Boa tarde,
Can somebody tell me if there is a limit at the number of photos in a show or is there no limit.
Actual I am producing a show from about 9.000 photo´s and I am wondering if this could be a problem.
Thanks in advance,
AllieB, Portugal
Thank you for your answer but still cannot find the spot you mentioned. As attachmant you will find my projectproperties but nothing about fitmode or fullscreen.
To make thins clear I also attached a screenshot of the spot I mentioned in Dutch "Modus".
Captura de ecrã_20230202_192059.tif
In the properties tab you can manually make a choice between fitmode and fullfill screen. As I use generally landscape photos it would be nice if in the settings somewhere a possibilty is created to change this setting for the whole show. Now the standard is fitmode and you have to change every single slide. If one can choice in the settings only the slides which should be changed have to be changed.
Kind regards,
AllieB, Portugal
After looking again to file number two that according to the timestamp it should be a copy of the original .bak file with the same data. After closing the program the first .bak file is replaced by a real .pte file. see my third file.
I attached two file to describe my situation.
The first file shows the files before start;
after start the lock-file pops up just like Tonton Bruno shows in his film;
Changing one issue in de open PTE-file makes the save icon blue,
Save the file by clicking on that icon and you get the situation as showed in my second file.
However closing the PTE-file makes the first pte-file rename to filename.pte and the filename.pte.bak stays in place. Note that the .bak-file must be the original from yesterday according to the timestamp.
I tried to make my situation clear. BTW I am not sure if it is a real problem because after saving again the not really bak-file is again renamed to the .pte-file.
Thanks for reading,