT LET THEM IN AT SOURCE.... Ken, In the past both Ken & I have gone to great lenghts in our own individual ways to advise Forum Members as to the following:- 1) Install a Firewall. 2) Use "Real-Time-(Always Active)-On Line Filtering & Script Protection" 3) Use A/V Programs that are Registered Members of the SpyNet Community. 4) Use A/V Programs that deploy 'SARC Technology'...(see my 1st post on this page) Microsoft Microsoft have not wasted millions developing their 'Microsoft Beta-1 A/V Program' just for the fun of it ~ its estimated that these 'hackers' have cost the Company in excess of $5billion in lost sales due to these activities, so it was in their interest to put a stop to these activities, the answer being Microsoft Beta-1 A/V program...its free. If you have been infected please contact a reputible PC.Technician and let them address your problem ~ Coolweb & variants is something that the average Forum Member CAN NOT FIX by themselves. Hope this helps a little further, Brian.Conflow.
  9. PC PRIVACY ISSUE In my last post I had forgot to mention the issue of PC Privacy ~ whereby you are "invisible" on the Net when processing your EMails and Attachments. I recommended an EMail Client Manager such as "Avir". Extracted Quote below:- MAIL CLIENT - We now use 'Avir Mail Client' which can handle up to 9 EMail Addresses.This utility makes 'proxy access' directly to your Server where you can read your Mail safely without identifying yourself to the Mail Senders. In effect you are invisible. Brian.Conflow.
  10. Hi Ron & Ken and All, In my last post I mentioned that a group of us sat down (for a few days) and brain-stormed this subject. Two Microsoft OEM Manufacturing Engineers, two Senior Programmers, and three Application Engineers ~ I being one of them. Our conclusions were very simple,viz:- Protection falls into 2 Catagories:- 'Static Protection' and 'Real-Time Protection' The choice of Catagory is very much dependent on the Operating System you are using,viz:- Window '95 - '98 - '98se By the nature of these Op-Systems its very difficult to install 'Real-Time Protection' (Always On) for the reason that Memory resources are quite low and Processor Speeds are usually low and these systems are DOS-Based. Consequently the only protection you can deploy is a Static Firewall such as 'Sysgate' and an A/V Program such as Norton, McAfee, Avast and others. (I know it works but I don't recommend Grisofts A/V because it has no Uninstaller) INSTALL SPYBOT to immunise the system. Any further extensions beyond this burns up too much Memory and slows up the PC to the extent where its virtually unusable. Windows XP (Versions Sp2-Sp6) These Systems can deploy 'Real-Time Protection (Always-On) ~ they have an excellent inbuilt 'Firewall' ~ provided its switched on. They also support the Microsoft Beta-1 (V2) AntiSpyware,Anti Virus package, where in conjunction with Norton 2005 and the installation of Spybot makes the system fairly bullet-proof and most of all "Auto-Fixable" if attacked. (Microsofts .NET Framework furthers enhances the PCs' immunity if installed) Window 2000 and 2000.Pro Very much built on the NT System these Op-Systems are as tough as 'old boots' and can take terrible punishment. They are not as "bloated" as XP, therefore tend to run faster given the same Processor but most importantly they are an excellent 'bridge-head' between the older Systems and XP and Virtual PC...the McIntosh Clone Program. They also run 'Real-Time Protection' and in all Applications are as in the XP paragraph above. So at the end of the day ~ Its a personal choice whether to run 'Static Protection' or 'Real-Time Protection. Whats the down-side of 'Real-Time Protection' ? a) Boot-Up is much slower. PC Speed drops by about 10% ~ this is not noticed if you have a reasonable fast Processor and at least 250mB of Memory. You also have Pop-Up Windows asking questions (resident time 2 secs) ~ However these abate with time as the PC gets used to your methods of operations. c) Contary to the 'old wives tale' ~ Real-Time Protection' does not interfer with the operation of the PC. Worthwhile ~ Very much so, particularily if you use the Net above 1 Hour per day. Brian.Conflow.
  11. Safety-Security-Privacy Hi Ron & Ken, Well Ken apart from 'walking' Granot out of his mess, I also had to do some 'walking' last March when I was attacked by 'Coolweb and a Backdoor Trojan' simultaneously ~ the consequential destruction, the likes I never saw before ~ this despite having a '3 Comm Hardware Firewall' and being on a secure Business Server (A Bankers Server) with the usual A/V Software described by Ken. Some of our Irish Banks and U.S Banks got "ripped-off" on that weekend of 13th.March. A group of us decided -enough is enough- so we sat down and worked through a routine that would offer the best of all compromises across the various Windows Platforms. 1) FIREWALL - This is an absolute necessity if you are not using XP-Sp2 which has its own Firewall, provided of course you have not allowed 'Exceptions' to access thro' the Firewall. 2) MAIL CLIENT - We now use 'Avir Mail Client' which can handle up to 9 EMail Addresses.This utility makes 'proxy access' directly to your Server where you can read your Mail safely without identifying yourself to the Mail Senders. In effect you are invisible. 3) NORTON 2005 - This version of Norton is now linked to the new 'SpyNet Community' in co-operation with Microsoft and others. It uses the latest SARC algorithms (Submit & Receive Confirmations) with anything suspicious. 4) MICROSOFT BETA-1 V2 This is the 2nd version of 'Microsoft-Beta-1' A/V Program and my god is it awesome ! ~ it also co-operates with the SpyNet Community using the SARC System. So now we have a number of 'Super-Computers' tied together and active at all times 24/7. 5) BOTH PROGRAMS - Are dynamically active at all times, even when 'OffLine' and they share facilities with all Members of the SpyNet Community. 6) BACKUP A/V - The new version of 'Spybot' is probably the best for the reasons that it actually 'Immunises your PC' against a Blacklist of known rogue sites now numbering +2000. It also works silently in the background (within the PCs' Operating System) and interrogates anything that slips past the Firewall and the other 2 Programs. Its a very effective Cleaner. 7) DAMAGE LIMITATION - The combination of these 4 utilities really get down to the business of attacking the Virus & Phising Vendors - in reality Microsoft & Parteners are now counter attacking these "rogues" where up to lately they simply 'purged' your PC after the damage was done. 8) THESE SYSTEMS will not only 'purge' your PC they are actively using counter-measures against these villians and the newer version of Microsoft Beta-1 will actually "fix" your PC if you are using .Net Framework. All this has happened within the past year with more advances due in December ~ Hope this helps, Brian.Conflow.
  12. Hi Tim, I have been using PTE since version 4.10 right up to the latest version ~ I always used FM.Quality Sound @ 22050Hz Sample, MP3 Format with no problems at all with any version of PTE. The reason being to 'save space' and the facts are that one can't tell the difference with 'run of the mill Loudspeakers' anyway. Platforms used over time were '98 - 2000 and XP. Having said that, make sure that your 'Bits per Sample' is set to 16 bps and the Bitrate is 96kbps which is default FM.Stereo Radio settings at 22050Hz Sample Rate. I'm at wits end as to your reasoning, why are you converting the MP3 (Mono '78 Disc Audio Files) back to WAV ?? - there is nothing to be gained here except trouble ! Perhaps I have the wrong end of the 'stick' Brian.Conflow.
  13. Thanks Guy's, Al, I'm breakin' my sides laughing about your Feline visitor ~ don't all female's love the comforts of life, Cat's included ~ but the 'moggy' taking up residence on top of your Monitor, that really takes the biscuit !!!!....or should that be called, "Catnapped" Wonderful story, Brian.Conflow.
  14. Malcolm, I agree with Guido, your question is unclear ? You may not be aware that their are..."7 World Regional DVD Specifications"...and many DVD Players are 'regional specific' ~ meaning that they will only operate with DVD's specially burnt for your Continent or Region...so first, let's know where you are...and I am sure that Guido can take it up from there. Brian.Conflow.
  15. Hi Guys, I would like to reply concerning the 'Mini-Test Program' but at the moment I am back on 'Conflow Radio on 56kHZ' as my VHF Service has failed ~ that damn Cat ! We have a Mini-Server here complete with a Programming Keyboard and we recently found out that 'Eric the Cat' simply loves going On-Line ~we found him pouncing around on the Keyboard~ and my god did he mess up the Software....@#$%&* !!! So bear with me till we sort out the 'mess' and I shall get back to you when we restore the VHF Service. Really, what can a person do but laugh ! Brian.Conflow (AM Radio)
  16. JIMS HEARING Hi Jim, Nothing wrong with your Head,nor Hearing,nor Headphones ~ you have just experienced an acoustical anomoly ~ I bet you were wearing a set of 'Stetescope Phones' or the so called 'Semi-Pro Phones' which enclose the entire ear. These types work on the principle of "compressive wave effect" (differentials in athmospheric pressure) where ordinary Phones work on the principle of "acoustic wave effect" (airbourne travelling waves). The former produce "pure sound" which doesn't exist in nature due to background colour and noise, however these Phones are great for analytical work and noisy environments such as Aircraft where sound-clarity is of paramount importance. For them to work properly its assumed that the 'inner-ear' is working properly particularily the 'eustachian tube' ~ the pressure balancer between the inner-ear and throth. If this is blocked (or too old) you will suffer 'acoustic cancellation' because the ear can not equalise the back-pressure on the rear of the 'ear-drum' ~ its the very reason that Medics put Pilots through the Mill in their regular "Hearing Tests'. Hope this explains all, and as I have said before, hearing is such a personal thing ! Brian.Conflow
  17. Hi Fried, Obviously you are new-comer to PTE ~ and Welcome. I do a lot of 'Technical Presentation' to Railway Engineers and Students, and I am heavily involved in 'Electronic Systems Development' and PTE is the only Presentation System that "cuts ice" with these hard-bitten Engineers on account of its flexibility and stability and control of presentation. Having said that, human error comes into play and I have lost count on the number of times I have made a "Bo-Bo"with the presentations. In theory your approach is quite correct but believe me, in practice it simply doesn't work out ~ may I suggest a few things that will work,viz:- 1) Detailed Check-Sheet Make up and 'print out' an Excel Worksheet. List every piece of equipment on to it, right down to the Multi-Outlet Power Adapter and extension lead and a cheap Laser Pointer not forgetting a small 15 watt Desklamp...thats the most important item ! 2) Make-Up a Test Show I made up a small 30 sec. Auto/Manual-Show complete with a 'Grey-Scale Slide' and 'Colour-Hatch Slide' together with a 'Standard-Sound Level of 440Hz @ Odb Level' and another sound recording with a Steel-Band (lots of Tymps & Percussions) ~ This tiny Show sorts out all the Set-Up problems. 3) Pre-Show Setup the PC Arrive at least an hour before the Audience starts to trickle in ~ within that time set up your PC and Monitor and Sound-System and get all personal Systems up and going to your satisfaction. 4) Projector Set-Up This is the 'tricky part' ~ however at this stage you know that you have Standard Signal Levels established and everything else is down to the Projector. Unfortunately this is a matter of 'suck-it and see' ~ alternatively ask the Forum Members for their advice on the best performer. This 4 Stage Planning-Technique WILL MINIMISE your errors and go a long way to a successful presentation. Best of Luck... Brian.Conflow.
  18. Hi Beth, Long time, no hear from ~ Personally I agree with Maureen, PTE is not the place to incorporate 'Twin Monitor Utilities' ~ Had this been a viable proposition Adobe Photoshop would have done it long ago. When using Twin Monitors there are 2 ways to go about it, the Software Way and the Hardware Way. The 'Software Way' (which you use) is very limited in all respects as its using Duplex Video algorithms which considerably slow's down your PC as you are asking it to 'twin-task' and PCs' are not designed to 'twin-task'. The 'Hardware Way' is the best approach. There are 'Twin-Monitor Adapters' available from many Video Card Manufacturers complete with Installation Software which completely removes the burden away from your PC. Costs from 60 ~ 200 Sterling. This is the way 'Giant TV Screens' are driven...aka...BBC.Tv and Sky.Tv and Outdoor Concerts. Hope this helps. Brian.Conflow.
  19. Hi Tim, Just make up a 'Blank Slide' with your 'Screen Background Colour' ~ it can be Black, Blue, Grey or White,whatever you choose.Then set its 'PTE options' to what you want. An easy way of doing this is to open your Windows Word Program. go to 'File' and then select 'New'...a new Blank (white) Document will open...now select 'View'...then...'Toolbars'..now choose the 'Drawing Toolbar'...when this opens,find 'Fill Colour'...now colour your Blank Page and save it as a Gif File. Import this into PTE as your 'Blank Slide' ~ Hope this helps, Brian.Conflow.
  20. Hi Fried, A program that I have been using for years is 'AudioCrusher' (one word) from www.sysdeck.de. Its also available as 'Freeware' from www.webattack.comsimply go to this site and type AudioCrusher in the Search Window and Clk. the Freeware Only button. The program has a lot going for it in that its very simple to use and also uses Digital Extraction of the origional WMA materials and uses a number of in-built encoders for Raw Audio, MP3,Wav and many more. It also auto-identifies the 'Playing CD Drive' and comes complete with its own internal Player so you can hear the Music as you convert it. Most importantly, it doesn't "Hog" your PC Resources nor plaster itself into every Music File on the PC which other programs do ~ Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  21. Hi Ron, There are 1000mB in 1gB, so if you files are 30mB, then you will get about 30 Files into a 1000mB x 250gB = 7500 Files ~ However your access time to retrieve certain Files is going to be quite long using this new Hard Drive. Better to organise it into Libraries and access individual Libraries and then the contained Files. An alternative method is the 'Raid System' (Multi-Disc System) and as I recall I think Ken Cox is using this method with some success ? By the way, did you recieve the Microphone Data I sent you ? Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  22. Hi Tim, Just catching up with this 'thread' ~ had been busy for a few days. Your show works fine with my 'Win.2000.Pro' ~Graphics & Sound perfect ! Delighted to see that Igor sorted you out, and that you are still with us. Brian.Conflow.
  23. Ron & Ken Ken, I had already looked-up the Audigy Web Site and examined the Tech.Specs for the 'Stand-Alone' version of Ronnies 'Sound Module' he is not using the Platinum Model, and for the Standard Model it simply says....Mic Input ...nothing else,no data at all. It's the reason I asked him to get this clarified from Creative Labs ~ but many thanks for the helpful suggestion. Ron, Also like Ken I can't get through to you on... ronnieboothwest@aol.com ~ its being rejected by an 'Inter-Server' ~ it may be that you have your Security Settings too high, in which case it will reject 'Rich Text Format' EMails but may receive 'Plain Text ~ check same. Brian.Conflow.
  24. Hi Ron...Lets get back to simple basics:- a) Unknown to you - 98% of all Mics supplied with PCs' are Mono-Mics fitted with a 3.5mm Mini-Stereo Jack Plug. The Mono-Mic is wired as a 'Stereo-Mic' ~ Within the PC its signal is split equally between Left & Right Channels.(Its not Stereo) c) The Problem arises because some Sound Card Manufacturers provide a genuine 'Stereo-Mic Input' with Stereo-Mic PreAmp. Now,the thorny Question again... Is the Audigy Mic Input a Mono-Input with a Mono-Jack Plug or a Stereo-Input with a Stereo-Jack Plug ?? Please copy and send this Post to Audigy and get an answer I don't want to recommend a Mic to you and then find out that it doesn't work...@#$%??...not nice. Brian.Conflow.
  25. To:- Tim, Having read your last Post it looks to me that it's something else rather than 'Micro-Breaks' in the BM.Track. 1) When I say try a short excerpt from any CD-Music Disc ~why not copy a CD-Track as a WAV File and try that out with your PTE Test Show ~ it seems a logical thing to do ? 2 Following down from what Ken Cox and Dave.G just wrote and the fact that your PC seems to be 'ultra-fast' ~ I am just beginning to wonder is it the case that your 'Memory Buffer Time' is simply too short for PTE. 3) Personally I would try a WAV File in place of the MP3 and see what happens ??[/U] Brian.Conflow. P.S I know this is no consolation,but there are nearly 1500 Members signed up to this Forum and I can't recall any Member with this particular problem which seems "unique" to your PC. So don' give up just yet, lets try and get to the bottom of it. PTE is well worth every effort put into it.
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