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Hi Fromatoz Your Post No: 28 Welcome again to the Forum, Had you read the preceeding Post to mine you would have seen a request...to explain .NET Framework. The reason for that request is quite simple. Now, I ask you what use is an explaination of a Process without the background which brought it into being by sheer necessity ? There are many members on this Forum who 'export' their PTE Presentations across the World(free gratis) and indeed there are many others who wish to enhance a very good program, namely PTE. These endevours entail an element of 'hi-risk' and anything that minimises that risk by any contribution from any member is worthwhile.... Until you get to know the many helpful people on this Forum (quite a few) who will help you out in the future without comment...may I suggest that you make an effort to contribute something worthwhile other than a snide comment... Brian.Conflow.
NET FRAMEWORK - INTRODUCTION Background Because of the proliferation of 'Hackers' and 'Malicious Script Writers' and the never ending litany of downright malicious persons using the Web for illegal purposes and the recent rise of 'deliberate attacks' against Institutions & Joe Public - something had to be done ! The U.S Congress and the E.C got together and brought out the 'Concord Agreement' against Media Piracy and Hackers who now face 20 years Jail if caught - in truth the World has woken up to the fact that we are now in the era of 'Media Terrorism' which does more damage than any bomb or gun. In answer to these problems and MS.vulnerabilities...Microsoft have adapted a 'Commercial Software Process' know as .NET FRAMEWORK. What is Net Framework - An Analogy Microsoft and others have written millions of small 'Software Utilities' - each has a specific task function and when combined together they become a program such as: Word - Excel - Access. There is an inherent flaw in this modular approach in that each module has a different communication protocol in order for all to work. If we put 10,000 Modules on the Workbench and look at them as 'LEGGO BLOCKS' each of which has 6 sides - Now we run them through a 'SuperComputer' and ask it to make a special 'Key' for each of the 6 sides.....We now have 'LEGGO SOFTWARE MODULES' where each Unit has an Identity Code and Standardised compatibility, somewhat like ISO9000. (Of course there is much more to it) The Advantages *..It makes the PC run much smoother and faster using minimum Ram Memory Resources with Auto-Virtual Memory. *..It offers extreme Program Stability with New.NET Programs and firms up Old Programs against bugs. *..It offers a 'Library of Standard Tools' to Software Designers making their Products stable and cheaper. *..It checks all Software whether its resident or imported - if its O.K its auto-registered on the PC. *..It gives 'Advance Warnings' if something is outside the Registered Specifications.(See below) *..It does not interfer with 'Running Processes'..it mearly pauses them while it checks...about 2/3 secs. *..Its virtually impossible for a 'Hacker' to gain entry to these modules because the...Size,Format, Program Code, and Interconnectivity are ~FIXTURES~ and any intrusion would change that and trigger a response from the new Microsoft A/V Beta 1.0 Program. Summary Having used the system for the past month - I have found it excellent. The spin off benefits are immense - PTE runs much smoother and the Paint.NET Program is really good - Programs work much better with 'Less Crashes' and when you get an advanced 'Hi-Jack Attack' which usually destroys the PC you can remedy it with a combination of:- *..Microsoft A/V Beta 1.0 (Brilliant 'Live On-Line' Scanner) *..Norton Anti-Virus (whose files it uses) *..SpyBot (Seek & Destroy)..The Killer. AND *..You have direct 'Auto-Responder' access to the 'Microsoft Checkers Computers' and the new 'SpyNet Community Database' There you have it, its well worth getting 'geared-up' and getting on top of these Parasites and enjoying the future dimensions in 'Standardised Software' More Data From:- www.microsoft.com/net Hope this is usefull, Brian.Conflow.
Hi Ken, That doesn't surprise me - competition between those two has been fierce - on one hand Adobe is the biggest 'Photo Media & Photo-Text Media' supplier in the World - On the other hand Flash-Macromedia is the 'de-facto' World supplier of 'Web Designer and Animation Tools' such as their Dreamweaver Products which are truly stunning. Following close on their heel's is Microsoft with their new program system '.NET Framework' and a bevy of programs such as their 'Anti-Spyware Beta1.1 Program' and the newest in the stable 'Paint Net 2' - a joint development with Washington State University, its the poor mans' version of Adobe Photoshop and its good ? Wait till you see who's using the .NET Framework:-NASA,Honeywell,Volkswagen,Tesco, SAS Airlines and some of the largest Banks in the World...Thats good enough for me ! I've been using it for the past 3 weeks, and now 'the shock' its free download from Microsoft for '98-XP-2000. Brian.Conflow.
Hi Tom, I had a look at the 2 Example you sent - yep, thats 'JPeg erosion effect' - and yes again it has varying degrees of erosion depending on 'Text Font & Attributes' selected - I found that out the hard way. Another way of seeing the effect is against a 'pale buff/yellow background' - in this case after ...Save As...you will notice a distinct watery 'smear' around the Text and should you 'Save A' a few times you you will see a 'broken echo' of the over written file behind the new Jpeg Image. In my case I was advised to use 'Verdana Font' which is designed for HTML and only use Arial for simple script without 'Bolding'. Another good one is MS Serif and MS Sans Serif but in all cases it only alleviates the problem not cure it. I'm afraid the problem is generic with JPeg (part and parcel of what it is) - There is a way around it but you have to use a "Lossless JPeg Editor" which can be had from www.snapfiles.com- type in JPeg Editors. TECH TIPS 1) Personally I find that GIF Editing has none of these problems and its a simple matter of 'Batch Converting' all the edited Gif's back to JPeg Format in one fell swoop - (Bypassing...Save As) 2) By the way PTE has no problems with handling 'Edited Gif Images' interspersed within the Show, you may like to try that. 3) Another feature is using a 'Gif Transparency' over the origional Image, simply 'Clk' the transparancy box before you..Save As. This only works with external Editors. 4) To create 'Compacted Shows' you can use Gif's and then pass them thro' a 'Gif Optimiser' where after the Show is typically reduced up to 40% of its origional size without loss of quality. Great for HTML - Brian.Conflow
To:- Tom95521 Tom some time ago I had a similar problem as your's - initially I thought it was the fault of the the PTE Text Editor - I was wrong. I had a chat with people in 'Logic Image Ireland' (Pro.Web Designers) and found out that in my case I was going about things the wrong way. When working in HTML one should never save Text Objects as Jpegs for the reason that you are 'double compressing' the Jpeg when you use...Save As.. for the reason that this function 're-writes' the File as a replacement of the origional. The simple 'Save' command is better but still - erosion takes place with too many Saves. Apparently the 'lossy compression' of Jpegs starts to 'erode' the sharpness of 'Text edges' when 'Save As' is used more than twice. This was forceably demonstrated to me by the Graphics Man when he worked in GIF's and then compared the same task in JPeg's. The difference was immediately obvious - So now these days I edit in 'GIFs' and convert to JPeg's for the PTE Presentation. This might be helpful to you - Brian.Conflow.
Hi Igor, I also agree with the two previous Post's - well said Igor, and I fully second your Posted resolution. Concerning the Text Editor:- I appreciate that it has limitations, however I find it more than adequate to do the job it was designed to, namely:- Insert Titles & Captions on Slides ! More that that may require a 'Mini Word Processor' - then some question's must be asked,viz:- a)...Is this really a 'major requirement' in all future versions of PTE ? ...Is this 're-development' really necessary, in the first instance ? c)...Should it be intergrated into a fully 'Operational & Working Program' which took years to develop ? d)...Would it not be better to offer this as an 'Optional Plug-In' to the PTE Program and 'side-step' the risks involved ? If option (d) above was adopted it would have mayor advantages to all concerned,viz:- 1)...Less 'Re-Developments' risks to a very fine Program enjoyed by hundreds of users. 2)...It would provides a choice to those who want such a 'Text Editor' and those who are happy with things as they are. 3)...It would not 'impact' on those who already use other means of 'Text Editing' such as myself. 4)...In this way the PTE Program could forge ahead to PTE V-5.0 without hinderance ! To me this 'suggestion' would appear to satisfy everybodys' demands without compromising the existing PTE Program. Regards to all, Brian.Conflow.
JEANIE Firstly,did you receive the copy of the 'Manual Show' I sent you ??? TEXT EDITOR Secondly, there is a perfectly simple way of generating 'Text Slides' for your Show which is usually overlooked by everybody, I don't know why ? ITS CALLED PAINT 1) Clk. your Start Button--->Programs--->Accessories--->select 'Paint' (put shortcut on desktop) When it opens Clk. the "A" button on the Rh.Tool Panel--->thats your Text Editor. A 'Blank Window' will open together with a 'Font Format' Box, go ahead and type away. Organise your 'Fonts' sizes betwen 18~48.pt -Try Italic Bold - in Verdana,Georgia,Garamond or Monotype Corsiva for a script effect. 2) Now 1st.Time...Save As...give it a Name... (don't worry about the format it will be in Bitmap) 3) Now,under 'File' select 'New' and re-open your Saved File- you can now lasso it and place it anywhere on the 'Blank Window' and you can also re-size the Window and ADD ALL the effects you will ever want..... The thing is so easy to use, it's 'idiot proof' - 4) When finished ALL Work...Save As...Jpeg and simply import it to your Show - It couldn't be easier ! 5) Tech Tip When working with 'Text Image Files' ALWAYS save them as 'Gif's' whilst in Editing Mode. When finished - then and only then, save them as Jpegs. When you successively edit 'Text Jpegs' they start to fall apart badly, this is because you are successively 're-compressing' a compresses file which in itself has a very 'loose' format. Brian.Conflow.
Dot.Net or .NET bHarkins Hi Bill, Here is a simple expalination of the MS.NET Framework:- The Dot.Net System or more precisely 'Microsoft .NET Framework' has been on the go for the past 1½ years. Its a revolutionary approach to Folder & File Management that was 1st used by Apple/MacIntosh, but now its been adopted, changed in concept and 'fully automated' by MS. Its Design Purpose is twofold:- 1)..DESIGNERS Its an extremely powerful Tool for Software & Web Designers using "Designer Packages" to achieve absolute control over 'Web Presentations' and 'Software Programming' without the inherent 'risks' of Code ambiguity, duplications, and eseroteric interactions. These problems can occupy up to 75% of a Designers' time in getting the "bugs" out of a Program. Now with a gigantic Library of....Software Leggo Packages....all complimentary to each other, all inter-pluggable and all Super-Computer Tested, it's now possible to "assemble" new Programs WITH KNOWN QUALITY STANDARD somewhat like the ISO.9000 Standards. EXAMPLE The 'Microsoft AntiSpyWare Beta 1.1 Program' is an extract of the MS.NET Framework System which is fully compliant with C++ Program Language and VisualC++ and seems to correct minor mistakes in C++ Programs. 2)...THE PC USER The benefits to the PC.User are immense. Some of these are listed below:- *..Consistent known Quality Software Standards. *..Known Modular Functionality Standards....(For us that means Audio-Video-Web). *..Seamless Modular Interactivity... (Makes the PC run faster) *..Can Imprint & Adopt other Software once passed by SARC...(Safer Programs). *..SARC Activity,can check everything on the PC (Imports,Internals,Exports) *..For the 1st.time ever, it allows 100% Silent Background Scanning..(always) *..Virtually 'Bomb Proof' - even if 'infected' it can replace the 'Infected Modules' *..This was impossible without 'User-Broadband' -now- Microsoft are offering to the Public that security which has been enjoyed by Corporate Organisations for some time. Personal Opinion After my recent experience of being completely "wiped-out" - I made up my mind that I was not going to be the target of some 'Malicious Hoodlum' who took umbrage at the recent USA & EC Concord on 'SpyWare' - In force since March with up to 20 years Prison. The 'SARC System' can actually trace these Servers whilst they are downloading their Junk. I downloaded and installed the .NET Framework User Platform and the AntiSpyware Program and apart from the occassional pop-up 'Advice Window' and 'Real Time Scan' there are no side effects and it doesn't "Hog" other Programs nor the PC itself. The On-Line SARC takes less than 2/4 seconds when it kick's in on somethink questionable. It seem's that my new 2000 Pro is running much smoother and faster without 'Hang-Ups' which were always the MS.Trademark when the PC got itself into a knot (usually my fault). That's it Bill, I hope the summary has been of some use to you - Brian.Conflow PS. More information available from:- www.microsoft.com/net (The .NET Homepage) also any Search Page by typing in:-....Microsoft.NET Framework
IGOR & TEAM Congrats to you all, great job. I have been running PTE4.40 for the past Week and I thought you should know the following:- 1)...It's fully compliant with the 'New Microsoft Anti-Spyware Program Beta 1.1' 2)...It's also fully compliant with 'Microsofts Dot.Net Platform' (.NET)...It runs superbly ! 3)...Modifying Images is so simple with 'Paint.NET' from 'WSU-Microsoft' on the Dot.Net Platform. 4)...It 'Autoloads' it's own 'Registration Key' on the 'Dot.Net Platform' (once copied to Notepad). 5)...As you probably know Dot.Net is fully compliant with XP and 2000 and NT and '98se and 2003 and it seems to make PTE.4.40 run like a 'well oiled machine' - once Dot.Net is on the PC. Excellent job, well done, and much appreciated. Regards from Dublin, Brian.Conflow.
GRANOT In answer to your Post No: 981- Granot, you ask such a big question with so many threads in such a small space that should I attempt to answer you, I would be here till next week!!!! ~ No can do ~ All your questions are answered on the Microsoft Website, in the 'Program Download Section' under the 'Microsoft Beta 1.1 AntiSpyware Utility'. You can read the whole (multipage) Paper for yourself. You're not obliged to download anything from this Site As to how they 'Invaded' my '98s' - I have already answered that - They used a 'Keylogger' to monitor my activities, and if you think you personally are secure in that respect, you have my sympathy. As for your '98 Friend he is extremely lucky and I wish him well and the same to yourself. As to Details of How was it done ? Granot, this is a 'Public Forum' and you as a Software Writer must appreciate that it would be naive and totally irresponsible of me, to....'describe in detail'... how it was done. With respect to Igor and my fellow Forum Collegues, I must decline your 'Invitation'.... Brian.Conflow.
Hello Al, Yes, to answer your question "Adware -v- SpyWare"- There is a major difference between the two algorithms,viz:- 1) Proper Adware (prease note the word proper) is quite legitimate and above board and is an acceptable Commercial means of advertising your wares,although it can be annoying when it reaches the "spam" stage, ie:...Its on the borderline of acceptability. 2)..AD-WARE Is usually involked by a 'planted cookie' which tells a remote Server that you are on line and its sends you an Advertisment from a very legitimate Company such as AdAware, Norton, Google, and Yahoo - the latter can be a borderline nuisance. These can be identified by 'double click' -'alexa' and other such like Cookies. These Cookies are normally 1kB in size (by convention) and can identify themselves. 3)..SPAM When 'Remote Servers' get paid for every 'hit' they make, that's 'Spam' and in this case if you attempt to remove the Cookie whilst 'On-Line' it replacates itself and calls other Servers to take over the task. Now you become infested with the 'vermin' which leaves your PC wide open for less innocent 'import' activities. This is no normal Cookie of 1kB which can usually identify itself. This 'Spam Cookie' is always less than 1kB, usually 470~680 Bytes and it mimics a normal Cookie, but in fact, it is 'script code' - it's intelligent and Hi-Risk. 4)..SPYWARE This comes in several 'Formats' and it's entire design intent is to 'garner' confidential and private information about you and your 'On-Line' activities without your permission. This 'data' is sold on to others who are NOT LEGITIMATE and will use the 'data' for their own ends....That's 'STAGE 1' Following from Stage-1 others raise the stakes to Stage-2 where their activities become downright CRIMINAL, in that they use 'Automatic Key-Loggers' to gain access with your 'data' to Commercial & Banking Establishments having 'garnered' Pass-Codes and Identity Codes and Credit-Card details from your 'data'. This is SpyWare. Red Flag Time/Dangerous to any PC. Brian.Conflow. PS. I made up a List some time ago about these various activities and if some one would like to Host it somewhere, I would be happy to oblige.
Apology, Sorry about that, I have just spotted that my 'Un-Edited' Post has appeared out of no where together with the 'Edited' Post which was the only Post viewable at 6:20 pm. I had noticed earlier today that the 'Invision Board' was acting up somewhat in not accepting corrected Edits - I guess that 'Invisions Server' must have been overstretched at that time. Brian.Conflow.
Granot & Ken, Ken, many thanks for the support and that wise comment to Granot- Here is a Story:- On the 15th March just gone bye - We at Conflow got "wiped out' with a particularily viscious 'Coolwebsearch parasite which also carried a nasty Trojan'. We lost our 3 x '98se Computers and a 2000 Portable. When I say 'Finito" I mean just that, it was all over - utter distruction of the Operating Systems and 8 hard days work to re-establishing the PC's which now have been taken off theInternet. Thank God we had all our Engineering Folders 'backed-up' on CD-Roms, if not we were out of Business. Here is the Laugh We were standing behind our own 'Micro-Server' with a '3Comm-Hardware Firewall' running the latest Norton 'On-Line Live' and the top AS.Scanner, F-Plot, with XoftSpy as our back-up. And how did we get infected ? Through our 'AltaVista Search Page' connected to a known 'Certified Banking Web Server' but little did we know that someone had been using an 'Automatic Key Logger' which just sat there waiting for such a fortuitous connection - the rest is History. When we examined the wreckage we found a 'split-exe' which was loaded in 2 parts each being quite innocent until re-combined whereafter it downloaded 26 DLL's in Alpha Codes from A~Z with 10 sub-dll's per letter. The intent being to garner confidential data whilst purporting to sponsor a series of 'New Search Pages. This is the same 'bug' that attacked the Banks in early March. If you try to remove the 'multiplier' you remove the Win\inf\reset and the Ensoniq Loader of the 98 Op.System. The sad part being that neither MS nor Norton have an answer to this except a complete HD-Reformat once you are infected. The operative word's "Once Infected". So Granot you tell me.....Just how secure are your known Downloader Web Sites....? We at Conflow can no longer 'take those risks' and if you value your Software Enterprise may I suggest that you review your Security Set-Up.....Things have changed in the past year. Brian.Conflow.
Granot & Ken, Ken, many thanks for the support and that wise comment to Granot- Here is a Story:- On the 15th March just gone bye - We at Conflow got "wiped out' with a particularily viscious 'Coolwebsearch parasite which also carried a nasty Trojan'. We lost our 3 x '98se Computers and a 2000 Portable. When I say 'Finito" I mean just that, it was all over - utter distruction of the Operating Systems and 8 hard days work to re-establishing the PC's which have now been taken off the Internet for security reasons. Thank God we had all our Engineering Folders 'backed-up' on CD-Roms, if not we were out of Business. Here is the Laugh We were standing behind our own 'Micro-Server' with a '3Comm-Hardware Firewall' running the latest Norton 'On-Line Live' and the top AS.Scanner, F-Plot, with XoftSpy as our back-up. The Server & Firewall survived, Norton & F-Plot were utterly destroyed, XoftSpy survived. And how did we get infected ? Through our 'AltaVista Search Page' connected to a known 'Certified Banking Web Server' It sounds impossible or so we thought, until we examined the "wreckage" and found out that the Trojan was a 'split-exe' which came in 2 parts - each by itself harmless, but when combined, generated 26 x Dll's with Alpha Codes from A~Z and 10 numeric multipliers under each letter. You may remember the recent "Software Bank Attacks" in March - that's it, and it's still going on, and if you check with MS & Norton they have no answer once you're infected barring a total Hard Disc re-format. The Alpha-Numeric DLL's are used to identify confidential data under the guise of pushing 'New Web Search Pages' at you - very clever indeed. So Granot you tell me....Just how secure are your known Secure Connections ???? Anybody can get your PC.ID Number from a simple EMail and don't forget that there are people out there with 'Automatic Key Loggers' waiting for you to connect to something worthwhile !! As far as I am concerned we at Conflow can't 'take those risks' anymore, neither should you if you value your Software Business. Brian.Conflow.
Granot, MAS = Means Microsoft AntiSpyware I don't know the Microsoft Code Algorithms but I can tell you that the MAS System is part of a "very quite revolution" going on inside Microsoft itself. Its part of a very New Platform for controlling 'PC Operation Systems' and 'Software Management' and 'Security Systems' and effective Program Management and an awful lot more besides. The New System goes under the Title:- "The Microsoft Dot.Net Framework System" It effectively allows the XP and 2000 Operating Systems to have the same Security and Mangement algorithms as a 'Commercial Lan Server System' with full Administrator Rights parked at YOUR fingertips. Up to now only one other System allowed these rights "Apple Mac" - thats also the reason why Apple were the de-facto PC for Commercial Business. The Microsoft System works on the Norton principle of the: ~ 'SARC Algorithm' ~ This means:- Submit & Receive Confirmation. Up to now that tended to be a manual procedure adopted by AV Companies, now Microsoft have made it a fully automated process due in part to the proliferation of Broadband. Granot - Now to answer your specific Questions:- Simple explaination:- After the 'Primary System Scan' it gives a 'check-sum' to every File on your PC. Now a PCs' workload is either:- 'Imported' or 'Internal' or 'Exported' and the Dot.Net System can distinguish what catagory you are working in. Obviously if you are writing Program Code this is an 'Internal Function' and the check-sum will change as your work progresses. The MAS System allows for this with silent background scanning and updating. If one attempts to write 'malicious code' it will stop them immediately and prevent Transmission of this code. From your working point of view (should it arise) - it will warn you of any potentially dangerous or compromising code, that's a bonus - otherwise MAS stays silent. You could turn-off the MAS System but then the Dot.Net System will take over and put a stop to it. ~This is the future PC being tried now ~ Its taking giant steps in the right direction. So it doesn't interfer with 'work in hand' nor interfer with Legitimate Transmissions and as a bonus other Dot.Net PC's will recognise your Dot.Net System. Other non-Dot.Net Windows Systems can also recognise a Dot.Net PC as can the Apple PC's...... Unfortunately its a bit beyond '95 and '98. Another bonus which I have observed is that PTE Productions seem to run a lot smoother and if you 'Re-Load' PTE it automatically inserts the prior purchased 'Key Code' into the Program - that's Dot.Net. I will elaborate on the Dot.Net Framework later on - but for now its a matter of 'suck-it and see' how the MAS Antispyware works. Brian.Conflow.
In Reply to you Guys Firstly,I have to say that I am not an expert on Internet Technology so I will have to reply in my own words:- Unknown to most people every 'Microsoft Operating System' has a Window Default setting that is generic to Microsoft and is their patent and has become the centre of International Litigation,viz:- Within the Kernel of the OP.System and part of it, lives a routine to initiate "connection" to the Internet. It used to be called IE4.0, I don't know what it is now. This has nothing to do with your 'Browser nor Search Page' it's simply a Windows feature and can be identified as C:\windows\inf\iereset. It's a default.inf setting that is 'reset' to accomodate your current Browser choice. Your choice of Browser is usually registered in the Windows 'Winsock File' Furthermore Windows has a Library of acceptable Browsers but New Browsers can be added once they fulfill certain criteria acceptable to the Windows System. Examples:- Internet Explorer - Opera - Netscape - Firefox and there are a few more - I don't know what the List is, but I do know that this New Program scans all 'New Browsers' in "Real Time" live back to Microsoft and they are accepted or rejected. So I now know that claims of "Independent Browsers" devoid of any association to IE6.0 is in essence true but misleading because they ALL eventually have to use the 'core' Windows Default Device. I am sure Microsoft can provide a List of such acceptable Browsers. Regarding Norton, I am sure that ALL Norton Program Code must be 100% compatible with the New Win Program irrespective of Norton Versions - it wouldn't make sense otherwise. As far as I can determine, the central core issue of this New Program is to protect the integrity of the 'Windows Default.Inf' routine from attacks arriving thro' the Winsock File System. This provides a method of stacking-up Service Providers in a routine called 'Layered Service Providers' or LSP's. Hijackers and Hackers can implant 'Alias Browsers' and 'Search Pages' and god knows what into the Windsock System which multiply into the legitimate 'Service Providers Stack' and park themselves (hidden or otherwise) within or behind the Browsers & Search Pages. It's true to say that these things arrive usually embedded in Legitimate Traffic - that's the problem ! These 'parasites' get in by the simple expediency of 'aliasing' a legitimate DLL or by importing a 'XXX.txt File' or thro' rogue Cookies and sometimes thro' Key Registration Text or thro' an infected Jpeg or Exe. Yes, you can implant code in Jpegs and other 'Image Files'. What interested me about this new program is it's ability to detect 'Multiplier,Deletion and Erosion Code' and 'Split-Exes' which can be reassembled within the PC ready to start their dirty work. Lets not forget that this 'New Win Program' is doing its work IN REAL TIME ON LINE These matters are well covered in the Application & Help Folders provided with the Program. I hope this helps, Brian.Conflow.
Hi Granot, Long time no hear from ! - To answer you the best I can, as follows:- a) I have been running the Program for nearly 3 weeks and this is the way it's developing:- Initially I ran a complete System Scan which took nearly 20 minutes - it seemed to be a very long time, but considering that it's intelligent it was simply learning the 'PC Profile' and identifying 'areas'of vulnerability and identifying other 'areas' which are very secure. Since then it does not interfer with any 'Scanned Running Programs nor Utilities'. c) It has a 'built in Library' of secure Program ID's such as Norton, Adobe, Quicktime, Real Player and all the other Standard programs we use every day. It does not interfer with these but it still seems to keeps an eye on them. e) It also scans 'Your Own Programs' and lets you know whether they are 'Risky' or 'Secure' and then tags them after gaining 'Your Personal Permission'. Only after clearing them will it allow the 'Classes Roots Identifiers' on to the 'File of Types Library' - that's clever. f) It Scans ALL INCOMING TRAFFIC ON THE PC for 'alias & unknown scripts' and further compares these to the PCs' Systems Libraries and its own Filter Identifiers and System Agents. If it see something comparable to ~multiplier scripts or capture scripts~ it stops them dead. g) Other AntiSpyware Programs simply compare the 'incoming traffic' to a pre-installed Library of known Trojans,Parasites,Worms etc; This thing actually 'examines the Imports' for scripts and routines known to access the Microsoft Code vulnerabilities. It seems to me that with the aid of the Giant Corporation they have computer analysed every known and unknown method of breaking into Microsoft Code and when one looks at C++ and VirtualC++ there are only so many ways of doing that, and this blocks out those routes. At least it's going in the right direction, being offensive instead of being benign defensive ! h) When downloading it seems to create a 'Holding Folder' where everything is routed through whilst being Scanned. So by the time the download ceases nearly 80% of the File has been scanned and then a 'pop-up' tells you ~Program X is awaiting a Scan Completion ~ this takes less than 2/3 seconds. It also seems to work 'hand-in-hand' with Norton,that doesn't surprise me, because for the past few years Microsoft have been in consultation with all the leading vendors of Anti-Spyware. j) It's my personal opinion that eventually the Program is going to cost money and the vendors who participated in the Research will probably sell 'cut-down' versions of it to Joe Public - I could be wrong in that assumption. k) In the 3 weeks Ihave been using it, it has trapped scripts I never heard of and 3 versions of W32Netsky.B and to be sure its' doing the job I have post-scanned with 'XoftSpy' - Nothing ! l) Unfortunately it won't work with '95 nor '98 and seems to be restricted to XP and 2000 for the time being. Comfort Zone It's nice to know that there are 2 Live/Real Time Scanners in operation Norton and Microsoft both of which are complimentary. That's my experience so far, and so far so good, only time will tell. Regards, Brian.Conflow.
NEW SOFTWARE-01 Microsoft Anti-SpyWare Program. Forum Members may be interested in the new ''Microsoft Anti-SpyWare Program" Beta1.1. This 'New Program' is to say the least, extremely powerful, and is 'REAL TIME ACTIVE' which means that it is always in 'Scan Mode' running in the background whether you are On-Line or simply running PTE or playing CD-Disc Presentations from 3rd parties. The System monitors all 'Start-Up Programs' and 'Running Processes' and all 'Import/Export' activities. It also contains a very powerful 'Browser Hi-Jacker' Scanner and Repair utility and 'Activities Track Eraser'. It contains 59 System Agents and over 100 Real Time Checkers and comes complete with extensive Help Files. It Scans ALL FILES in your PC, and makes a note of what is safe and what's not - it is intelligent. It does not interfer with Norton Anti-Virus- The Beta 1.1 Version expires in July and will be replaced with a new version- Available from:- www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/product Here in our Workshop we have been using it for the past 3 weeks - it really does work well ! Brian.Conflow.
KEY REG PROBLEMS Never a week goes by on the Forum where somebody or other has serious problems with loading their 'PTE Registration Key'. With respects to Igor and Staff its not their problem but rather a problem of 'RegisterNow Inc' the assigned vendor of the program, and to be blunt their service is to say the least "tardy" when it comes to re-issuing Keys to Members. To all those 'frustrated users' here under is a sure-fire method of getting that Key into the Program registration Window:- A) When you receive your EMail with the Registration Key go to the bottom of the EMail and find the following script:- Line 1.......REGEDIT4 Line 2.......[HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\Software\PTE] Line 3......."KEY="OvFigforSbqOYV8U etc,etc,etc...........etc..... INSTRUCTIONS a)..Simply highlight the entire Line 3 above and RH.Clickit and select Copy. (start with "KEY=....etc) ..Find "Notepad" and open it with a LH.Click. c)..Put the Cursor into the middle of 'Notepad' and RH.Clickit and Paste-in the Copy Key Code of Line 3.. d)..Now select "Save As" under File in top RH.Corner of 'Notepad'. e)..When "Save As" opens it will be in the PTE4.40 Folder - if not find the Program Folder. Now give the Key-Copy a File Name,call it....KEY... It will appear in the PTE Folder. f)..Now open PTE.EXE and select the 'Registration Window' and you will see your Key-Copy File therein. simply LH.Clickit and it vanishes into the PTE.EXE Window. THATS IT...... Brian.Conflow.
'98 Problems We are running 3 x '98 PCsin our Workshops for the past 5 years and we have gotten to know their faults and favours - so for what its worth, here goes:- a) Properly set-up '98s are very fast, indeed, about 3 times faster than this New 2000Pro I am now using. '98 don't like 'partitioned HD-Drives' - they never did nor ever will, for the reason that each 'partition' is treated as a seperate Computer and it has to allocate a certain amount of User RAM to run that Computer. If that 'Assigned RAM' is used up it can not get access to the 'partioned section' neither can it Scan-Disc it nor Defrag it - they both use RAM. c) Its the reason we have to use "Free-Ram Lite" in order to keep the 'User Ram' open - If you don't use such a utility the PC will eventually "freeze" - then its to late. d) '98s are highly susceptable to 'Internet Bugs' for the reason that the Dos Bios System is electrically connected to the 'Operating System' unlike XP's and 2000 which have very different architectures. That was our downfall last week when we got "wiped out" with a new variant of 'CoolwebSearch with Trojan' - This despite our HardWare Firewall, XoftSpy and Norton and F-Plot, the latter being the one used by 'Blue Chip' Companies. The parasite wiped out all 3 PCs' including Norton,F-Plot but XoftSpy withstood the attack. e) When '98 flags' an 'Access Violation' it's usually out of User memory - believe me I know ! Re-Booting will not clear the User Ram for the reason that the Registry 'Root Classes' has a reference to 'File of Types' in your case the Pte Program which was in dynamic active mode when the 'User Ram' failed to compute - so it simply locked on to what was there as its designed to do. Other PCs like XP and 2000 will provide extra 'virtual memory' on the HD so you can proceed with your work - '98 does not have that feature - it simply locks up. Hope this is of some help - you really need a 'Ram Utility Cleaner' when when running '98s to the limit. Brian.Conflow P.S We have restored our '98s back to mint condition - without Internet Explorer and OE.6. Our New 2000 is now running the new 'Microsoft Beta AntiSpyware Program' (its free) but not suitable for '98.
Reg Key Problem I also have the same problem with a new Win 2000 Pro - Two problems arise if you are using SP-2 or upwards on such PC's. 1) OE.6 tries to 'kill' script attachments to EMails such as 'Reg Keys' This can be changed in OE.6 settings 2) RegEdit-4 tries to 'block' such Keys as being 'Invalid or Corrupt' This can't be changed unless you tell it to accept it - thats very dicey ? I have tried to Save As ...'pte.reg' which turns the script into a genuine Key which the PC promptly bounces. I have sent Igor an EMail about this, but to be fair I don't think its his problem but rather that arising from the 'Programs Registrar Vendor - RegNow. This simple suggestion might work around all these problems,viz:- Install the 'Key' within the Program at birth and then simply install your 'Regisration Purchase Receipt Number' into the Box provided. If this 20 Digit Code is good enough for Microsoft. Mac, Nero Software, I don't see why it can't be adopted - it would make life so much easier for everyone. Just a suggestion - Brian.Conflow.
Hi Ken, Give this one a "whirl' from www.fabsoft.com (very accurate) stays on Screen even when you change pages - also has a Calculator. I found it great for aligning 'Object Buttons' and Templates. Like to know what you thing about it ? Brian.Conflow.
Hi Den, My Training in 'Audio & Acoustics' started with the Sony Corporation.Shannon Ireland in the late 60's - then through the whole Industrial gambit both in the U.K and here with various Studios, Radio stations etc: right up to the present day and I shall say this:- Audio & Acoustics is as varied as the types of 'Photography' on the Market - everyone has their own take on the subject, their own interests. their own pet applications, and of course everyone is perfectly right as to how it should be done. Consider Musicians in an Orchestra and you get the picture ? The one certainty or 'Standard' that can't be compromised is setting up the PC correctly in terms of 'Standard Audio Level @ 0db' and the 'Sound Bandwidth' you want to work at and the Sound Format you want to work in. After that everything is purely subjective right down to personal taste and lots of Hands-On Experience and I might add that this is an artistic expression that no amount of Text Books can explain for they also, are subjective ! To get going with this may I suggest a visit to your Local Library and take out a simple book titled:- Audio & Acoustics by G.A Briggs and co-edited by James Moir. A very simple book that explains Sound- Hearing, Acoustics, Reverberation & Noise, Loudspeakers, and the everyday common thing a person needs to know about this "Black Art" - it's the short way home. These 'guys' Briggs & Moir wrote the origional Book on the subject and even trained the BBC people as 'How to do it' - enough said ! If you want to follow down this thread I can give you some simple "Tips" as to how you setup the PC and Sound Equipment and what you will need in terms of Software - others may disagree, thats their preogative, my interest is in the Electronic set-up's - not how you use it. Brian.Conflow.
Live Sound Recording-2 Andrew,Roger, and Alan Alan, The thread was in response to Andrews request and for others with a like interest. I also use 'CD-Effects Discs' - nothing wrong with them at all - they are great for 'fill-in' effects. However they won't convey the nuance's and ambient's and natural harmonics of a new Live Recording consistent with the photographs taken by Andrew in that place at that time. When one see's Photos with live sound the 2nd dimension is added to a PTE Show. The 'subjective effects' are terrific, all thats missing is Zoom & Pan - to make it come alive. It's what I have been working at for the past 2 years - Roger Digital Sound Recording. OOhh what a quagmire? - it nearly drove me around the bend. Excuse me if I am brutally direct about this - Its all about cost,reliability,and ergometrics. To put in bluntly- A simple 60 min Cassette Tape or LP.Record can store 750mB of Data = 1 x CD-Disc. There is no Portable Digital Recorder out there capable of doing that job and re-playing on the spot for Euro 150 or less with the reliabilityand quality and format needed for future editing. Each one has a different format and the cheap Recorders suffer terribly from Temperature instability when 're-playing' Live Recordings. Note:- I did say 'Live Recordings' not pre-recorder Music. Within the terms of reference here stated there are only 3 Machines I would consider:- Maycom MP3+Mic Tube - Sony MiniDisc MZR-408 - Sony Network Walkman N10-HDI and all of these are above 100-200 Uk.Pounds and limited to 128mB Memory cards except MiniDisc. Sure there are others that are 'Semi-Portable' such as Tascam, Fostex, Sanyo, Philips etc. but these are stretching the imagination when the term 'Portable Recorder' is used !! I'm sticking with my trusty Sony WM/GX400 and will shortly be upgarding to the WM/GX680. Andrew The Sony GX400 is now available in UK at around 80 to 100 UK.Pounds. I found these on the 'Alta-Vista' Search page under 'Sony Walkman Recorders' Regards to all, Brian.Conflow.
Live Sound Recording Many forum members might be interested in this subject,so here's a solution coming from a guy who has spent his life in this Business:- 1) Outdoor & Live Sound Recording has many limitations not the least being that you normally get 'one-shot' to do a 'sound take' and in consideration of this and Recorder size and weight you quickly narrow down your choice of equipment to virtually zero !. 2) Choice of 'Kit' is virtually nil unless you can afford a Nagra or Lowe-Opta or Sony Pro and they start at $ 1500+ for 'Battery Operated Kit' and with the goodies about $4000. 3) The 'Kit' needs the following features:- Infinite Stand-by Readiness - Stereo Phones Monitor, Digital Auto-Volume Control - Preview in Record - Stereo Line Output - Speaker Monitors - Stereo Microphone - Noise Reduction - Ability to record 'Raw Audio' - Restricted Audio Range. 4) Noiseless instantaneous 1 Button Start with 'Auto-Level' immediately available. SOLUTION The 'Sony Stereo Walkman Recorder/Player Model:-GX-400' is the ideal tool to fit the bill. My 'Kit' measures 170x130x40mm - complete with everything in a Virgin Atlantic Bag. The Unit also boasts a Digital FM Radio so you can 'record' locally Off-Air. The tiny Stereo Mic is very sensitive and if you make up a 'Parabolic Reflector' for it, it out-performs others costing $hundreds$. A 150mm lenght of 100mm Plastic Drainpipe cut in ½ and using one bit as a Reflector (Mic fixed on the mid-epicentre) I can record the Following:- * Boeing 737 take-off from 100 Mtr without overload. * Ducks on the Weisensee Lake. * ICE Train in Munich Bahnhof standing on the Platform -and- inside the Train * Midnight Bells in Munich simply standing on the Street at a distance of 400Mtr * Conversation in 707 Jet - the Auto-Level is so good. * Distant Rainfall & Thunder. * Digital FM reception is excellent - Uses the Headphone Lead as an aerial - make a 'dummy lead' Additional Kit *1½ Mtr Stereo Lead from Recorder to Computer -uses 3,5mm Stereo MiniJacks (Jap type) *Set of 'Lightweight Head-Wrap Stereo Headphones 32ohm) - Do not use Ear-Plug Type. *Spare Batteries, it uses 2xAA Cells or 2xLR6 Cells - use Duracell Only. *Spare Cassettes 15 or 30minute type 'Standard IECII' - designed for this solely. That's it - now don't be tempted to make more than 2 minutes Recording of any item,its simply a waste - make many different 'clips' of Sounds and stitch them together with Audacity. I hope this has been useful. Brian.Conflow. p.s You will have to Shop around for this item, start with Google Search. Prices:- Euro 150...$250.Au...UK.Pounds 100-120