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Everything posted by Conflow

  1. To: Steve Steve, Have a look at the thread in the subject 'New Development' where you will find a suggestion which may answer your 'CD-Copy Piracy' problem. Brian.Conflow.
  2. To: Al Robinson Hi Al, Yes I agree with you - its also the reason that I mooted the idea of a '4 Digit Pin Number' which is known exclusively to the Author of the Show and all those members whom by commercial necessity need to protect their 'Copyright' - this quite apart from ones Purchase Receipt No. That '4 Digit Pin Number' could be made to prevent 'CD-Copy Piracy' in that the recipient of the CD would find it impossible to 'Copy the CD' - this feature is now commonplace in purchased Music CD's and would certainly answer the threads followed by Ron West and others on this page. Brian.Conflow.
  3. Addressed to Igor Igor, Your suggestion is excellent - after all, everybody uses a Credit Card or Laser Card or Cash Save Card at their local 'ATM Cash Dispense Machine' - "Tough Nuts" if they are stupid enough to forget their 'Pin Number' - I don't, you don't, most people don't forget their Pin Number. Igor, keep it simple, 4/5 Digits selectable, is quite enough. Forget about the origional Author access/deny utility- it's really not needed - (excepting protection against Program Piracy) Sure, there are those who are going to disagree with my opinion - but- they would also disagree with the acceptable use of the simple Worldwide "Bank Pin Number" - it seem's to work for most people. Brian.Conflow.
  4. NEW UNDO FEATURE Hi Igor, That's good news about the 'New Undo Feature' ~ it was sorely needed ~ and I must admit I had been working on such. Security Igor,may I suggest that the 'Undo Feature' be dependent on a 'Security Code Entry Box' this to protect the Photographic Copyrights of many Forum Members and your own interests. A simple 4 Digit Pin Code would suffice. Enter the 4 digit code **** when you make an Exe and there after, the Exe can only be undone when the user re-enters the 4 digit code **** Regards, Brian.Conflow.
  5. To:- Bill Artman-Clicking Sounds Bill, May I ask a few questions about your Music Tracks - apparently you are using MP3's ! 1) From where are you getting the origional Music Tracks:- CD or Radio or Disc or Tape or TV ? 2) How are you getting those 'Tracks' into your PC:- CD Player- Tape Player- HiFi Amp- Line In- Aux In ? 3) What are you using to convert those 'Tracks' into MP3's ? 4) Are you using a Sound Editor to join those 'Tracks' together ? Answers to these simple questions will more than likely identify the source of the 'Clicks' Brian.Conflow.
  6. Yes, there is another Way.... But it costs a few Dollars...It's an "Installing Packager for Exe Files" and many people on the Forum have seen the one we use, not to be confused with a Zip File ! It works like this, put in the CD and a Program Installation Windows appears..Follow the instructions and it 'parks' a copy of the Slide Show on your PC. under the 'Installer Icon'..this is not the PTE Icon nor the PTE Exe which is 'boxed'up inside the Installer and impossible to get at. The 'Installer' is not dependent on a CD, it can be 'Zipped Up' and sent over the Wires. Even if you open up the CD and view its Contents all you see is the 'Installer Exe' and its Inf.File and the Dat.File. Such utilities are available from:- http//www.snapfiles.com Simply type in the Search Window....Program Installers. Brian.Conflow.
  7. Hi Eric, Delighted to hear you are up and running...so it was a 'sharing conflict'...not with Norton but within the Nero NV3 Program itself. The same thing used to happen when you use the 'Nero Sound Editor'..for a while they allow you to use their 'MP3Pro.Codec' then it ceases to function and there after you are obliged to buy it - apparantely that particular problem is now resolved. No withstanding,I must admit that the 'Sound Editor' is absolutely brilliant,superb quality ! It would appear that the NV3 (Upgrade) detected the presence of the NV2 device on the PC and simply locked-up (that's quite common,refer to Windows). Considering that you now have a new interface, thats say's to me that NV2 has been de-commissioned and put to bed. May I suggest that you 'burn a copy' of NV2 and NV3 and the Patch just in case a future problem rears its head. All the best. Brian.Conflow.
  8. Hi Eric, Thanks for the reply. My Post was concerned with readers trying to 'upgrade' supplied Burner Packaged Software which came with the CD-DVD Burner. It seems to me that there is a 'sharing conflict' between NV2 and NV3 - perhaps NV2 needs to be uninstalled first - but then that makes 'nonsense' of an upgrade. You may not know that 'Ahead Nero' is a Multi-File sharing program and sometimes Symantecs Norton A/V interferes with with shared files. Its usual for 'Nero' to request that you shut-down all running Programs (such as Norton) - in fact, anything that's in the System Tray that you know to be running, alternatively RH.Clk each item to see status. As a last resort you may need to contact Ahead Nero and see if they have a [problem. Brian.Conflow.
  9. Eric, May I ask you where you obtained 'Nero 6' in the 1st.instance ? and 'Vision Express' ??? You see, if you recently bought a 'DVD-Burner' this would have come with a chopped down versions of 'Nero 6' or 'Nero Vision Express'.These are 'Limited Licence Software' purchased by the DVD-Manufacturer Full Nero 6 and Full Vision Express are usually 'purchased' Licence Software and the upgrades apply to these products solely. Upgrades do not apply to 'Burner Packaged Software' When you attempt to 'upgrade' existing Nero Software it scans your PC to determine what software version's have been previously installed (purchased or freebie), note the word ...previously... There is only 3 ways out of this dilema (a) Purchase the Full Program...( Attempt to removethe illegal upgrade.© Re-Install your Burner Software from your Installation Disc. If you attempt the latter ©...YOU MUST REMOVE all existing Nero Software, Close down the PC and Restart from afreshotherwise it won't 'Reload' properly. I know, I have been there, but first I copy-burnt the 'Nero Files' prior to 'Un-installing' them. Brian.Conflow Services.
  10. Derek' I received your EMails via the Forum - I do not understand your 'Terminology'?? I returned a 'Reply' to you through the Forum. In that reply, I requested your EMail Address so I could personally reply to you 'off-forum' - whereafter I may be able to help you, or point you in the right direction. Brian.Conflow. conflow@iol.ie
  11. ZIPPER PROGRAMS Readers might like to follow up on a New Topic....'Dirty Zipper Programs'....posted today 1-5-05 Brian.Conflow
  12. WARNING FREEBIE ZIPPER PROGRAMS To:- Photomom, Granot, and Readers - Following on from a thread 'EMailing EXE.Zip Files' - I hate to be the one to throw cold water on the notion of Freebie Zipper programs. There are many such programs on the Web such as the likes of:- ZipIt, FreeZip, ZipNow...I am not singling out any one in particular but i am warning Forum Readers NOT TO DOWNLOAD any such utility unless you know for a fact that the program is above board. There are many which 'auto-associate' their Program with EVERY FILE ON YOUR PC and also invade your Browser. These programs seriously interfer with your File Management System and with other on-board Windows Utilities such as any generic UnZipper, Adobe PDF Reader, and any Photo-Graphics Program capable of compressing Files such as Photoshop. They rarely have an 'Uninstaller' and try removing them manually,impossible....... May I suggest a Program which we have used for years, its from Bulgaria, and the owners are into Shareware & Professional Software for larger clients but their program 'Big-Speed Zipper' is Free/Trial for personal usage. It's very much like PTE in Interface. available from:- www.bigspeed.net...Their Website is well worth a visit. Brian.Conflow.
  13. Back again Chris, Indeed Ken Cox is quite correct - 'Autorun' is usually deployed to automatically start a CD-Disc inserted into the PC, example:- When you insert a 'Music CD' into the PC and it starts to play. Sometimes the folks in Russia don't quite understand our vernacular English which leads to some confusion. I really need to know what Computer System you are using...I have asked 3 times... Without that data I can't really help you. Brian.Conflow.
  14. Chrish, What Operating System are you using ? -- give me some details ? It seems that the PC.System can't recognise this 'File of Types' I will go into it later when I get the PC. details. By the way are you using an 'Apple Mac' ? Brian.Conflow. P.S...don't change anything you have done so far.
  15. Shawn Donnelly, Best of luck with the Project on Friday ~ Brian.Conflow.
  16. Hi Chris, Got your reply, just a few questions on the assumption that Norton is O.K. and the PC is O.K I am also working on the assumption that you dont have a resident Downloader Folder ? 1) What Win.System are you using ? Win '98 or XP or 2000 ? 2) Prior to downloading Zip Files you really need to create a resident 'Download Folder' on the PC. 3) Open Windows Explorer and somewhere in the Right-Hand Window select an empty space and RH.Clk and on the dropdown menu select 'New' - clk.that and give the New Folder a name,eg:- Downloads. 4) Now download PTE again and save it into 'Downloads' and put a Downloads shortcut on the Desktop. 5) Open the Download Folder from the Desktop and 'double-clk' the Program Zip - if it asks you do you want Downloads to be a favourite Zip Folder, say yes, then select 'Unzip' or alternatively select 'Unzip & Install' - It will ask you where to install, say Program Files, and when finished close the Zip Window. 6) On some PCs' the PTE Software will self-install - put in in Program files. NEVER PUT A LIVE PROGRAM ON THE DESKTOP - IT CREATES MANY PROBLEMS. Hope this helps, Brian.Conflow.
  17. Hi Chris, Welcome to the Forum. Concerning your 'corrupted file' ? can you advise as to what Anti-Virus Software you are using and is it up to date ? Recently there has been a spate of vicious 'Web Page Hijackers' at work and many innnocent people are suffering the consequences particularily those who listen to Web Cast Music and Radio Stations and iPod Tunes etc.... Such listeners run the gauntlet of over an 80% chance of 'infection' unless they have implimented self preservation procedures...its most likely to be the reason for your 'corrupted download' . PTE comes from a secure Server but that's no guarantee that some 'so-and-so' has not parked something on your PC prior to the download. Let's know how you get on and if the problem persists come back on Line and we will attempt a remedy - Brian.Conflow.
  18. To:- DaveG and Shawn, Hi Dave & Shawn, You're dead right Dave about Mp3's and JPegs - they are both 'lossy compression' systems and the more you...'Save As'....the more you are compressing them and eroding them. Mpegs If you want to work in and 'preserve' MPegs you really need the 'Lossless Mp3.Pro Encoder' which costs money but you can import it into a Sound Editor such as 'Audacity' which is free. Shawn, you really need a Sound Editor to do what you want, Audacity is 'free' and very good. Another is the 'Nero Sound Editor' - its superb, it's lossless, it comes with Mp3.Pro Encoder and VU Sound Meters - its probably the finest semi-pro product out there. Costs about 50 Euro. JPegs There are special 'Lossless' JPeg Editors available (non-compresssors) but they have serious problems with Script Fonts...really not worth the hassle. Better to do all your pre-edit work in a program such as 'Paint.NET' - its Microsofts version of Photoshop - its free. Also consider Pre-Editing in GIF Images rather than JPeg - then when you are ready, convert the lot to JPegs - Audacity will do that for you. Brian.Conflow.
  19. Shawn, I just posted details as to why you were getting 'slipping synchronisation' - did you read it ? Now I note that you are trying to start the Music from the 2nd Slide with 'Custom Synch' You probably don't realise that PTE can handle multiple 'Sound Tracks' and ever overlay them. 1) You can make an MP3 to play as the 'entire' Background Music File - simply add the track to the Show with the Music Tab on the Main Control Screen. 2) Alternately you could 'add' a Sound Track to any Slide through its own Customisation Window. 3) You can 'add' Silence to the start of the main Background Music Track whereas you may need to insert a commentary on Slide.1. without interference from the Background Music. In fact you can insert...silence...anywhere within the Timeline to facilitate another Sound. Hope this simply explains the 'whys and wherefores' of the PTE Sound Utilities. Brian.Conflow.
  20. KEYCODE ENTRY SOLUTION Hi Ron, Here is the answer to your problem,viz:- A) When you receive your EMail with the Registration Key go to the bottom of the EMail and find the following script:- Line 1.......REGEDIT4 Line 2.......[HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\Software\PTE] Line 3......."KEY="OvFigforSbqOYV8U etc,etc,etc...........etc..... INSTRUCTIONS a)..Simply highlight the entire Line 3 above and RH.Clickit and select Copy. (start with "KEY=....etc) ..Find "Notepad" and open it with a LH.Click. c)..Put the Cursor into the middle of 'Notepad' and RH.Clickit and Paste-in the Copy Key Code of Line 3.. d)..Now select "Save As" under File in top RH.Corner of 'Notepad'. e)..When "Save As" opens it will be in the PTE4.40 Folder - if not find the Program Folder. Now give the Key-Copy a File Name,call it....KEY... It will appear in the PTE Folder. f)..Now open PTE.EXE and select the 'Registration Window' and you will see your Key-Copy File therein. Simply LH.Clickit and it vanishes into the PTE.EXE Window. THATS IT...... Brian.Conflow. P.S Every time you download a 'new copy' of PTE to a 'New Folder' make sure you 'drag' the Notepad.doc into the New Folder - it 'auto-registers' itself -
  21. Hi Derek, Some of us are not to clear on what you want to do ? Is it that you want PTE to start 'automatically' and do a 'return to' when so instructed by some external Program ? - could you expand on your requirement. ~There are many utilities to do this but you need to be more specific~ Brian.Conflow.
  22. Show Synchronising For: S Donnelly. When you 'Free-Wheel' the Show to a Music Track - despite how well you manually synched it - it will always drift back and forth even on your own Computer. Initially,this might not be evident to you,but if you alter or remove a Program from the Start Menu or even write a Letter, you will see the effect immediately. The reason is simply explained,viz:- Every PC has a 'bulk-load schedule' which it processes in a finite 'time-span' measured in milliseconds and always repeating this task. Because each PC has a different and varying 'bulk-load' therefore the processing timing-spans will be different for each PC and of course PTE reflects this immediately. However when one uses PTE Auto-Synchronisation - 'timing marks' are imposed on the Show Time-Line. The PC see's these as a 'priority instruction set' and processes the Show accordingly even on external PC's. The PTE Custom-Synch Utility is similar in action, except in this case, you decide where the 'timing marks' are positioned. I hope this simple explaination beats a path through the 'Synchro Confusion' Brian.Conflow.
  23. Embedded Files in PTE Lin, Al & Jim. Hi All, There is a very simple way of doing what Lin requires,viz:- 1) When you complete your Show and make your 'Master Exe' simply go to...File (top LH.Corner)and select Templates, now make a Template and give it a name - this will be stored in the Main PTE Folder. 2) When you Burn your CD,simply open the PTE Folder and drag the Template into the Burner, it couldn't be simpler. 3) When you open the CD you will see the Template Folder - open it...and LH.Clk on the PTE*doc and the entire Show opens up in PTE (complete with Music) ready to re-edit. Personally I always store my Shows on CD's as Templates and make Exe's when I wish. I hope this helps ? Brian.Conflow.
  24. JRR Your Post No:571 Hi Jim, I will try and make this simple for you with 4 points plus (a)+( 1)...You need the .NET Framework Utility to run any .NET Program such as 'Paint Net' and others coming on Line - its Free ! 2)...The .NET Framework Utility is 100% compatible with all existing MS.Programs on XP,2000,ME etc; and does not alter them. 3)...It has absolutely no detrimental effect on PTE nor your CD-Utilities I have tested it with 'old' and new PTE Discs. 4)...It makes many 'Non MS.Programs' run smoother for 2 reasons:- (a) It checks the Program for minor script errors before adopting and registering it to the PC. ( It runs it smoother because the Program is now compatible with the .NET Framework System. Its really that simple and now that I think of it - Ken Cox has it installed, you might like to ask his opinion ? Brian.Conflow.
  25. KEN COX Your Post No:1621 Hi Ken, Many thanks for 'posting' those Links to the .NET Framework and other .NET Programs - It saved me a bundle of time looking them up - I hope other Forum Members will make use of them. Regards, Brian.Conflow.
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